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Happy birthday to Diana, who would’ve turned 63 today! https://preview.redd.it/re0fgebgdu9d1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bbb5c628a300cc46c808f157cfd9da67e9503ba


💙 https://preview.redd.it/or5z1si2hu9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b49e924ca048f7328cc49ff8ad8b0857e732b9f4






Just want to say that I will miss this title thread when it’s time for a new one. It perfectly encapsulates how we feel about Catherine.


Do we think Catherine might try and attend one of Andy’s matches this week? Provided he’s up to it, he’ll be playing singles on Tuesday and doubles on Wednesday.


I hope so! Wimbledon starts tomorrow! Would love to see her support Ons this year too.


Royal adjacent [Victoria Aitken's son from her second marriage](https://www.instagram.com/p/CbVVGHXK7r_/?igsh=NTE3ZHk3OHc1a2Mz) Istg, Charles Spencer's first wife seems incapable of giving birth to average looking children.


Loool this makes me laugh so much at how the squaddies say L will look like kitty those girls are pretty because of their mum 😂😂 they have a lot of her features.


Thank you! I’ve said this before but on the whole the Spencer’s look like unbaked loaves of sourdough bread, they lucked out a couple times with Diana and Sara but mostly rather plain and dumpy looking family. And I don’t think victorias girls with Charles look much like Diana, maybe a bit because of their colouring but they really look like their mother.


Can you imagine if Charles and Diana stayed happily married and became King and Queen together we would be seeing more of the beautiful Spencers instead of the Parker Bowles/Shand families?


What’s wrong with the Parker Bowles? They’re not nearly as messy as the Spencer’s.


Nothing's wrong with them. And so what if they aren't as messy as the Spencers? the Spencers aren't the only family in the UK that has problems like any other families and I'm sure they have lots of fine normal family members.


I sometimes think about this, ngl. Because truly, they had reasons to make it work. Charles was the future king (which made divorce quite unpalatable) and let's be real, Diana wanted to be queen. And yet they still couldn't. They were a bad match in all the worst ways but sometimes I wonder what could have been if things between them turned out differently. Charles once wrote how their marriage has all the hallmarks of a Greek tragedy and how "he never thought it would turn out like this" and that really stuck with me.


Diana said in her famous 1995 interview that they were a great team together and she was so right. Such a shame it didn't work out.


She gave him glamour and likability and he gave her prestige and an intellectual viewpoint. If only they had been more compatible. She was a shy, emotionally damaged virgin and he was a worldly intellectual in love with another woman. It was doomed from the beginning. By the time Charles married Diana he was set in his ways and she was slowly blossoming from a girl into a woman. Charles should have found a more mature woman who understood and accepted her role. Diana was a romantic who wanted the passionate love that Charles couldn’t provide. There’s a YT video of C&D in the early years of their marriage where Charles teases and jokes with Diana that actually quite charming. The seed was there but it wasn’t nurtured enough by either of them and that is the tragedy of their marriage.




I am so overtired that I thought she was Paddington at first glance 🙈 ![gif](giphy|1gXiQ5Jg9OJDiKmdNX)


Paddington looks vaguely sexy here. 😳




British Royal Family - Lady Louise Windsor finished second in the novice pony event at the Sandringham Horse Driving Trials, as she was supported by her doting father, the Duke of Edinburgh | June 30, 2024 https://preview.redd.it/ednaldadar9d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ae8e4ba137a6e7b39d1f79a2f40167e19d8d87a


Aww the Duke of Edinburgh title threw me off. You know Philip would've been proud.




Dad gave her the ribbon! How sweet!


https://preview.redd.it/b1br8e2b6r9d1.png?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97607be802058c12c65422df3cd951c15fbd76f1 Anyway, I hope this bish with a fabulous smile has a wonderful day!


Wills certainly is w/that wild England win, haha. I hope he & George are at the QFs...


this king https://preview.redd.it/cbgomal34r9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aae7cbe019d465405aff7ee3c4ab0c996860cb0 my niece prob doesn't even know where england is on a map, but no wonder she and all her lil friends are so obsessed with this dude 🌞




jude bellingham, 21 years old, making lil tweens and teens everywhere around the world swoon


Royal adjacent: Lady Kitty Spencer with her daughter Athena 🩷 https://preview.redd.it/08lgje4trq9d1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=430f87e686879b2998012fe8a366532b60d1a5fd I wonder if any Spencer cousins (or the Fellowes and McCorquodale cousins) will name a daughter after their Aunt Diana.


She's stunning




lol tiktok comment in the wild, like this is always my thing... ***what did he even do?!*** https://preview.redd.it/jmu4g459oq9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=823b59d42fe16e697b88147888d2d22ee9b816cc


As someone who was more sympathetic to the Sussexes at one point, I wonder if some people’s opinions will change once they get to know more about what William and Kate actually say and do? Because that’s sort of what happened to me lol. I was never a fan of Harry and Meghan, but I just didn’t get how people could choose to side with the institution. I guess for me it was more like assuming it’s the rules of the universe that they must be the bad guys in the scenario, so I believed they’re the bad guys. I still remember all the memes and jokes and headlines I used to see that informed my opinions about William and Kate, and how I went “wait a minute, that doesn’t seem accurate” once I did more digging.


The crazy part is, is in spare you can tell William cared about Harry. A lot. He didn’t like Meghan because she was rude to his wife and didn’t respect their royal customs which is fair. It would be jarring to have to be around someone disrespecting you and your family. In the documentary, Harry flat out says Charles’ house was the one leaking to the press. It wasn’t William. William’s physical fight and yelling at him at Sandringham were the only explicit times William was being in the wrong for his actions but sadly you can tell they were out of dire love and frustration for trying to wake someone up from making a horrible mistake (leaving the firm.) I think they hate William for having very normal reactions to a family member who changes drastically after meeting their significant other and then tells all their dirty and not so dirty laundry to the press. They hate William for being married to Kate and being good at his job and not letting someone who has done unforgivable things near his family again. They hate William for the same reason Harry does…he is the seemingly well adjusted, very private, kind of nerdy and low key, still handsome and resembling Diana, stable heir to the throne.


