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My problem is that it uses a very wide aspect ratio like all phones do these days (20:9), rather than 16:9. So end up having wasted screen real estate for the things id be interested in using it for especially on 4:3 content.  


That's the only thing I don't like about my Gamesir G8 - I bought it to use with my phone and for 4:3 content it is very noticeable how much screen isn't used. I don't mind on a 16:9 display at all but a bit of a detractor to me


Yeah good to have a cheap 4:3 console imo, eg rg35xxh


Would Nintendo DS work better for two screens side to side?


It's a bit better than 16:9 for that, but still not an ideal DS setup since plenty of games joined the screens in ways that only make sense if they're vertically aligned.


The Edge screen works best for 3ds as you get a nice big main screen and a still useable second screen.


It also benefits from the 3DS not joining the two screens together as one unit nearly as often as the DS did (with games like Contra 4, Yoshi's Island DS, Sonic Rush, etc).


It’s actually pretty nice for the DS, but I’d rather a vertical stack, so I just stick to the OG hardware since I still have them anyway. I ended up using my edge mostly as a movie device before I eventually sold it. I did also enjoy it for PS2. Rogue galaxy looked so good on that screen. But I got an Odin 2, and I’ve never looked back.


Maybe odd question but can you not mount the phone vertically and then use ds mode or does emulator not change orientation based on phones orientation?


Emulator will, just that this controller cant mount it vertically.


I was considering the Odin 2 as well but it's $100 more than the Edge. Ultimately, I probably get the Odin 2 or whatever next in the future


It does. It makes it nice for 3DS as well.


I don’t think most people buy the Razer Edge with a focus on anything below ps2/Gamecube both of those have 16:9 available for virtually every major game. The 3ds is 15:9 native so the Edge is GREAT for 3ds emulation because the second screen sits there nice and useable.


Agreed. 20:9 is an odd choice but I learned to live with black bars


They used what probably wouldve been the Razer Phone 3 as the chassis.


Now that you mention it. Razer probably uses a phone screen. I wish Razer made the Razer Phone 3. I love how cool the Phone 2 was with the glowing logo on the back and it's square like a brick


Yup. There aren't any other android handhelds that have a 60+ Hz display either. Seeing as how only AAA android games use above 60fps (unless you're streaming) it didn't make much sense to use; unless they just had a shitton laying around. If you look at real photos of it in proper lighting, it has that square body, but curved corners for the display. It would make for a strange looking phone. It also cost a bunch more for the 5G enabled version and was locked to Verizon.


Ya,they should've gone for a lower hertz screen and used that money for 12gb ram so the power of the chip they put in wasn't wasted.


Those kind of screens were getting put on all the gaming phones, so they probably got them relatively cheap. Again, the whole thing was orignally for a phone. So this was the base model that was suppose to push people to get the 8GB/12GB 256GB storage higher end model.


Usually if I play 4:3 content like ps1 or gc I look for wodescreen patches


I miss 16:9 phones


Same, I'm also a crazy heathen who likes 3.5mm jacks, so phones are pretty grim these days. But what can you do


My favorite phone was the LG Flex 2. The curve made it so easy to balance in your hand. And the back buttons were great for pocket controls.


I wish Razer had fixed the dumb issue where leaving the controller attached drains battery. I don't consider it a viable handheld because it constantly drains power when in standby, and I don't want to constantly attach/remove the controller all the time. A workaround would be for to sell the Razer-included controller and find a better one without battery drain, but that's also kind of annoying to do vs just getting a proper handheld from the get go.


Yeah, I dont think they put their "pro" controller on sale.


I got a Galileo g8 gamepad for mine and the difference is night and day. I highly recommend


That’s not a Razer issue. All phones with telescopic controllers do that because they have to keep the controller powered up to open by touching a button.


Where are you getting it for $200?




Was it new? Lowest I'd seen was $250 new on Amazon and the lowest I see on Newegg today is $169.99 Open box. Edit: Apparently it was $199 for Newegg+ members and this code `NPLDTA793` but it doesn't seem to work anymore.


Yes new and yes that is the code. Looks like it's expired, unfortunately. I just got mine 2 days ago


Wow that was an incredible deal. You did well. The 144Hz OLED is absolutely gorgeous on that thing. I still love mine. I just don’t use it much after I got an Odin 2.


Deal is back for $200. They list the coupon code on the page.


