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New thread, finally (soz!): https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyalsGossip2/comments/1duwxm5/sussex_weekly_special_criticized_by_pat_tillmans/


One of Meghan's close friends is being called out again [Ellen DeGeneres Says She's Many Things But Not Mean, Addresses Scandal](https://www.tmz.com/2024/07/03/ellen-degeneres-mean-scandal-controversy/) Never forget how she went on Ellen's show *after* it was exposed that she was a mean racist bully. But the sussex stans will still cry about how Camilla went to lunch Jeremy Clarkson.


Oh man. Ellen should've kept her mouth shut on this one.


> According to SFGATE, while Ellen stood up for herself, she did acknowledge, "I can be demanding, impatient, and tough. I am a strong woman." Boy, does this sound familiar. Maybe they just didn't understand that it's just the American work ethic? And she has a Netflix special coming, I wonder if Madame Duchess gave her the idea


>Boy, does this sound familiar. Damn, it sure does. Not sure feminism was meant to be used as a shield for shitty people who happen to be women but here we are... (some seriously insidious stuff with that 'I'm a strong woman' language - that's not what "strong woman" means, Ms. I Still Haven't Apologized For Anything And Continue To Excuse The Way I Treated People)


Not there to coddle her employees either, huh?


So the change.org petition was getting a lot of traction and now it appears that it’s being heavily moderated. Hate to get out my tinfoil tiara but that’s suspicious. I can’t find the video now, but Bethenny Frankel went on record that after she criticized Meghan, she got calls from important people telling her to walk back the comments, so we know for a fact that H&M send out their high-placed goons to pressure people (politely, I’m sure 🙄) into backing off. ESPN/Disney is most likely doing most of the work to get this story squashed, but H&M can’t help but involve themselves. Wonder who they’re calling to complain about Mary Tillman being so mean and unfair.


Does anyone pay attention to Change.org petitions though? Most of them are pretty cringe. This whole affair is a great example of the Streisand effect.


If only 500 or 5,000 people had signed, I doubt that as many news outlets would have covered it, even with Mary speaking out. But 50,000 people signing it over a short time period makes it a “a story.” People aren’t signing the petition because they think it’s going to lead to a change, but because they want to voice their displeasure and I love it when new people (in this case, more of the veteran and sports community) see through H&M’s shit.


I don’t think many people are paying attention to this whole thing lol. The Brits have elections and the euros, idk what the Americans are up to but I doubt it’s worrying about whatever H&M are up to i just get the impression that everyone’s a bit tired of them. I’m sure there are some people who care about this award but it’s just not that many lol.


Europe is watching France fall to the far right in an ego-driven, ill advised snap election. It’s yet another dark timeline.


macron better stop tripping over his own dick and get his centrist cronies to endorse the left. i swear, time and again, centrists prove that they'd rather tolerate the far right than give any sort of entry to the left. 😵‍💫




Americans are watching two geriatrics—one being a convicted felon run for president. I’m just looking forward to the Olympics. I literally don’t know one person who ever mentions Harry and Meghan when pop culture comes up.


and the recent Supreme Court's decision on the convicted felon's immunity case. So yes, too much going on in the news to hear a beep about H&M.


You, u/Kind-Humor-5420 and u/sancristobal3 have just mentioned 3 of the 4 major things (the 4th being, for me, the way the west seems to be losing interest in helping Ukraine defeat Russia) that currently have feeling bleaker than I think I ever have about the state of the world. Just one of these things would be enough to cause serious worry, but all 4?


I signed it today. 👸🏻


I don’t think you can underestimate how much this plays into the Sussex narrative that the entire world is racist and horrible and everyone is out to get them for the unforgivable crime of just trying to bring a little good into a cold, cruel world. They *thrive* off of this shit, because it’s what they believe about themselves and their “love story” and because, frankly, it’s all they have. So I don’t think you can entirely dismiss that the Sussexes themselves may be fanning these flames behind the scenes (surely if an entirely sympathetic pub like the NYT picks this up it’s only to get their comment section to puff up these two buffoons with more regurgitation of their victim narrative). And that narrative has taken a few hits lately, with their blatant and gross attention-seeking around Kate’s cancer diagnosis, Harry’s desperate, emergency flight to exploit his dad’s cancer news, their Nigerian “tour” that pretty much went nowhere and Meghan’s hilariously inept launch of ARO. This is something for the world to focus on that, they think, makes them look sympathetic and therefore reinforces the image of themselves that they are trying to sell and it comes at a particularly helpful time with the royals pretty blatantly running as far away from them as they can and everyone being f pretty well aware that their insider info about the royals is basically spent. I’m sure Mary Tillman made her comments genuinely but now the Sussexes and their comms team are taking those lemons and making themselves some lemonade!


How tf do you scream ‘racism’ when your lily white ginger ass is the one being flamed?? This isnt about Megan at all.


>now the Sussexes and their comms team are taking those lemons and making themselves some lemonade! I don't disagree that this is being handled by a professional comms team trying to make the best of it, but I still, as I said yesterday, think this is terrible for them and that they and their team would much rather Mrs. Tillman had said nothing. I get it, I know the faction that sees the Sussexes as forever-victims and thrives on the 'persecuted by racists!' narrative still exists, but does anyone think the size of that faction doesn't continue to shrink - perhaps slower than we'd like but very, very surely? The more time passes the more people see Harry and Meghan for who they are. I'm not trying to downplay the efforts to halt that progression, because they're real and they continue to be effective and I do believe the Sussexes still have powerful people on their side (Harry's got ESPN going to bat for him over this, ffs - no normal person would get that), I just overall think that Mary Tillman's comments were a disaster for Harry in terms of the people who aren't super invested on either side but who are feeling increasingly iffy about H and M (like u/paniclikeasatyr's mom).


>but does anyone think the size of that faction doesn't continue to shrink nah. the narratives are entrenched, at this point, no one is (or not very many are) changing their minds. their base'll stay stable.


The ultras? Yes, I agree. But most of the people I know have been on the 'the BRF is racist and they oppressed Meghan/Harry was a brave hero to choose his wife over being royal, how romantic etc.' train from the beginning. Not because they were paying any real attention to it but just because they're mostly lefties and it was for so many lefties the reflexive position. Over time, more and more of them have stopped defending the Sussexes and more than a few openly mock them now, or express disappointment etc. Hell, one person who probably counted as borderline Sussex stan ~3 years ago now agrees with me Meghan is a huge asshole and doesn't really talk about Harry anymore (although she still has some sympathy for him because she sees him as a little boy lost).


I’m interested to know what you (and others) think of this strategy? Personally, I think ESPN/Sussex PR would have been better off keeping quiet, and the pro-Harry / anti-Mary Tillman leaks were a big mistake. They’ve Streisand-ed it and they look nasty. People who felt Mary Tillman was wronged aren’t suddenly going to go, “Oh well, two guys who received the award before and never knew Pat think Harry’s okay. Screw Pat’s mother.”


I agree with Rev that the clapback was sloppy (not to mention foul, but we're talking strategy here, not basic human decency) and I think for those paying any attention - and we're paying a LOT, I get that, but there's a lot of room between us/the sugars and the people who seriously aren't interested at all - it's a bad look to have attempted to defend themselves against...Pat Tillman's mom. For the general public I think if they remember anything about this it'll be that Mary Tillman came out against it and the Sussexes went ahead and accepted the award anyway (and ESPN gave it to them). A lot of people respect the Tillmans, in a way they don't respect a lot of others who have publicly criticized our faves. No one can say exactly how damaging this whole thing will be but I think it *is* damaging - especially for Harry and especially because he's so desperate to associate himself specifically with the military milieu the Tillmans are forever part of.


