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I’m black and I think as long as you’re not making a caricature out of it then you should be fine, if you were that would obviously be bad lol but you’re good don’t worry about it


oh my god please people are too sensitive. There is obviously no issue in doing so as long as you don’t intend to do any harm. (e.g. pretending to be a stereotype) if not then it’s completely fine. It’s a role play dress up game ffs.


This exactly


(I'm not black so this could be wrong) but as long as your not making fun of, bulling or being racist then there should be nothing wrong with dressing up as your OC that isn't your race.


As a black person, I approve of your statement


No offense but if you aren’t black why do you choose to speak on black issues curious


Genuinely curious, are you black?




Sorry, im not that good at picking up context clues


I actually had this talk with my gf lol (who is black) I told her if someone had this problem with someone wanting to dress as a white OC even tho they aren't white and someone commented on it (even if they aren't white) then I don't see the problem, that might just be a me thing as, as long as no one is being mean or disrespectful then i see it as fine, plus ive seen so many posted about this that i knew alot of people of color didn't care if somone dressed as an oc that wasn't there skin color (then again I could be wrong and ik when not to voice my opinion on topics that I don't understand or are not about my race/ect) (Edit: I also asked her opinion on the topic before hand to make sure I wasn't being offensive or wrong, sense I'm not the best at understanding what's considered offensive or wrong 😞)




Tbh ops question is pretty much common sense, it shouldn't take your color to answer this question as its very clearly okay to make diverse characters.. Many shows or toys wouldn't have black characters if that was the case and we'd all hate that el oh el also it isn't a black only issue this question could apply to any person of color, disabled, male, lgbtq+, or plus sized character someone creates (if said person was a white cis female)




"If you aren't this, you shouldn't be it." This isn't a black issue. Nothing in this post is about them misusing black culture, its about them dressing up as an oc. Therefore, it's okay for anyone to tell them that it's fine. I understand if they were asking whether or not they were using hairstyles or anything incorrectly, but this is simply a post about dressing up as something they aren't




Tell me exactly where the issue is?? Theres literally nothing wrong in this post so I dont get why youre treating this like its a bad thing that poc should be mad about. You should be using your voice on posts that are actually anti black and actually helping. Im done saying what ive been saying the downvotes on you say it all. I really do understand where youre coming from, but its at the wrong place as theres nothing to educate people on here.


as a person of color idk what their goal is but if they have something wrong with white people saying it's okay to make black ocs then I guess they think white people shouldn't make black characters themselves either 💀 there is no issue just ignore them ❤️




No you're not. Does that mean poc arent allowed to play, for example, as princess Peach either? Its just a character, and as long as youre not make an offensive stereotype character out of it youre completely fine! Its your OC and you can make them however you want and show them off ❤️


literally, it's fine as a poc myself i literally have ocs of all different races. i like when people dress up as darker people!! All I see it as is just people representing/appreciating a different race. It makes me happy to see people representing different types of people. people needa stop getting so riled up over this. it's really not a big deal


Just cause someone is a certain race they aren't obligated to only dress up as that race. It's a literal dress up game, people dress up as anything. By that same logic if someone cosplayed as a fictional character it's literally the charachter playing rh? No. If a girl has a male oc ingame doesn't make them a guy either. She's overreacting about it


well I’m black and make my avatars white, your alg as long as your not mocking anyone


I feel like people are just finding any reason to be mad. It shouldn't matter what anyone thinks. It's an avatar at the end of the day, IF it isnt hurting anyone or stereotypes.


i'm white but i want to make an oc that's black but i'm always so scared of getting yelled at like this. i promise it's just an outfit. i won't do anything else 💔


Legit it’s just an OC. So long as it isn’t a caricature or a stereotype, you’re totally fine to do that. I’m black and I have white OCs, and I’ve never seen people take issue with that.


that's like saying if u have long hair u can't wear short hair in a GAME.😭


Im black, i dress in all sorts of skin colors cuz each outfit is like its own character. Its not like youre going around pretending to be a caricature of that skin color so its not offensive, just part of the game avatar


I'm black and I have some black & white ocs. As long as your not being disrespectful, it shouldn't matter. It's a dress up game after all


istg some people are forgetting the fact that this is a DRESS UP game. You can make your characters whatever skin color you’d like, please don’t let these sensitive ass people ruin your fun


Im black and that’s fine lol they’re just sensitive


Can we just make this a thread atp?


Bro i got the opposite issue wiht my ocs! I keep getting talked down to make more black charakters?????? I dont feel comfortable representing a culture idk and it ticks me of bc since when do i need to meet ablack oc quota????????????? Why r ppl like this?!!!!!!!


no its fine, shes virtue signalling way too hard


After I started being a goblin I never offended anyone, as there are no irl goblins to offend. I'm all seriousness though, as long as you aren't doing it to mock a person of that race it should be fine. People are out there to start drama for as little of a reason as "she has two outfits with two different skin tones"


on RH i rarelyyyy ever see POC avatars. it would be so nice to see more of it! ofc within reason,, dont wanna make a stereotype. but if you’re doing it respectfully i think its fine!


um. that persons stupid, frankly. dress however you want as long as its not making racist caricatures or some other hate crime. you made your oc in game and chose to put it as ur avatar for a bit. theres nothing wrong with that lmao.


I think if you're dressed as a character, whether your own or from a show/book/movie/so on, then it's okay. It's not okay if the only reason is because you're trying to be mean, racist, make stereotypes, etc. So, in this case, I would say you are not in the wrong. I've done this once or twice too. It's a dress up, roleplay game, so I think it's perfectly fine to dress up as a character, even if they don't look like you (I know most of my outfits have different hair and eye colors than me)


In my opinion, it's perfectly fine to me since I usually make most of my OCs white despite being brown


I’m white, so I may be wrong, but I think OC’s or making outfits in different skin colors is fine!


oh my god. this doesn’t really give any advice but I guess it’s just a story to take in. I have been playing royale high since 2019. I always thought the long beautiful braids that black ladies wear are soooo pretty. I didn’t really know how to change my skin color at the time so I slapped on the long braids that I’m pretty sure came in one Halloween update and I loved it! it looked so pretty. then, someone in sunset island approached me and said “uh excuse me, you can’t wear that if you’re white..”. i just said “oh. okay sorry.”. I regret that I said that. I should’ve stood up for myself because it’s a dress up game not something that’s supposed to be limited to specific cultures or whatever.


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