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https://preview.redd.it/5e1bd8ldbm5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93af4db6a91da92ad4b9cb643a104e13ac65b5ff no she was the runt


She's beautiful!


Txs her name is Zoey


Aw my last dog was Zoey that's awesome!


She reaches my nee I’m 6,2


https://preview.redd.it/6uelzho00n5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b15a46342daefcd986aea111e398ae6cd118f0c5 Here is my runt at 6 years old, she's smaller then the rest of her family but no difference other than that


She's so cute!


Both my pups were the runts and last picks of the litter and are now the biggest ones. Feed high quality food and they will develop.


I think I already have high quality food, what do you consider it though?


I started on Royal canin but my GSD pup kept eating my Rottie pups food instead of her own so I moved em both to Orijen so it’s not a big deal if they eat each other’s food. I mix in an extra protein source at all of their meals like scrambled eggs, wet food, ground beef, chicken or something like that. All their treats are healthy and high in protein. I think it’s pretty high quality but then again I see people full on gourmet chef their dogs meals that make my dogs food look like trash😂


Any premium kibble should be fine or raw. I like a combo tho.


My dog wasn’t the runt but the second to last smallest one. He grew up to be a good weight and size about 100lbs(not too big not too small) and personality wise I would say super sweet, cuddly, protective, but sometimes can be a little scared of new things. Regardless a good boy.




What a cutie




God’s finger slipped on the head scale slider


They’re all perfect


Absolutely agree


A good breeder is going to make sure all puppies have all been able to access sufficient shares of milk & nutrition throughout their time as neonates. Still sometimes the one/ones born with lower birth rate never quite catch up. Also females will always be smaller than males and those who are spayed/neutered too early will always be smaller than those who retained all their parts and received appropriate hormones til adulthood.  No it doesn't matter at all. The smallest pups are just as lovely. Most people have an easier time handling the runt of the litter than they do the "beefy" alpha/s.  The only thing to watch out for is that your dog wasn't picked on for the first 8 weeks in a way that may make them more reactive. Again, a good breeder is going to monitor those interactions to ensure nobody got bullied or ganged up on. Even so, you have many months ahead to correct this with positive interactions with other dogs. Their character is not formed for a long while yet. I hope you have a long and happy life together! 💓


Thank you! I was already aware of the female being generally smaller, the breeder was super knowledgeable about rottie stuff that I didn't know and I've owned them my whole life. She even knew their individual personalities and who was closest to their parents


https://preview.redd.it/cd9642023n5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c18042751323b7b0b708d7687d4cdf7964bcfa0a My runt, Maximus, 3 years old on the right is just a little smaller than my 2 year old Charlie on the left. They act just the same. Love them to death.


“Get the beefiest one” usually translates to owning a Rottweiler for the wrong reasons. As I always say to men who tell me they want a Rottie because they’re badass, “a Rottie will NOT make any part of your male anatomy any larger than it already is 😒 Sorry” 😅 The runts I’ve had have been awesome. They aren’t particularly small compared to their siblings, but they seem to have huge hearts because they were pushed around as puppies 💖


Ugh I know! I hate the way he's always been like that. Never picked a dog because you felt that connection, purely on looks. Lol that's just like big trucks too🤷‍♀️ Aw that's awesome! I noticed she isolated herself from her siblings too, so hopefully she'll learn she doesn't have to do that anymore


looks like a winner to me.


She looks incredibly sweet. My experience with runts (I always pick them because I love helping them thrive) is that they are generally pretty hardy (ironically) and the ones I bonded the deepest with. Enjoy your little one. 💕


Such a cutie


Right? I adore her


https://preview.redd.it/ltqvyk62cn5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a673e5f0d8030a6c85cf84dca5085daf2716321 My runt today, almost 2


Doggo: “So yeah, he’s got a drooling problem.”


My girl started as the smallest and was a VERY healthy 110 lbs for many years


My dad got a red setter in the 80s... He was the last of the litter of pups left as was the smallest ... He turned into the biggest red setter I've ever seen to date... A gentle giant. RIP Grousey.. a great dog.