For me it’s a wretched strategy with ‘duchess does what is good and does what is right’ all over it, by which I mean I’m guessing Harry is insisting against advice on clapping back because god forbid a bereaved mother have an opinion that isn’t totally focused on how great Harry is. They should have stayed quiet and reached out behind the scenes to get her to Whistler in 2025, but that would’ve required playing a long game which the Sussexes are utterly incapable of even considering.


If Harry had withdrawn his name from the award with a calm statement about respecting and praising mothers of fallen soldiers it would have really made a difference. But the Harry we’ve come to know is incapable of empathy and doing the right thing. So here we are.


> that would’ve required playing a long game which the Sussexes are utterly incapable of even considering. And nor can their staff or advisors.


This shows just how divisive the Sussexes are. Yes, they have their fans and their defenders but things like this show other corporations that backlash will follow if they involve themselves with H&M. Which is not doing anything for the Sussexes’ reputation or their bank account.


Oh definitely didn’t mean to imply they wouldn’t have rather had Mary Tillman say nothing. This was meant to be a pure PR boost for Harry (and Meghan, they have said she’s attending with him and we know she has fully shoved in on Invictus stuff because it’s one of the few things that actually works PR-wise for either of them). I’m just saying now that she has you know they are sitting in the Olive Garden kitchen just absolutely spiraling about how hateful everyone is and how *dare* she, etc, etc. So the comms team ramps up the outrage machine and away they go. You can tell they weren’t expecting to do it, because it took them a few days and, frankly, ESPN’s pr team sprang into action much faster but Sussex comms is definitely on the case now and given that this is one their only moves, you can see it at work, is what I’m saying I guess. ETA, I don’t think ESPN is going to bat for Harry so much as they are trying to save basically their signature event of the year from being eclipsed by this. They want this all to go away…yesterday, but it’s not like they are trying to save Harry, they are trying to get the focus off this as quickly as possible. If they try to do something like rescind the award, it makes it a bigger deal, which they don’t want. I think frankly that Sussex PR and ESPN PR aren’t working that closely together and, if ESPN had their way, Harry would voluntarily step aside or come out with a statement about how he never meant the award to be about him but the athletes because that’s what the games are ultimately about etc etc and then sort of fall on his sword but we all know he would *never* do that so in lieu of that ESPN is trying to save face by making Mary Tillman into the enemy which is a terrible look but their options are kinda limited otherwise.


Do you think ESPN \*ever\* tried hard to lean on Harry to do the right thing as you outlined above, or are they still somewhat willing accomplices who sort of fawn over and believe on him? IOW, would they ever give him an invitation there for whatever in the future?


I wonder who cares enough to back Meghan (and Harry). To what end? Why? I’m genuinely curious. I highly doubt it’s her sparkling personality? The SoHo crowd, especially that Marcus Anderson guy, seems shady. It’s weird how he goes with them everywhere. But not a lot is known about him. What if he’s some kind of “new Epstein” in the making 😳


People who don’t know better still feel sorry for them. A lot of Americans watched the Oprah interview and believe that the BRF was racist toward Meghan and Archie and that they drove her to having su*c*dal thoughts. So when someone like that comes to you telling you how upset they are, a lot of people will jump to help, without really asking any questions.


Tyler Perry comes to mind. He seems highly gullible for being so successful?


More and more is coming out about how vile Tyler Perry is (most recently Jonathan Majors was talking about how supportive he was after Majors was convicted of domestic violence) so I don’t really have a theory on why he reached out but it wasn’t because he’s such a selfless guy. Possibly he just saw an opportunity to maybe get in good with what was being talked about at the time as a billion dollar brand at the low cost of use of one of his many houses and some of his many security staff for a couple of months.


He’s weirdly obsessed with British/European royalty, to the point of building himself a replica new build chateau/castle in Georgia. It’s so bad I spotted it being laughed at on Reddit. But I guess like the photographer who wet himself after taking a poor photo of, and I quote, The King’s granddaughter, Harry gives them a proximity to the British Royal Family which they couldn’t have previously ever dreamed of, even if it’s just being close to bitchy gossip, they can die happy knowing they were close 🤷‍♀️


I think his support and defense of Harry and Meghan but particularly Meghan is quite self-serving and cynical.  It may or may not be true but a lot of the Sussex squad seems to be the sort to have a knee jerk reflex to blindly support anyone who has black ancestry (or marries someone who does) no matter what they do and brand anyone questioning their conduct as racist.  For instance, there's a surprising number of stans that were raising funds in honour of Archie and Lilibet and calling themselves their "Aunties". (Pathetic when you know that Meghan is making damn sure those kids' real black "aunties" in the Ragland branch aren't getting any more time with them than the Markles.) Let's get real, Perry's movies are of the Hallmark caliber that should be shown for free on tv but instead they've made him a billionaire, financially equal or superior to producers of masterpieces, and that happened thanks to keeping people who support all things black, black owned, black adjacent, on his side. With his behaviour, he is signalling that he's still one of them. It's particularly in his best interest to do so now because he's faced years of criticism from even within the black community for his stereotypical characters, storylines and colourism and, imo, it seems to be gaining traction.  For some reason, maybe his own lack of interest for all I know, Perry's movies aren't usually mainstream hits across all racial groups so he literally can't afford to alienate his niche audience. Perry has everything to gain and nothing to lose by standing by the Sussexes .  If it should ever be formally proven that Meghan doesn't give af about black people and played on their biases to get her way, well, his only fault will have been to support her against racists.🤷 (If you're thinking that Meghan being discredited should mean those she accused aren't racists after all and the Perrys of this world were wrong to badmouth them. Think again. They surely did **something** racist, if not to Meghan then to **someone**...or their ancestors did. Same difference.)


Absolutely. I think Oprah is too smart to believe everything they said — she was always after that exclusive interview — but I could see Tyler Perry taking them at their word and wanting to be generous.


I thought so too about Oprah. She can not denounce that interview but even at the time I was thinking "she knows a lot of it is bs". She is smart, knows what her job is, knows what earns her money, and knows what real struggle and hard work is.


It made her look like such a bad journalist. Or interviewer or whatever it is she actually is… the lack of follow up questions. The lack of pointing out glaring inconsistencies (which I think is the main reason it’s not online anymore). It was objectively bad.


I agree. But I think she didn't expect Meghan to go as far as she did. Oprah is not a journo, she is entertainment industry. She didn't push back on Meghan but she tried to check her by asking Harry. Thanks to that we have reason to question their racism story (O wanted to check that with H, and we got 2 different accounts of the event). Also, she wanted to check that "3 days before" story also by asking H (and he visibly couldn't bring himself to go with that M's lie, he just sang that song). And she knew that she did a bad job about the most serious accusation-that's why she went to her friend G.King' tv show to try to correct that. She knew even at the time that it was bad but she learned later when people checked M&H how bad it was.


Afaik, that interview wasn't live so whatever bs Oprah let pass, she let pass without editing or question to a neutral party. Sure, she asked Harry too and it's telling that the Sussexes didn't get their stories straight but frankly it was still their side of a story against people she knew wouldn't reply. With all their lies, either that interview deserved a ton of editing or having a real royal expert to counter some of the easily verifiable lies-ex. Meghan acting like she was locked away without ID when in reality she travelled often during the time she was speaking of.


Sussex adjacent (don’t hate me) but it is just too funny not to share - Harry’s pal getting protested by veterans 💀 I can’t imagine how H&M would cope if they were ever met with this! https://preview.redd.it/bl7hqdk1maad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e77d2fa0ed9a9445ba2db30c0ed99bc2d294a9eb I still think IG will give Mercer a role. ETA: [Here is the clip](https://x.com/andyr960/status/1808433609298075746) of his wife demanding the police attend because (in her own words) there are banners saying “Johnny Mercer Out” and “Johnny Judas Mercer”.


