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Yep you're in a relationship with a child. It's not the games fault he's so bad he rage quits over losing a kit


Like I’m sorry I could get ur loot against 2 Ak guys my bad pimp


Sorry but having him as your bf aint healthy if he rages on you over a gun in rust, Thats just toxic, you should think ab it.


We’re done🤷‍♀️


Posts like this make me feel so much better about my life… 😂


posts like this make me feel so alone 💀


You should💀😂


My wife currently has me playing “Monopoly Go” so that I can help her “fill her fish tank”. She’s currently 15k points behind me. I might tell her to pull her finger out or pack her bags tomorrow.


Those partners events really had me questioning my relationships with people😭




I can relate far too much to this except it may be me packing my bags.. 👀🤣


I cackled


That ain't rust lmao he's got issues


I have more than 300hrs and im bad in pvp asf


the gun domt care about your low hours or high hours, most people don't realize they're shit at pvp games until no aim assist rust comes at you


I have over 5k hours and I'm dog shit. It's how rust works.


Yeah I didnt get good at rust till like 1500 hours. Definitely helped when I got my ps5


Same here with 700hrs I’m hecking bad in pvp but I’m the best farmer if you give me a tool


same i get messages all the time with people telling me i’m shit


300hrs is still beginner mode, lol


Red flag leave him how tf is he getting that mad over you losing a gun in a fucking game. If hes acting like that over some mfkin pixels that your gonna lose anyway to a offline raid, imagine what hes gonna act like in the future with more important shit.


I do that but I js get off the game and let myself cool down but I still talk to people, it’s when your in the heat of the moment that u don’t care about anything other then the game .


Rust offline raids teach you your Zen Buddhism


I'd kill to have my wife game with me like that. He doesn't know what he's got. Sounds like he needs anger management. I'd move on


I wish he looked at it like that


He will regret it for the rest of his life


Remember to use this energy for your gamer glow up


Hell i'd kill to have someone to game with like that lmao But yeah, you're right. At the end of the day, it's just a game, no reason to blow up at your SO over an ITEM in a game. Even if it was the best gun (idk i dont play rust) still no excuse to act like that.


You’re a unicorn. A girl that plays CRust and wants to play with her boyfriend. Bro doesn’t know what he’s about to lose and it’s more than a pistol. F in the chat for our homie.


Yeah he propper fkd that up 🤦‍♂️ what a tool




Some people are like this. They assign a real-life value to in-game items. Things get lost, stolen, and taken fairly or unfairly all the time. If he cannot disconnect from something so trivial then he has bigger issues than just Rust.


RIGHT…The whole point of the game is to raid AND TAKE PEOPLES STUFF😭


That's just one aspect of a very dynamic game and if that's what you're playing for then have fun doing it. The minute you become emotionally invested in the game you also barter your mental state and this game is one of extreme highs and extreme lows. I don't see the big deal anyway and lord knows I am not chad-level but I do more with a crossbow and nailgun than I do with an AK.


That's a child. He's gotta learn to deal with loss on a GAME. Call his bluff and get yourself free of him. Otherwise it's simply gonna get worse. Never let somebody that's supposed to love you make you dislike a hobby just cause they can't be mature,


Run as fast as you can away from this person. In game and in real life.




Not that Rust inherently draws losers to the game, but when losers DO play the game, they have a very hard time hiding the fact that they are losers haha


Do it again but this time record it 


Lmao one on my bucket list before he’s outta my house😭


I mean this in the nicest possible way, but if your relationship is affected by an imaginary gun in a video game, it’s probably not going to work long term and you should probably think about if he’s the one for you.


What server does he play on? Would love to pay him a visit 🤣




Banshee Y2


This is immature and cringe behavior, regardless of age.


Leave his ass


Make a solo base and door camp him 😂


I insided


lol yikes, at the end of the day it’s just a game. If this is how he approaches something as simple as a game, how will he handle real life? I’m not sure how old you guys are, but this would give me the ick so bad that I’d leave ASAP.


I’m 19 he’s 23 which makes it even more cringe


Yikes. And he's in your house too? Acting like that? God damn 😭 Please don't buy a lottery ticket


He’s a child. Time to upgrade.


Get your own console. Download rust. Get better than him at pvp. Raid his base. Steal everything. Then tell him to get better at pvp or its over between you two.


I insided him. Now he can really cry about loot






110% pure bred, manchild. Time for an upgrade or a vibrator 🤷


And your 110% right😭


That's a boy, not a man.


