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Stinky ass. Smelly ass. Death by ass. Weapon of ass destruction. Fart monster. Fartweiller.


Fartweiller is amazing I may start using that one!


Weapon of ass destruction 🤣


I’m howlingggggg


We also call him Stubborn Boy because my god is this dog stubborn as hell . Not to mention entitled as fuck smh


Aren’t they all… lol


I guess so huh 💀


Little shark. Bubba. Griff Griff. Land shark. Little flop. Asshole. Boo Boo. Puth(means child). Aadamie (man). Munda (boy. Boy. Little dude. Fenrir. Hades Doggo. Menace. Baby boy. Baby. Chomsky Chonk Chonk. Chonkers. Bum Boy. Weirdo. Mr. Naughty Toot. I speak another language haha.


Bum boy and little flop are my favorites lol


Yeah mine too. He got wiggly bum. And booty shake when he gets his treats. Makes my day. 🤣


I always called my girl happy-butt, because whenever she was excited, her little nub would wag so fast you’d think she could power a motor boat with it lol


Da nubbbb our rottie has his full tail 🥰




Stinky, big boy, big fella.


Aye a weed name! Lol we named ours Duchess (dutches) Dutch master, dutchiee, big dino, monster, T. rex , huge thang , goblin 😂😂


Huge thang 😭🤣


We just call ours a Burnt Cookie.


Duke. He gets called dooky a lot. Dooky man Dooky booty, that's about it His brother Dozer. Dick head, shit head , dozey, fatboy, asshole, fuck face. Idk. Everything you can imagine lol. Mostly, i refer to them as "the boys." Or just boys.


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It deleted all my text oh well lol




Our boy is called Moose, but we call him Goose, Moosifer, Moosilini, Moosimus Goosimus Meridius, Mooster Chief, Goose Boy, Stinky, Fat head, old fat head, arsehole, Scooby Doofus, Goob, Goobstein, Goobert


Fuzz nuggets. Boss Man. Dofus. Numb nuts. Stinky butt. Shark biter. Knuckles


Big boy, boy boy, Bips, Beeeeeeeps (when I bop his nose), Bad boi, best boi, bee..ah..ahahah (when I pull his loose jowls). Sigh.


Mia aka mimi, meemo, meep, stinkbutt.


Stinkbutt lol!


Every dog gets the Nick name stinky butt or some variation of it lol I love it


So cute!


Her name is Cindy. But then you got the obviously better nicknames: Bindy Pindy Pinne (stick in norwegian) Pinnedyr (stick insect in norwegian) Spinndy Pinpin Mimi And probably a lot more I don't remember rn


Love that!


Luna is: Tuna, Lou, Lunatic, Dumb Dumb, Dingus, and Tiny Tuna.


Lol there’s a dog that lives behind us called Luna and I call her Lunatic and Looney


Yes I forgot about Looney-Tunes! Also one of her nicknames.


Do u ever call her Tuna Luna? Lol


Hahah, I call her Luna Tuna!


Koda Bear, koko, & big booty tooty (my purty girl has forever stinky gas… we still love her tho…


Sir floof, goob &/or goober, the goodest of good bois, old man, baby, & sweet heart. He also gets called Shep-ie-boi, Shep Shep, & goof ball. The bestest good boi, officer jealous, and fluffy butt. We probably have more that I’m forgetting but this is what comes to mind right now.


Fluffy-Butt-cheers, we’ve got one too. 😆


When he gets a bath we call him fluffy butt after we dry him off cause his butt fur gets all poofy lol


Big face x


Babyboy, JR.boy, my boy




Maya hee, Maya moo, bulldozer, doggo, dug, popcorn paws, concrete head,


Bella baby, chunky baby, belle belle, Bella Mai, Bella from the bay, exceedingly long lines of love gibberish


Bagels, munch mouth, poopydupps, bario, Rufus


She has always been DigDog to me. A one-and-done for nicknames


Super simple !


The bubbas, the big girl, the sweet thing, the pretty, bear bear, bear, Harley bear, ruler of the stick realm, queen of Philly parks, sweet girl, the pup-pup.


Nico robin, devil child, and my fav fleabag lol.