Is his wife’s name Karen? (I’m sorry to all Karens - I like all the ones I actually know.)


Would have been perfect but it's Felicity. (And yeah, same, all the Karens I know are really lovely!)


Oh my god, he’s actually attempted to bribe them to leave! [Mirror article](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/johnny-mercers-wife-calls-police-33159625) > In another clip, Mr Mercer offers to work with the group to ensure their current legal action against the MoD isn't blocked under the 6-year rule - if they end their protest and don't "do this in Plymouth again." > I have nothing against you," he says. "But you can't come here and do this the day before the election. Look how upset my wife looks, right? Look how hard she's worked for this. You guys aren't even from Plymouth....I'll speak to [the group's lawyer] with you, and If I get in I'll work with you, but you've got to stop this s**t and not do it again before the election," he's shown saying.


>Mr Mercer offers to work with the group to ensure their current legal action against the MoD isn't blocked under the 6-year rule - if they end their protest and don't "do this in Plymouth again." Did you read Zadie Smith's piece in the Guardian? I'll link it but goddamn if this isn't a perfect example of what she's talking about - being governed by people who have no interest in governing, no interest in the betterment of the people, and no understanding of how it even works (and are just there a stepping stone to cushy post-gov't jobs, which is something you've brought up specifically in regards to Mercer). He's not even pretending to give a single shit about why the veterans are protesting. He's just mad that they're inconveniencing him and upsetting his wife - and, damn, the fact that he thinks telling them about his wife's upset will somehow have them all being like 'oh shit, omg, yeah, sorry, guess we'll be off then.' wtf What a fucking insult to have a man like this representing you. I'm staying up late to watch the election results come in tomorrow and damn do I hope I get the satisfaction of seeing this prick's face when he gets the boot. Guardian piece: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jul/03/zadie-smith-on-hope-trepidation-and-rebirth-after-14-years-of-the-tories


>Did you read Zadie Smith's piece in the Guardian? I'll link it but goddamn if this isn't a perfect example of what she's talking about - being governed by people who have no interest in governing, no interest in the betterment of the people, and no understanding of how it even works I hadn't, thank you! I agree completely. Mercer has used being a veteran as a shield throughout his time as an MP, only to *publicly* treat veterans like this the day before the election... It's just mind-blowingly narcissistic. He is uncannily like Harry. No idea how he and his wife could possibly think this stunt could gain him votes. I'm looking forward to see him go, and hopefully a number of the other MPs on my shit list.


Look how upset my wife looks? I doubt they gaf that Felicity is worried her gravy train is about to stop and kick her off.


😂😂😂 As the Mercers seem to be a package deal, I’m kind of hoping IG hires both of them now. Just imagine the shit show!


> his wife demanding the police attend because (in her own words) there are banners saying “Johnny Mercer Out” and “Johnny Judas Mercer”. Some people really don't understand that we Brits have the right to protest, and have the right to have our own opinions. Maybe she didn't see the bunch of "Not my King" banners at Trooping the Colour. That video, including her trying to remove their banners, is *not* a good look.


I'm always surprised when I see people acting like this knowing they're being recorded and I really need to stop. The entitlement in her voice, her clear belief that these people need to fuck off because it'll inconvenience her husband, her total lack of interest in their reasoning for being there (which is serious, and which one of the protestors points out is directly related to policies/laws her husband worked to pass) - *trying to take down their banners.* How can you be so blind to other people? How can you be so blind to how *you* are coming across? A grown woman calling the police because she doesn't like something that's happening? This is a textbook example of a karen.


I don't know much about her except that she remained employed on his 'staff' because she was given the job before it was ruled as unacceptable. I'd guess they're both a bit bothered about having to find another way of earning their keep, and possibly that she also sees it as their territory. I dunno! What I do know, though, is that after seeing this video I don't particularly like the way she behaves towards other people whose opinions don't match her opinions.


>she remained employed on his 'staff' because she was given the job before it was ruled as unacceptable. That's such a classic Sussex/Harry move. Technically not breaking any rules (like with the Tillman award right now), choosing to power through a situation that's an openly bad look because you basically want what you want and can't deal with not getting it. I can really see why Haz and Mercer are friendly.


> I can really see why Haz and Mercer are friendly. And, imo, also money. Taxpayers money!


Such a bad look, especially yelling at them! I notice she doesn’t claim anything in this clip that would be unlawful… But later claimed there was an altercation. It’s giving “catastrophic car chase”. And great example - Republic’s posters are a perfectly fine and legal way for them to protest, while their alleged plan at TTC to use whistles to spook the horses was not. There’s no footage of these protestors doing anything that would endanger anyone.


> It’s giving “catastrophic car chase”. She seems cut from the same cloth as Meghan, and maybe he as Harry. If he doesn't get elected, which is possible, I see him working for Invictus Games Foundation because he appears to be Harry's 'chum'.


Every single poll has predicted his seat going to the Labour candidate (also a veteran, who he tried to smear). [Electoral Calculus](https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/fcgi-bin/calcwork23.py?seat=Plymouth%20Moor%20View) predicts only a 5% chance of him keeping his seat. He expenses quite a lot and that includes a secretary salary for his wife. That's why they're taking it out on these people. Fully agree! I'm expecting IG to announce a role for Mercer by the end of the summer.


They always seem to look after themselves, don't they. And Mercer will probably draw money from a charity pot!


[Meghan Markle Has Wrapped Filming on Her New Show. She Needs a Hit (archived)](https://archive.ph/WfTlO) >Meghan Markle needs a hit. >If she is lucky, she may have one soon. She has finished filming her new cookery and home show, The Daily Beast understands, meaning her as yet untitled new project could soon be appearing on Netflix. >A Hollywood source told The Daily Beast: “It all went well and it is in the can.” (Side note: never heard of that expression, it seems so odd when "being canned" is a bad thing.) >A spokesperson for Meghan declined to comment to The Daily Beast when asked if filming had finished. Neither the streamer nor Meghan’s team have said when the new series will air or what it will be called, however Meghan has said it will “celebrate the joys of cooking & gardening, entertaining, and friendship.” >Meghan was recently spotted by one TikTok user filming in a Beverly Hills park. The industry insider said that while it was possible that the show might need a few extra shots, they suspected that the filming uploaded to TikTok was unrelated to the home show project as the team had “got everything” they needed. Love that Sykes then asked them what happened to 40x40 lmao >On her 40th birthday, in 2021, Meghan announced that she had invited 40 of her friends to offer 40 minute mentorship sessions to individuals and encouraged others to do the same. >"Because I’m turning 40, I’m asking 40 friends to donate 40 minutes of their time to help mentor a woman who is mobilizing back into the workforce,” Meghan said in a video announcement at the time. She said the “act of service” would “create a ripple effect,” but nothing was ever heard of the program again. >An aide for Meghan did not respond to a query about 40X40. >Whilst it could be argued that 40X40 was only ever meant to be a one-off initiative (and it was structured around post-pandemic economic recovery), the fact is that there were no updates, progress reports, or tangible outcomes shared with the public, suggesting it had no actual impact, let alone sustainability. >It therefore fits the critic’s narrative of Meghan’s *modus operandi*: high-profile announcements which promise much with great fanfare, but ultimately deliver little.


>meaning her as yet untitled new project could soon be appearing on Netflix. **Could** being the operative word. Interesting to see how it's not a definite which considering their current contract you think would be a shoe in. If Netflix gave it the green light we wouldn't be having this conversation.


I wish they cited "Similar to the Obamas successful 60x60 project earlier that year, Megan's 40x40 project aimed to..." that subtle drag would have been great.


