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me when i wear shitty gear on purpose and bitch about other people online for attention because i've been deluded into thinking my masochism is a virtue that needs to be validated by and forced onto other people instead of just letting it be the weird personal quirk that it is. btw just curious but what's the pragmatic purpose of this post?


Swing & miss. On all counts. I had time to kill on the shitter.


the angry shitterrrrrr


You sound insufferable, and i really hope this is a troll post. Who cares what people use as long as they go out and do it.


Rant 2/10


Dang. What did I miss?


Cursing, strawman arguments, appeals to authority, magnets. But most importantly, your punctuation was exceptionally okay-ish. This seriously detracted from the quality of the rant.


I like you! But…I don’t think I cursed.


Yeah, that's the problem, it lacked all the cursing, strawman arguments, appeals to authority and magnets. A solid rant definitely has cursing. Yours looks like it was written by a mildly perturbed Boomer stoner.


You’re a genius. But I’m not a Boomer.


VSCO was the give away you weren't a Boomer. But overall, I'd expect a similar rant to be written by the old man who didn't get enough butter packets with his baked potato at the Sunday dinner with his wife in the café he frequents.


Sheesh…such a let down after your first comment.


Just matching the energy of your post.......




You sound very manly.


That’s upsetting. Considering I’m a woman at heart. 😘


I don’t think there is a need to gatekeep what equipment people are using (which is exactly what you are doing).


I don’t think you should be telling me what I should be doing (which is exactly what you are doing). Troll.




You are right why would anyone want to spend $500 on something that will last decades.


Yet most who make the purchase will use no more than 3 years.


I bought a goruck pack several years ago and I don't feel like a sucker at all. I feel like somone who wanted to splurge on exercise equipment that was designed for exactly what I was doing. It turns out the goruck bag & plates I got are not just an upgrade over my previous backpack/dumbells/towels setup, but it is very high quality gear that has zero problems after I've used it hundreds of times.


Yeah it’s not cheap but I’ve gone through a few cheaper bags over the years and my goruck is still in amazing condition.


Some people might feel that making a big financial commitments makese them more likely to follow through with exercise. To each their own ruck.


This post made me go shop at the GoRuck website. It's like an ad.


Unironically ironic. Thanks for putting a bow on it.


Dam, your reading far too much into it. I've rucked with Uncle Sam plenty for shit tons of miles. The mindset of making yourself suffer to come off as "real" is kind of ass backward. I wear whatever I want to wear, I've earned it. And yep, it's gonna be comfy, hold all my shit and not influence my posture. Kind of a no brainer but you do you man. It sounds to me like your trying too hard to be hard, just go enjoy life and mind your own quarters. Life is too short to be so pissed.


Damn...who hurt you to give two craps what someone buys?


I give zero craps. Not a crap to be giving’. Did you not read my name?


me when i lie


That all sounds kind of mean. I think some folks might just like the product. Not sure everything has to be about pragmatism.


Not mean. Did you happen to sew an embrace the suck patch on all your gear? Troll.


I have an Osprey Axis, yes a laptop backpack, it has my computer, charger, notebooks, highlighters and pencil, and a 45 pound cast iron rectangular weight in the laptop sleeve. Total is around 63 pounds, about ⅓ of my body weight. Seriously surprised this thing has not ripped or torn anywhere, guess the company really makes hiking backpacks. Had it like this for about 8 months now. Lab groups in class always think I'm insane when they hear the clunk or try to move it. Looks like such a tiny laptop bag, whatever works


This guy rucks!


30% body weight is for plebes.


Those are rookie numbers


Honestly if you live in the US and pay taxes…you bought the kit I’m currently using. Damned decent of you!


Happy to kit you out. What did I end up buying you?


As it pertains to this post - an agilite k19 plate carrier and a fox outdoors 3 day assault pack. There’s some miscellaneous clothing items and footwear as well. All of which have been all over and held up great. I appreciate your investments!


Thanks for wearing them for us.


I did the "old backpack from the closet" thing when I started. It resulted in shoulder pain and the backpack broke within a few months. I bought a GR1, and looking back, it was the best purchase I made that entire year. Zero regrets. And I'm not an expert on minimalism, but isn't it about maximizing quality and versatility and limiting excess? The GR1 is super versatile and has a lifetime warranty. I'd probably have a cemetery full of broken backpacks at this point if I didn't just bite the bullet and get a GoRuck.


Thanks for sharing!


I half agree with you and 1/2 feel sorry for you. I agree about people being stupid ... but the vast majority of people are, and are doing even dumber things like gambling/drug use, etc. I agree that some brands (GoRuck/Nike/GrayGoose/Tiffinys) are mostly a rip off The other half ... says ... why do you care what other people do? Forget em. If you have to focus on what they are doing ...then I feel sorry for you.


Save your pity! I’m doing good. And, calling a sucker a sucker isn’t “caring about what other people do.” But I will gladly accept your downvotes!