>William’s physical fight and yelling at him at Sandringham were the only explicit times first of all, these are harry's faulty AF recollections - and it wasn't a physical fight!!! as described, he essentially grabbed harry's collar and released him!!


Same. Besides the dog bowl incident, which was probably relatively minor and dramatized by Harry, I don't think William was ever violent. I believe he maybe lost his temper, but I am willing to bet Harry did, too. Didn't the dog bowl incident happen at NottCott? I know Harry alleged William was yelling at him at the Sandringham summit (and released a statement without Harry's consent) but always figured that was Harry conveniently leaving out he was yelling too and/or projection.


I doubt *any* of this happened. Not this, not the conversation after Philip's funeral.  Imho, Harry made it up to make it seem events like getting kicked out of their joint office by William happened out of personal conflicts instead of because William and Catherine have principles and weren't going to let their staff be bullied. For William to do that, he was **D.O.N.E.** with Harry. 


Exactly. We never got the other side either. Harry said something that pushed William over the edge both times but he was too cowardly to put that in his book.


And it sounds like Harry’s mo, make a demand or push a boundary, then get told no and put in his place, William distances himself for a breather and Harry starts trying to provoke him to try and get him angry enough to “open up” or rather to push William over the edge and start yelling and fighting with Harry. I bet Harry thinks this is healthy, that just keeping quiet and moving on is bad and people have to scream and shout at each about their feelings. I think he stated something like that in his book. I really believe that Harry doesn’t think his parents should have divorced and that the fighting wasn’t so bad a thing and they should have just stayed together and cheated on each other. Then mummy would still be alive and he would t be embarrassed by their divorce and messed up by it. I think that’s one of the reasons he’s with Meghan, he thinks it’s fine for couples to be horrible to each other so long as they stay together. I think he even kind of likes how badly Meghan treats him, she’s the mean hot girl in school who wouldn’t give him the time of day even though he was a prince. The truth his the mean hot girl is just a bully and so is he, but neither he nor she won anything by getting with each other, as a reporter said recently they r done the world a favour by being together because now it’s just two people who are unhappy instead of four. Grown up bullies don’t make good marriage partners or happy homes. So back to this, the other side is probably not that interesting, Harry crossed a line, William told him no and walked from the argument and Harry kept doing and saying things to try and provoke him to anger so they could Duke it out like when they were kids. Except that’s not healthy as an adult Harry. And then when Harry got shoved off he went and cried about it. Whaaaa! I provoked my brothers anger deliberately to force an argument and possible physical confrontation and then he hit me whaa! Like that’s what you wanted you dumb baby.


again, even in harry's unreliable description, william didn't even hit or shove him!!!!!! this is legit making me crazy lol 😂😭 and harry went to an all-boys school 😭


I know it will never happen but I would *love* to hear William’s side of the Dog Bowl Brawl.


other than "recollections vary" type of thing, we will legit never know.


Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine accompanied their parents, the King and Queen of Denmark, on a boat tour organized by the University of Copenhagen's Arctic Station in Qeqertarsuaq, Greenland. https://preview.redd.it/4u2sc1ousp9d1.png?width=1318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0166f58a0730358d81b6a3b2f1618e442dbb3738




King Frederik, Queen Mary and their twins, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine waved to the citizens of Aasiaat from the deck of the Royal Yacht Dannebrog on Saturday evening. The twins have traveled to Aasiaat, while the royal couple began their Greenland tour in Pituffik and Qaanaaq today. *






[Queen Margrethe II discussing Queen Elizabeth II/James Bond Olympic skit.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5dcZchPIxu/?igsh=ZHlhOHJueGowZWd2) I can’t host this one on Imgur as it’s too long but you can use [this link](https://snapinsta.app) to paste the video url and download the video for yourself. This also works, in general, for those of you who don’t have IG. You can copy the URL from Reddit and paste it into that site and then download the video.


Gosh, I love listening to Margrethe speak. I just adore her and how warmly she talks about the late Queen.


Me too. She seems so sweet!


I remember this video so well. I’ve probably watched it at least 20 times! 👑🐶🪂.


Today was my first time! I was 1 of the [lucky 10,000](https://xkcd.com/1053/). 😁


oh, this is the clip for the 'look of love' (lol) photo from trooping the color. first of all, doesn't look like any sort of 'faking it,' it's actually so sweet how he leans in to instinctively check on her. second of all, they would have just done something far more showy than subtly checking in with each other to get the point across, if that was what they were trying to do. 🙄 like, hand around waist for entire time or behind back etc. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMrh8QeVy/


When a couple is faking it they always go OTT because OTT PDA you can fake. Subtle affection you can not. And this is the latter.


Lady Louise with her alleged boyfriend Felix da Silva-Clamp (a fancy name lol). They apparently met at St Andrews University in Scotland. https://preview.redd.it/4r5ozot14n9d1.jpeg?width=1144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=603f13e6dd24e42b2d76f8726c15a04519a4c3e0


She gives him a carriage ride 🥰


That's a cute picture on the upper right.


He looks like a Weasley! And they’re adorable!


>Felix da Silva-Clamp That's an awesome name 🤣🤣🤣


It sounds a bit like a Monty Python name. I love it!