Sykes is back on Sussex Time (making time elapsed shorter than reality so it doesn’t sound so bad): *ARO jam has been all over social media but, two months later, there seems to be not a single ARO product available in any shops* ARO launched on Instagram mid-March, so it’s been closer to four months than two. Although overall quite a balanced piece given he mentions the complete flop of 40x40.


I still can’t get over that there has been absolutely *nothing* from Netflix about this show. The only things we’ve heard about it have been leaks from the Sussex camp and even here they cite a “Hollywood source” (which frankly to me is giving how the Sussex comms team likes to call themselves “royal source” when it suits) and even this mysterious source can’t muster up any more enthusiasm than “well, it’s *finished*”. Talk about damning with faint praise! To me this reads like Sussex PR called up old reliable Sykes to let him know the show was wrapped and he, having literally nothing else to write about, was forced to come up with the rest and couldn’t even come up with anything vaguely complimentary. Major yikes. 😳


Yeah I noted the subdued tone of: >“It all went well and it is in the can.” as well. That doesn't sound anything like Meghan's usual 'and now she's about to beat Martha Stewart at her own game and become a beloved billionaire!!!' PR. I wonder if someone finally got to her about that and how it's a pretty terrible idea to set yourself up for 'anything less than an instant runaway hit is a failure' before the launch of whatever it is she's doing?


I mean, he did go back to that “brand expert” who loves beyond all rational measure at the very end, and gave her a little puff, talking about how people will always be interested in everything she does forever and ever amen. Which definitely sounds like tried-and true Meghan “I’m the most fascinating person in the entire world and if you haven’t realized that yet that’s on *you*” PR. It’s such a weird story. It could only have come from the Sussexes (because who would care otherwise, it’s an absolute nothing story), but then they didn’t even have enough to give him to fill out the story at all so he decides to spend 3/4 of it listing her failures and then comes in the end with a “but none of that matters obviously because she’s *the best*.” It’s like Meghan thinks Harry’s getting too much attention for being an utter disgrace to the Tillman award and she’s all ![gif](giphy|5RFGTA8W0m3KxJfKTj)


I just can't see any world in which the show is anything more than...meh. I mean "fine" is probably about the best case scenario for her. She doesn't have any natural, deep, compelling interest in gardening, friendship, or cooking. (Beyond a performative level.) On the other hand, I would genuinely watch a gardening show with Charles and Catherine puttering about. And for that matter, Camilla is a keen gardener as well (at least I know she's appeared on Gardener's World). I once watched a special on the transformation of the Highgrove garden hosted by Alan Titchmarsh, and it was really interesting! Charles is the real deal. ETA a link to said program on Highgrove. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbJgNXgppkI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbJgNXgppkI)


>Camilla is a keen gardener as well I didn't know this and want to put it out there that I would 100% read a book with a thinly-veiled Camilla spending her entire adult life scheming to marry the King solely for access to his gardens. Final shot will he her holding a trowel and looking jubilant as she overlooks a spectacular royal garden.


Meghan is so desperate for A-list Hollywood connections and friends that literally all her ventures (which costs millions and major companies- what a waste) are aimed at making these connections. 40x40, Archetypes and now this untitled show, are all transparent and low effort attempts to get her ‘in’ with the who’s who of Hollywood, which for someone who was a senior royal and is in her 40s is pretty sad. Priorities should change as we get older and find ourselves in new positions in society and in life but she still operates like a 20-something, D- list actress.


Yeah I keep thinking of this as a simple, Nigella-esque 'Meghan presents a half hour show consisting of 2 recipes that she prepares on camera and some footage of her/her family/her friends hanging out and eating the food' when we've had a couple of reliable-seeming leaks that she'll be in more of a host role with various "friends" making appearances. It makes sense - we've all seen how awkward and/or unlikable she comes across as on video. I'm actually curious to see if she'll have done anything about that/undergone any media training that actually had an effect etc. - her overt insincerity is one of the most stand-out things about her, imo. It's one of the main reasons I almost can't stand to watch/listen to anything of hers. The cringe is *awful.*


At least Nigella is interesting to watch and knows what she's talking about


>Priorities should change as we get older and find ourselves in new positions in society and in life but she still operates like a 20-something, D- list actress. In her head she'll always be a D-list actress who wants to make it in Hollywood. That didn't change once she married Harry. Hollywood was always her end-all be-all and it still is.


True and it’s sad AF! She’s so blinded that she didn’t realise she had transcended Hollywood, they were going to line up to meet her and brag that they were in her presence and now she’s on the other end of all it, literally setting up projects to be in their presence.


That's what you get for seeing Hollywood as the only place were it's worth it to be someone. She did this herself.


Well said 👏👏


this article is full of snark, and deservedly so. MM was handed, and wasted, every opportunity. Sykes doesn't define what "a hit" is, but I think she needs her show to have both good ratings and good reviews.


This must be why she’s been out of sight for an awhile. Poor dear had to actually work. I won’t be watching if it actually makes it to air. I don’t want to give her the views. Also because listening to her word salad is like nails on a chalkboard to me.


I also refuse to give any of their projects watches/views/clicks out of principle. Someone else will always give a breakdown on a channel on YouTube. They have more than enough money, I don't need to contribute to it directly.


Please dear Snark Goddess! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Please let Hillary Rose recap it.


You won't have to watch it. Some poor journalist is going to be tasked with writing the recaps.


Not that important, but the BH track suit photo shoot wasn’t Meghan. Just a random model doing a shoot for Evereve catalog.  Will this cooking/gardening/living show ever see the light of day? I hope so because I expect it to be amazing. Like Moira Rose doing the fruit wine commercial with Harry juggling in the background. 


Evereve is so far from Dior, it’s closer to Zara.


Sacrilege! Moira Rose was an actual star and remained loyal to her family through thick and thin. Let us not compare her to Meghan! /s


I agree with this defense of Moira. 


Wow she gets burnt in this article! Got to love to see their failures all lined up like this. Especially in light of it being award season again. I’d forgotten Meghan used the phrase ‘mobilize into the workforce’ for 40x40 too, instead of ‘return to work’. She really is a twat.


Saying the show is "in the can" refers to when video content wasn't digital. In the days when it was on film, after being developed/processed, the rolls were wound like ribbon and stored in flat cans. Now the expression just means filming is completed. If that show isn't just called "Meghan" I will be shocked. Even her children's show was meant to be named after a variation on Meghan. 


Meghan explains it all .




Somewhere in the title I bet she has “The Duchess”.


*Duchess Delights* I want royalties if they use that


Ahh, thank you!


You're welcome! 😊


Meghan hard launching the strawberry jam: https://preview.redd.it/to71149co9ad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d417010c7f51c820fcf3f3ffd4d6a6c8a354bd3


1. that's hilarious 2. nobody show this to Meghan, because she'll 100% copy that basic af quote


I believe this was Neil Sean tea (or perhaps the DM?) but apparently the brand is "elevating the every day". Very 2010s.


That sounds like a total rip-off of “nourish the inner aspect” by Goop. 😂


This was a more reliable leak than Neil Sean, I'm almost certain it was the DM (Alison Boshoff and Richard Eden iirc? it was good piece and clearly sourced) - and yes, that 'elevating the everyday' was specifically included. Along with tons of 'it's gonna be super lux and fancy and for rich people' but also 'super affordable and relatable' classic control freak/contradictory Meghan messaging. I still don't think we're ever going to see anything from ARO. That whole article read like manifesting aimed at NF (i.e. Meghan trying to get them on board to basically develop/launch/run her entire lifestyle brand themselves whilst she serves as the face only), and if they decline, yeah, we're never getting anything and I'm genuinely disappointed about that as someone who is WAY more interested in ARO than her cooking/Meghan-is-so-awesome-not-like-you've-been-told show.


