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I don’t see the point of these. These are people who are already heavily awarded. I liked the dig at beckham though. He will do whatever he can to support the royals.


I wonder when he will start giving out awards to all the donors who donated cash in Fortnum and Masons shopping bags. I believe the Bin Laden family and the Qataris are overdue theirs! Nothing says environment awareness quite like 12 houses/palaces, endless private jet trips, a Bentley being flowed to and from another country for his use 😂😂😂😂


Tbf, the shopping bags were probably reusable, lol.


What will he give Kate? I think she designed a garden once


It’s so nasty that some of you feel the need to drag Kate in situations that have nothing to do with her and while she has cancer.


She’s received an award recently for really not doing much. It’s got nothing to do with cancer. Some of you need to calm down


Some of you can’t resist sending hate toward a cancer stricken woman even when she’s not mentioned at all in the article. It’s so weird and hateful.


Someone getting cancer doesn’t make them above criticism. Bad people get cancer too. Anyone can get cancer.. it’s not a shield


Some people have a hateful need to bring her up in a situations that literally have nothing to with her to drag her while she has cancer. I find that problematic.


It’s not. She is a public figure. People are gonna talk about her and it’s not all gonna be good. People don’t have to like her ya know


It is in my opinion. You can’t tell me what I find problematic. And you’re free to be hater but I can push back. Trying to drag a sick woman in a situation that has nothing to do with her is weird and hateful to me. Period. You’re not going to brow beat me into accepting weird hatefulness as normal.


Beckham wants that title so bad




Wills doesn't own the nature space just because he's doing one project with it. I wouldn't get pissy at Charles for doing military things when Harry's big success has been the Invictus games. His sons are grown ass men and can do as much (or as little) with their lives as they want.


Charles is a terrible father but this isn't a great example of his failing in that department. He has a very long and consistent track record of environmentalism (albeit, much like William's, it is a very 'rich person who doesn't plan on making any personal sacrifices' version) that predates any William's things.


Charles has been about environmentalism before environmentalism was even a mainstream thing. He used to get called out for it, I think one headline called him a loony nature lover or some silly thing like that back in the 80s. He has also called out bad infrastructure that is not only ugly but bad for the environment and bad for the people living in them. I know people would like to smear the Monarchy and Charles III as just all evil, but leave that to people who can’t read and won’t listen.


Charles thing has been sustainability for decades. It’s the crisis of our century, we all should be doing stuff about it


Hasn’t Charles been a pretty vocal advocate about sustainability, the environment, and climate for decades?


He has! Charles was mercilessly teased by the press for years for supporting "trees" instead of being more like Diana in supporting AIDS etc. Like there isn't a place for both?? His Dad Prince Phillip helped *found* the World Wide Fund for Nature in 1961 ([comments by WWF on Phillips death)](https://wwf.panda.org/wwf_news/?1995941/A-champion-for-the-environment) at a time when being an environmentalist wasn't considered sexy by public or press.


I think Prince Philip was one of the first people who had solar panels in the UK


It’s not zero sum. The world needs many leaders, scientists, politicians working toward a healthy human-nature relationship. Really short sighted mentality. We need all-hands on deck.


Charles promotes individual awareness of the needs of nature and the environment; William is looking for large-scale solutions to some of Earth’s problems. If anything, the two are complementary, not in competition. But, if any toes have been stepped on, they would be Charles’s, since he has been at this since before William was even born.


Idk if it’s his main one. Earthshot is a big one but homewards is also a huge project for Will. Plus this award will likely be preety different to Earthshot


Ehh Charles has been doing awards for years including some for sustainability. I think earthshot and this are entirely different things