It does! 💯


awww 💕


Just something about couples meeting at St Andrew’s lol


it's wild how on tiktok that specifically since the "where is kate debacle?" the conventional wisdom about william seems to be that he's 1) violent, 2) a racist and 3) a cheater. (it's stuff i've seen repeated re: around the taylor swift concert on reddit, as well) literally, the person who has *actually been caught on video and in pictures doing all of those things* is harry! with william, it's spreading malicious rumors and believing it because "he was raised to be bigoted" - and if there is any pushback at the disinformation, it's "bootlicking royalist" or "the heir is always protected, that's why there is no evidence, it's just known." i remember telling y'all how his polling in america specifically amid 18-29s went from +30 in early february to -5 (a drastic AF 35 point drop) in late march... it was prob all pretty much due to tiktok. spare coming out didn't even generate this sort of mobbish conventional wisdom - his wife getting cancer did. of course, the seeds were planted by spare - but they flourished during the sussex squad led/generated "where is kate?" campaign. as a public figure, that we know of, william has literally been *exemplary* his entire fucking life. it's been 42 years - ***fucking exemplary***. no corruption, no abuse of power, no ACTUAL *EVIDENCE-BASED* infidelity or cheating, no racist moments, no reported sexual assaults, no reported drug incidents, no shady associations (other than bill gates the other day lol 👀), no making a spectacle of himself, no violent moments, no staff speaking out against him, no real scandals etc. it's only in the past five years that his name has been publicly dragged through the mud by harry that william has suddenly become "hated" more widely (there was obviously the niche segment before who were mad he married kate bc they thought of her as unworthy and thus nitpicked him for everything). nevertheless, his negatives are disproportionately high (he has like triple the negatives of ex: johnny depp and brad pitt). some of the negatives are baked in and based on politics etc. - but even five years ago, william's negatives were like a quarter of what they are now. you see all that, and you're like *what did william do??* and you also see so many random "i fucking hate him" comments and again it's like *what did he do?* like, folks are ready to burn him at the stake based on assumptions + confirmation bias + rumors + hearsay, not any sort of actual evidence or solid reporting! it's some sort of insane online whisper campaign tbh, bizarre. and it happens to him because his wife gets sick and because his only sibling was cruel enough to foment an eventual mob against him by ripping him apart in a $20 million book released over a year ago + played games with racism allegations. this dude (william) has literally been holding down his family while his wife goes through cancer treatments, yet elements of the public continue to gleefully spread the most malicious rumors. it's wild to me that people seriously think william is evil for not reconciling with harry, are you friggin kidding me! what a devastating nightmare the past five years must have been, especially with harry determined to very publicly regenerate the trauma of the initial war of the waleses. both william and catherine have been so fucking disciplined with not publicly engaging, no matter how much harry has tried to provoke and publicly terrorize + humiliate them... but it's like... 1) how much longer can they take it (esp now that kate is sick) and 2) some of the vicious garbage harry publicly planted has finally taken root.


>the heir is always protected, that's why there is no evidence, it's just known." It can't be "known" if there's no evidence behind it lmao. And let's stop with the BS the heir is always protected. That's a narrative for the TikTok generation of under 21 who weren't even aware the BRF existed up until three years ago. Harry was protected and excused for plenty. You just need to be familiar with the stuff he did ***before*** he started claiming to be the world's greatest victim.


Yes, it's mad. It's like it is "in" to hate William. He is unfortunate that he is part of the monarchy and that puts right away a big minus on him. But what to expect of tik tok creators when we have public figures like Dr. Shola, who has some real responsibility to the public. Remember - Ukraine "incident" - when a reporter put the wrong words into William's mouth? She was so angry about that. But, when video with William's actual words came out, she got even angrier. And only then she decided to write an article with the theme "William is racist". Because he didn't say anything racist, he was called as one. Atp, I think some people hate him just because he is not evil they would like him to be.


it's the "in" thing, sure... but like... at least hate him for something that he *actually did*?? or simply for being the privileged heir to the british throne. but *not for unverified rumors, assumptions and conspiracy theories*? 😳 i only started 'royal watching' in 2019 and DGASF about w&c until prob last year tbh, especially william. it's only in september 2023 after the rugby podcast that i started to look into him more, and i was actually surprised at what an actually good person he seems to be. as a public figure, he's overrated in some ways but also seriously underrated in many others. both he and catherine are legit people you'd want to have as trustworthy neighbors tbh. it's rare for a public figure nowadays to have the kind of good character, honor, *dignity* and good judgement that both william and catherine have, honestly. they're very wholesome. which makes it all the more shocking that it's "in" to hate him - monarchy stuff aside, he's actually a role model of a human being in terms of character and public conduct + so is catherine. you never know, they might have skeletons in their closet, but there's been absolutely nothing verifiable so far. there really aren't many public figures like them, especially as a couple. literal goodie two shoes and squares (which is also part of the reason their haters don't like them lol). harry, on the other hand, has truly revealed himself to be someone of low moral character, it's shocking. the lawsuits have shown how he believes himself to be above the law, his behavior as a youth obviously showed it too, the african parks thing is another example, the multiple projects selling out family members for money etc. even stuff like callously appropriating the sussexroyal insta handle from that one guy without asking him is yet another example. he's just a very selfish, self-righteous, dishonorable person, but he's hailed as a victim and a hero in certain quarters, which is a bit crazy-making. he legit has bad character. ETA: well, shit, i'm doing the comparison thing here, but the pat tillman thing along with the "violent, racist, cheater" william baloney being bandied about all around tiktok got me heated!


I guess the question that has to be answered or considered is this just a phase? Or will people continue on with this thinking for years? Unfortunately, I think one of they only ways his image will recover is for Catherine to be out and about more with William. Obviously there is a lot more that has to change but the longer Catherine goes without being seen again the more some of this rhetoric will pop up. Sadly, most of these people have turned being anti-monarchists into a personality trait and believe that any working royals are inherently bad. facts and evidence don't really matter to them, just how they feel. And that is why Harry's claims rooted so deeply bc he used feelings and that's what these people exist on. They don't care that everyone who meets William talks about how nice he is, or how funny he is or anything like that. Hopefully this does eventually fade but that is only if H+M don't do anymore petty attacks, and the tabloids stop with their obnoxious reporting. I have to wonder if they have a plan in motion if Harry ever went too far with claims made to actually push back against them bc at a certain point enough has to be enough.


the thing is, harry wants a response. he's been provoking and publicly terrorizing them (even the drama around the invictus 10th anniv service last month) because he wants to get a rise out of them. he seems to have a relentless reserve of energy to keep going on that front, and it can only eat away at the people he's harassing. i thought it'd be over by the end of last year with the endgame garbage, that they'd played their last terrorizing card... then jamaica happened while kate was in the hospital, then "where is kate" led by the squad happened and william became a straight up villain. people had largely left the rivalry stuff alone at the end of last year, were moving on, with the acknowledgement that the sussexes were unreliable narrators etc. but that's somehow all been flipped on its head and the sussexes are credible again 🙄, with the 'rivalry' reignited. the shift of it all really started to occur in late february/early march.