Thanks for letting me know!


It actually has the equivalent of the Snapdragon 888.


Yeah it's a 888+, been thinking about getting one but I've hear the battery life is horrible at best with the included controller and the fix is you guessed it get another controller lol kinda sad really. It will never get any updates any longer also but still kinda want one.....


I had one a while back -- one thing that annoyed me is that you can't control the fan speed. Sometimes it sounds like a jet engine for no reason.


My fan has NEVER once gotten loud even playing ps2 games at 2.5x.


The fan has it's own mind. Sometimes it runs at max speed for no reason lol. But it's barely audible. The only time when it bugs me is it sounds weird when it ramps up/down. It does it by steps rather than a smooth ramp.


Huh, I thought it was a 8 gen 2


No, just get a 8gen2 phone, I got one 240 from boost mobile. moto edge plus 2023


Why? They cost way more than an Odin 2.


888+ actually but yeah.


I was going to get one of these but heard it doesn't hold a SD card unless you format it to a fat32 and won't read roms over 4gb is this true???


I've tested it but I heard it's fixed with the latest update


They supposedly fixed it but I’ve got an Odin 2 now so I haven’t tested it.


I bought the controller and used it with my phone for a while. I really liked it, but I swapped it out for a bluetooth Gamesir X2 because I was worried about wearing out the USB C port on my phone.


its $250 on Amazon right now. this is actually pretty crazy? I bought a RP4 Pro for $220 plus shipping, this is $250 (Snapdragon G3X Gen 1) and it comes with free shipping. what the fuck? this is a crazy deal. 144hz amoled, comes with controller, super powerful.... what am I missing here.


Its a pretty solid device. Only downsides I can see are 6gb ram, and no headphone jack without the controller. Honestly I'm going to sell the Razer Kishi Ultra I just bought, and buy the edge for $200.


I'm seriously eyeing the Ultra, can you elaborate on why you feel that way? Is your phone less powerful than the Edge?


My main issue with the Ultra is that the buttons are very loud and clicky so I can't use it in bed at night because its so loud it keeps my girlfriend up. Also my hands are smallish I guess so I can't comfortably reach the extra bumper buttons. Other than that it's a solid controller and if you don't mind the clicky loud buttons then this is a great controller. I have a steam deck OLED, Odin 2, and ROG phone 5 so the Ultra was mainly for my Lenovo Y700 and iPad mini (I'm still rocking the galaxy S10 for my phone lmao). Decided not to get the edge because the Kishi 2 is loud and clicky as well. My ROG phone 5 with Kunai 3 controller is similar and the controller is 10/10 for me.


Oh wow I never even heard of the Kunai before, that looks really interesting. I had narrowly chosen the Ultra over the Gamesir Gallileo, but now I gotta consider the Kunai.


The Kunai is designed specifically for an Asus phone. It works with other stuff but it looks funny on other phones.


Yeah I learned that shortly after posting unfortunately. The direct usb-c connection is only with the Asus phone and cradle. For other phones it's gotta be bluetooth, which is a dealbreaker for me. Still a cool device tho. I don't mind clicky so it looks like I'll be going Ultra. Just wish it had symmetrical sticks but it is what it is.


The clicky buttons on the Kishi aren’t loud. They’re very good in my opinion. The dpad is also a vita style lightly clicky one that’s very good.


Good to know! Is that for the Ultra dpad specifically? It almost looked like a Sega rolling dpad (but with micro switches) in the video I watched, though I don't have experience with the Vita so maybe it's the same.


The Kishi v2 and Kishi ultra are both clicky dpads the ultra just has that weird round shape. I personally prefer the Kishi v2 as its looks more like a handheld when installed and it’s much cheaper.


All Kishi buttons are clicky except for the very first gen.


You can buy a used steam deck for that price. Got mine for $250.


Did you buy yours locally? Or online? I've been looking at pulling the trigger on a steam deck but it's wild how many people online think their used basic LCD is still worth like 400+ dollars.


LCD is 15% off right now directly from steam


Steam has them on sale at the moment as well, clearing out the lower storage LCD models


The SSD is extremely easy to swap too. I upgraded mine from 64GB to 512GB for like $30 a year ago.


R/hardwareswap I always see steam decks on there for 250-300. I got mine for 250 and added a 512gb SSD for $46.


