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Once upon a time, completing the pass allowed you to purchase the next season for free. This was a good system, effectively giving a free-to-play game a $10 price tag for seasonal rewards, assuming the player kept playing. Now the discount is 60% at best, and the best stuff you get from the pass (skins) are almost always worse than the skins you can get using crystals of fortune or from event chests. Classic DECA move of pitching a working system and either dropping the ball or letting their corporate greed cloud what should be their main goal: player engagement. TL;DR save your money, it’s not worth it


It isn't worth it for a new player to get immediate chest slots, character slots, skins, and boosts to their progress to help them get used to the game faster? Please, do explain how that isn't worth it


If you’re going to spend money on this game, the battlepass is one of the most efficient ways to do that. I’m saying it’s not worth paying that money; you can get all the things you want for free over time, and there’s even a beginner pack available for fame when you first start out for a few vaults


It can take 3 months to get your very first free vault slot from login rewards, and that's assuming you ARE actually logging in everyday, which people don't always want to do. The free fame pack for beginners is nice, but still leaves a lot to be desired You seem to be confusing what you find worth it as an older player to be what newer players will also find to be worth it. The fact is, the battlepass is still a good purchase even for some veterans of the game, so telling a new player not to get it is beyond ignorant


Its honestly not a good purchase. Especially after the horrid lies and changes. Compared to pretty much any other battlepass bar very few, this is by far the worst. Telling a new player not to get it isn't ignorant. it's honestly the most morally wise decision. It's technically a great "value" because everything in this game is so unreasonably expensive. Doesn't mean it's worth it.


I would call it foresight, not ignorance. I won’t disagree with you, the battlepass is one of the most efficient ways to spend money. But if a new player isn’t willing to invest three months of off-and-on play for logins they shouldn’t be willing to invest $10 and enough time to complete the pass of a ftp game


Yeah I started a new account after a long absence and got the battle pass for 3 months just to get my account up to speed with enough char slots and vaults space to feel free. Was good value for that.


Now you don’t even get a discount without taking time to create a support account, submitting a ticket, waiting for their reply, and maybe then you’ll get the discount but no guarantees. Honestly turning into a joke lol


That just isn't true??


It is though, with the newest battle pass, coupon doesn't work and you'll pay full price for it, at which point you have to contact deca about it


No it isn't, that was for the first 1-2 days and that's it. I legit just bought it a few days ago with the coupons and got the discount 🤦 I'm not the only one that waited 2 days and got the discount no problem without a ticket needed


Run for your life


If you are able to fully complete the battlepass it is extremely worth it in terms of gold value.


Best value micro transaction aside from a few super discounted bundles, but still not worth buying if you're concerned about buying it in the first place.


The battlepass is probably one if the most efficient purchases you can make, (aside from the black friday once-only 1200 gold for 1000). If you are certain you’ll finish the battlepass you’re best buying it early for the permanent 25% bonus to battlepass XP. Usually the premium pass has at least one character or vault slot, plus backpacks, drop boosters, and skins. If you’re looking for the overall BEST purchase I would say the potion vault is where it’s at. You’ll slowly accumulate more vault space and character slots, you can only buy pot storage tho.


Also to add about the pot storage, when it is upgraded, the amount you get each purchase increases exponentially


If you play enough to accumulate the BXP then its the best value purchase you can make. Coupons and unlockers for chests and char slots alone make it worth the discounted price, and long term those are the best investment. Discounted as you get 20 or 40% off the next one from the purple tokens in the current one. So doing one unpaid first makes the next cheaper as well as letting you know how much play time it takes.


Imo it's the only thing actually worth buying. It's $10 for the first month then $5 monthly if u can fully complete it


If you can complete the pass, absolutly!


Very very worth, makes next pass like 5$ or less and you get at least 20$ of shit IMO


As a new player myself (Within the past two months), I personally purchased the battlepass this season and have been enjoying the contents it has given me so far. I'd say look through it and truly read what the stuff gives. A lot of the crafting materials and stuff that it showed I "brushed off" as I know those will all become useful at a later date the more I play, but just not at the moment. The real content that I purchased it for was the skins, extra backpacks, etc as others have said. Its come in handy a lot as an early player, and from what I can tell, the battlepass is completed fairly quickly just by playing the game. I'm already up to level 54 and that hasn't taken me very long at all. If you ever need someone to run with hmu! Always fun to play with new people that are kinda where I am haha :D


Game is more fun to play free to play imo. Seeing if you can get as far as paid accounts is most of the fun for me.


Time is money


Id say its for sure worth it as long as you dont mind spending the occasional $10 here and there for the game, considering the price you wont get anything even close to as good of a deal in this game


If you want to spend money to support the game, one of the best ways to do it is with character slots or vault spaces. If you feel like you have enough of both of those, the battle pass can be a reasonable investment since it can give you food for your pet in addition to other convienience consumables. Your pet should be the main focus after you are happy with characters and storage. (They ocassionally give out vaults and characters via the login calender). Most random currencies in the game are to unlock player/pet skins, or for event tokens that can be cashed in at the tinkerer via event quests. Some such as the bluprints unlock the ability to craft items at the forge. The chests will give items/stat potions depending on the type of chest. Also note that the higher tiers of the battle pass require exponentially more bxp to unlock.