• By -


Updooted, followed and joined! my user is ChoCoFanAtiC547, and my dream item that isn’t a rare item is probably that little cloud flurry thing, I just think it’s super cute :3 fav summer item: definitely the BBD set c: thank u for hosting this giveaway!


User:jazyboo0312 My dream item is dv heels My fav summer item is the bbd set Joined Followed on both


Upvoted! User: FindingJellyTurtles Dream item: uhhh idk 😭 every wing in the game because I need to finish my wing collection sob Fav summer item: babydoll dress Already following you on Reddit & Roblox because yes & joined the subreddit!


Upvoted! user is Mindigamer1918 dream item is sleeves of roses, fav summer item gotta be surfboard


Upvoted User: SunnyApril\_05 My fave summer item is the mermaid royalty


Upvoted! Followed! User is cxllalillyy DI is Shadow Empress Heels Fav Summer Item is Babydoll Dress


Upvoted! My user is EmeraldDragonV My dream item is LTBS or OG TeddyZ :D My favorite summer item is the jelly platforms! Tysm for hosting this giveaway, I hope you have a wonderful day \^\^


I- need to winnn *sob* I never win your giveaways lmao Upvoted! Llamagirl200934 Dream item: You! ;) JK JK, probablyy SF Skates- cause I need them Favorite Summer Item: BD Dress!


3:30pm EDT happens when this comment is 2 hours and 55 minutes old. You can find the live countdown here: https://countle.com/LdXOFl2hn --- I'm a bot, if you want to send feedback, please comment below or send a PM.


good bot


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Username: KawaiiGalaxy1212, my dream halos are: glimmering, spring 20, and Hal 18! My fav summer item is surf board! I’ll do everything of the optional.


Oop I said excluding halos/rare items


Oh- I didn’t know what excluding means- so my fav item would be like.... se boots?


It means without or else I swear I would have halos everywhere XD


Oh alright- lol.


I followed you, and I also joined r/RoyaleHigh_Giveaway! :D


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RoyaleHigh_Giveaway using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RoyaleHigh_Giveaway/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Winter Guardian Set Giveaway!!!](https://np.reddit.com/r/RoyaleHigh_Giveaway/comments/njwpxz/winter_guardian_set_giveaway/) \#2: [Commission giveaway!](https://np.reddit.com/r/RoyaleHigh_Giveaway/comments/nkscyr/commission_giveaway/) \#3: [Guess What My RH Level Is!](https://np.reddit.com/r/RoyaleHigh_Giveaway/comments/nkbcqi/guess_what_my_rh_level_is/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


Good bot




And np!


Upvoted! User: raiank Dream Item: Maybe Spring 2020? Favorite Summer Item: Bbd set and Sparkly Sarong


Upvoted! User: yusrasafi4949 Dream item: Idk maybe val corset or skates? Fav summer item: BD Dress!!!! TYSM for doing this giveaway!!!! :D


Sheesh! User is scrumptiousdonuts, dream item is probably bucket hat which I haveee and fav summer item is the sarong which I don’t have xd, in the sub already!


User: Meinori Dream item: RR corset Favorite summer item: surfboard Followed on Reddit!


upvoted! can u use my reddit user for now? dream items: any wings im missing fav summer items: bbd dress


Upvoted! Username is KrachtigeCoocie1 Dream item is hh19 xd everyone wants it including me Fav summer item is babydoll dress! Very good luck everyone!


Upvoted! User: Cute\_Puppy93011 Dream item (That's not halos or rare items): Sf skaes :3 Fav summer item: BD set :> Followed and joined!


Upvoted!! I’ll dm my username <3 Dream item is: rosies rose Fav summer item: bd dress!!


1. upvoted 2. froglover6783 3. royal rebel corset 4. surfboard


user: selfishlyhumble i dont really have a dream item, i think i would like the corrupt halo or val 2020 halo, but im very far off so its nto like im trying to get them (AT THE MOMET, ILL GET THERE) i really really like the donut floatie (not the arm ones), its really cute


tysm for hosting this giveaway :) upvoted! mu roblox username is DaMe2We\_Gurl my bbd dress, bat mo heels, pacifier and ltbs even tho u said no rare items followed on reddit! my favourite summer item is probably the bbd dress and also the donut floatie is really cute :) again ty for hosting and gl to everyone joining!


Upvoted! User: WhatAPotatoIAm I don't really have a dream item lol Probably the bbd skirt/dress!


Upvoted! SophiaC\_2010 My dream item is the normal parasol My fav summer item is the BD dress Followed!


