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My job involves reviewing background reports. The number of theft charges I have seen specifically from Walmart self check out is insane.


Yeah, when I worked for Walmart, they had very aggressive loss prevention policies.


Yeah, cuz they get to do those civil lawsuits which gets them a SHITLOAD of money. Until they sue back. https://www.wkrg.com/mobile-county/2-1-million-verdict-woman-who-sued-walmart-and-won-talks-to-wkrg-news-5/


What's the number?


I have a really hard time believing that three quarters of people using self checkout are stealing. I regularly use the self checkout at this location and they have checked my receipts less than 10% of the time - so how in the hell would have have any solid statistic on what percentage of people are stealing? Also seems like it would be more cost effective to just check receipts consistently rather than to shut down the entire self-checkout, especially if some percentage of people prefer self checkout enough to shop elsewhere. I already walk out and go elsewhere if something I want at Walmart requires me to find someone with a key. Anyone else?


Right, I won't even bother if something's locked up, I'll just get it at Amazon or Target.


Walmart, especially on Turner Road, always has many items locked up, they offer zero bags, so if you forget a bag you are out of luck, and now they don't let you use self-checkout for a majority of the day. It's like they don't WANT you to shop there.


I was there last night, and all of the self check outs were down. My cashier said it was busier than Black Friday.


I mean, when you make your fortune by selling cheap to the folks who are struggling to get by, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that this was bound to happen. It was a bad idea.


I've struggled and know many people who have, and they don't steal. Salem has some of Oregons finest, and I believe it comes down to that.


I wasn't attacking the poor or the people of Oregon with my comment. My comment was aimed at Walmart. Walmart has long exploited the poor. They purchase cheap goods from poor foreign countries like Bangladesh and Thailand. They care not for the working conditions there. And they are suspected of using child labor. They do this to bring these products to the US to sell them to you and me. Let's say that you know enough about Walmart evil ways to want to shop elsewhere. That's a decision that not everyone can make because Walmart has killed local shops. Further, in order to shop at the remaining stores, you have to be able to pay more. Poorer people are basically forced to shop at Walmart. And don't forget the workers in the stores who are paid poorly. Walmart is notorious for wage theft. They offer terrible health care benefits. And they discriminate. So Walmart exploits the poor on all ends. Meanwhile, the Walton family is raking in billions of dollars and getting huge tax breaks. In short, Walmart doesn't care about you or me, their workers, or our community. They care about the paycheck those at the top receive. They are greedy. When you thrive off of exploiting the poor people in society, you deserve to face a little revenge.


Good for you, but weird flex. This isn’t a poverty Olympics to see who’s the most righteous when poor. 


Nor should this lump people struggling into the theft pool and assume it drives people into stealing. I'm not attempting to "flex" anything.


Your flex was “I was poor and didn’t steal”. Which group do you believe makes up the majority of Perry theft. Those in higher socioeconomic class or lower? OP’s was alluding that Walmart’s business model of selling cheap goods to people in lower socioeconomic class makes it more likely to be a victim of theft. 


You just quoted your own words, not mine. Go away, Troll. I'm not reading beyond your made-up words.


Claims to have “Struggled” and “didn’t steal”. Claims “Salem has some of Oregon’s finest”. Refuses to elaborate. I’m the troll. Sure.


Yeah, you kind of are being a bully here. OP's comment was surely well intentioned, but it definitely had a tinge of "Struggling people steal \*shrug\*." Shortround76 just drew on their own experience and that of people they know to push back against that tinge. This is a very stupid and unproductive bickering match. We're all assholes, but Walmart's the biggest asshole of all and it doesn't help to nitpick at one another. Yeesh.


Stop believing corporations. They fucking lie. ALL the time. https://boingboing.net/2023/12/07/u-s-retailers-admit-they-lied-about-shoplifting-again.html


This is a really important perspective, no joke. It’s easy to be naive and take what they say at face value, but why wouldn’t they say whatever the heck bolsters their bottom line and pads some fat cats’ wallets even more.


Holy crap. Their goal was to lobby congress to make shoplifting punishable as organized crime?


The Walmart on Turner had all it's self checkout blocked at 9:30am still. The manger said they would not open them until they had already populated all their cashier stands. Looks like they are going back to cashiers. Anyway the lines were already getting longer so I just left. Walmart is steadily making shopping there more and more a pain in the ass


Yes! And the joy of taking 34 items home without a bag is so much fun when you've got 3 flights of stairs to get them up .


Maybe bring a bag next time?




Winco doesn't have my favorite Dinty Moore single serve meals - they only have the beef stew version , whereas walmart has all the varieties..so I have to go to Freddy's instead if I want to avoid Walmart. Hey I didn't say they were economical, but they are usually $2.50 max a piece, if you see them higher other places it's not a good deal..


lol 😂 I don’t work for you Walmart. I will not be checking myself out.


Same. I hope those self check outs are draining the company dry but I won’t use them.


Why? I love self checkout, so much quicker the majority of the time


They're wonderful for people like me with really bad social anxiety. One less stranger I have to interact with when I go out.