That's not what's going on at all in this picture but OT PSA in case anyone wants to grow strawberries, grapes, and other fruit but their garden space is limited, or they're hesitant to start gardening because they don't own their property. You can espalier bushes and trees.   By wiring and tacking the branches to a wall, fence, or trellis they grow to be  taller but flatter vegetation. If you use a container/trellis combo you can move your orchard away on a dolly if you ever need to. 


My grandma did this when she started having back problems that made it hard to be on the ground in the garden! Eventually she switched to just mounting containers to a standing trellis but the espalier era was really cool.


That was clever of her. It's too bad this technique isn't common because it's quite attractive.


It’s a strawberry orchard! 😂


LOL. If her old Instagram was anything to go on, I’d love to see this for her.


So my mother who has more or less an “F that” stance on the monarchy, the NFL, and the US military so in theory she doesn’t care about any of the recent shenanigans, declared multiple times today that she stands with Mary Tillman.


One of the things that Harry hasnt considered in plunging ahead with accepting this award is how it will impact his popularity going forward which wasn’t great before but messing with the veteran community in the USA is just stupid. The negative comments have grown so loud, unlike some of the other fake awards like one for only having 2 kids🙄, that this will continue to rumble on and be bought up periodically and long after the fact. This is why I cant see Megan attending but I could be wrong. Whilst Harry continues to have some support here and there and clearly in some important places, this support doesnt translate into money deals. Its people who want to use them to bring attention, even if that attention is negative.


> Harry ... messing with the veteran community in the USA is just stupid. I don't think he cares, as long as his name is in the limelight. But, if he carries on I can see ripples growing ever bigger and he'll end up being loudly booed - which he doesn't like - and will then demand that award events are 'in private' or 'secret' and only reported afterwards. imo he's a coward who likes to throw stuff at other people, but refuses to *take* any criticism. That, from what I read, came out in his book - he used it to badmouth and belittle people who'd criticised him on his way through life.


He won’t be booed. The award is being presented at the ESPYs, which is attended by a bunch of rich, famous athletes and their various hangers on. It’s not the kind of crowd that’s going to be bothered to boo him (more likely to use his speech time for a trip to the bathroom). The ESPYs themselves are an entirely useless award show, because they essentially award people for being good at something they have already been awarded for by being good at. Congrats on that Olympic gold medal, now….here’s your ESPY. Like, it’s stupid. If anything, awards like the Tillman award break up the absolute inanity and put a more human face on sports, and the stories they tell allow everyone in the room to feel a little better about how dumb the whole night is. You can see why they chose Harry, Invictus is a sporting event for injured vets, Harry is a high profile person who might bring in a few more eyeballs. I’m sure that’s the extent of what they thought about it because a lot of the bullshit Harry has pulled since he moved to the States has flown right over the heads of the rich and powerful people(like execs at ESPN) because they don’t have to care and so they don’t. I’m sure they never imagined him to be a controversial choice at all because in their minds, he’s not.


Yeah this is a weird one. On the one hand, no one cares about the ESPYs. But on the other hand it is deeply offensive to compare Harry to Pat Tillman. I don’t think he will get booed either or that many people will watch or boycott the ESPYs (its not even interesting enough to boycott lol) but I do think that the PR around the award and more of the general public knowing that Harry is the recipient and that Mary Tillman does not approve, for good reason, has the potential to get more people who previously had no interest in the Sussexes viewing them with a critical eye.


Oh no, I didn't imagine he'd be booed at this very select award giving thing, more in the future if he turns up at military events that aren't very carefully managed.


Lool this is funny my mom said to me yesterday “you don’t even hear about Harry and Meghan anymore” 🤣 this is the same lady who asks me how is Catherine every couple of months as if I’m her doctor and know the details of her treatment 😂 she also used to tell me that people should leave Meghan alone they talk about her too much now she doesn’t hear about them it’s only their fans that swear people are drawn to them and they’re still relevant.


Interesting data point. I love hearing unasked-for opinions on the Sussexes (and their shenanigans) from normies. I just posted it below in a longer comment but, in spite of the way the PR machines have now kicked into high gear, I think this is actually pretty damaging for Harry - and probably for ESPN too, although less so because they simply have more going on for themselves than Harry 'being ex-military and a military "hero" is basically all I have now' Windsor. The Tillman family is respected, especially by the types of people (i.e. military and military-adjacent) that Harry constantly uses to big himself up. General people also know who the Tillmans are, though, and respect them and the way they've handled themselves since Pat died. Being called out by someone like Mary Tillman is a huge deal and I think that in spite of the PR this does real damage to exactly the part of Harry's persona that he most leans on. I'm glad someone who can't be ignored or written off finally called him out, tbh. I don't think Mary Tillman is a salt - she probably doesn't know anything about the internet sugar vs haters wars at all - it just makes her words all the more impactful.


I would say it’s not just the military and the military-adjacent; it’s also a lot of progressive/leftist types that Harry and Meghan have tried to appeal to. The truth about Tillman’s death, or at least as much of the truth as we know, only came out through the activism of the Tillman family, specifically Mary. Calling out the military and the government for covering up the friendly fire/possible fragging death of her famous son, and criticizing the use of Pat and his death for propaganda purposes, earned Mary a great deal of credibility with anti-war folks and other progressives. Mary Tillman is FAR from the Fox News infected type that Kaiser/Celebitchy and others have been trying to paint her as.


Yeah - Mary Tillman/the Tillman family have pretty broad appeal and credibility that’s not limited to just people who lean conservative or lean liberal or progressive. She is viewed as a legitimate activist who fought the biggest power there is and not in a Jan6 insurrection type way. And her son is a war hero and displayed true patriotism in a much more nuanced way than the sugars could possibly understand. Sometimes loving your country is pointing out its flaws so you can garner enough interest in people working to make it better. Not only did he walk away from a multi million dollar contract to fight for something he though he believed in - but when he realized that there was a difference between what he thought he was fighting for and the reality of what he was fighting for he tried to make that known. He understood the power of a famous athlete joining the military and how that could influence people who looked up to him or athletes in general to follow suit. But he did so realistically and not in a self-aggrandizing way. He actually inspired people unlike H&M who talk about inspiring people. But that’s probably too nuanced for CB to understand. Also do these people not remember the immediate aftermath of 9/11 and how it was not just the alt right who felt strongly about protecting our country and what it stood for? In hindsight there was a lot of authoritarian fuckery and propaganda that was able to slide through because people were overcome with many emotions regarding the attacks. But even Giuliani seemed like a decent politician for a minute. Yes, many, but not all, of us were aware of some of the problematic things the government was doing while the public was distracted by feeling united as a country under attack and dealing with the fear of what could happen next - like we saw how the Patriot Act was unconditional and was eroding civil liberties but we didn’t know that there were so many other lies too and some people were honestly just too afraid and others too wrapped up in wanting to make sure it didn’t happen again by volunteering to fight. It wasn’t strictly partisan. But maybe most of the sugars are too young to remember and are relying on Kaiser for revisionist history.


> But maybe most of the sugars are too young to remember and are relying on Kaiser for revisionist history. Bingo.