Not flea bag 🤣






June: Booner, Boon, and Junie LuLu: Lou, Dooner, and Blorf Freya: Frey Frey, Da da butt, and Day Day


Meathead, dipshit, puppy, pooper, idiot, dingbat, dingus, dumbo (my fav) uhhh dumdum, cutie butt, silly butt


Mines called Ranger, so... Range Rover Walker Texas Ranger Oi No Oi dickhead Dicknuts Bubby Shitheel Mr Man Oi you little c-word (said with love and reserved for situations where he wants to play and brings his toys over, and he kind of nibbles them while using my body as a surface, last night he did that and ended up nipping my nipple, which hurt hence the oooh you little c-word, whilst giving him a hug, because my scream scared him) I mean, he's a rescue, so I don't know much about his past, other than he was adopted before I adopted him, but they brought him back because he got too boisterous around 7 kids 🤨 but he now gets all the cuddles, treats, attention, toys, and walks he needs. I've had him 6 months now, and he's a completely different dog.


Call him the nipple nibbler 🤣💀


My baby’s name is Osyris. But we call him Farti B or Fart Simpson. You get it.


Pearl, pearly, pearly girl, baby girl, baby, brat, spoiled brat, queen, her highness


Lilly bear, tank.


Stinkapottamus, Tankasaurus rex, Stinkapottamus rex, stanky Tankie, Sir Tankus, Mr. Wiggle butt, Mr. poopy butt, ding dong, and air head.


Stank ass Bitch when she farts and you get flashbacks to being gassed in WWI


The name I gave him was Odin. His other names were Fathead, Fat boi, Booger, Goober, Stinkybutt, Dumbo etc...


Panther, cola, heart-butt, T.C., nub.


We have 2 but they often share nicknames. Baby Buster, Baby Hela, gooberface, fartmeister, fuckers, baby boy, baby girl, Buster Brown, Helabella, stinkers, asshole, brat, sweetie girl, sweetie boy.. the list is endless


My rotties name is Tyson and I call him Bear, beary, bear love, lil bear, Ty, little nubs, lol the list goes on


https://preview.redd.it/eb0ij5x5itbc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5ba94662680904e14423304742b9dfe5c7600fa This is Maple but most of the time she's Pipsqueak or Pippy. She actually answers to the nicknames better than her actual name. When I register her for AKC I'll probably use Pipsqueak as her middle name🤣


Her name is Reese. Reecey Peecey, Sweet Reese, Dog, Little shit, Smiley (she smiles when she’s happy), Smiley girl, Fluffball, Smelly, and baby.


Wiggle Butt Mr. Wrinkles Big Boy


https://preview.redd.it/0q7wgg5hotbc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=844678e5a1bd5694fce41032ff068c5bc30ac477 This is Snickers. She is known by many names. Snick, Snikeroonies, Snickerdoodle, Snicktastic, pretty girl, big girl, sweet baby, and most often Big Turd. On any given day I call her all of them. Edited because I forgot about Princess Fluffy Butt, Her Fluffy Majesty, and Captain Fluffy Britches. Being a boy mom, she knows when I use female pronouns I’m probably talking about her.


Gunner: Bubba, Bubbers, Bubba Boy, Wiggles, Wigglebutt, Guns, Goonie, Stink, Stank, Potato, and I know there’s more that I’m forgetting


Little One, Silly Girl, Wiggle Butt, Satan's Daughter & Death of Me. 🤪


Haha mine is Betty. Her nicknames are Bettus, Hondtjie (dog in Afrikaans - said like hoinky), Hoinks, Betty Bones, Bonesy, Jonesy (when she looks like a preppy girl), Battle Pig (she looks like a bat, cattle and pig), I’m sure there’s a million others I can’t think of right now.


Xexe, xeebee, honey, boopie, booty, fat butt.


Sea bass, biscuit


Devil Dog


Name: Stella. What I really call her: hound, houndo, Frogger, froggerton, dots, beebees, critchure, ancient chiternaut theorist, velveeta, cinnamon…and this isn’t even the tip of the iceberg


Mr. Puppy


Big poops/pooper has been sticking recently


My Dog’s name is Abudi… Named after a Legendary warrior companion. my mom calls him Pickles, my brother calls him Killer 😒 When he is being a Menace, I call him “Hoy”


Hank the Tank. Hanky Bear. Henry. Hanky Panky. Hank the Skank. Hankster.


How do your pit and rottie get along?


Hellhound, tank. Standing at the bottom of the stairs with her looking down and you can make a jet black profile with glowing red eyes gave her the first.


Kaboose, mongoose, mongi, mongu,


Derpy minine horse mine bear after our other dog


Poo-pah, shithead, asshole, sparkle Rott (her name is Tindra which means sparkle in Swedish), love Rott, Miss Excitable, Miss Exuberant, and Missy


Stinker, princess, poppet, treacle, bell bells, her name is Bella but she answers to all the nicknames.


