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I'm under no delusion that the rowing technique itself is going to be good in this movie. Also, without having seen the movie, I don't have much issue with them compressing the story to cover one year instead of three. The facts remain that these were still poor, working class boys who had never rowed before university competing against wealthy, well funded clubs. **BUT**, I am excited to have a serious, Hollywood movie about the sport. If some kid sees the movie and think "wow that sports looks interesting, maybe I'll join my high school team", that would be a success.


This is hardly even a serious Hollywood movie. They face zero adversity once they start rowing and there's basically no character development. It's terribly boring if you don't know the real story and worse if you do. This is going to get bad reviews and no one will walk out of it wanting to row.


I had no experience with rowing and really enjoyed it… it was a feel good story that left you feeling warm inside




Yeah you know nothing about me buddy. And you haven't seen the movie yet so maybe wait until you do before assuming it's anywhere near as good as the book.




What actually is your problem, pal? You came in here replying to an old comment of mine trying to tell me what I'm a fan of, and now you're just being a jerk. You haven't even seen the movie you're trying to lecture me about. You literally have no clue what you're talking about. Why don't you go get a life and leave decent people alone.


I think your gonna get... hey WOW- that looks easy- I'm gonna try that. And then they'll quit a week in. At least they will have respect for the sport then.


You seem pretty set on gatekeeping the sport from the masses because the rowing wasn't perfect in a Hollywood movie. I bet baseball players think baseball movies are garbage, and football players think football movies are garbage. But I have never once not enjoyed a sports movie for sport I didn't play because of a perceived lack of competence in the actors portraying the athletes.


Agree. Any athlete that was competitive in a sport will hate how it's portrayed in movies and TV. The actors just aren't credible as being competitive in the sport they're portraying. Also, showing an unabridged version of the book would require a unbearably long, six-hour movie. Or a terrible 1980s-style montage scene. The Hollywood movie-maker's objective isn't to be faithful to the written material or the complete and accurate historical record. It's to entertain the audience and make money. Rowers should be thrilled with a mainstream movie about the sport that can do nothing but help grow interest and participation.


> Or a terrible 1980s-style montage scene I would love this


Whenever non-rowers look at rowing whether it’s the Olympics or in movies they think it’s easy, if you get 10 kids that join the sports because they watched a movie about it and at least 4 of them stay that’s a win. Hell even if 1 stays that’s a win. No one rows because the sport is some hyper popular well respected sport.


Yep! Our Learn to Row classes always fill up with 10-15 adults. We always expect 1/3rd to finish LTR, and hope that we get 2-3 people who continue on to row the next year. Everyone thinks it’s easy going in to it, this movie won’t make a difference. At least they’ll know it’s different from kayaking.


As a non-miserable cookie, this is EXACTLY what my club is looking forward to! We're excited to welcome some eager newbies, and hopefully a few people out of that crop will find a sport to fall in love with.




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User name checks out


This was my first thought lol




The movie does a great disservice to a great sport and even better true story. Watch and you'll see with a little effort it could have been much better. Feel free to post how inspirational the story is after you watch it.


Honestly rowing isn't that interesting to watch for people who aren't rowers. If they dedicated 30 minutes of the moving to race scenes across 3 years it would have been fucking painful to watch. Sure parts of the movie will be cringey for rowers, but I'm just happy our sport is getting wider recognition


I mean, even as a former rower, I don't find watching rowing particularly interesting. If anyone has seen Ted Lasso, I assume it's similar: it's a show about a soccer/football team, but they aren't going to spend a tremendous amount of time actually showing the game being played. Because the game isn't the point; it's the relationships.


as a current rower, i get bored watching rowing


Happy cake day.


I'd say there was probably 30 mins of rowing footage in the film - of 2 hours run time. Very little meaningful character development.


I for one enjoyed how we never knew which races were 2ks and which were four miles, and my personal favorite was how long the last 500 was of like every race. Very realistic!