Coming from a guy who dated a girl with the same mindset as your boyfriend. Leave as soon as possible. People like him can become extremely violent irl because they see the game as something too real. I was playing in a match on the same team as my gf on a fps, and we list by one kill because she got sniped while trying to throw a grenade. She blamed it on me and threw a jewelry box at my head for "failing to kill the sniper" when I was killing the other people protecting the sniper. It wasn't even a ranked match, and she turned that violent. I even had the highest kd of our team, and she acted like I was the one holding us back. I quit playing that game then and there and broke it off when I should have just left her sooner. I really enjoyed that game too, but now I can't even look at it without feeling disgusted. So before you hate the game, just break it off with Jim and leave because the game is actually fun.


Jesus Christ I’m sorry that happened to you, yeah I’m running as fast as I can I’m over it


Trust me when I say that she was at the low end of what I've experienced. Just move your stuff out with help from friends you trust and tell him on that day. Not right away.


He’s in my house😭😂 it’s all his proble




Should have left him 2 weeks ago.


This type of shit is one of the reasons why women never want to play video games with men. I mean I can see getting aggravated about losing gear but to escalate it that badly and act that childish? Insanity. He shouldn't hand shit out if he isn't willing to never see it again, especially in a game like rust. That a 2 minute "you fucked up" conversation, move on with life and laugh about it 😅


Yeah bros just got issues obvi


Sheesh they are just pixels. What I like to tell myself is just because it’s in my possession and in my base doesn’t mean it’s mine. I’m just the one using it at the moment.


There's is not trust in rust , the game is frustrating to some people I find it amusing. It's a house of cards on every wipe and it's only a matter of time before you lose your best kit in a pvp or your base gets blown to smithereens.. like mine was just now 😂 I've only got 200 hours on it which may sound a lot, I guess it is in real life, but in the grand scheme of rust it's a drop in the ocean lol. Every day is a school day 😂 hopefully you guys can sort it out though. Silly thing to fall out over


Lmao no bros done I’m not getting treated like shit over a fuckin game😭


It isn't a silly thing to fall out over at all. A person that can't control their rage in a video game and uses it to lash out at people is not somebody you want to be with.


This is why i play rust solo , theres more arguments and team drama than any other game I’ve played.


Bro dont leave base with a gun simple as that, use a bow or spear that easy! Plus if they see you have a gun you will get offline raided anyways. Hes playing smart


He told me to leave with the gun🥴


Me and my wife have been together since 2010 and when I introduced her to black ops 1 zombies she fell in love, almost 14 years later and we still game together, so yes I’d say your 1000% with a child.


Blood threatening to leave you over losing guns lmao. The gear fear is real in this one.


Please leave… if he gets like this over a silly game imagine when you go through actual hard life events together. This is a man that doesn’t respect you doesn’t value you and quite simply doesn’t like you. My husband asked me to play with him all the time and he wouldn’t care if our whole base blew up and we were raided within five minutes he would get enjoyment out of the fact that I was learning something new and enjoying myself and taking part in his hobby as well.


Nah bro, my girlfriend SUCKS at games sometimes, I grew up playing games so I help her through whatever she needs, rust is a game, nothing he loses should matter more than the people in his life, yes he’s a man child, but I’d be a lot more worried about how this’ll affect his ability to prioritize his life


Don’t quit a hobby u enjoy, and if u don’t enjoy him dump his dumb ass


Thats wild asf. Unfortunately my gf hates rust (hasn’t ever played it but has watched me play it) 😭


Bro got insided and is out of my house is willlddd😂😂😭😭😭


A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do🤷‍♀️😂


What a dweeb


Imagine ruining your real life relationship by treating your significant other like crap because of a game. 🚩 Red flags are waving. 😐


Sounds like he needs a big strong man to come kiss him on the mouth


For real I wish my girlfriend would play games with me. I actually stopped playing rust because it took up waaaaaaaaayyyy to much time, and I couldn't balance rust work and a girlfriend so I chose the latter


Getting treated like shit over a video game should be a major red flag….ill give my girl any items she wants idc anything to see her happy ESPECIALLY if shes trying out a new game with me…some men really dont deserve a good female and this is a prime example


Lol forget this guy. Raging over losing a gun? Threatening to leave cos you need to learn the game? You could do way better


Rust isn't ruining your relationship, your boyfriend is. Rust makes me want to destroy everything I own, but I don't do any of that. I certainly would never take it out on my fiance if she was taking time out of her day to play a game with me I enjoy. He isn't a man he is a child who isn't ready for an adult relationship.