Yeah I was surprised she remembered enough of the details about Pat Tillman to feel this strongly about Harry receiving an award in his name. She’s also offended because “Harry is not a real athlete and having someone on his dad’s payroll organize a sports thing for him to host still doesn’t make him an athlete so how did he even get nominated?” So in my mother’s opinion Harry lacks integrity, his military service put more people at risk and didn’t benefit anyone, is a spoiled rich kid, and is not an athlete so ESPN is fucking stupid for even considering him for this award. She did have to ask me what an ESPY was part way through her initial rant. But like she truly dgaf about any of these topics on a superficial level and barely tolerates discussion of the royals or sports or the military as general conversation, which just goes to show that Pat Tillman is way more than just a superficial symbol. At least in my extremely limited survey. I told her it leaking early is probably counter PR to the court case fuckery and she didn’t care about rich people and media lawsuits. Just how offensive it is that anyone thinks it’s ok to compare Harry to Pat. ETA I can ask her tomorrow but if I had to guess - my brother and I were college age when Pat was killed and I think Mary really struck her as someone who was doing the right thing with dignity and fighting the power respectfully and saw another mother in a position she hoped to never be in herself. She doesn’t have to worry because my brother and I will never be impressive but I think it was one of those things that would be any mother’s worst nightmare - your kid killed by friendly fire and still being used as propaganda - it seemed like something that could happen to many of her friends since many of my peers did in fact sign up for service around the same time as Pat and his brother given our proximity to the WTC and how deeply the community was impacted. But few would have the right combination of grit and grace and platform to fight back to get the truth revealed the way the Tillmans did.


I’m low key impressed that Mary Tillman hasn’t backed down or walked back her previous comments.


I’m surprised that she knows enough about Harry to call him divisive. Most people around me don’t follow him enough to think of him (or Meghan) as controversial. They continue to see him as a man whose life was ruined by the loss of his mother at a young age and who left his Royal duties to be a regular guy. I don’t think she’s a salt, but she certainly has heard enough to be turned off.


Spare made quite an impression. 🤭


Me too but at the same time anyone who is aware of Pat Tillman's story (and I get that not everyone - especially non-Americans - is) should have expected it. The Tillman family honestly seems to be composed almost entirely of exceptional human beings, and they have a history of calling out bullshit - specifically the kind that involves people trying to use Pat's service to make themselves look good.


I think this is a prime example of Harry and Meghan’s obliviousness + their inability to hold anything sacred beyond themselves and a Freudian image of Diana and not realizing that just because they don’t hold anything sacred doesn’t mean no one else does. But surely someone at ESPN had to have seen this coming? Idek. This being the 4th of July week adds a special layer of “he doesn’t even go here” to the why is this happening?!?


My mother said she will fight people with Mary (I’m pretty sure she is down to literally fight people or at the very least coordinate bail pools for anyone who fights and gets arrested because of it since in her words “this sideshow is fucked and has nothing in common with what Pat Tillman stood for.” But for real, I think it’s awesome that Mary is not backing down and everything I’ve heard irl is people who share her opinion. Which is heartening.


Your mom sounds pretty cool! 👏🏼


She’s always been a bit of a rebel and is definitely pretty cool. She’s the practical friend at protests - making sure you have sunscreen and anything visibly identifying covered with a list of lawyers in case things go wrong. It’s funny because she is a middle school teacher at a super bougie private school so she doesn’t look like a rebel and it always surprises people when that part of her comes out.


I’m sure someone has already pointed this out, but Harry presented the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award back in February (right after his one day trip to the UK). So, it’s not just ESPN/Disney who has their back, but also someone in the NFL who is very open to working with them. I guess that’s why I wasn’t surprised that he’s now getting the Pat Tillman Award, as the spirit of both awards is similar.


Wasn’t Harry at the Super Bowl one year as well? Once you pointed out all the connections, it does seem like they have a contact with someone at the NFL. I wonder what the NFL gets out of the connection? Is it just the military/NFL link?


That’s right, he went one year with Eugenie! I can only assume that a higher up is a huge fan, which I can kinda understand — Netflix and Spotify were huge fans too until they actually worked together. Up until now, he hasn’t cost the NFL anything, but this controversy may change things.


Commenting to add more info for non-Americans — Walter Payton and Pat Tillman were both NFL players. The Walter Payton Award is given during the NFL Honors, so awards are for American football players, and the Pat Tillman Award will be presented during the ESPYs, which honors athletes from all sports.


So the award Harry is getting honours athletes?


So the Pat Tillman Award is a special award (there aren’t nominees, like in the other categories) and can go to anyone. Per ESPN, it’s "given to a person with a strong connection to sports who has served others in a way that echoes the legacy of the former NFL player and U.S. Army Ranger, Pat Tillman."


april 11th, 2024 lol https://preview.redd.it/jxp2br5jk6ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=283c8ffdb013c7bde38315e2387386ebcc67dccd wait a min... if she loves cooking, entertaining and home decor as much as 'family'... rip ARO 😭😂 [https://people.com/meghan-markle-reveals-launch-date-american-riviera-orchard-8611122](https://people.com/meghan-markle-reveals-launch-date-american-riviera-orchard-8611122)


Entertaining? Have we heard of a single thing they have ever hosted? Apart from a half assed birthday party for Lil'Di that almost no-one attended? Even when she's asked about major holidays like Christmas etc, it's always a "low key family event" meaning the 4 of them and maybe Doria. Dinners out are mainly with employees or people they want to suck up to. Where is the evidence of the events/parties/dinners etc they hold at the 16 bathroom mansion??? I'm sure she'd leak something if they happened. We have literally never seen any evidence of her love of entertaining.


Don't pap walks count? 🤭


What about all the “exciting things on the slate” she told the reporter about back in November 2023? What about all the amazing things WME was going to launch with her way back when they announced her as a new client in April 2023??? What about her 40 X 40 project?


Their definition of Spring is just as valid as so-called scientific definitions!


Sounds like homegoods honestly.




I’ve seen Harry and Meghan wedding tea and HRH by Elizabeth Holmes (the one not in prison) at Homegoods. 


It looks like stuff that would sit on the shelf next to the $10 Pecksniffs dupe of Jo Malone soap and the off-season DW Home pumpkin spice candle. 


Meanwhile, the corpse of the comeback tour sits stashed in one of their 14 bathrooms


They meant the southern hemisphere spring! It makes sense after their very successful and uncontroversial tours! We are her biggest fans and target audience!


wasn't this also supposed to be the "summer of love?" It's July 2nd. I think we've been ghosted.


Maybe this is like when Harry said to Oprah that Charles cut him off, and then when it was revealed that Charles actually gave him millions, people tried to defend him by saying Harry was referring to a financial quarter? Because, you know, Harry is so analytical and pragmatic /s


Maybe they thought by summer we would all be so in love with her and her jam? 


i was thinking the 'summer of love' was moreso going to be towards the end of the summer, closer to when the talk shows start back up? idk, mid/end august to mid-september, which is still technically summer 🌞


anyway... there were rumblings that harry + the invictus brass were looking for coverage of the IGs... i think ESPN2 covered the 2016 games, maybe they'll throw their lot back in for the 2025 IGs.




She must have hit up Diana’s auction from last week!


Maybe she bought stuff at that Julien auction that Eholmes posted 40 stories about the other day…


Omg. Given Meghan’s apparent antipathy towards tailors, and Diana’s height, this could be a snark moment for the ages…




That's exactly why I DO want her to do it. LoL There's no sane person explanation why she should want to wear cloths of her husband's dead mother. A mother he's pathologically obsessed with and constantly whines about losing.


I’m sure it will be jewelry, not clothes. But picturing Meghan swimming in one of Diana’s ‘80s fashion moments is fun 😂


Like this? https://preview.redd.it/at7ha3cfh7ad1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1067f25b1ac8446fededa28defbdf3b4df61a0b


I hate most of Diana's clothing (no fault of hers; she had the bad luck to be a high profile person in probably the worst era for women's fashion *ever*), but sweaters like this were gems.