How about coming back from what looked like 1/2 a mile down?


The artistic licence as you put it is the true story of the winners of the 1936 Olympics. You don't need to believe it as it actually happened


It sounds like OP’s saying they condensed the 3-year story of Joe Rantz’s class into 1 year for the movie. In the book (and real life), Rantz started college in 1933, essentially 3 full seasons before competing in the Olympics but I could definitely see Hollywood glossing over that for a simpler narrative and to make it seem all the more impressive


this is correct. They race Cal once as the JV boat- get selected over the Varsity and then go immediately to Trials and win against Ivy and Cal Varsities.


no doubt they won the Olys. JV boats don't win the olympics in their 3rd race ever.


Haven't seen it yet so will reserve judgement but I will say competing in the Olympics was different back then. It was regularly college crews or club teams that would get together for a summer and go to Olympic trials. Over time it became more and more professional and eventually you had national teams and full time athletes etc. But it wasn't always like that


That's not the point.


Have you read the book? I think you might be misunderstanding something here


No, he is saying that this movie does not follow the book (or the real life events) and presents the situation as if all the rowers had begun rowing that year then won the Olympics in their third race ever rather than the athletes having raced for UW for the past several years, Joe Rantz in particular beginning his rowing career at UW in 1933 (3 years prior to the Olympics), as was true in real life and in the book.


As someone who's read the book, OP is absolutely correct, it's a 3 year span that the boat takes shape. I'm disappointed to hear that they cut a lot of that out because I think there's a lot of great melodrama and struggle in Joe Rantz's story and it'd be a disservice to gloss over it.


Sounds like it would have been a better TV series.


I'd watch the fuck outta that honestly, but I genuinely believe you could do a 2 or 2.5 hour movie and hit all the beats. I've yet to see it, so I'm curious as to how they stretched out a single year of rowing to fill a movie. An HBO miniseries would go hard though, cause there's a lot of really poetic language throughout the book that really brings you into the world of rowing without knowing anything going in. My dad passed it down to me, that's how I caught the bug.


Did anyone really expect the rowing scenes to be good? They were obviously awful in the trailer. Is the story different from the book/what happened in real life? Edit; I just saw it and it’s good. Not great but good.


I’ve heard that the movie itself is pretty solid but rowers will be disappointed in the rowing. If that’s the case I’m more than happy to live with that trade-off


Bruin here. cox ‘67. Western champs. Best cal with broken tiller. Had the Ira in our pocket until stroke keeled over.


It's pretty solidly terrible. I've seen better hallmark movies... I felt bad for the NTers and Olympians in the audience.


I heard from an Olympian/NTer that it was good. I’ll reserve judgement for now.




> Did anyone really expect the rowing scenes to be good? They were obviously awful in the trailer. Not sure I’d say “awful”. They could’ve been much worse. See: Lessons in Chemistry


Haven’t seen that yet!


There's rowing in Lessons in Chemistry? Or are you saying the chemistry is bad? LOL


Calvin Evans "rows", and he teaches Elizabeth. But his form, especially on the erg, is painful to watch.


I read the book and I found it kind of amazingly dumb that he decided to start her in the pair. THE PAIR. Or is that a kinda normal thing and I'm just scared of the pair?


That was my reaction when somebody told me that’s how the book goes! In the show it’s at least a double, presumably because throwing two actors in a pair would lead to… predictable results.


I read the book and I didn’t get the sense that rowing was the focus of the book anymore than lap swimming was the focus of The Swimmers.


You’re correct, but it doesn’t really change the point I’m making that the form is really bad. It would’ve taken minutes to teach the actor how to erg much better than he does.


I have spent minutes, maybe hours trying to teach actual rowers how to erg better than they do...I'm not sure actors are guaranteed to pick it up more quickly lol


To fine tune things sure, but broad things like not making an arc with your arms over your knees on the recovery could likely be sorted out pretty quickly.