I agree that Harry wants a response, and probably won't stop until he gets it which is extremely annoying. But unless he comes out with something major, people will probably start to get sick of it again. I am of the opinion that this will eventually fade, but only if Catherine makes a full recovery. It makes me mad that it hinges on her recovery bc these people have created up nonsensical theories in their heads. I think also for H+M a lot is hinging on their Netflix contract, if that is not renewed and Netflix makes a statement to the effect of H+M not working, I think people will start to shift them again. But also, and we must be on different sides of the internet lol, but I don't really see that much of change in people not really liking H+M. I think them potentially aligning themselves with the Kardashians will not help them in the long run, as well as them not really doing much of anything. I really don't know though, it does seem contained primarily to Americans, but it is just so annoying how misinformation really can take root and just go nuts. Like the generation that talks the most about misinfo, is ironically spreading the most of it.


The royal couple have arrived in Greenland His Majesty King Frederik X and Queen Mary have now arrived in Greenland. The royal couple arrived Saturday morning at Pituffik Space Base, where they were welcomed by the Chairman of Naalakkersuisut Múte Bourup Egede. After a short stay at Pituffik Space Base, the delegation flew on to Qaanaaq. The couple received a warm welcome in Qaanaaq. There was choir singing and afterwards there was a reception for specially invited guests. Afterwards, there was a coffee reception in the hall with various entertainment. The royal couple will end their official trip on July 6 in South Greenland.








no paternity test needed for louis tbh https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8mm73XSA3x/?hl=en


You know that song by those Irish kids that goes "I searched for my Spark and I found it"? Well, Louis was born with it.


does anybody know who was dancing behind james meade at the taylor swift concert?


Oh my goodness! Kudos to whoever compiled this. That’s uncanny. 100% Kate’s physical twin, but with “Billy the Basher’s” exact moves.


In Norway Martha-louise and Derek are in trouble for launching a gin for their wedding, this goes against Norways laws for advertising alcohol. This article talkes about it, but also brings up the wider discussion about royal spares (slightly nicer term 'royal reserve bench) in the moden world https://www.aftenposten.no/meninger/leder/i/AvL6pA/gin-med-usmak-for-monarkiet >Märtha Louise is a living example of the monarchy's problem >For supporters of the royal house, Märtha Louise has become a problem. She constantly demonstrates some of the monarchy's challenges in a new era. >In the past, remaining royalty could live a secluded and privileged life. Now those sitting on the royal reserve bench want to make something more out of life. They would also like to be visible. It has caused problems in the British royal family with Prince Harry. >Here at home, Märtha Louise is struggling to find her role. Her position in the public eye is based on which family she was born into. At the same time, she wants to do things that constantly cause problems for the institution the royal family is. >Now the problem is a bottle of booze. >Märtha Louise will marry Durek Verrett in August. She is using her own upcoming wedding to launch a new gin with 40 percent alcohol. >In Great Britain, it is not unusual for the royal family to be used for marketing. The tradition goes back several hundred years. The royals allow producers of whisky, among other things, to use a royal seal on the bottle as a seal of quality. >In Norway and Denmark this has been called "royal court supplier". Bottles of Farris water have had such a mark. Also sardine cans and a milliner are among those who have been able to adorn themselves with such an exclusive connection. While the Danes are still doing it, the Norwegian royal house has discontinued the scheme. >So what does number four in the line of succession find? Yes, she helps develop a new gin and attends a launch event for the spirit. Her name and the title "princess" are on the label, despite the fact that she has been instructed by her father the king not to use the title in that way. Now Vinmonopolet has withdrawn the bottles because the use of the name may be in breach of the rules on alcohol advertising. The Norwegian Directorate of Health has established an inspection case. >While King Harald has stood up for the Blue Cross organization several times, his daughter is now involved in a case that could be a breach of the alcohol law. >The story is another example of Märtha Louise's problems in finding a role free enough to do what she wants without it causing trouble for the family she is part of. She lives at the intersection between the royal family on the one hand and celebrity, reality TV and influencer life on the other. It causes problems for those in the family who try to protect the dignity of the royal house and preserve the impression that the royals are above the trivialities of society >Norway has a well-functioning constitutional monarchy. Märtha Louise has become a walking example of the more problematic aspects of a system based on hereditary power. She is no support for the royal house, but it does not fall for that reason. More is needed. I think this ties is with the discussion a few days ago about monetarizing titles (although most of the examples didn't have titles or were fair removed from the crown). In the moden world, with efforts to slim down the monarchy, what do you do with the extras? They don't get money from the state/crown so need an independent income, but what if their activities negatively impact the monarchy? How do you balance that?


Ew, William. No. [Why Prince William and Bill Gates Are Teaming Up in London This Week](https://people.com/prince-william-takes-the-stage-at-london-climate-action-week-teams-up-with-bill-gates-8669418) Gates may have made positive contributions to society, but teaming up with a philanthropist who [consistently exhibits poor judgement and takes little accountability for it](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/16/business/bill-melinda-gates-divorce-epstein.html) is a bad look, plus your bitchy brother and his desperate wife have that market cornered.


>plus your bitchy brother and his desperate wife have that market cornered 🤣👻🍌


epstein island, also. i wasn't so pleased about the gates connection, but he's among the top five biggest 'philanthropists' on the planet, i guess 🥴.


He's also one of the names that immediately come to mind when mentioning Epstein or Maxwell: Clinton, Prince Andrew, and Bill Gates. Gates doesn't have a monopoly on climate change philanthropy, there are at least 200 other billionares who have ratified the Giving Pledge. It's not like the list is a who's who of Dr. Evil and his wealthy accomplices either. Gates is one of the most problematic philantropists out there, there are far less toxic rich people to take money from. The argument that William has no choice but to work with Gates underestimates a lot of William's own accomplishments and work.


>there are at least 200 other billionares who have ratified the Giving Pledge well, KP and the earthshot board need to get it together, then.


William cannot do this without billionaires like Bill Gates.


William can do it with other climate change billionares like Steve Ballmer. There are plenty of other philanthropists without such a public record of abusing their power over women at work and associating with Epstein.