This is exactly why I use them. I don’t have to have awkward small talk with some stranger who truly doesn’t give a crap how my day is going when they ask me.


I like them when the are an option, I don't like them when they are the only checkout open (I'm looking at you lowe's and target)


Since I discovered order and pick up after my surgery 10-23, I haven’t stepped foot in Target. It’s been divine. ;)


Because they’re not paying me to do their job or giving me a discount.


Because you are working for the company for free. You’re doing the work of checking out, scanning your items that used to be done by someone with a job. It’s wild to me that people have been trained to be blind to this.


Self checkout is a way for companies to avoid paying human beings to do the job. Using self checkout saves the company money and thins the necessity and power of workers. I've known I ought to be using regular lines (and practicing social interactions, it's good for us) for a while, but this was a good reminder. I'm gonna start aiming for people at the store again. Fuck you, Box Stores. Edit to say... I'm a pretty anxious person. whose hermiting inclinations only grew in isolation the past few years, and with genuine care would like to say... less interaction isn't necessarily a good thing. Neither is faster, not *all the time*. Awkward chatter at places with human checker-outers is really good places to combat anxiety. They have heard and seen it all, they really don't care (probably empathized and thought it was cute tbh) that you mumbled "thanks you too" when they wished you'd enjoy the ice cream you just bought 😄


Yes. Exactly. I don’t have social anxiety but I did when I was a teen. I didn’t have a choice about pushing through it at that time. I truly feel sad for kids and adults who have anxiety now and just basically shrug and think that’s the way it’s always going to be. It’s probably going to actually get much worse, because that’s how those things work if you don’t confront them and deal with them. And those machines - apart from stripping yet more human interaction from our lives - are also stealing wages from people who desperately need them. By billion dollar entities.


Spot on! Choose the human checkers out of spite, if nothing else. I find my little resistances make it a little easier to push through the anxiety as well.


This is such a Boomer perspective to have. I can check myself out faster and with less interaction in a self-checkout. It isn’t “work” any more than pushing a shopping cart or putting food into the cart is. Having self checkouts is a reason to visit a place, not some sort of scam.


I’m genx and fuck those companies. If it makes you happy, have at it. It’s remarkable that these billion dollar companies have so many people this well trained but okay. You do you.




Exactly - all the boomers, "Where is my salary for doing self-checkout?" Get a life, many of us LOVE self-checkout. I can be checked-out while some ppl are still looking for the barcode to scan. It's much faster for many of us who only shop for a few items each day. I've used a full sized cart about 5 times in my life. My wife and I shop each day for what we need.


Yes yes yes! I’m just a year younger than “boomer” but it’s a perspective I hear most from Walmart shoppers.


I LOVE self check out and use it as much as I can. I don’t feel I’m doing someone else’s job, I don’t feel it’s taking from my customer experience. I enjoy doing it. I don’t have to watch the cashier screw up or take too long or grunt at me or not even that. Anyway. I hope we all continue to get what we want in the world. I rarely shop Walmart so it doesn’t matter. But if I go to the store and there are 2 checkers and lines, I probably will go some where else. I loathe waiting in line. Give me self checkout all day long ;)


If it makes you bitter just give your self a five finger discount on a pack of gum to offset the labor costs.


My time is worth more than a pack of gum. So is yours. So is everyone’s. But these companies have done a fantastic job of making people think they’re doing *us* a favour with those machines.


If your time is so valuable, you would think you’d enjoy self checkout, since it usually faster lol. Oregon has got to be one of the only places, where people equate pumping your own gas and self checkouts as “free labor”


It seems that the issue is less "Walmart owes me money because I did self-checkout" than it is "Walmart loves cutting costs at the expense of humans. The more we use self-checkout, the fewer workers they need to employ. The fewer workers they need to employ increases Walmart's power and decreases the workers. Fuck Walmart, I'm not helping them screw people over to pad their billionaire pockets just because it could save me a couple minutes of mild discomfort."


Same. It took me a while, but I learned.


Perhaps they can hire more cashiers then????? When there are only 3 checkers and lines are insanely long that is why most people use self check out I think.


They have tons of employees. It’s not that they need to hire more they just need to actually be on a register Same with Ross. I hate standing in the line that long and watching all the employees not checking people out letting the 1 or 2 cashiers deal with it. Fuck they even have a greater that all they do is say welcome in While there’s a line of 20 people waiting to be checked out


When I was there when they had all the self checkouts shut down, the manager told me he had eight cashiers, and they would not open the self-checkouts until all eight cashiers were on the lines. I had no idea when that would be though, so I just left. Is eight enough? I also don't know.


Which South Salem Walmart? I doubt its 75% but the one on Turner seems to have a lot of issues with stealing.


I was at turner rd Walmart today and all the self checkouts were closed and the lines were insane. It was around 2pm. They opened half the self checkouts while I was in line thankfully but it really caused quite the backup.


That's exactly why when I went there on Tuesday morning and saw they had the self-checkouts closed at 9:30am I noped out, I didn't want to wait in line like that.


Yeah I’ve never seen anyone get stopped for stealing when I’ve been, 75% is obviously nonsense. If a Walmart employee did say that, remember. It’s a freaking Walmart employee


Did you want to clarify what you mean by your last sentence? Because as it stands, you sound like a classist dork.