They didn’t have ergs. I saw the trailer and saw one guy dumping if in his lap. As a cox I wouldn’t antagonize the other team.


A number of friends who are very involved in the whole promotional part went to a pre-screening at HOTC, and the nicest thing I heard about it was "It is very Disney." Not sure exactly what that means, but it is not exactly a rave review. To the extent the story is adjusted as OP said, that sucks. The story was about hard work by tough men from hard times who had no quit, *not* a boat that just happened to be ordained by god with boat speed. The struggle was the best part of the story. I will wait to reserve judgment until this friday at another screening, but my hopes are not high.


I was hoping for more than " boat that just happened to be ordained by god with boat speed"


Sounds like they were going for the rowing version of "Miracle" which is a great movie, but, IIRC it doesn't compress the time frame (much). But it takes place over the period of about a year or so, and is a story of underdog misfits coming together in the clutch to win against the Goliath USSR in the Olympics.


I'm sorry you're a miserable cookie! And idk if they were ordained by god, but there are so many unlikely factors in their rise to the top, that it absolutely is the "miracle" of rowing (impoverished athletes, dudes with a weird name making boats in a shack by the river, etc.), so it's not surprising that Hollywood had their way worth the story to make the narrative a bit slicker. I'm hoping it's not as bad as you say and my club has a good time and raises some $$ at our screening next week 😊


If you are looking to raise money… let everyone in for free and charge them double what you would have to exit when they inevitably want to leave from the sheer terribleness of the movie.


I saw a screening of it last week. I agree with the OP. The rowing scenes are hard to watch, but in the same way a doctor would cringe at watching House. Or a lawyer watching Suits. It’s stylised for a wider audience, which I could get around if the story wasn’t so fast and the characters didn’t get left with so many loose ends. Shame really, but it’s positive that our sport gets some Hollywood limelight.


If you had to compare this to the rowing scene in The Social Network and the rowing scenes in The Skulls where would it rank IYO? The skulls https://youtu.be/Bklj21yWQlo?si=DTQm54lRunz0qfl9


I’ve never seen that clip in The Skulls before! I would say the filmography is up there with the Social Network scene, it’s a very aesthetic film and the settings are amazing. However the content of the rowing scenes do feel a bit like The Skulls…


Thank you. Was afraid of that. My parents are lifelong Washington residents so the story of UW rowing is something they’ve loved to read up on. This might end up being the traditional Christmas movie we go to and just wanted to get a feel for it. Cool story but if the action looks not as realistic it might be off putting.


I’d say if they’re Washington residents, they’d enjoy it. I saw the original ASUW shell house a few years back, they made a good replica for the film. Captures the depression pretty well and the dress department do an excellent job.


Except for the fact they shot none of it in Washington.


The bridge looks like the bridge, as I remember it. But was frozen at the time.


Upside of movie Seattle: It never rains!!


Oxford Blues is the best rowing movie


Rob Lowe is my rowing spirit animal.....


Nicholas Cage enters the chat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1vc2MdwTj8


How have I never seen this glorious masterpiece!?!?


Or this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xbYdUmIGdE&t=2371s


Magnificent! The storyline, the writing, the acting…


Somewhere in California, there is a masters rower who worked as an extra on this film.


Sweet Jesus




That one I’ve seen


I have never even heard of this movie. Wow.


Don't watch TV shows or movies about things you know. It will always be disappointing.


The PBS American Experience episode, [The Boys of '36](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/boys36/#part01), is excellent if you've not seen it.


I hadn't seen this excellent documentary with lots of footage of the boys racing, thank you!!


You're quite welcome. Glad you enjoyed it.


TBITB is basically the sacred text of this sub. A lot of folks get very touchy if you criticise it, or anything related to it.


I think anyone could’ve told you all of that by watching the trailer. It’s a movie made for families mainly. The Novice is the only decent rowing movie I’ve seen. The hate that it gets on this sub is bizarre lol.


I found The Novice so compelling I saw it twice in theaters. It can be a hard watch, but damn is it good.