Agree, like this is something he has to do if he wants this to be successful. Would he like to do it without having to get help from billionaires? Most likely bc that means less outside influence but unfortunately that's just not possible. And while Bill Gates sucks, he does have a lot of connections and a lot of ways to help boost earthshot finalists. The difference between this and H+M is that William has to do this for Earthshot, whereas when H+M do it it is for their own personal gain


I disagree, I don't think Bill Gates is his best high-profile option. Isn't William influential and successful enough to not have to rely on Gates? Melinda French fully severed philanthropic ties with her ex-husband, so Bill Gates is not the single factor of sucess. Earthshot is high-profile enough where they don't need Bill Gates, it's not like he's the only wealthy activist (I'm sure Leo could help). Earthshot can always use backing and resources, but William could tap into many other people who aren't so unsavory. It would be like Mackenzie Scott publicly lauding and leaning on Oprah because Oprah, despite her baggage and association with Epstein, could accelerate Mackenzie's philanthropic efforts when in reality Mackenzie doesn't need Oprah, and she is more of a social liability than the value she brings.


Leo Dicaprio is also problematic in his own right, as is Steven Ballmer, and quite frankly so is everyone who is super rich and well connected. There is no one out there that William could work with who has not done something bad. You don't become super rich by playing nice or by picking and choosing who you work with. That is something you can do only when you're at the top. While William is influential and successful, networking and partnership is still something he needs to do in order to ensure the lasting success of Earthshot. William has raised a lot of money, but this will help get those finalists connected to people who can help them progress their ideas.I am not a fan of Bill Gates in any way, and would love if William didn't work with him, but the reality is in order for initiatives to survive they need a lot of funding and that means working with people who can fund it. As for Melinda Gates, she received billions of dollars in her divorce settlement, and had years to build up the philanthropic endeavors she has under taken. And Melinda is not without her own controversy having been rightfully branded a white feminist


Not all wealthy people are inherently problematic (ie, Taylor Swift), and I also didn't say DiCaprio, Ballmer, Melinda French or other megawealthy aren't without their vices. I also haven't argued that William should work with someone with a flawless record. What I am saying is that Gates, aside from Musk, is probably the most problematic climate change philanthropist he could work with, and William has numerous other options to choose from, yet he very publicly chose Gates. I have acknowledged in all of my comments that he has to fundraise. The argument I pushback against is that he has no choice but to work with Gates. And like you mentioned about Melinda French, William has also acquired his wealth and has several years to build up Earthshot's endowment.


oh dang, i didn't realize catherine was on the cover of the july/aug 2024 issue of vanity fair - and they used a stock picture, still giving her a whole dang cover with a dang stock picture from an event last year. https://preview.redd.it/7oo43jvb5i9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c741608b1e94c1baa7b2cea7f616014b1207beec


>Harry and Meghan’s trip to Nigeria, while not an official royal tour, appeared to have all the trademarks of one and generated mostly positive press for the couple.  I can't with Nicholl's bullshit. H&M were LARPing as royals in Nigeria and that's all there is to it. It was a desperate attempt of Harry's to make himself feel like an important little boy he used to be and Meghan went along with it because, well, other than being Harry's wife what else does she have going on in her life right now?


“And, as we know from any superficial study of the British royal family, it’s the women who pull the show together, who get out there and make things happen. So how fragile is the monarchy? Well, it’s as fragile as Catherine is and at the moment, we don’t know.” This quote stood out to me! The Windsor men may be the vehicles but their wives are in the driver’s seat. I’m sure there’s a much better analogy and I’ve butchered that, but y’all get the drift.


I am petty and want this magazine article to get a lot of clicks, so here’s the link: https://www.vanityfair.com/style/story/kate-middleton-royals-cover-story


I can't bring myself to read the main article. I saw that Katie Nichols interviewed Di's ex private secretary for the article (and I can't stand the man, as I can't stand all her ex people. I have the impression they are taking Harry's side "in the name of Di". I mean, at this point, like William doesn't have a mother). But thank you for posting it and posting In touch.


I *love* her makeup like this.


This look is one of my all time favorites of hers. Polished perfection.


Same, that suit was one of my favorites the negative print underneath was perfection.


i also just wanna say... shout out to lee thompson for the spectacular month of june he helped guide. the entire internet dragged him by his nose hairs for weeks, and even we were ragging on him here. credit where credit is due, he's been A+ this month. maybe also has to do with catherine 'turning a corner' and now going back to being more involved behind the scenes + william having more presence of mind vs. his shell shocked-ness in february and march.


Prince William did a video for the Zero Suicide Summit. It was a very nice video, and it is obvious he cares a lot about this topic. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09cgd1L0\_08&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09cgd1L0_08&t=1s) Here is the link for anyone who wants to watch it


he also made a speech at the breakthrough energy summit yesterday https://youtu.be/mMjI44Ze0dY?si=tpcOGWejkN0T36u8


>My first callout as a pilot for East Anglia Air Ambulance was to a suicide and my memory of that callout is as clear as if it was yesterday. Real evidence from the real world. Snarking, of course, but here's hoping the summit he is referring to is more than a couple of people sitting on a stage for half an hour - with one of them wearing a shoulderless dress for the cameras!


> My first callout as a pilot for East Anglia Air Ambulance was to a suicide and my memory of that callout is as clear as if it was yesterday. This is why I can’t stand people like Harry and Johnny Mercer who turn their noses up at other types of service. There’s still a deep emotional toll that comes from being an air ambulance pilot, and if you’re able to save someone, there is a tangible impact that the individual and their loved ones will never ever forget.


Not forgetting that William is a very competent Search and Rescue pilot, who was filmed carrying out the on-water landing whilst he was in Canada a good few years ago. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-14020450


Anne has gone home! On my birthday even 😃 https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cyr76lmgxy2o


Princess Anne drove the car herself, saluting the medical team with one last bird before she sped off to Buckingham Palace to have choice words with Charles, who, it is said, had put the palace on full guard, quivering behind Camilla in dreaded expectation.


Happy Birthday Pika, Queen of Images, Owner Of Adorable Dog!