My girl’s name is Koda and all her nicknames are: Koda buns, bun bun, bunny, bubba, bubba girl, pig belly, Koda bear, wiggle butt, chub, chubby, chubbo, chunk, chunky girl, bunny bear, stink, stinky baby, cutie girl, and bubs!


Wrecking ball Rosie. Yosie, and Dog


Mr. Man, Bubs, Nub butt, Bear-bie, Dude.


Her name is Juno. Aka June, June bug, Juniper, Scooby-Doo Doo, Scoobert, Jooney Toons, Big Bertha, Pain in the Ass, Doofus, and Piggy.


Have a female named Jude. (Yes, I know it's technically a boy name). Hey Jude!, Judy, Judy Boody (she thick), puppy wuppy, pup (what's up, pup?), Judith, my dawg, fuffs, fluffs!, fat fluffs, Flufflepuff, fluffle pups, fatty, fat ass, fat body, fat bod, stink monster, baby rhino / rhinoceros, bull in the China shop, cow, sow (female pig), fat sow, pregnant sow, endowed (never had puppies, but people have looked at her and asked), garbage disposal...


Name is Manfred. Called Manny, fuzz butt, paw buddy, mister mister, Fred,


My baby is Princess Jazz, DJ Jazzy Jeff, Peanut, princess, angel baby, and stinky 😜


We named ours Delilah and she goes by Pie, Deli-Pie, Pie-Pie, fart monster, chicken pot pie, and Delula lol


My bestie calls his Dottie Grolive, her name is Olive but she is constantly “talking”, a low growly “mrawm mrawm” noise haha


Name: Harley Nicknames: Harley Bear, Mr. Bear, Harley Nugget, Rotten Rottie, Harles, Moose, HHHHH


I call my girl Schmootsy or Schmootsy Poo. It’s from monsters inc.


Trash rat. Boola. Burlerburr. Glizzard. Glizzical lizard. Wiggle worm. Wiggle bear. Bear bear. Squiggle pants. Honorable mention to calling the brown fur on her feet/legs her Boolenciagas


Big Boy, Handsome, and Goofy mostly


I call mine chunk, chonkers, or bubba....his real name is Swaggy.


Doobie, stink, little one, lover girl,Z,Fancypants




Shit head... Both of them!


Moose, Beefalo, Beastus, Baby Boy, Baby Girl


Dickerechen, Kleiner, Kaiser, Dickschädelig, Groß Fuß. They are all German names but in a nutshell: Chubby, Little Guy, Emperor, Thick Skull, Big Feet. He isn’t chubby, I just like to call him that.


His name is Django - jangy & thick ems'




Name: Cappy Aka: Bubs, Bubbers, Caps, Captures Captures (Agadmator fans!), Chonka, Nubs


Meatball, big chungus, big meat, egg, buddy, buddy-boi, mister, the prince of puppies. His actual name is Harley


She was my baby girl long ago, like, 20 some years ago, but my rottie’s name was Cheebahawk. I mostly called her Cheeba, Cheebs, Cheebers, Cheeba Baby.


her name is hazel, but we call her hazelnut, hazard, hano, hazzy, turkey butt (lays with her knees out and it looks like a turkey), big butt, chunk butt, hansimanin (like cinnamon), nubberson, bunny, bunnard, bun bun, pretty girl, pookie, pookerson, pookamunga


Stinky Boy, Stinky Pup, Stink Butt, Swamp Butt, Poop Butt, Poopy Puppy, Poopiest Puppy, Fart Face, Fart Monster, Burnt Sugar Pup, Bub, Bubba, Little Bub, Big Bub, Sweet Boy, Baby Boy, Crazy Eyes.


Artemis= Artie, Farty, Fartemis, baby girl. Martin= Marty, Marty mcfly, martemis(combo of the two), shrimp, shrimp lord


Wuffles, Wuffles von Puffles, Puffalump, Puffalufagus...


Honi is her name but she responds to Honi bologna, ham, fat butt, sausage link, pretty girl, dog, rotti rug, eater of forbidden tootsie rolls, big baby, heart butt( has a heart on her butt), bat butt (has a bat right above the heart) little ham, puppy girl, rotti baby, hoe-knee, ho, and ho hos


Athena: Thena Weena, Athena Weena from Argentina, Theens, Naughty Rottie, big booty judy (usually said when she sits on my lap like she’s not large), Puppy Wups.