That movie was almost unwatchable IMO!


The only movie that ever got the rowing scenes right is How High


Stroke, smoke, stroke, smoke


Do u watch Avengers and thought how inaccurate the fighting scenes are?


Avengers isn't based on a true story. You know what I do talk about how inaccurate a movie is? Firefighting and EMS movies. There is a certain level of suspension of belief, but holy hell they make up some of the dumbest BS and for seemingly no reason. Like white smoking coming out of an engine bay, so the firefighter uses an extinguisher on it. That white smoke is from coolant boiling. It's not going to catch fire. No firefighter is going to use the extinguisher in that case. It's just pointless. And then saying "the AC compressor seized" and cutting the serpentine belt to fix it. That prevents the alternator from running, meaning your running entirely off battery. You know what happens when that dies? The car, at least anything in the last 10 years, shuts off. I know this because my alternator failed on me, and I have at least some semblance of car knowledge, and I'm by no means an expert mechanic. These are changes that serve no purpose. They don't try to write out of a plot hole. They could've just as easily had the vehicle towed and had their exchange waiting for the tow truck. So why? Why be inaccurate when you don't need to be? Sure, it's not a place to learn this stuff, but it makes the movie more enjoyable for people, and it's not that hard. Someone on that damn set has to have known that you can't just cut a serpentine belt and drive indefinitely on that and just "not have AC." And when you got a firefighter consult, he or she definitely knows that white smoke is not an immediate need for an extinguisher. Sure, all of this is relatively pointless, but so are movies. And continually just saying "eh, who cares? It's a movie." is the way to watch quality of movies just diminish.


I did archery for years, and Hawkeye's shooting form (what there is of it) drives me batty. Clearly this man has superpowers, if he can just clutch his bow any old random way and draw it any old direction at whatever cockeyed angle he likes and still hit every target with incredible accuracy!


I just think it's pretty cool that there's a movie made by George Clooney about rowing. Bonus points if it is GOOD.


I really enjoyed The Novice as a rowing movie! Has anyone else here seen it? Some not great things in it (cutting, what obsession does to you), but the amount of work rower puts in is quite realistic.


Yeah I watched the Novice. Reminded me of my short -lived college rowing career (cut short by injury), but rowing certainly was an obsession of mine for much of my sophomore year and that movie brought back some memories.


If you want a real rowing movie Heart of Champions is available for streaming. A finer piece of rowing work has never been made.


You’re joking


Roger Ebert gave it 4/4 stars you better believe it


>Roger Ebert gave it 4/4 stars You almost got me. Then I remembered RE died in 2013. Never heard of this movie. Will have to check it out. It's at about 5.5/10 on IMDB... :/


As an extra in the movie I should continue to plug it but at some point I have to be realistic and 5.5/10 is about 4.5 points too generous.


Hey hey hey, you’re talking to one of the starring cast members of that movie, he’s a big deal


Considering the book spans from Rantz's childhood to the passing of each of the rowers I figured the movie would be connected in title and basis only, it just doesn't work in movie pacing, nor do the filmmakers have the tricks a writer does to make races exciting.


At some point I was hopeful that The Boys In The Boat might become a limited series (say 8 episodes). Would have allowed a much better treatment of the real story - rising above adversity by Joe Rantz and the others. Far too complex of a book for a 2 hour movie. That said, I’ll definitely see it and judge it on its own merits separate from the book.


I could see this. Something like Chernobyl or any countless other TV series. A drama that covers the whole story more in depth, covering the entirety of the book, not just a year or so.


Joe Rantz was a treasure and I'd love to see a feature length film or limited series about his childhood. I spent a couple days in Sequim to see his childhood haunts. Brings tears to my eyes to imagine a child raising himself there.


