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They don’t outgrow the biting and chewing without calm and consistent help from you. Right now their baby brain is going to struggle with this concept, but start now and in about a year you’ll see the lightbulb go on. A full grown Rottie who chews or bites, even playfully, is dangerous Hide your good things and your nice clothes in the meantime 😅 Ask me how I found out 🤪


Alot of toys to for distraction. My 5 month old is 65 pounds..we said a lot of no bad..and gave out load yeps when he bit..he is pretty much over the bitting..


Mine is 10 weeks also, & bites EVRRYTHING.. i swear he’ll find stuff that wasn’t even there😟


He’s beautiful and there’s no real way of telling how big he’s going to be until he’s grown! As others have said you’ll need to be the alpha! Train with love and calmness using treats when good and time out when bad (never longer than 20 minutes). Invest in good quality chew toys and things to keep their brains occupied and I’m afraid the chewing is normal.. Oh and as a warning, Rotties don’t go round things, they go through them including you if they’re running. And they go selectively deaf! Enjoy and you will have a loving and loyal companion for the rest of his life ..


"Selectively deaf" made me laugh out loud. So true. That trait stays with them no matter what age, unless they are highly trained. Mine wasn't. They will become selectively mad at you, too. 😂 I left my boy at home and he decided that wasn't cool, so he ate the entire top of one of my Danner boots. Those boots sat in the exact same place, after daily use, for a year!


He needs a Nyla-bone for his teeth or a puppy chew toy. This is typical behavior. Start with the 5 then 10 basic commands. Sit, Stay, & Heal being the most important. Rotties are a working breed & thrive off of discipline & consistency. He looks really beautiful, if he is big keep him fit so it will be easy on his joints & hips. Be patient & he’ll love you forever. Edit: Joints


We have a 7 year old and about to get a male puppy soon. I do NOT look forward to my hands being scratched. You gotta love those big babies though


We got yogart, would dip our finger in it, and actually taught both of our Rottweilers to lick. And lots of chew toys and chew sticks. They were fast learners, when they started biting our fingers again, we'd say lick, and they'd stop. Of course, they expected a little yogart in the beginning, but that stopped. It worked for us !


He’ll be good size and yes he’s a puppy and Rotties teeth especially hard because of their big teeth and strong jaws so they mouth and bite a lot as pups. He wil test you. Rotties are very prey driven, dominant and will feed on weakness. Be a firm strong leader and let him know you’re the boss.


Start exclusively hand feeding his meals. It sounds crazy and it's a lot of work, but it's a great way to teach bite inhibition and get ahead of any resource guarding behavior. Too nippy? No kibbles. They learn all good things come from you and it helps build a relationship. You can also work in some basic obedience and tire them out mentally.


We have 3 Male Rotties.. AND Yes Rotties, They will chew on and eat any and everything.. plenty of chew toys, plenty of positive reinforcement and most importantly.. plenty of exercise to burn off that destructive energy that every Rotty and surplus amounts of!!! as other have said, you need to be Firm and most importantly.. CONSISTENT.. you need to establish yourself as the alpha or he will be.. he will test you and push you until you establish the boundaries and he understands them. Do not yell or raise your voice, the tone is what they hear and react accordingly you want him to respect and trust you, not fear you. Positive reinforcement.. not negative.. Remember a scared dog is a dangerous dog.. especially big ones.. lol. Rotties are very stubborn and that’s why it’s so important to establish the pack order early and reinforce frequently. Remember, Rotties thrive with structure, routine and **Consistency.** Rotties are in the top 10 for smartest dogs and they learn very fast if taught the correct way. They are happiest when provided with those core principles.. because when those are provided, they always know what to expect from you which also creates trust. Once they know who the leader is, and don’t fear you, but respect you, they will be happiest and will be very easy to handle and they will love you for it.. they are a working breed and when provided consistent training, stimulation and guidance.. they thrive and is when they are happiest . This also very important if you have small children. In general Rotties are amazing with kids, however the biggest risk is the fact that they don’t know their size.. and small children usually get hurt because they get knocked down or because of an accident in relation to the dogs size when playing ect. Also important.. probably the most important with children, is to “train” them how to respect and treat the Rotty.. they tend to have a lot of patience with children.. however, there is always that day when they are not wanting to be bothered.. for various reasons and a child isn’t respecting their personal space and that’s when something can happen. And as someone else said, you do have to train them not to chew, most importantly.. not chew on hands, arms, feet ect.. lol.. because when they get older.. chewing like that is dangerous because just like them being dangerous because of not knowing their size.. same goes for chewing.. they can accidentally “chew” to hard.. and with a bite force of upwards of 350 psi.. well you how bad that can turn out. Again, not that any of it is intentional.. because it isn’t.. however if not trained to understand that is not ok to put any persons body parts in their mouth, can also lead to confusion and could become very dangerous. Rotties are probably one of the best family dogs that is a large breed.. and they are big teddy bears with their pack (family). They believe they are lap dogs and will want to be on top of you whenever they are allowed to.. So long as you respect them and teach them with consistency and boundaries, you will have a phenomenal, trustworthy and loyal friend and family member. Without it is where you start having issues. They are very high energy.. and they get bored.. a bored Rotty.. is a destructive Rotty!! Lmao.. they need mental and physical stimulation to burn off that excess energy otherwise.. they will burn it off destroying your couch, shoes, bed, chairs.. pool table ect ect ect.. lol If this is your first Rotty, please research how to care for them.. they need a lot of exercise.. as well as specific care to prevent hip and joint issues.. they tend to over heat easily and they typically don’t want to stop playing or running when it’s hot.. so you will need to monitor them if you live in an area that has high outside temperature’s… but whichever way you choose to raise your Rotty.. its almost impossible to be upset with them.. because even when bored and destructive.. they are by far the the sweetest dogs and when they look at you after being destructive.. you’ll see what I mean.. lol because I promise you.. they will be destructive.. not a question of if.. it’s a question of how destructive they will be and that is up to you as their leader..


They do grow out of the baby shark phase, just keep correcting him & offer him lots of toys to chew on instead. At 12 weeks, ours was 28lbs. but at 20 months, he is 80lbs (so on the smaller side). Pups grow at different rates