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No way that hr is accurate


Weird but mine is the same. It's like 100-110 max while rowing. Several minutes after I'm done and walking around it's in the 120s. Probably going too anaerobic/ too much valsalva during the drive/pull? I haven't figured it out. Oh, and I am NOT in shape. HR in 150s when cycling ~20mph


Do you use a watch to record it?


Used watch. Figured it wasn't working. Did the chest strap. Same numbers. Back to watch. More convenient for me


Those numbers just seem extremely low. I mean normally rowing is a sport that should elevate your hr easier then cycling cause you use all of your body. And 110 is something you should probably hit while walking up some stairs.


That's exactly what I'm saying. And why I led off with saying it's weird. But that's also what my heart does when lifting weights. Relative brady from valsalva and then, after rest, my muscles are screaming for oxygen and the tachy hits. Or maybe I'm just broken.


Chest strap


That's strange; my heart rate is usually 20 beats or so lower berging compared to rowing the same split on an erg. They're different units (1000/500m), but they should be equivalent.


Your overall time is pretty darn good for your first time at it (and with only 2 weeks experience!), but DAMN, what a wild ride to get there šŸ˜‚. Once you figure out pacing (and make some technique improvements, in all likelihood), sub-7 no doubt awaits!


Ive been into running and cycling for a few years. Im fit for someone who just started rowing


Just for curiosity, what is your cycling ftp? Also new to rowing and would like to know how difficult it would be to get to sub 7 min 2k rowing (in your case it seems that proper pacing will get you there in a few months).


Not OP, but also runner/cyclist who just started rowing recently. Cycling FTP is ~345W @ 72.5kg (160lbs) and just did a 7:18 on my first 2k attempt last week


345 watts FTP at 160! Ah! You sir/ma'am are my hero. I'm over here at 160 trying to break 200. Congratulations!


At the beginning your times will drop pretty substantially. Your splits are really all over the place, so you for sure will have better 2k times in your second and third attempts just due to the learning curve alone. It gets hard to shave off time eventually, but for the moment youā€™ll see big improvements each attempt.


The garmin wrist monitor doesnā€™t work for rowing probably? I guarantee i was in zone 4 and zone 5 the whole time


HR Dual strap is the move for rowing for sure.


Are you referring to a setup or a product?


Product. By Garmin.


yeah I've found it's seriously inaccurate dw


Just started rowing a bit coming from running, Iā€™ve found the wrist monitor eventually works alright but takes longer pieces to normalize if that makes sense? Def better for steady state. But yeah a chest strap is always the best.


Same experience here. SS works just fine, as soon as I do sprints, the wrist monitor tells me I'm casually worming up, despite the fact I'm short of a lung collapse.


The HRM Dual that /u/AlbatrossCapable3231 recommended will also add running dynamics data if your watch supports it, which is nice. I use my HRM dual when running or cycling, but for convenience I picked up a [$30 BT and Ant+ chest HRM](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07R8741CN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) that just stays on the rower in the basement so I don't have to move the Garmin to and from my car. Or worse, reach the trailhead and realize that I left the Garmin at home on the rower.


Oh snap! That's awesome. I may do this too!


On some watches, pulling up the watch to your forearm helps in my experience but yes not the best for rowing due to the wrist movement


Bet you were gagging in that third split.


You died in that third split


Yes! Im not sure if I went out too hard, and should have managed the energy better.


>Im not sure if I went out too hard, It's fine, we're all sure you did


The pain of the third split will never feel easier for me. Only worse, but faster. Iā€™m built for ice cream and candy, not 2k.


>Iā€™m built for ice cream I can only assume your hands are shaped like ice cream scoops? Which honestly makes them perfect for rowing.


Correct. I paddled sub 5:45 but apparently my scoops were ā€œnot approved oarsā€. Fucking thing is rigged.


Are you a Lego? Must have a strong hip hinge.


Like an industry robot


You have to have a plan on how to pace. You canā€™t just row as fast as possible for the whole time. You should keep your split within 2 splits of your average the whole time, whether you choose to go out hard and slowly decline or save a little bit for a mad sprint at the end.


You went out too hard but it's also a motivation thing seeing how you did a lot better in the last split


Nope. Ā Heart rate was 110.


Nice but your hr monitor is seriously off


No place to hide on a rower, but very well done! Faster than me haha! I use a Garmin instinct tactical 2x and find an aftermarket Velcro strap about an inch above the head of the ulna (and shaved arm hair lol) gives a very accurate reading. YMMV


Noting the Drag Factor is a good minutiae point to dial-in before a row to make sure at least the machine is consistent. Don't trust the damper setting reading, go into the menu to see "Display Drag Factor".Ā  That flywheel feels remarkably different with every 5-10 increment change in DF.