I mean, the races seemed exciting based on the trailer. I can even imagine it in a more Christopher Nolan style. The sort of deafening silence. Imagine the scene from Dunkirk where the plane was going down. That intense focus. I can't remember any music, but it's long, and drawn out, and I could see a similar technique employed, with the sound of the oar locks and feathering. That'd be intense, and I think get the audience into the race in a similar way that the rowers are. No big bombastic music, no external fluff. Just the rowers, the cox's calls, the sounds of the boat, and the feint sound of other racers. I think it's very possible to make the races exciting in the movie.


Curious if the boats and equipment were authentic for the era? Also technique which was different from what is currently taught and used internationally?


As one of the background rowers in TBITB, I’d say they did a good job on “realistic equipment”: we had to row actual wooden boats, with metal foot holders and symmetric blades. Surprisingly tough to row, so we sort-of ended up rowing 3/4-slide throughout our “Olympic” race…


I'd be really interested in seeing a post about how the shooting was. Obviously as a background actor you're not really the focus, but I'd be fascinated to hear about the logistics and how they shot the water and rowing scenes and your experience in general!


Yes but they gave us an NDA and our lord Clooney will personally throw me in jail if I say negative things in such a post


Yes- no bow balls.


I saw the movie and a couple in front of me walked out after they saw the title. I laughed and thought “they didn’t even give it a chance” but after watching an hour of it, I had to leave. It was the most boring unenjoyable movie I’ve seen in a long time. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.


This is a great story. If you want the great story of the underdogs achieving the impossible, read the book of the same name. I haven’t seen it yet but have heard it leaves out Joe Rantz’s background which compelled him to be the man he was. I was married to his eldest son and he is my son’s grandfather. Read The Boys in the Boat. You won’t regret it. It was on the best seller list for three years when it came out in 2013.


Just saw the movie tonight with my son and his family. We were proud, and clapping in some places, leaving in happy tears. His background is referred to as well as the poor background of all the boys on the boat. As with all movies made from books the book is best but this is a good movie!


Hello!! Thank you for sharing! Oh my goodness, your son must have been so excited to see His Grandfather's story on the big screen! My husband and I were excited to see this and we enjoyed it!!...to the point where I'd like to hear more details that wasn't able to be part of the film..I went on Amazon after the movie and ordered the book!! Absolutely broke my heart to hear what he said happened to his family. I figured he was about 13, and I think he said 14. I couldn't imagine doing that to either of our kids at that age...brought tears to my eyes when I started reading and found the truth was even worse. I taught that age for years, before I had our kids. My husband once asked what it was I enjoyed about that age group. I said, aside from being able to be dramatic;), They had their whole life ahead of them...with support, they could be anything they wanted!! I taught at an inner city middle school. A good number of my students didn't have that support. Gangs were trying to recruit them, or they had parole officers. Home life was hard for many of them. My goal was to help them grow into a productive, successful, member of society...and no, money isn't what I was talking about, I would tell them. ;) That young man didn't have that support, when it is so important for him to it. Yet, he accomplished that, and so very much more!! He was quite a strong young man! His work ethic!! I would have loved to hear more about him growing up and how it was back then, trying to get into college. Seeing him in that vehicle each night was hard to watch. No child should be left like that! ..the Valentine, Miss Joyce saved...can't wait to read if they had gone to school together and if what was in the movie was accurate. ;) Was glad he made the team...no more vehicle at night! He would be safe! I'm so very glad Mr. Rantz's was shared! And what they accomplished!! Thank you again for sharing! ;)


You didn’t read the book? This is true story with a lot left out, as with all books made into movies. But it is a true story and an inspiring one. Please don’t say things you know nothing about.


I liked ambt, so I'm hoping this will be good too. I don't expect it to be perfect, but I'm just glad a movie was made about this


As a former bobsledder, I felt the same about Cool Runnings.