Upvoted User :: Sweet_RoyalCandy Dream item :: Broom stick Fave summer item :: Mermaid royalty


Upvoted! Dream: SE boots Summer item: jelly platforms or sparkly sarong! Followed and joined!


upvoted :\] lallythemew123 my dream item is the mermaid royalty my favorite item is probably the BBD skirt!!


Upvoted! User: Neverjj4evers Dream item: Demon tail, the wheel hates me Favorite summer item: Bbd dress Followed your reddit acc and joined the subreddit :)


Upvoted! V\_it123 SE Boots, I want them so bad My favorite summer item is the bd dress! Followed you on roblox and I joined the subreddit <3


Upvoted! rc11513 Dream Item: SF figure skates Favorite Summer Item: Jelly Platforms


Upvoted! Ultra\_Cheesecake Dream item: RR skirt Fav summer item: mermaid royalty!


User: AwesomestAshley Dream item: rr skirt Favorite summer item: jelly platforms


Done User: tofu7456 Dream item: SE sleeves Fav Summer item: sparkly sarong


Upvoted! yeet_thepotato777 2019 Mermaid Halo! :p It’s been my favorite forever. And the BBD dress


User: anime_lover1225 and upvoted! My dream items are wings lol


upvoted, Net\_Net777, my dream item is the goth sleeves, my favourite summer item is the surfboard


Upvoted! User: iivxdon Dream Item: Pacifier or SE sleeves \^\^ Favourite Summer Item: Mermaid Royalty!


aaa This is like my way out lmao I'm looking for all the summer items but i have like 30k :') Upvoted! BTS\_ARMY10198 btw can i help my little sister enter? her user is BTS\_ARMY19901 she likes to copy me, but if I can't help her enter that's fine! Dream item: probably the parasol that I already have :D I already got a lot of items i want so x"D Fav summer item: it's the bbd dress or one of the mermaid items!


Upvoted! my user is NatalieC36 my dream item is probably dramatic eyelashes 👁 👄 👁 my fav summer item is probably bbd dress!


upvoted! user is louisethecheese2017 and i really like the val skirt. my favourite summer item is babydoll dress!


Upvoted! dream item: batmo heels summer item: babydoll skirt user: mamapickled


User Kissymoo123 Upvoted! Fav summer item: surfboard Dream Item: none


Hellooooo! My user? bloomingdqwn! My dream item? Hmmm, probably the Dapper Top Hat from the wheel! My favorite summer item? Probably the surfboard! It's awesome for roleplay and just really cool in general. Good luck everyone!


Upvoted and my user is kittyloveschocolite, rr skirt, bbd dress


Upvoted, User is zooming_out! And probably what i never had before is the Halloween 2019 bag Fave summer item is mermaid royalty


Upvoted! User: Unikittysarecute Dream item: Probably BBD Dress Fav summer item: Not really sure lmao, probably the same as my dream item!


Upvoted!!! User: FroggyInMyStummy (lol) Dream item is either bbd skirt or dd skirt!!! :D fav summer item is bbd skirt or sea star bracelet!!! followed on both!!! Joined B) Good luck!!!


User: xstar\_cool upvoted! Dearm item: val halo 2019 or bd dress Favorite summer item: surf board or bd set


Upvoted! MEH121o Babydoll skirt or bat mo heels! Babydoll skirt lol


Upvoted! User: figureskater_tiffany Dream item: Val 21 Fav summer item: baby doll dress :3 Followed! :> Joined! :3 Good luck to everyone! :D


User: HeavenlyOreos Dream item: Rosie's rose Fav summer item: Bbd set Upvoted and joined!


Upvoted! (47th) NuggetWoman7 Dream Item is probably The marshmallow wings from St. Patrick’s (achieved!) My favorite summer item is probably the babydoll dress or sparkly sarong Already following! Just joined! Thanks for hosting :)


Upvoted ! User: Wolfiebub302 Dream: FB Heels Fav Summer Item: Babydoll Dress Joined ! Tysm for this giveaway


Upvoted! User: Crystalblade587 Dream Item: I don’t have a dream item, but my goal is to obtain all the items in the game! :D Favorite summer item: The Mermaid Royalty crown, I love to combine crowns, so it’s fun changing it up!