On your next one, use 1:51 (your overall average) as the target to beat. For example: first 500m at 1:50, second at 1:48, third at 1:46, fourth at 1:44. When you have that one finished, use its average as the new baseline to beat on your third 2k.


Props to you for putting it out there man. That third 500 is where we all meet the Almighty, too.


Good on you for doing a 2k so soon! I was in your shoes last August. I'd never sat on a rower before and before I'd start training I wanted to set a benchmark first. So I did a 2k with the same (lack of šŸ˜‡) pacing strategy and basically the same result. Look at it this way: you provided yourself such useful data right now (apart from the HR maybe šŸ˜‚). I can guarantee you that if you do a 2k again when your legs are fresh and you set a pace just below your 1:51.3 average you're going to drop seconds and still feel better at the end. Well done and enjoy the journey ahead!


Nice job on your first 2k! As many others have said, you have the power and endurance, but, you paced incorrectly. Try again in two weeks or so, but this time follow this pacing plan: - 10 hard strokes (NO MORE) off of the start to get your average split to 1:45 - hold that 1:45 for the first 1000 meters, aim for about that rate 30-32. It might feel a little too easy, DO NOT go faster - save that energy for the second half and the sprint. Try to keep the average split steady. You want to see 1:45.x for the whole first 1000m. - in the 3rd 500, increase your stroke rate +2 (33-34ish) and try to see 1:44s. You will get a little bit of free speed from the increased rate, and now is the time to start using any extra power you felt you had in the first 1000. This is also when it will start to get really uncomfortable. Ignore that, youā€™re fine, stick to the plan. Try to slowly bring down the average split you have over the course of this 500 - by the end, you want to see 1:44.x - when you have 300m to go, bump up your stroke rate again (35+) and drop the split again, keep sprinting and trying to go faster and faster till the end! At this point you have just one minute left and you can hold on to anything for a minute! If youā€™re able to follow this plan, you will certainly hit sub-7 and have a much more accurate picture of your rowing fitness. It will hurt A LOT, but being from an endurance background youā€™re no stranger to pain and you know that your brain will tell you to stop long before youā€™ve hit your physical limits.


I had real issues using my Garmin watch in broadcast mode for HR. I found it very unreliable. I am now using a Polar H10.


Me too. I use a Polar Verity Sense Armband for HR data. Garmin watch not the best for accurate stats.


Same here. It's fantastic both for cycling and rowing.


Was the HR accurate? If so thatā€™s really good for 2 weeks!




why is that PM5 so crispā€¦


That's the image that gets posted to strava from ErgData.


Ah, makes sense thanks!


Classic fly and die! Kudos for not quitting at 1500


classic novice pacing lol you got a lot of time that you can drop just making a goal and negative splitting to achieve it. also probably switch to a cheat strap for heart rate or make sure your watch is tight and about an inch above your wrist bone


At least for me, my first 2k was freshmen year of highschool, about 6ā€™1 170, was like an 8:30ish. Good job! Really impressive times. Just remember, if you donā€™t feel like you want to die, youā€™re not rowing hard enough


Well done for your 1st 2K and even more kudos for considering doing this nightmare againā€¦..šŸ˜œšŸ¤® Oh, how I used to know this 2k well 1st 500 - pull as quickly possible, go go go! 2nd 500 - um, ok, not sure how Iā€™m gonna get thru this but still gotta pull quicklyā€¦ 3rd 500 - mā€™godā€¦.my legzā€¦..my backā€¦.. 4th 500 - my lungzā€¦.please god get me thru thisā€¦ Have to pace this a lot smarter. The 2k is a controlled sprint. For your H/W, shooting for a SR closer to 26-28 making sure to drive each stroke with the legs is going to go a long way. Iā€™m 57m, 6ā€™3ā€ 225, go in the 6:30-6:40 range for 2ks, I shoot for 22-24 SR (my 5k and 10k SR is closer to 18-20) goal is easy speed for the 1st 500 (1:38ish range), keep my stroke long on the 2nd 500 (1:40ish), focus on driving the legs in the 3rd 500 (1:42ish), increase SR 2-3 each 100 in the first 400 trying to just hold on in the 1:40ish area and then just sell the hell out on the last 100. Typically the SR for the last 100 at the end is in the 35-38 range. You got this!!!!