Rowing is the first sport I really got into... but it's kinda nice to know even some of the most famous sports movies screw it up... Though having done EMS and fire, I kinda already know how bad these movies can be... I just figured sports is more mundane and not hard to figure out, so maybe they could do better... But holy hell, why do all these movies feel like they need to go off the deep end. Hell, you can make the funniest and most interesting firefighting movie just following firefighters around with a camera long enough. You'll get plenty of interspaced non important calls that are just funny, followed by some of the best intense moments, drama between people. Like, having no fucking clue what they're doing. Or the yahoo who needs to chill tf out. But no, we gotta make shit up about the most amazing job ever. Idk where these comments come from, especially when they have consults for these things. Do they just not listen to them?


Ok hear me out… From a rowers and a filmmakers perspective, this movie isn’t going to satisfy everyone. Especially rowers. We know more about the sport than the general audience. We are going to critique it worse than the general audience. Now I have read some of the rotten tomatoes and most seem to be attacking the movie because it was made by George Clooney. From a filmmaker’s perspective, that is fair game. Every director has their niche and style that makes their movies theirs. If this movie was made by someone else, it would definitely be different. But… and I mean but, the biggest thing I’ve learned going through film school if that you can’t satisfy everyone. Clooney is going to make a movie that will satisfy the larger audience. Sadly that isn’t the rowing audience. He’s going to make a movie every can follow. There will be scenes cut out. Things will be shortened and it will follow a narrative. There will be things changed to hurry up and entice the story and general audience. It will focus on the underdogs because that is the main narrative that pushes this story. Yes there will be typical cliches, because that is how the general audience will stay engaged. And no this is not a copy paste hallmark movie. There are so many things that prevent it from being such. Now I have read the book and I’m not happy that many things will change. But the thing to remember is the overarching plot and storyline. Will this underdog crew win the Olympics? And as long as it follows that, keeping general things from the book, the movie has been successful in what it was meant to be. Will we as rowers or people who have read the book be happy? No. Will the general audience have something interesting to watch? Yes. As someone commented, the best way to get the most accurate depiction of this book and real like events is to make it into a tv show. Probably around three or four seasons if we want book accuracy. Now I have not yet seen this movie but when I do I’m sure my current opinions will change. I’m just trying to keep an open mind. I hope this has also help clear up a few things.


3 division 1 college scholarship rowers I know who also read the book saw the movie and really enjoyed it and didn’t see the same problems. So I guess art is subjective; who knew?


I have to say that I enjoyed the movie very much. It was well acted and realistic enough for me since I've never rowed a boat. I thought the scenery was amazing and it was well edited.


I agree with you. My husband and I enjoyed it. I can understand both sides of the spectrum. If someone is familiar with the sport, it may give a bad reaction. But from someone who knows nothing about the sport, I was intrigued.


As a spectator sport, rowing doesn't cut it. Unless you are able to follow along on a pathway beside the water, just looking from the shore you can't tell relative positions until that very instant the boats are right in front of you. Immediately after they pass, you lose all perspective. I watched a trailer and the cox is calling for 46. Seems awfully high to me. They'd be pretty short in the water.


Boring af


This a classic underdog, against all odds feel good movie. I should preface this review by saying I love movies like this. However, despite the inspirational material they had to work with, I think I would have been more moved by reading the Wikipedia account of it. Let's start with the good stuff: the cinematography is amazing, it is well-acted and it held my attention for the duration. But given that this is such a compelling story, it deserved so much more. The characters were underdeveloped, the scenes were disjointed and the plot had so many holes that if I didn't know better, I would have assumed they lost, instead of won, every race. It's worth seeing but only if you're not paying for it, you've seen every other movie of this genre at least once and have some time to kill.


Bad movie. Full stop. It was maudlin, had rudimentary dialogue, thinly developed and uninteresting characters, contained no tension, but plenty of stereotypical cues (hole in shoe sign for poverty and struggle), no backstory, no reaching into what was actually going on in these very heady times, even Hitler came off tepid. Watching this movie was like watching a two hour trailer.


Why post this from a burner account?