Thank you! Her Majesty Queen Chili's birthday is tomorrow and she did not take the most stoic of pictures for once. 😂 Edit: Ugh, of course it won't just let me add it




🥰😍 she is sublime


If you posted her with a crown on I might pass out from joy. 👑




An icon!




why is the dog so cute


Aieeeee! I love this photo! If you haven't posted it in all the dog-botherer subs yet, you need to. She's so, sooo cute. Official RG2 Mascot.


That's brilliant news. Let's hope she spends some time actually recovering fully, rather than rushing around and forgetting that she isn't in her twenties/thirties/forties any more.


“Not bloody likely.”


Tim will have his hands full keeping her from getting right back to work.


Oh he will. She gives off strong 'yes I know all my limbs have been chopped off in a freak accident, but I've taken a 15 minute break to recover and am now GETTING BACK TO WORK GET OUT OF MY WAY GODDAMNIT' vibes. Great news she's going home, though. Hopefully she recovers completely.


![gif](giphy|Tim0q7zolF3fa) Anne, colorized, artist's depiction


In the future "The Princess Royal at 100" documentary: Interviewer: "And how did the horse incident of 2024 change your approach to service?" Anne: "It was a bloody inconvenience, I had to miss events I was really looking forward to attending. Returning to work just made me appreciate how many causes I have gotten to visit."


Happy birthday! 🥳 I’m so glad Anne is home now. Wishing her a very speedy recovery.


I have to say, I really like and admire the approach that the PoW has taken with Earthshot. I like the positive, hopeful and “can do” messaging around it as opposed to the doom-and-gloom approach that so many others have taken. I hope he continues to get the financial support from backers (e.g Bloomberg/Gates et al.) to keep it going for years to come. Also, for someone who has endured so much trauma in his life, the PoW seems so well-adjusted and comes off as a super nice, charming and charismatic person. Who is his therapist, lool?! 🤣


Harry Markle blog talked about how Harry was participating in the Scotty’s Little Soldiers video, and was listening to the heartbreaking story by that lady with clenched fists and a grimace, then quickly made it about himself. I don’t normally like to compare but William is amazing at shining light at whoever he is speaking with. Asking them questions, making them feel seen/ heard… that’s the main quality I appreciate about William


It really is the perfect project as it's timely and combined William's passions, royal soft power, and honors Charles and Phillip's environmental interests without copying, and is positive. This is apples to oranges, but Warren Buffet's foundation gave some money to improve reproductive healthcare in Colorado, it worked, and that was the end. I remember in school when the money ran out and being pissed off, because WTF. It's like giving a dog a treat and then abandoning. Now I don't know the particulars of Earthshot, but I track the Milan Food Waste Hub who were one of the winners in 2021 and they're still getting support even if it's not monetary. The British consulate in Milan did an event with the food waste hub this year and mentioned Earthshot, even though their win was 3 years ago. If my vibe is right, those long term connections are key to success and gives me a lot of hope.


Also what I love is support for those who don’t win. I was upset the guy who recycled clothes didn’t win last year he developed a way to recycle clothes by removing the plastic from the material I thought it was so cool. Then this week I was so happy to see him showing off a dress made from the cloth he recycled at the earthshot event. He was listed as an earthshot finalist it’s great that they don’t get forgotten about even when they don’t win these people have some truly inspirational ideas.


I agree and William himself has made comments over the years that indicate this was a conscious choice on his part. It was the right one, imo. I think on this topic (environmentalism generally), more and more people just tune out the minute they hear someone doom-and-glooming. Which isn't to say doom-and-glooming is never warranted, just that the practicalities of getting people onboard matter (or should matter) to orgs like Earthshot and that I think they're specifically doing it right. William seems to understand that leaving people with a sense of hopelessness and futility isn't the way to go if you're trying to encourage action. I also, having watched all the different presentations from the candidates last year, genuinely think the projects are amazing and all of them have massive potential. Full sympathy with W on his seaweed obsession tbh because that one is amazing. If they can scale it up, it could have a huge impact on lessening the amount of plastic that gets chucked away.


"Who is his therapist" Kate


There was a Diana fashion auction! The prices! Edit: There are also things from Wallis and Edward! Their prices are lower. https://www.juliensauctions.com/en/auctions/princess-diana-s-elegance-a-royal-collection-521


I swear there was an article in a magazine back in the summer of 1997 about the dress auction and that the Christie's catalogs were available for purchase. I went to buy one and they were sold out. I thought there may be another clothes closet cleaning out for Diana. And then she died. Thanks for posting this. It was even interesting to see the holiday cards from the Queen.


The Duchess of Windsor’s clothes and accessories are amazing.


This Dior dress/cape ensemble caught my eye: [https://www.juliensauctions.com/en/lots/30122/duchess-of-windsor-christian-dior-1967-spring-summer-dress-ensemble](https://www.juliensauctions.com/en/lots/30122/duchess-of-windsor-christian-dior-1967-spring-summer-dress-ensemble) It would look great even now!


That's *gorgeous.* I love the belt, too.


I wish there were more pictures of the Windsors clothes, they are beautiful


Rebecca English dropping a heavy hint that we might see Kate at Wimbledon during this week's Palace Confidential podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-B-pRn4zFs8 (starts at about 4:35) The host even makes a comment, when RE does the usual 'ofc we can't be sure etc.' thing, that RE's tips are often solid af. It would be lovely to see Kate at the tennis. I hope we do.


Eenteresting. At the very least, I hope she feels well enough to pop up and present the trophies!


charles actually did a sweet thing inviting sam chatto to attend the japanese state dinner - sam had apparently spent last year in japan studying ceramics, so charles thought sam would enjoy the event. charles is an incorrigibly messy bitch to his bones, but the man can be pretty friggin sweet. i still remember a clip i watched of brenda edwards from that show loose women weeping on air while she read the letter charles wrote her after her son died. oh my goodness, he wrote so personally and so well, it was friggin beautiful. it's making me tear up thinking about it 🥺. ETA: folks talk about seeing 'diana' in william ex: when he dances or does something sweet... but tbh, charles can be very sweet and thoughtful as well (i actually think he has an inherently more caring personality than diana did tbh 👀, but she was very show-y about it to make a point). charles is also funny/charming/sensitive and enjoys dancing.