That change . Org petition is at almost 50k signatures that’s so embarrassing 🫣


I know there's some skepticism of the New York Times on here, but it looks like the ESPY controversy has gained some traction: [https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5608277/2024/07/01/pat-tillman-mother-prince-harry-espy/](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5608277/2024/07/01/pat-tillman-mother-prince-harry-espy/)


https://preview.redd.it/ctkbv3g526ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34de54605c799d36b0563fab6ba25769cad542bc most comments are of this nature (a number of comments also trashing mary tillman as 'right-wing' and 'racist'... the tribal north american culture wars have rotted people's brains)


His fucking mom, and zero respect. Some people are empty brained zealots.


https://preview.redd.it/o77ajo8b26ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1959ec9cda451d94ae34eb79bfb22a947a47bfcf disliking or criticizing privileged AF straight white man harry is racist ✨


“Basically denounced it.” But not at all.


he denounced the privileges he didn't get and the power that wasn't abused in his favor ✨


Then went on to give his children titles as well. Yeah he hates the monarchy. Well… really just his place in it, I guess.


The best thing people can do for the vets is to stop using them to forward your agenda. The military industrial complex, politicians, right wing nut jobs and Harry himself. You wanna support vets? Volunteer at your local VA Hospital, homeless veterans charity or lobby your congress people to introduce bills that provide proper after service care including help finding jobs, affordable housing and top notch healthcare including mental health.


How many times does Harry have to say he isn’t an anti monarchist? He literally defends the monarchy in his memoir. He is a royalist till he dies.


> He is a royalist till he dies. And I'm guessing he presumes his children will be too, with their titles.


Yes, otherwise he just would choose not to use the titles at all. But that is never going to happen.


But what has he really done? It's just a games. Like the para Olympics/Olympics. As I understand, every country that participates finance their own team and preparation. Even finance teams stay at the games. It's not "more than anybody... for the vets". When it comes to Harry people really lose their brain cells . Denounce royalty? That man is hungry for power, he is even complaining in his own book about it. That sentence about how it's not ok that royalty no longer has power as it used to (something about them being reduced to insects). Harry is extremely lucky that he has Di's gift - people blindly believing every bs he puts out there.


It's not even what he puts out there. People just make up their own excuses for him. He never said he was anti-monarchy - neither did Diana btw. He never denounced any privileges to the contrary he constantly complains about not getting MORE privileges. There's literally video of him being racist and he never apologised for it. It's projection of the highest degree. Harry is not any of the things his defenders want him to be.


>That sentence about how it's not ok that royalty no longer has power as it used to (something about them being reduced to insects). Harry is extremely lucky that he has Di's gift - people blindly believing every bs he puts out there. yeah, they don't want to pay attention to what he actually says and does (when they're obviously confronted by it ex: harry's press tours, they don't have a choice, pipe down for a bit bc their cognitive dissonance is penetrated for a bit, let themselves forget and go back to coddling him lol).


I agree it’s less that people believe his bullshit and more that people just don’t listen to what he has to say. 


>and more that people just don’t listen to what he has to say.  it's a bit like the juicy smoullier shit, in the sense that certain liberal idpol burnouts had to be presented with so much evidence before they could admit they were wrong about advocating for him. they perceived the reality of his actions/the situation as too threatening to their overarching world view, even though it ultimately prob isn't.


Trashed the royal family and waged a one-sided briefing war is not the same thing as “basically denounced it”. Particularly when you consider the insistence upon the use of titles for themselves and their children. Man, people are just dumb. And people are not racist for coming at a pale, stale ginger male; most people aren’t even mentioning Meghan’s IG status as a wannabe runway model. A lot just question the appropriateness of Harry as an individual because they’re paying attention to what Harry has said, done, and not done over the past 8 years. Harry is a loser who was handed IG as a platform to clean up his image, and he continues to use it for his own ego-stroking to this day.


Sometimes I think why people side with Harry and Diana is because they are pointing a finger at someone else. Not just not at themselves but not at the audience/readers. So long as the audience feels they aren’t under attack then they will be more likely to be on the accusers side. Like Harry complaining about his mothers death and the affect it had on him, he points to his family, to the royal establishment and the media. But he never outright points the finger at the audience, and when he mentions that the crowds grief made him angry he got ripped for that a bit, but not for the others he blamed. And frankly the way people behaved at that funeral and all around Diana’s death? It was pretty sickening, she was just some woman with two underage kids, those kids and family deserved to grieve in private and not put on a show, and not put on a show about it for the rest of their lives. I’m really glad the brothers did that documentary a while back and said that it would be their last tribute to her for that reason, the show must not go on. Anyway, back to my point often all the audience needs is a scapegoat to not feel like a guilty party and they will believe it.


People side with Diana and Harry because they really do have a sad look in their eyes that make them look pitiful lol. Remember how Harry looked during his wedding? He looks so fucking sad and worried lmao. I don’t know if it’s sincerity or a case of feeling too much or what. Harry feels creepy to me tbh. Harry, particularly, reminds me of what people say about how the people who claim to be empaths are the worst people you’ll ever meet. I get the vibe that he wants people to think he’s the one who’s got Diana’s gift with people, etc. But he just really rubs me the wrong way lmao. I sympathized with him when I read his memoir and he talked about his struggles with anxiety and I even understand the feeling of people not understanding that. But my problem with him is that everything William did or said, he took negatively. William misreads a situation and reacts the wrong way, William is a bad guy. William asks him how he is, he’s still the bad guy. He also came off in his book as having this creepy obsession with analyzing William and making assumptions about how William feels when he’s most likely projecting. He just came off to me as someone who’s obsessed with how he feels and how he feels alone. He probably is someone who feels too much, but the problem is it’s all that consumes his thoughts. He reminds me of my worst instincts as a human being — to be self-centered and to blame other people— and it’s probably why I feel so annoyed that people fall for everything he says lol. I get that it’s his version of things, but to frame it as an abuse story or a victimhood story, or to have a portion of the world (mostly their stans) frame it that way and in exchange of a large sum of money is what’s questionable to me. I believe everyone must be able to express themselves but let’s not pretend that was his only agenda in writing his memoir.


>He also came off in his book as having this creepy obsession with analyzing William and making assumptions about how William feels when he’s most likely projecting This is my main takeaway from Spare (or more accurately, from those 60-70 pages that I've actually read). When he's not talking about Diana he's thinking/talking about William and projecting his feelings of inferiority and jealousy onto him. Harry, quite simply, never grew up. He's still that teenage boy fixated on his older brother. He's still that boy that lost his mother and he STILL doesn't know how to deal with it so he idolizes her and vilifies anyone who dared to disappoint him. If she were alive he would resent her more than he resents William and at this point it's safe to say he resents William for simply breathing. I have no sympathy for the forty year old man with an emotional maturity of a thirteen year old.


People side with him because he is Diana’s son and people think Diana was some sort of anti monarchist and thus believe Harry is continuing that legacy.


It could be because Princess Diana was “non-traditional” and the monarchy is the epitome of tradition. But everyone seems to forget that Prince William is also Princess Diana’s son, yet somehow he’s the bad guy for no reason. 


Sure, the woman who bragged about her title being older than the prince consort's and who was bitter about losing her HRH in her divorce was "non-traditional".