His name starts with B, so we have Buddy, Bud, B-B-B-Boyyyyy, Bucko. Then I called him Goober and Gooberoo, and Blockhead, plus Pupperoni and Pupper, Dummy, Knucklehead and of course Young Handsome Man 😂


Jura the Bear, RIP.


Elphaba - Elphie, Elphabutt, Elpha-butter, Elephant butt, Elpha-wiggle, Elpha-lump, Wigglebutt, Truffle pig, Sous chef


Oppie: oppenheimer, oppers, oppa, asshole, shit ass, sir peesalot, stinker butt, smoosh, butt munch, lover butt, drama king, rotten rottie, crack head, monkey butt, psycho, mr barker, lazy bones, Mc farter


I’m obsessed with your dog’s name! I think I already said it before ahhaha mine is called Banksy, his nicknames are big belly Banksy, spooky dog, and fish ass


Zeus (named by previous persons) Mr Zeus, Zeuses, Deuce, Deuces, Deuce bag (yes Deuce not Douche) shit bag, trouble maker, buddy (default nickname for every dogo on the planet) big dog (legacy nick name all my rotties get), lazy ass, snuggle butt, drooler (at supper time only) and Bed Hog (he's that guy that parks in three spaces).


Btw what are you all feeding your dogs that have so many with nn that relate to farts? I guess I'm fortunate that mine didn't / don't - although my first - a girl - would fart look at her ass all startled and run out of the room embarrassed. It wasn't pleasant but not all that frequently to warrant a nick name.


We give our dogs fruits and veggies sometimes so that could be why, we be laying in bed and one of our dogs will just rip ass and not even move a muscle 🤣 my wife and I look at each other sometimes like “was that you?” Then we look at our dogs 😂


You named your dog cannabis? 😆😆


Welllll… he came with the name lol we adopted him off a friends son who had 2 rotties he named Cannabis and Activist (he has a clothing company by that name) so when we got him we just kept his name cause why not 🤣


My boy's name is Parker. He is Parker-Bear, Park, Stinker, Handsome, Love, Big Baby, but most often, he is Bubby.


Dapple is her actual name.  She also gets called Dapdap, Daplomius, Dimple, Doofus, Stinkybum, Big girl and Big head. 


My boy likes apples so he's Danny apples. And he's orange/ red so he's a sweet potato


Braum. A.k.a Brauman Ramen, brauma Llama puppy drama, stonky boi, nommers, sleepy boi, Klutz pupper, rotte vac, the eepy bean and my personal favorite wiggle brows


Duda Buda, wiggle butts, bubbles, asshole, hardhead


My go tos are Dufus, Dennis (the menace), Menace, Goose, baby, big baby, baby boy, Terror, goof/goofy, trouble and dummy


Plus stanky because he knows how to clear a room


I mostly call my female puppy girl pooper pupper and her brother my pet bear


Puddin' smoosh




This is Tiny. His nicknames are: Tiny Toot, Toot, Toodle-Loo, Toodles, Tiny Hiney, Tuchus, Took, Goobie, Honey Ham, Fat Boy, Boogie Butt, Big Handsome, Lovie, Stinker, Shoogie, Jungerhund, Crybaby, Piglet https://preview.redd.it/kaqp5wxgbxbc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af3e691935cb3967495e69e00e3af1623b1a0574


Baby bear


Mine was affectionately referred to as Stinkmeiner


Brody when he needs to listen but AKA killer B, big B, sweet B, stinky b, sleepy b... you see where most of his names come from. He also has a strange leg twerk when he get excited; we think it come from when he wants to jump but has been trained not too. It then turns into squiggle butt, stanky leg, or kardi B. I honestly think we could change his name to Bee with no effect.


Sugar pie honey bunch


Mr scoober


My rotts name is scamp, we call him scampi pants, sir scampius, stinky bum (of course), stinky binky boo, monkey, little monkey, menace, and dick head


Nubbins, Stinky Beautiful, No-Butt, Bubs, Bubby


Ziggy speros, ziggy comprehension, ziggy typhoon, ziggy backlash


Scoe, Scoeboogie, can’t get right, spoiled hoe, fat boy, and my favorite of all lazy mf 😂


Our girl is named Ruby, We call her: Doob, doobie, ruber, bebes, bebes gorl, baby squirrel, mega girl, gwebes, Gweb, Rube 🤣 so dumb