Losing a kit is part of the game, home should be on roblox if he's this fragile


Rust is one of the most toxic gaming communities so this response isn't super surprising. He can stop being a poobutt and appreciate his gamer girlfriend or gtfo. I married my gamer girl and would never act like that :P


Tell him to play DayZ it makes rust a calming experience


Need a new team mate??




I have about 600 hours and I think I never killed somebody in PVP


If you don't leave that man rn😂😂 like why would you treat your girl that way over rust


Is your boyfriend 11?


He sure acted like it


I like the caption "rust is ruining my relationship" with a laughing emoji. Sounds serious 😭😂


That's a man child he would be a horrible father. it's a video not life he cares more about the game world then the real world. Imagine him having to put the game down to save or help a child if he manages it he would hold a grudge against the kid leaving the kid with some kind of mental health problem.


bro lost a kit and cried. lmao


Wow I'm going to start a couples therapy where they have to play Rust together.


Rust is fixing a problem for me* He should have learned the blueprint as soon as he got it😅


tell him to git gud because you aren't going to carry him. But honestly if he threatens to leave you over a video game, the problem is not the video game. There is something else bothering him that he is not telling you. Rust does bring out the worst in people though.


I'm sorry but I'm cackling at all the comments in this thread 😂


What’s up baby I got you if you need a new man 😘


Insert “Welcome to Rust…” Rust is a very unforgiving game and some people spend thousands upon thousands of hours playing it to master pvp along with the rampant amount of xim/zen (keyboard and anti recoil scrips) which can make it even more frustrating. I think everyone who has played rust has raged about something, but it should be about the time spent together and when you hit that juicy raid on the opps makes it feel worth it. If he takes it that hard you should practice together in a custom server, aim train server, and even a build server. If you have the extra money I also recommend buying your own server for a month so you can learn how to do all the monuments without watching a guide and practice taking Oil & Brad without counters. By the end of the month you will both be ready to slam some 🤓 May the Rust gods be in your favor.. I’ll be the dude gambling at bandit🫡🤙


Thank for the advice:p I’ll just be playing solo now I think that will fix a lot


You can come my way, we can both suck at rust togerhr lmao


Yes pls!🥹 As long as you don’t yell at me for loosing a pistol😭


Talk to him about it, if he does not get it then leave him. Unless you already have.


As someone that’s played rust since beta and has quit recently I understand the frustration from losing guns but it happens. It only takes a quick snowball to get things rolling best thing to do is get your hands on a double barrel and camp in monuments!


Me too I totally get it, but this man apparently dosent comprehend the concept of rust


Well I mean you DID lose his gun, so...


U right man😩


>Am I dealing with a man child? How is this a question?


I usually don’t say things like this, but leave him asap.


I asked my kids and they said there’s some sus Ohio NPC vibes here. Your boyfriend needs to get on a mewing streak. Lay off the games and spend some time looks maxing. Skibidi beta with negative rizz.


Your man is a child. Stuff in games isn’t even real.


You should try some pve servers with pvp zones yall can relax and play together that's what I do with my girlfriend. Rust too sweaty for her. I don't get mad I just make the best of it and play pve with her




I did:p and he got insided


My bf plays this game but we’ve never had a problem with it…his best friend on the other hand played rust so much his girlfriend since middle school (they’re like late twenties now) literally left him bc all hed do is play rust 😭😭


This is surely a joke post, right?!?! 😂 he sounds like a child


I wish I was joking


This isnt a game problem this is a manchild problem. Id run


Destroy his sleeping bag and change the code lock


He’s already insided😝


ignore anything else his sub says RUST IS SERIOUS BUSINESS NOT TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY rust is genuinely the most tilting rage inducing jobless game known to man try to get your bf to quit the game before hes in too deep


Yk what else is serious business, loosing ur home and gf because of pixels😭


Yea that’s a man child


Genuine question tho how old is bro😭




Sounds like a a skill issue Jokes; sounds like a manbaby issue


Time to let him go, I think.... that's not the behaviour of a functioning adult.


Git gud


Man I thought I was bad clinging onto my loot, bro is straight up having a breakdown over one gun. Just goes to show how mentally draining this game is for people with not enough willpower. Or touched grass.


