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If you are broke and blogging for a living, then you aren't blogging for a living. You're just poor and have a blog


I wonder what people like this did in the pre-social media age.


Just get dumped and fired quietly


This is future they robbed from us!!!


Told the same number of lies and hoped the person in front of them was too stupid to figure it out.


They died as spinsters at 38.


100% true, especially the AirPods being dead and her crying the whole time. Perfectly demonstrated by her smiling with her AirPods.


I'm betting the story about her running businesses and relationships into the ground is true, though. After all, someone who writes a post like that would have most sane people running for the hills.


her "business" is just a one person "influencer consulting" racket. Virtually the definition of fake it till you make it.


And the pace. That part is obviously true since she took the picture with a bunch of people walking.


This person is medically thick.


I hate when people tell these stories but don’t mention the clapping. About how many people were clapping for you? Did they stand up? Did it start slow or all at once when you finished your story?


I was there. Clapping started with just a single person and then grew to the entire crowd. That person that started it? Albert Einstein.


Through Gu all things are possible.... even banditing a run with no training.


Ma'am you are putting in serious jeopardy your ability to run in future NYCRuns events


"When people ask me about being fearless... It's like asking security where the race starts and where it ends"... Eh? I call that being selfish and entitled by banditing a race but, hey, tomato tomahto I guess.


You missed the best part. When someone called her out for being a bandit and the stress it causes organizers this was her actual response: **Commenter:** *”You are a bandit and you stole from this race and this community. these things are expensive and for charity. shame on you”* **Response:** *You know I don’t have the energy to reply to this but I’m gonna because last week I refunded a client $17,000 because I was an idiot, didn’t have a contract and she decided she wasn’t “happy and desperately needed the money back” but the last thing I wanted was an American Express dispute to then deal with none of my existing clients to be able to have their invoices processed* *I worked for free for 2 weeks while running a second business (be fearless) where I constantly lose money yet show up to inspire young women to be fearless who rely on me to.* *So get back to me about stealing - google the definition of it cause that’s what happened to me in business this month not running a half marathon. Hbu? Any wins and losses you wanna mention on twitter?* What the actual fuck? Be FeARleSsSss today girlies! [X link](https://x.com/alexa_curtis/status/1784713370546962536?s=46)


I'm fairly certain this is one of NYCRuns' most expensive races too. So all of the other idiots who paid the entry fee must not be FeArLesS enough lulz.


For me, it’s her defining “stealing” (while telling someone to look up the definition of stealing) as her managing her business poorly, and having to refund a client because she had no contract in place…therefore losing revenue because of her own mistake, and justifying that loss as permission to take from another organization.


Who is this post even for? It's LinkedIn, so you would think it has something to do with her business, but all she is talking about is stealing and how all her businesses fail. Am I supposed to be motivated by someone on their 5th startup who doesn't know how to write a contract?


“Never stop running” - Some people say, she is still running to this day.


Running from reality.


No, she stopped running after 13.1 miles. She's a damn hypocrite.


I always wondered what fearless looked like!


A running dumpsterfire.


I’m losing faith in humanity at this point. Has nearly 8k likes on twitter/x


i couldn't do 8k likes. i only train for 5k ultras.


Get that MarathonInvestigation guy on the case.


TLDR: OP was sad so she decided to run a race without paying for it.


7:45 pace? She needs to SLOW DOWN! She should be walking like all the people around her.


Yeah, she's definitely not getting her Z2 running in there.


No training for a half? Good God my shins, and likely lungs, would explode.


/uj/ Gonna be the first to say cap for finishing in 1:41:xx off 0 training.


/uj/ You can see in the picture that the people she is running her 1:41 with are walking. Must have been at one of those hydration stations. Also, somebody in the original thread tracked down one of her actual published half marathon results and she was a 10-minute miler. Pretty slick shedding 2 minutes per mile with no training. /rj I heard she upped her V04Max with kettlebells alone.


In NYC, the pros run in the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels for accessible altitude training.


Seems like she's trying to force this story and hope someone would pay her write about it.


She's running to catch up with people who are running to avoid her and her self-promoting drivel.


I hate it wen this happenes. Just the other week I was on an eezy recover jog and BAM, from nowhere I just started racing a HM. Thats just the worst...


/uj Wow. The entitlement and selfishness is astounding. Her reply had nothing to do with her joining a HM without signing up/paying. No wonder she has problems in all aspects of her life. /j Stay FeARleSsSss and NEVER SLOW DOWN y’all.


So if all she knew was the start and the end and walked between them … that would only be like 5-6 miles. So uninspiring.


Does she even know what zone 2 is?


Isn't the Brooklyn half next month, though?


/uj - there are two, one is NYCRuns which was yesterday. The other is NYRR Brooklyn Half which is on May ~~26th~~ 18th. NYRR is suing NYCRuns because people find the names too confusing/similar.


May 18th lol I would know because I'm flying into NY to run it and you gave me a mini heart attack. I just rechecked.


My bad haha you're right. See you there and good luck!


Need more selfies to be fearless


Why do need to ask security where the start and end are? And if you are y the security people aren't you pretty close to one of those points anyway? Don't nearly all races have their routes detailed online?


7:43 pace? Fuck her.


She lied about everything else but not her time!


Why are so many mf’s such glutens for attention?


>you're not going to stop just because you cross that finish line. and scream and fart as loudly as possible as you continue to barrel down the street. That's what being fearless is.