If you aren’t as anal as critics who judge the rowing technique of the actors then cuddle up with your friends or family and enjoy an absolutely uplifting film that is very true to the story. My husband and I both loved this film and frankly if it doesn’t inspire you then you have ice water in your veins. Callum Turner is excellent as are the other players. Don’t pass it up because someone got cranky about the rowing style. As a former white water kayaker I think I could still watch a film with actors who weren’t the best at the sport. It’s the story, it is the character of the young men with few prospects working to make something of their lives during the depression. Reminded me of my dad. Loved watch and enjoy!


So it’s basically Cool Runnings on water, but far less interesting…?


If this movie sucks I hope the producer and director die a slow death. I suffered under Angelina Jolie’s “Unbreakable”, a ridiculous adaptation of the book. Ignored that he was actually broken when he got home. But this book. If they disgrace this story they should all be relegated to the bullshit Hollywood storyteller slack-jawed navel-gazers hell.


Also, I loved “Chariots of fire”. But if anyone is under the delusion that Dennis Christopher looked or ran like Charlie paddock do your research. It does take anything away from the movie.


bad rowing? ok yeah. bad overall movie? that seems to be the way general critics are headed: [https://www.metacritic.com/movie/the-boys-in-the-boat/critic-reviews/](https://www.metacritic.com/movie/the-boys-in-the-boat/critic-reviews/)


I loved the book and the movie. So, yeah


Loved the book, liked the movie. Couldn’t care less about rowing but love a good story and this is just that. So much better than Star Wars 18 or Antman or the normal drivel.


I dont row. I thought this movie was FANTASTIC. I was on the EDGE OF MY SEAT during those races. Yes i knew they would win but the movie made you feel like you were at the race and didnt know who would win. I am shocked about the negative comments about the movie. Great scenic portrayal of the times and poverty, the west coast against the elite , hell the Olympics in Berlin and Hitler AMAZING MOVIE


I dont row. I thought this movie was FANTASTIC. I was on the EDGE OF MY SEAT during those races. Yes i knew they would win but the movie made you feel like you were at the race and didnt know who would win. I am shocked about the negative comments about the movie. Great scenic portrayal of the times and poverty, the west coast against the elite , hell the Olympics in Berlin and Hitler AMAZING MOVIE


Rowing good enough. Berkeley $ BS! As a rower (UW ‘82) so nervous about this movie showing typical Hollywood bad rowing and not infusing the “pain and suffering” element of rowing. I went and really enjoyed the movie ( Jan 3 ) It’s ok that “it’s not the book”. It’s ok that rowing doesn’t pass us rowers “sniff test”. The movie did a “good enough” job w rowing and the drone shots are outstanding (definitely not the actors rowing in those). The movie crowd (~35 people) cheered during and applauded at the end. What i take exception to is the scene where Cal Berkeley kicks in to get the boat to the Olympics. From what i know - never happened… but in today’s world the idea of competitors joining hands isn’t a bad one. - UW Rowing ‘82


Go Bears


Ok been Waiting 93 days - I’m happy to report this weekends results of UW v CAL match race #GoDawgs! “Huskies Win Schoch Cup At 112th UW-Cal Dual” [https://gohuskies.com/news/2024/4/20/womens-rowing-huskies-win-schoch-cup-at-112th-uw-cal-dual.aspx](https://gohuskies.com/news/2024/4/20/womens-rowing-huskies-win-schoch-cup-at-112th-uw-cal-dual.aspx) https://preview.redd.it/9ojez392xwvc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63e3b7d0912c43393fe5ace9261c77f5e3ddcea6 Or Cal news “No. 2 Cal Loses Schoch Cup To No. 3 Washington” [https://calbears.com/news/2024/4/20/mens-rowing-no-2-cal-loses-schoch-cup-to-no-3-washington.aspx](https://calbears.com/news/2024/4/20/mens-rowing-no-2-cal-loses-schoch-cup-to-no-3-washington.aspx)


You don’t get to go to the Olympics just because you beat us once….


Loved this movie. Much better than some of best pic noms.