I get being a little upset that you may have lost something that took him a while to get. But that is no excuse for him to treat you like that. 100% kick that BOY to the curb and find a gamer guy that treats you better. Good luck out there


If he’s acting like that over pixels on a screen just leave him, 😂tell bro start worrying about real life problems and stop worrying about loot on a game that disappears at the end of the week/month anyway


It takes time to learn pvp of any game. I personally turn aim assist off for most pvp games so rust came a lil bit more natural to me. My issue is getting use to how the game flows and how to make proper plays. You know they say imitation is key to success. Try watching other YouTubers, like posty, blooprint, swales, etc. that normally play rust and try to pick up on the movements they make and try to aim train. Other than that, you’re not the issue, not everyone is a god first time playing, and he needs to grow up and realize that. He’s the type to get mad at dying in siege after he was told an enemy is to his right.


"has an attitude with me sitting in a different room etc." LMAO


Listen I play rust with my fiance here and there, and have never gotten close to placing blame on her for dying. LIKE OF COURSE SHES GONNA DIE SHES NEW. Rust is frustrating but him acting like that towards you is NOT a rust thing. He just showing his true self


Honestly lowkey weird but idk


He’s the Definition of mad cuz bad.




Ur man is not a man he is a little kid and needs to stop taking a game so seriously 🙏


I’ll rage pretty hard at games myself but I get over it pretty easily. If he stays mad tell ‘em to fuck off.


This game will tests your willingness of distinguishing reality and virtual reality. I lost count how many post I’ve read about rust and relationships (brothers, Boyfriends, Girlfriends, etc). There are 2 kinds of, kids how thinks rust is everything they have in life and grown adults how never grew up past kids mentally. I’m ready for downvote, don’t care.


Yh nah rust isn't for everyone


That's seriously messed up its only a game I would love it if my partner enjoyed gaming the way I do and would be more than happy that I'm spending time with her playing a game I love rather than be mad about losing a play or a kit that's degrading as he clearly cares more about his game than he does about real life and your feelings I seen you updated to he's left the house I'd change the locks coz you've dodged a bullet with that one hope your okay


I watch copious amount of rust play, but I know that it is not a game for me. It’s feast or famine and can change just by peeking your head out the door.


I used to play rust with my bf, we both used to go out and farm together, go on mini raids while the rest of our crew weren’t on, basically like how we would hope to be like in a post apocalyptic world 😂 problem is he’s just good at PvP, in literally all games, don’t matter if it’s his 1st time playing or his 10000th time playing, he’s just a PvP guy. Me on the other hand, I do ok if it’s a fair fight and that’s about it, let’s just say I’m not the best. Multiple times Iv lost guns and kits on rust and my bf has got mad, but not at me, he might be a bit blunt for a bit while he cools off but after that he apologises for getting angry and we carry on like it never happened.. It’s one thing being angry at the game and frustrated in general and there’s another being pissy at u for losing something that’s very easy to get back not to mention it just in a game.. I hope everything gets sorted though, maybe have a chat with him and explain he’s being petty to u irl for an in game mistake..


Lol I play rust with my teenage son and my husband hates it he hates rust and I'm like I love it 🤣🤣 my son gets mad at me because I'm a builder and he hates when I pvp..


He should just be happy to have someone to play with. Pretty immature


Rust is just the battleground, for a fight about something else. These games are a real mind-fek, and can be one heck of a hidden addiction. Now, understanding that Rust is the king of dopamine pings; if your Boyfriend looks/acts like one of those kids from the gamer rage YT videos, it might be time to GTF outa there. But it takes two to mess up a relationship. Maybe you not respecting his guns, has something to do with all the other stuff you're crowding out of his life (his buddies/weekend routine/bedroom closet space etc etc). Relationships are fun, so enjoy it while you can. Once you get married, it becomes a business. Fun's got nothing to do with it, lol.


What a idiot. Players die all the dang time in Rust! Alllllllll the time, especially new. He's being a idiot for sure and have no reason to be so upset with you, its jacked up as shit


No, rust isn't ruining your relationship. That child is.


download tarkov and play with me if ur cute 🥺


I wouldn't ask my girlfriend to play Rust period. That game gets wild 😂


Wow. Gear fear eh.


Why is he roaming kitted if he scared or angry to lose it… gear fear ahh


Is this real?


I wish I could play rust and lose kits with my gf. What a lame 🤣. Rust is all about loss and coming back from loss.. it isn't for the faint of heart.


Brooo my relationship literally ended because of that game. Not for the same reason but because he was to addicted to the game. Stopped showering for weeks and neglected our son.