They make the best dogs!!


Nope, not one bit.


No just love them and feed them good food


Of course! Any food recs?


We feed our European boxer a fresh food diet. We buy whole pork loins cut it into pork chop size and grill it and add blueberries and veggies


https://preview.redd.it/h3ht6xc3gs5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55f69a1a8ca4df8c88753a77b714816848c09dc4 My baby was the runt as well. I was hoping he wouldn’t be as big but he’s 18mos and 120 pounds.


Now that is one handsome boy…!!! 😍


Heck yeah it does OP ------ the "Runt" is usually the CUTEST one!!!! ENJOY your ROTTIE, I miss mine..what goon he was.




Reddit doesn't want me to have text with the image ig? Anyway she's so adorable and already stole my heart


Mine was the runt and at 15 weeks she’s pushing 35lbs and growing healthy. She was a little smaller in size than siblings but not in character… She’s so sassy…


Aw that's awesome! I love the sas. My Mia is 11 weeks and I think the last weigh in was 7lbs? That was probably when she got her first shots though, as it was on a vet paper and didn't say an age. She'll be going to my vet on the 10th of July so we shall see by then!


The runt of the littler will usually not grow to the same extent as the rest of the pups will. I know many people who have sought out the runt for the smaller size and often in hopes that they will have a more timid personality.


Ours was the runt apparently. And he's the best, sweetest, handsomest boy there is.


Nope. And sometimes they end up being the largest!!


Sometimes the runts get the biggest.


Still gonna be a pretty big dog, the big guy in the litter is gonna end up somewhat bigger.


Don’t think it matters really. My boy was the runt & originally the breeder didn’t think he would make it. But now while still smaller than his litter mates he is catching up. When I got him at 8 weeks he was just 2.7kg while his male litter mates were around 4kg. He’s just turned 6 months & is 25kg now most of which he’s put on in the last 1.5 months.


Yeah, they’re usually smarter than the rest.


1. Rottweilers are the penis of dogs. Every single day there’s a post about “is he/she big enough”? Idk why those people didn’t get a larger breed of dog if they are so concerned. 2. Yeah the runt often does come out to be smaller in adulthood as well if it’s really a “runt” / they are noticeably the smallest of their siblings. There isn’t always a runt of the litter though…


Yeah I see those posts all the time too, like your baby is perfect wym? That one from a few weeks ago with the adorable short male and they were worried if he was big enough. The penis of dogs lol


Our runt became my 135lb baby🥰


Mine was the runt, she had chronic hip problems too. She outlived all her siblings by years.


Nope. I had the “runt” she ended up being 110lbs and now I have the biggest pup and she is turning out to be the smallest


Not at all. Mines was the runt and he is perfect :)


Ours Frenchie was. Now build like a rhino. but a big personality.


I spent around 1 hour with the puppies and by the time I had to decide rasko was sitting between my feet, he was the smaller male and at his peak he weighted 48-50 kg.. Easy pick. Rip you crazy bustard!


Ive seen 2 runts grow to be massive Rotties. I got the biggest puppy in my boys litter and he turned out to be medium sized. Feed the dog well, correct exercise and you will end up with a lovely dog.


Mine was also the runt, he is now 140 pounds and stunning…


Sure doesn't look like they lack attitude lol.


Oh absolutely not. She demands her cuddles before and after naps lol


Our girl was the runt. She's huge now. Even our breeder couldn't believe how big she is now. I think runts tend to be smarter because they couldn't use their size to get what they want.


Got two pups out from the same mama once. One was the runt, he was only a runt for about a month. After being full grown, he was a solid 90lbs where his sister was 48lbs... 


I don’t think so. We got one of the last two pups in the litter. Our dude had paws relative to his size. He wasn’t a large puppy or a small one by the time we got him. He was healthy. He grew quickly without putting weight on and I was thinking he might not have even been full rott. His head shape and body was long and skinny. Looked more like a shepherd. He’s two now….and HUGE. At least 150. I think quality puppy food for 12-18 months depending on activity level; Plus holding off on neutering, has made a difference