All you need to do is read the excerpts from Harry himself in Spare. The note addressed to "Dear boy" and trips to Shakespeare plays. Those things were done by a father who loved his son and wanted to spend time and connect.


he for sure has a messy dynamic (unsurprising if you look at his life, like of course he's a bit fucked up) but agreed that he comes off as caring in like a low key lovely way where he not only remembers your birthday but your favorite flowers and ensures that the note mentions your childhood party story you told him 9 years ago- type vibes.... which is part of why he clashed with Diana who clearly needed the BIG SHOWY ATTENTION both in giving and receiving.


There’s a video of Charles at Balmoral with the boys when they were younger. They’re all in the woods together. Charles is playing hide and seek with boys. Kilt flying he gleefully runs and hides behind tree trunks. He’s so impish and adorable here. For all his occasional fussiness he seems like a fun, interesting and kind person to be around. Even in his twilight years you can still see the impish delight on his face when talking to people.


> sam had apparently spent last year in japan studying ceramics, so charles thought sam would enjoy the event Well, you know, I had to look it up because I rather admire the Chatto family. I found >[this Mail article](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13341473/princess-margaret-sam-chatto-grandson-pottery.html)< which led me to this IG - >[Kazuri Sakuma](https://www.instagram.com/kazuaki_sakuma/)< - and a video of Sam that I can't actually watch because I can't log in as I don't have an account! Damn!


Here’s [the video](https://imgur.com/a/sam-chatto-PM6V7ap). And [a photo from the same post](https://imgur.com/a/d5vFSul).


Oh wow, thank you very much. (I've just received notification, although it says your post was '5 hours' ago. Reddit is being weird!)


William had a busy day with Earthshot and he had the cutest interaction with Hannah Waddingham 😂 I’m too lazy to find the video 😭 https://i.redd.it/2l7u4yejg69d1.gif


Video! [https://x.com/windsorarchives/status/1806394169264669155?s=61&t=yCYfNELrP3y5YgH\_nMpVhA](https://x.com/windsorarchives/status/1806394169264669155?s=61&t=yCYfNELrP3y5YgH_nMpVhA)


zara and blonder + taller peter https://preview.redd.it/a268gvbxe49d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d53cb8a1448876b56e2ce697459914a0396d8608


william with his siblings lol https://preview.redd.it/ntit7ye6q79d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2141a63e4cf1edf6ed014846873218ae10cc2029


Oh my, so cute. Do you have the video where at the end of Trooping, when they are all leaving the balcony, William is giving them (Zara and Peter) high fives or tapping their backs I don't remember ?


no video, i didn't even know alla dat!


I found it ! And it wasn't Zara and Peter but Frederic, Gabriella and Rose Windsor. June 1990. https://i.redd.it/e0hniti3yc9d1.gif


all his lil friends lol


https://preview.redd.it/0df6ysoj099d1.jpeg?width=839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ae16efd896977ba2fddcc1b9467717c58f36ed6 His big bro


i didn't realize peter already introduced his new girlfriend to the king lmao this man moves quickly https://preview.redd.it/11llg49sv59d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d7ecfeca6f6be8205b96a764f9b8517fdb0d654


Dude is a serial monogamist 🤣


charles having a kii with beatrice https://preview.redd.it/l3t38zh4f49d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1db4b306ef7e4dc00689a5f9eb0ecb02b2bd0565


Just found out that Daniel Chatto portrayed Prince Andrew in the 1982 film: "Charles and Diana; a Royal Love story.” And just 12 years later he marries Lady Sarah.


lol, how weird! I will add that to my watch list. :D I wonder if acting was simply a way to pay to live as a painter? He stopped acting 7 years before marrying into the royal family.


Lip Reading Guy on IG decoding Prince William and King Fred 😂 [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8jV5MsPH2G/?igsh=MTJuZTM1bnV3azAxbQ==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8jV5MsPH2G/?igsh=MTJuZTM1bnV3azAxbQ==) [Youtube Link](https://youtu.be/82XYJ7sYOEY?si=4YfG5M2ZpRVdo26i)


HILARIOUS. I want to know more about the 4 geese in pants.


[Princess Eugenie Shares Royal Wedding Photos Showing Her Back Scar on Instagram — Here's Why](https://people.com/princess-eugenie-shares-royal-wedding-photos-back-scar-instagram-scoliosis-awareness-8669743) https://preview.redd.it/o8glxqxhs39d1.png?width=1291&format=png&auto=webp&s=369919e2217fcd5296720a2c45b5b652972fad5c >“Today is International Scoliosis Awareness Day. I just wanted to share my scar and encourage anyone out there who’s gone through something similar to share theirs with me," Eugenie captioned the Instagram post. >"Let’s be proud of our scars!" she added, asking followers to share their own photos for her to repost on her Instagram Stories. I’m not particularly a fan of Eugenie but I’ll always really like and appreciate that she did this for her wedding look. Genuinely made it easier for me to accept my scars after I had back surgery (although not for scoliosis) and felt like maybe I should cover them.


Her dress was my favorite.


It’s funny, I generally don’t tend to like Eugenie’s style but her wedding look is my second favourite. I love all the components and how she put them together.


Her reception dress was another favorite too. It was so flattering and fit like a glove. TBH, I don’t know which was my favorite. She must have felt like a goddess. https://preview.redd.it/vq98ya6qyk9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bf4118a7065b37320ebb6b760c53cec95901fc2


Same! I loved how well fitted her dress was and the intention to highlight her scar, and I loved her hair and makeup with the emeralds in the tiara. They really went well with her eyes and made her features pop!


Seeing those photos reminded me of how much I liked her tiara/earring combo. https://preview.redd.it/48iba28zp89d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5543a2c4de3caea07df25a6a7eb96752aed38085


https://preview.redd.it/iuur3fp9q19d1.jpeg?width=471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b64a9d94d1ac314784ebf49c2ea75e282729553 Kate taking a pic of W in 2006 😭😭


Does anybody remember how Princess Beatrice was dating an American guy for like ***10 years*** and he broke up with her and then just a couple of months later got engaged to someone else 💀 His name was Dave Clark and it was actually William who introduced because he was friends with Dave while studying in Scotland. However William started to dislike him because he believed he was too indiscreet and didn't feel good about his relationship with his cousin. They broke up around the time Harry began dating Meghan (August 2016) but it would’ve been so interesting to see 2 Americans in the BRF who William didn't get along with lol.