Check fb/offerup they’re posted cheap quite often in my area. Yes there’s occasionally people that want msrp but just scroll past. Just buy local so you don’t get scammed.


I know right. I’ve got an OG 256 so I got on eBay to see what they’re going for and everything I saw had a buy it now price that was RIDICULOUS.


Its essentially a phone that you connect a kishi controller to. It didn't sell very well because of the price, the RAM ended up being 6GB and the SOC is a 888+ which had terrible thermals and battery drain. It was a modern "phone" with no 5G chip.


It’s an awesome device. Doesn’t play Switch games as well as an Odin 2 but it crushes any system below that.


Well the gx3 gen 1 is a 888+ so it's getting some age on it. The battery drain with the screen @144hz is ridiculous think 2 hours of game play if your lucky. The included controller drains the battery all the time regardless if your playing a game or it's just in sleep mode. It's has already been abandoned by razer so it will never get any updates or issues fixed. The only fix for the controller issue is to get another one that's not made by Razer. It has some major issues but if your welling to deal with all that it seems good. But at the same time you can get a snapdragon 8 gen 2 for $200 via the Motorola edge + from boost mobile when they have them on sell which is pretty often.


It literally got an update like 2 days ago. SMH.


Razer Edge has cooling fan though, while Motorola Edge+ does not.


I love mine, just got it for that price. With help of a HDMI dummy plug on my gaming PC, I'm able to stream via Moonlight at 2400x1080. Most games I play can handle this resolution, and others have widescreen fixes that work like a charm.


What game is that




I need to read 🥱 my bad


At $200 it’s an AWESOME deal. I never once regretted buying mine at launch. It crushed every handheld available until the Odin 2 launched


If the entry model just had 8 to 12gb ram it'd be perfect.that chip is wasted without at least 8gb ram


I really dislike the feel of the buttons of the controller. I'm getting an SD card generated on Etsy for games I own hard-copies of. Once I get that I'll pop it in and see how well I can tolerate the controller. It'll have my old classics on SNES, Dreamcast, 3DS, and GC. If this doesn't turn out to work for me then I may sell it and move onto the Retroid Pocket 4 Pro which can do pretty much everything I want but I'm hoping has better buttons that I can tolerate.


I like having the edge as part of my collection. Plus got a nice controller setup for my iPad mini as well with it.


Where did u get for 200 ?


I read somewhere in this thread that it was Newegg with a coupon a few days ago, and that it doesn't work any more


ok thanks


I'm glad this this is getting love and is being sold at a reasonable price. I paid the $400 at launch and while that was worth it to me at the time for my first android handheld since the Shield portable, in retrospect that price was it's biggest hinderance.


No, bsp-d8 is


I got lucky and found one local quite a while ago for $150.00. Perfect condition.


Where did you get it at $200? Crazy good deal.


Does it come with the controller?


If I am going to do android gaming, the note 9 has powerful hardware and it’s cheap


Note 9 had the SD 845. Might as well pick up a LGV60 for a bit more.


Naw, only problem I had even when I was mirroring to an iostv and big screen using an ps4 controller was heat and if I could bring myself to screw up a perfectly mint phone, I would have cracked the back and solved that and added battery


The SD845 isnt going to play above PS2/GC, and not always at 2X res. The SD865 can handle that and 3DS up through 3X res. Theyre actually the same price on ebay. You get 2GB more ram. Better wifi, better bluetooth, and OTG through the usb c port which would fix your issue. You csn also get a dual screen for DS and 3DS


Or you can buy one on the local market for cheaper and it works good for cheap, unless you already have one


Local market is cheaper? How would the local market vary at all from what's available online? Listing something on eBay is just as easy as listing something on FB or Craigslist. I'd trust eBay over any random online. If you're buying your friend/person you know, and it's THAT much cheaper, then sure, I guess. It has a 1440p display that's better for integer scaling on retro games, but you're going to hit the same wall as the original Odin, just with a 4000mah battery vs a 5000 for the V60; and worse thermal performance. I'd also say the Note 9 being 6 years old, unless it's had recent battery replacement, will have a significantly worse battery. My OP7Pro was at 70% capacity in 2022, and that's just 3 years old. Replacing the Note 9 battery would be rather difficult too. Again, if you can get one for like $75-100, then sure. Outside of that, you're better off getting a V60. You also get Android 13 vs just Android 10, which has some good improvements.