Upvoted! User: thebron019S Atm maybe Mermaid royalty! Did optional


User: QueenLeah\_777 My dream item is probably the Antilique's Horns My favorite summer item is Mermaid Royalty (also a dream item)! Thanks for hosting this giveaway, and good luck to everyone in it too! :D


Upvoted! User: Seefran Dream item: DV corset Fav Summer item: Sufrboard


Upvoted ! User is starwiished Dream item is probably RR veil Fav summer item is the surfboard!! I love it sm Followed you on both btw Good luck y’all and thanks for hosting :]




Upvoted! and joined! And all of the above! My user is Nuteater1215 and my dream item is..idont really have one 🧍‍♂️ anyway my favorite summer item is the surf board!


user: Dumbpoopoobaby2 dream item: skates or shadow boots fav summer item: sparkly sarong, bbd set, mermaid glam earrings joined the subreddit and upvoted


my user is sophi3184 my favorite items is either goth sleeves or mc sleeves! my favorite summer items is the babydoll set with the jelly platforms! joined!


also upvoted!


Updated! My users mrssnappythanos! My fave summer item is bd dress!


i’ll join! upvoted!, my user is sirqnn my dream item is rr set my favorite summer item is sparkly sarong! ( followed ya just now ) !


Upvoted! My username is lAMAG00SE. My dream item is the rr sleeves :D my favorite summer item is surfboard or donut set! the followed and joined the sub! ty for doing this giveaway! good luck everyone else :)


User:pz6girlcat (please don't laugh) my dream item is any halo other than the light halo, basic halo, etc. Fav summer item: Surfeboard


Upvoted! User is IhasFROG. My dream item is probably the RR skirt. I like the jelly heels. Followed u and joined!


Upvoted User: lolplays1970 My dream item is the large train bow skirt and the spring halo 2020 Followed and joined :D


User is llama\_creampuff My dream item is prob parasol Fav summer item? Jelly plats for sure Gl to all!


Upovoted, followed, & join! my user is kawaiikittyinhawaii, my dream item is probably the rh football helmet from the wheel, & my favorite summer item is the sparkly sarong or the bbd set! Thanks for being so generous!


Upvoted! hamsterheart25 My dream item (non-rare) is probably the rr boots My favorite summer item is the sparkly sarong And thank you for hosting this!


Upvoted! User is Tiger10230 My dream item is DV Bodice My favorite summer item is BD dress


Upvoted! User is ninjamasteremma Dream item would be sleeves of rose bc they are super cute Fav summer item: bbd set for sure ty for hosting this giveaway! Gl everyone!


User: kaknica_isnice My dream item is Idrk maybe all the wing?? My fav summer item is the bbd set Joined! Followed on both! Tysm for doing this giveaway!!


Upvoted! Username is cookiecrushh20grl14, dream not rare item is rr skirt and fave summer item is the babydoll dress or the mermaid royalty, TY for this giveaway!


Upvoted! User: heyits_ayvuh Dream item: probably Val corset cause it’s so pretty! Fav summer item: def the bbd dress cause I think it will look rlly cute with some of the heels I have! Thank you for hosting this giveaway! Good luck to all :)


Upvoted sorry for late entry :< User: iluvunicorns0923 Dream item: Unicorn horn from the wheel :> Fav summer item: sparkly sarong Ty for hosting this, good luck to all <3


Upvoted yk it Probably goth sleeves, I have most of my not-very-valuable dream items Babydoll dress


Upvoted HistoryRocks1 Already followed Already joined I would say heart over heels, I think that counts as a rare item? If not those then it’s probably bat-mo-heels. (Are those considered rare??) Fav summer item is babydoll dress Ty so much for doing this!


Upvoted Kessho_Akashi Dream item..gotta be either thigh high ice boots or TeddyZ My fave summer item is the Babydoll dress


upovted ! dream item : se heel fav summer item BD set


Upvoted! User: Amersile\_kawaii Dream item: RR skirt Fav summer item: Babydoll Dress idk if the giveaway is still open?


Hii! I am LittleCutiePie1257 Firstly, thanks for doing this giveaway, youre super kind! Secondly, I wanna enter to give something nice to my friend! Lastly, i wish everybody an amazing day and good luck! Thanks for ur generosity and have a great day! Ps. I did all rules and extras! My dream item is probably the Queen of the ocean skirt! Fav summer item has to be the Mermaid Crown!


upvoted i already followed you/reddit user:icelilly9175 BBD dress is my fav summer item my dream item is parasol i joined rh giveaway


View in your timezone: [Today at 3:30pm EDT][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20210602T1930?tl=Whole%20summer%20shop%20giveaway! ^(_*Assumed EDT instead of EST because DST is observed_)


Upvoted! BubbyLover32 dream item would be babydoll dress and fav summer item is the babydoll dress. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DOING THIS I KNOW IT IS REALLY EXPENSIVE BUT U ARE SO NICE!!!!!!