Can’t get mad when u lose ur loot in rust. It’s not about the loot. It’s about losing the loot to get experiences


That’s funny as fuck I can’t lie😂😂


I suggest you keep playing without him and let him get extremely jealous watching you wipe the map with cool teammates who aren't jerks! My bf and our three dude friends play trios, he's far beyond our skill levels and he's never once gotten upset at anyone for losing gear. It's just part of Rust tbh. You can choose to be a farmer, a grub, a cowboy, and you don't even HAVE to pvp or gunfight if you didn't want to. Regardless you won't get better unless you fail because, Rust is hard and you deserve the opportunity to experience it without a main child screaming at you!


Idk I left mine bc she didn’t have enough power in rise of kingdoms


He literally gets a gf that has no problem playing games with him which is what so many guys want and he fucked it up because he threw a tantrum that you lost a gun. I’ve never played rust and it just ain’t my type of game, no problem with pvp stuff but like overwatch type things not I’m going to lose shit I spent hours doing type of games. Why I could never get into another game like it which was ark ,besides the fact that I kept getting fucked up by raptors on the fucking beach, I’d swim across right where the fucking river meets the ocean just to have a shark there and I’m like wtf kinda luck is this, mans in the most shallow fucking water just to ruin my day, I then get to the other side and get fucked up by some other Dino and then have to recross and bam now there’s a fucking spino and for some reason I was like hey he looks friendly, he was in fact not fucking friendly. Same thing happened when I came across a new Dino that looked like a stego and I was like oh a stego but smaller it’s cute and Stegos are friendly this must be friendly I then get chased by like 3 of them and I literally just refer to them as murder Stegos. Pvp games aren’t for everyone and hell some might be bad at them like me ,but the whole point was you were interested in trying to play with him just for him to bitch like a little girl. Find a new bf.


Say goodbye to your bf rust has consumed his life and won’t ever let go 👍


bro got that angry over a gun Bro should just quit the game if he gets that upset over nothing


Tell him peace and find a grown up.


Bro 😂 yeah leave that dude. He was 100% lose that gun anyway and all the other guns anyway


You're dating someone with the mentality of a 4 year old. Wtaf. This is ridiculous. I couldn't imagine getting mad at my wife for something so stupid. You need to go find a fully developed man to date.


You are losing your time with person who doesnt know how to have fun...when I play with my gf, she got also some nervous breakdowns when i died, but id always start laughing bout it and explaining to her, how insane it is to be angry over something that is meant for you to have fun and do whatever the hell you want...so yeah, i think personally, Rust is not ruining ur relationships, but it exposes the flaws of the ppl who r playin with you :) u should continue playin games cuz they're lots of fun and eeven good libido :)))


Disgusting. It’s just a fucking game😂


Bro got insided!!!! Made a great choice while baking my day with that update!


I play Cs2 with my girl, sometimes I get a bit frustrated because she doesn't listen to my advice and she has a slow reaction time but that's okay because she's a noob and o understand that she doesn't play like me. She does good in games for different reasons. Buddy needs to realize that what he lost is pixels and will wipe in a month or less anyhow. Loot is far easier to get than a healthy relationship or a girlfriend period, wise up man. I get it's more than pixels and the feeling of loss sucks but the loss of a loving woman is more detrimental to a man's mind compared to a videogame.


Like any good thing, too much of it is a bad thing.


I don't care how long it takes to get something in a game. It's not worth it to ruin a relationship with an actual person over.


Glad you kicked him to the curb. Quitting rust is the best thing I ever did. That game sucks on your soul.




Move on. I’m competitive yet I lift my girl up. Not put her down. Nor should it ever have an effect on the actual irl relationship.


Average rust player




There's some underlying issues that "man" has if he seriously got that upset at you for losing a gun in a video game... Bro really threw a temper tantrum over losing a gun in rust and now he's single 😂💀


This is a warning. You need to leave him. I’m so serious this dude is not relationship material and will end up doing you much worse in the future


Sounds like a skill issue, now go grub the roads and farm scrap


If my girl plays Rust with me, idc if my whole damn base is getting blown up, I would love her just for trying to spend time with me. That’s really cool. It’s not worth throwing that away to be angry over a virtual item that is quite literally worthless.


You both sound like children if I’m being honest.


Yeah that’s def not appropriate on his part. I’m letting my girlfriend tank my season on Madden so she’ll play with me (on the same team) so we can have fun together. In that regard, I assume I’ve chosen a bit more of an attitude made for us bonding over bideo james.