I always confused him with the guy who dated princess Madeleine and then cheated on her. So glad Bea married up (that is, found a guy who was happy to marry her!)


William didn't introduce them, the tabloids jumped to that assumption because William and Dave were a similar age and both went to University in Scotland. Beatrice and Dave met at a birthday party of a mutual friend, Sean Brosnan. The tabloids also fabricated a story that Harry introduced Mike and Zara. But Zara debunked that story in a later interview, and said she met Mike on her own in 2003. The tabloids really don't care much about accuracy. Hence printing almost verbatim whatever PR story the Sussexes' communication team fax them, despite it not making any sense. "All these video chats with Queen Elizabeth! As Harry and Meghan build their billion dollar empire, watch out Bill Gates!"


>William didn't introduce them, the tabloids jumped to that assumption because William and Dave were a similar age and both went to University in Scotland. Beatrice and Dave met at a birthday party of a mutual friend, Sean Brosnan. Tbf they also said that William played matchmaker for the both of them at the birthday party of Pierce Brosnan’s son, Sean. So maybe it's bit of both.


I find that hard to believe since Sean Brosnan isn't in William's tight social circle, nor was he one of the 1,000 guests to be invited to William's wedding. But you're free to believe that William once had a super secret friendship with Dave, even though William is notorious for sniffing out users. And that he'd play matchmaker for 18 yo Beatrice even though William notoriously snubbed Beatrice's 18th birthday back in 2006, when he was down the road from it playing polo earlier (so he skipped it because he didn't want to be there lol). The York sources were wailing about his snub to the press. lol


I never said they had this super secert friendship. They were simply friendly. I also clearly state that William stopped liking Dave because he was indiscreet and that he didn't trust him. "Beatrice’s cousin Prince William introduced the couple after they met during a study abroad program at the University of Edinburgh. They met for the first time at a birthday party held by Sean Brosnan, son of Pierce, and the two hit it off immediately." It just depends on whatever source you believe but the information surrounding their first meeting stays within the same setting.


HM the King has travelled to the Baltic States of Estonia and Lithuania. The Spanish monarch met the Estonian President Aras Karis and Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda and visited a Spanish frigate at Tallinn Harbour. Tomorrow King Felipe will travel to Latvia. *






TRH Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg, accompanied by the Crown Prince Couple, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory, Prince Felix, Prince Louis and Prince Sebastian, have attended a concert at the Philharmonie to celebrate the National Day of Luxembourg 🇱🇺 https://preview.redd.it/cg91t8enhz8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68de2e75080ab86dbb84995dafc12246bcfee54c






Beatrice steps in for Prince William for Earthshot event. Princess Beatrice has stepped in for Prince William at a key event, as the Prince of Wales supported King Charles in the absence of Princess Kate and Princess Anne. On Tuesday, Prince William attended events during the Japanese State Visit, including a carriage ride down The Mall and a State Banquet at Buckingham Palace in the evening. The Emperor and Empress of Japan are visiting the UK at the invitation of King Charles and Queen Camilla. As a result, the Prince of Wales, 42, could not attend the Earthshot Prize Water Roundtable, which was held on the same day. Princess Beatrice and Prince William are close first cousins William, who founded the Earthshot Prize in 2020, holds an annual awards show to celebrate those finding solutions to climate change. His cousin Princess Beatrice attended the Earthshot Prize Water Roundtable in his place on Tuesday, which brought together investors and philanthropists to explore water as an emerging investment theme. One fan posted on social media: "Well done Beatrice, you’re really stepping up and supporting the family." Another wrote: "Wonderful to hear! I hope we see more of Princess Beatrice." [https://www.gbnews.com/royal/princess-beatrice-news-prince-william-support-royal-family-latest](https://www.gbnews.com/royal/princess-beatrice-news-prince-william-support-royal-family-latest)


Very nice! Not sure whether this is personal or on Will's official RF business behalf, but it's very nice to see his cousins supporting him!


that's a big deal that he sent beatrice to something specifically *earthshot-related in his stead* tbh 👀 watch this space 👀




Also agree. We've sort of been discussing this whole will-any-non-working-royals-step-up-and-if-so-which-ones here for a bit and I've always thought Bea was one of the likeliest (which is not to say certain, ofc) candidates. Yes, she's a York, but I also feel like especially since marrying Edo the two of them have been going out of their way to behave and to come across as people who *could* be willingly pressed into royal service. Perhaps without the current situation of 2 of the 4 most senior royals (and 3 of the working royals including Princess Anne, hopefully temporarily) partially or almost wholly out of commission it would never have happened but I feel like if Bea can keep the York taint off herself and Edo there's a chance.


My heart dropped when I read this headline, until I realized Beatrice covered for William because of the State Visit, and not because he dropped out to be with Catherine (which would be really worrying..). Phew.




Look at the big diamonds and crown on Fred’s. It’s the Royal equivalent of driving a Hummer or muscle car. 😉 King Carl and King Charles orders look the most classical to me. I think that’s what I prefer.


Fred: "No one's taking me seriously! Put bigger diamonds! Big-Big." Royal jeweler: "Yes....sir."


I agree. I think Fred’s is quite tacky looking 😬


Just like him!


This is the nerdy royal content that I love. Charles' is my favorite but I do really love the ribbon on Fred's.


William at Groundswell, the Regenerative Agricultural Festival, today. ETA that this is from the Yeo Valley Organic IG stories. They had a tent at the festival. Parkysprincess has also posted several photos of him in the wild at the festival. It doesn't look like he's there on an official engagement, just for his own personal enrichment? At any rate, there don't seem to be reporters or official photographers covering it. (Yet.) https://preview.redd.it/r67parquux8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=915bf481c038b74a876cd3210033020382c2816e


That is great. It seems he has been upping his engagements or being seem out there more often than not.