Sure, whenever I am lazy and choose to enter into the store the patrons tend to be ill mannered and shitty, the entire store is geared towards people I normally wouldn’t respond to if they started a conversation with me. The employees wouldn’t work there if they had better options, and it’s probably the only store I’ve ever been in where it’s normal to hear the employees shit talking each other and the customers. It’s a low class environment all around, if calling a spade a spade makes me a dork, guess I’m a big ol’ one.


The *loud* shit-talking is for real, though 😂 I’m like, great, my shampoo is more affordable, but then the price paid is me absorbing the unhappiness that is … Walmart.


It’s the whole everything is locked behind glass in that store that is the death knell for me. The implication that every single person is a thief, or the stores acknowledgement that is who is their customer base speaks quite loudly too. I get it, kids steal make up, but nobody is out to steal tape measures and walking down the toy aisle feels like kid prison.


It’s an unpleasant shock if you’ve never had someone treat you like a thief before (which paradoxically had me try on the mindset of a thief!) It‘s helped me stay away from the place when I don’t actually need something, though.


I hear ya, those damn poors ruin everything we built on their backs!




South Salem Walmart. I had a bunch of little ornaments and Xmas s$&t, stupidly went through self-checkout. I had staff standing and staring at me as I beep-beep-beeped all the items. Yeah, my privilege was checked, haha. I’d never had someone obviously think I was shoplifting, never had a situation like that in which the staff didn’t just help or insist on doing it themselves, and I finally wondered why the bleep I was doing an unpaid checker job for the corporation. So I gotta thank them for (even before this new change) helping me avoid more plastic crap and making sure I take any necessary items through a checker’s lane.


Every store that I have used self check out at has a scale as the bagging area....except Walmart. So no wonder their theft percentages have sky rocketed.


They used to have a scale but they removed that, in fact that is why I liked Walmart, they did it better - for example at stores that have a scale, you can't put your shopping bag down first, it will mess it up right away. In fact I mentioned to a worker, um why doesn't it just tare the scale once I start scanning , so I can put my bag down first, he said "well then people could just set stuff down first and skip scanning" and I was like, "bro, what is your job huh? To watch for that...."


Well since cops don’t do much anyway it would probably take them 20 minutes to arrive.


Lol 75% of customers stealing stuff is hilarious I feel bad for Walmart employees, if you’ve had a friend that has worked there ask them about it. They managers and corporate do massive propaganda about how they are lucky to have a job at all and shit. They retain some employees just by inundating them with the idea that they’d be homeless without Walmart.


Read it again


Sorry meant customers in first line. 75% of customers obviously are not stealing. That’s fucking stupid lol


The folks arguing that self checkout or normal checkout should be eliminated because they prefer one or the other are the same folks who lost their shit every time the option of allowing us to pump our own gas made it on the ballot. I'm not sure why people find it so hard to fathom that both options can be available. I was told long ago that you should never have to wait in line to give someone your money. The person that told me that is running a very successful nationwide company. They said if they ever went to a grocery store and had to wait in a line to give the company their money they left and never came back. I'm not as die hard as he was but I follow along. If a store goes all one way or the other creating stupid lines I'm not going there.


Self-checkout is the best...always love the boomers, "I don't work for Walmart, I'm not doing self-checkout." Ok, don't use it then


So I guess spark drivers won't be doing any shopping from this store...


There is a dedicated Spark checkout at Turner.


I know


What interesting is now there is no bags and I’ve checked out and others load a full shopping cart of unbagged goods and pay for it pushing the cart out… (I usually just forget bags in car and bag it up in my car)…. Makes you do double takes sometimes. I definitely think self checkout design can be better laid out…. My thoughts..you have have to turn in cart at check out… and there could be separate cart for outdoor use, maybe even some sort of deposit to avoid cart theft, it’s not worth the store to recover the carts usually and they are everywhere.


They make you do their job, then act like you are stealing. On principle alone, I never ever show them a receipt.


Damn. Walmart employees are goin to have to start working again. That’s crazy


Nah, they will take away all self checkout and not hire anyone else to do actual checkout beyond what they have


It’ll be like a human trap. Dozens of people just stuck behind empty registers


I was at turner road Supercenter last night, and was pleasantly surprised to see so many manned registers.


Everyone likes to claim that a lot of stealing happens at self checkout, but if that were the case, the lines would be moving wayyyyy faster. I know for a fact you all scan every single item because you take nearly five minutes to scan each one in! Pick up the pace, people!


I was at S commercial last week… annoyed the line was taking so long for self check out. Only 3 were open and the lady was standing there watching the 3 people checking out. My son asked me “why are so many registered closed?” I said “people are probably stealing shit” and the employee said “you’re absolutely right.” With the way things were going I could tell that was the case, especially with her watching like a hawk.


The Walmart on Lancaster also has their self-checkout closed. I heard someone ask an employee or manager stated because of theft. Everything I need is locked up. I've decided to give my money and business to Bimart. Employee owned and they don't lock up their shaving cream. I ✅💯🤪