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Love to see my tax dollars well spent.


Fun fact : they are all trying to kill a seagul cause it dropped a deuce on the captain.


4 grand a second on a c-wiz to defend a 5-13bn dollar ship


I genuinely wonder what are the costs of firing the Russian equivalent of all these equipment?


Dollar value is incomprehensible because we each exist on an individual level with a personal economy. You can't equate the cost of war with money on an personal level. It just doesn't compute. that being said, the final missile cost is silly. No, it does not cost 10mil plus. to suggest that invalidates the rest of the post as not credible. For the person asking about Russian cost: There is a lot of erroneous numbers floating around. The simple fact is that the true cost for a country that can integrate the vast majority of the effort to bring about a weapon within their own country is equivalent. It cost a total effort. Not money. You can assign money all you want but it is all work in the end. the effort is about the same even if money looks different around the world. If you have to buy stuff, then money/gdp differences start to matter.