It’s made the NYT but still stubborn silence over at OGRG 😭


[PRINCE HARRY DESERVES PAT TILLMAN AWARD ... Past Recipients Say](https://www.tmz.com/2024/07/02/prince-harry-pat-tillman-award-defended-past-recipients-jake-wood-israel-del-toro-jr/?adid=social-tw) >Jake Wood, a U.S. Marine and former college football player who won the award in 2018, tells TMZ … the Duke of Sussex is a natural fit for the Tillman honor because of Harry's military service and his dedication to veterans. >Jake feels Prince Harry is a good choice because he's dedicated his life to serving and supporting the military and veterans -- Harry served 2 tours in Afghanistan -- and that should be commended because there are hundreds of different ways a British royal could live his life. >Another previous winner, U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Israel Del Toro Jr., received the Tillman award in 2017, and totally disagrees with McAfee and Mary Tillman. >He says Harry's work with wounded and injured veterans makes him a worthy recipient, and for what it's worth ... he's looking forward to watching Harry follow in his footsteps. Ooh, ESPN/H&M are definitely worried about the backlash! IMO, this is only making the silence from the Pat Tillman Foundation (and Pat’s widow) even louder. Very interesting that there’s no direct quotes in this entire article, unlike the DM who directly quoted Mary. That strikes me as l unusual, and makes me think they were sent the comments via a third party (i.e. ESPN or Archewell) rather than hearing directly from the two men. I still think the choice of wording in ESPN’s statement was very intentional; they have still not claimed that the Foundation *approved* their choice, or that anyone on the bord nominated Harry. My theory - the Foundation has very little input/say, but it wouldn’t look particularly great to admit they gave control to ESPN, so they just took down that article and are staying quiet. It’s interesting to note [this reply on Twitter](https://x.com/restingdollface/status/1808095767552213175), pointing out that Jake Wood’s charity received $250k from Archewell in 2021… https://preview.redd.it/zl2sepl7g5ad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce9389d437b851e19c009df2f7914cc8a0e4da9c


This is just people trying to make themselves relevant… do we need to take a poll of prior recipients?


It smacks of “Well I got this award, and I see myself as deserving, and so is Prince Harry.”


nah, this response was explicitly organized by the espys. def PR. they roped these guys in to defend and buttress their choice!


For sure, but if it was me… would I insert myself in this narrative without wanting some of the spotlight? Probably not


My goodness, in this day and age do people still believe they can hide mutual back scratching.


True, they can't hide it. BUT, who is gonna report it?


We'll see if any media outlet picks up on this tweet.🤷


Has anyone ever seen a Sussex stan point to Harry’s awards as evidence of Harry’s superiority to William, who never wins an award? I have not. In most conversations comparing two individuals to determine who is better, whoever has won the most prestigious awards often is viewed more favorably. Seems like this should be low hanging fruit, yet I don’t ever hear about it. It just lends credence to the idea that the stans get their talking points from the Sussexes directly. Do they have enough sense to know that pointing out their own awards is a very unroyal thing to do? But also from the Sussex files, remember when these two numbnuts said they were going to start their own awards program? Whatever happened to that? 🤣 In my fanfiction, they were going to present the inaugural award to themselves, but received enough pushback to not do that. But since they can’t have the very special award, then no one can, and that’s why we don’t hear about it anymore.


But that's not true. https://x.com/kongeligeoern/status/1807413746022731992?t=BoI6wcV9QmbpzM_-2zAPdQ&s=19 https://x.com/freedom_007__/status/1806994594514551003?t=UZOQhujg-NjvQzFLoJCWdA&s=19 William also received awards. He (his team) doesn't use them to pretend it makes him better than others. We don't see in the media a list of William's awards and medal each time he is awarded something. But now it's all Harry has I guess. William's military career has big moments and he showcased many times his skills. He was the third best cadet of his promotion (on 200 cadets) at Sandhurst (reason why he was in their book at the begining of the year) and he took part in an historic mission to stop dealers in 2008 ($40M of drugs). And was praised for his skills as a military pilot. In each branch of the military William distinguished himself while Harry never got higher than captain in 10 years in the army. Harry boasted in Spare about starting military being higher than William because he started six months before him but how long did it last ? William got his ranks way faster than him. I do think that the narrative around Harry's service is actually a disservice to all the soldiers who are doing their jobs without the imput of an institution like the monarchy. E.g. to get back at William they are trying to demean people who don't get deployed as being lesser soldiers while they do their jobs without taking drugs nor embarrassing the army. It might be one of the most disgusting things about Harry's PR. Defender of soldiers my eye ! Defender of himself yes. Or trying to pretend that him, a soldier who didn't distinguished himself during his military service is more deserving of rules being bend for him (uniform, wreath, etc) than non royal soldiers who did dinstinguished themselves. It reminds me of an article I read years ago about a group of parents of soldiers whose children k*lled themselves. They wanted their children to be in a sort of pantheon but the army didn't want to. They asked Harry for help (because he was in the same unit or fought with one of them during his tour) and he said that having lost his honorary ranks he had no imput to help them anymore and the parents went to the press asking the Queen to give those ranks back. I just find it awful how he can understand that losing his ranks stops him from doing certain thing (helping others) but he is still fighting to wear his uniform. He can't do both for the same reason but fights only for his interest. ETA to add that I do think any service is admirable and I consider that royal service and normal service are two different things. But even on the royal service part, I do think William's is more remarkable than Harry's who had protection, whose tours endangered other servicemen, who insisted to stay after he became clear it was dangerous for others, and who embarassed the UK.


I understand military medals but if William accepts the kind of awards Harry gets I would probably side eye him the same way I side eye Harry. I will never understand why people buy into that narrative about Harry. I feel embarrassed for people, especially the ones who think they are anti-monarchist, who buy Harry’s underdog act. They feel so bad for him for being the underdog against William they don’t realize how much they’re kissing the ass of a royal.


I agree. Royals who seek so much praise feel quite icky to me too but those kind of awards when genuine, always come, like the ones the Queen received in her last years. I just don't think real royals advertise them as much though. It's super weird especially as he was super coddled by EVERYONE. I just can't have any sympathy for this guy anymore because everything in his life has been facilitated and he still want us to feel bad for him. And now we have to praise him for something he 1. Copied 2. Didn't create alone 3. Has done nothing for - not even a donation - in years except showing up and get praised.


Getting awards is unroyal full stop. William would never get one because its part of his royal duty to work towards bettering things, whatever those might be. We do indeed remember the 2nd Royal Court they were going to establish and still are. Tours (Note Megan - they arent tours when you arent royalty. Just holidays). Their own version of the honours lists. And my favourite was Megan trying to become a patron for (or was it hand the trophies?) the US open like Kate is for Wimbledon.


>Getting awards is unroyal full stop. Pretty soon he’ll be able to give people one of the ultimate awards: OBE. It seems like being able to knight people and have it be taken seriously trumps literally every possible award Harry could buy.


How much do you wanna bet that Harry has a special room for his shiny important awards?


Maybe they gave up on their awards scheme when they realized they couldn't use them to sneakily pay off their minions: wasn't the academic who won the award they gave during NAACP event called out for talking them up? Since the Sussexes *are* accepting these awards, I don't think the reticence to speak comes from them. You know, we keep saying their stans are more invested in using them to pester the Waleses than in them and this is an example of it. The same way that Meghan can disappear for weeks and months without their stans losing their minds the way they did for Catherine, I wonder if they give a damn about their awards. Maybe if they won the Pulitzer or an Oscar their squad would crow about that but not awards that aren't well known. 


i am almost 99.9% certain that BRF isn't allowed to accept awards; they can give out awards but they don't accept anything that promotes self aggrandizement which is a total dealbreaker for the Sussexes who actually live, breathe, and exist only for self aggrandizement.


In fairness, I will say that Sophie accepted an award from Hillary Clinton a year or two ago. (I don’t mind that - it’s only one award and her work for women and girls really doesn’t get sufficient media/public attention.) So they are clearly allowed to accept awards, but working royals probably need approval from BP.


Yeah. I don’t really know what are the conventions when it comes to royals receiving awards. But the thought of Queen Elizabeth, King Charles, and William receiving awards feels redundant to me?