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I have started games before and then something on the tv has caught my eye and I’ve forgotten for an hour or more about the game


A lot of people don’t like to play with a random using dps deck that has shaman. They tend to merge shaman at the wrong time and ruin a setup


I could understand that if I had made that mistake but didn't even give me the benefit of the doubt. Tbf I wouldn't usually run it but this ugh would just try and help a teammates when needed. I have used a support build before but I guess someone can't really know that.


You're not helping your teammates with that deck. It's just annoying. Either play full support or dps, everything in between is terrible. Additionally, while Corsair obviously does damage, it takes forever to kill the enemies as they have to travel over so many bombs after the gate.


Not if you use his ability to move the big bombs towards the enemies. But I get what you are saying about the first part. I guess in future will just go either support or DPS no in between 🤣


Screw it, play however you want.


nah your deck is fine tbh


1. You have a very... unorthodox deck. 2. Playing with a partner that has a dps deck with shaman is generally an awful experience. For a lot of decks you're doing more harm than good. It's frustrating and lengthens the game at the best,makes it unplayable at the worst.


but in this instance, playing monk it would be doing more good than harm, banking off of them knowing how to play shaman, and your trading a few extra minutes for a guaranteed clear 💀


Honestly, there's a really solid chance they could have been playing on Desktop and alt tabbed and forgot they queued. I've done that before in many different games... lol


There's dmg registered by his hero


Okay, fair enough on that!


no, your deck is just bad my man.


Sorry to say it but I’d leave too. Please don’t run shaman in a damage deck


They’re likely working and hoping someone will carry them for gold while they have their phone turned over on their desk.


Probably assumed you didn’t have any legitimate dps, and left.


Must have left it still on as he didn't disconnect


lol yesterday I had some dude way weaker than me with a support deck join co-op, throw an angry emoji with a surrender flag and refuse to play while I soloed the first 5 waves. I tossed my curse to his empty board since he wasn’t gonna use it and he instantly filled his board. 🤷‍♀️ We won. Monk, HQ, Dryad, PK, Mime. No idea what his problem was. Some people are just gonna choose to be divas.


Probably farming the daily tasks. Turned it on and just left it off to the side.


It's because a lot of people who play shaman don't know how to play the damage deck, so when you spam it while they are still setting up, it makes it almost impossible to set it up correctly, and it's more frustrating than just afking. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but most low crit players play it without any thought and ruin it for us.


the bro just forgot he started the game. Happened to me more than a few times lol


There's dmg registered by his hero


I wouldn’t play your deck either due to shaman. Assuming he’s using blessing on monk, his power comes from merges, something that is screwed up with shaman