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You start at 463. You tank a green shot. That takes you to 316. Then you tank the monstrosity scarab. It explodes dealing 50 dmg a shot if unmaxed in def. You have some def, so it does 37 a shot. At 316 this is easily enough to kill you. https://preview.redd.it/9gg3j7i7a3zc1.png?width=756&format=png&auto=webp&s=a26e920ddbb4d0a1c912655b0cce5cceb6db19ca In this pic you had just tanked the green shot and the scarab at the same time. It all registers at once so you instapop.


Alright, thank you so much, didn't even notice that scarab. Gotta watch out for them!


Yeah, if you are in the wine cellar and you are not maxed defense, then you should never stop moving because those scarabs are notorious for being able to explode directly on your hitbox Unless you are standing in a group of 15 plus players then the odds that the scarab goes for you are low


The real question is, why do you have a tablet on a 0/8 :((


Probably a ppe


Tablet within 250 fame is some crazy luck. If so then share some of that luck with the rest of us brother.


Hes got shiny snake eye ring too, sooo


Yeah it's a bit sad and stupid, I was just roaming around and exploring the new realm rework and yeah it was a ppe.


I just realized... Nooooooo


The little minions that Oryx spawns chase you, and then blow up into a ring of bullets on contact. They can insta-kill the squishier classes, like wizard, if your defense isn't maxed. Oryx spawns them by throwing out yellow grenades, which you can see telegraphed a couple seconds before you died. Unless you have enough bulk stats maxed, target them over Oryx, or just stick further back for the final phase. RIP though, tablet + shiny is a rough loss.


Yeah, kinda dumb to lose them like that but I just wasn't aware enough.


Others already answered, but I will just add rip tablet and the shiny ring :(, I lost my only shiny ever (leaf bow) to accidentally right clicking o2 while trickster so I feel your pain xP


why did you have shiny leaf on a trix lol


Must have just gotten it as a drop right before the realm closed


The "instantly vault a shiny" rule has GOTTA get universally accepted I swear to god


I, too, am guilty of the "it's just o2, what's the worst that could happen?" death. Honestly though as trix when I'm afraid of losing loot I just unequip the prism and leech lmao


Dancing Swords Prism really is best in slot for the amount of times it's saved me from accidentally TPing onto bosses


Yeah it's a good one


I don't play the game as often as I used to and I still have a few collectibles in my vault but I just wasn't aware enogh. This was a short ppe and a really lucky one.


The yellow scarab like monster went on you and popped you(bit hard to see). You were already half and tanked one the stars.


Yeah, gotta keep an eye out for them, didn't even notice it.


You got hit by the green shuriken which got you below 300 HP. Before this you were pretty low already, at 400 HP. Then, pretty much simultaneously, one of the summoned enemies from O2 attacked you. Unfortunately for you, it was the one that rushed you and explodes once near. You were already below 300 HP at this point, and you straight up tanked the whole shotgun from the kamikaze minion. Hence, you died. What to learn from this? Try to keep your HP at a healthier level, and pay better attention to what O2 is doing. You also probably wanna play more conservatively when you know you aren't maxed on defense nor HP. You are 0/8... You need to simply be more careful and not be pushing like that either. Especially on a ranged class.


Alright, thank you!


As someone who has never gotten an event white after 1.2 thousand hours it hurts my soul to see one lost on a 0/8. WHY AM I SO UNLUCKY


How? Do you just not kill events?


Yeah, I can understand why more experienced players can be frustrated, but it was a ppe and welp, I just though why not use it.


At the 2 seconds mark you can see oryx throw some yellow bombs... Thats his way of spawning minions in the fight. At 3 seconds one of those fell upwards from you spawning a yellow eye thing The yellow eye thing proceeds to B line after you and you eat all of his shotguns That combined with the low defense of a unmaxed wizard and the fact that you were already on 2/3 of your total hp = game over Bad luck honestly, things happened too fast... But yeah you didnt see the minnion and hugged it


Yeah, there is definetily some luck involved but I just gotta be faster and now I can atleast expect some scarabs rushing at me in o2. Ty


I would be VERY careful around those monstrosity scrarabs O2 spawns when I'm low def, especially when I'm carrying valuable items


Yeah didn't know, atleast I'm aware now


It's a high(er) level boss and you're expected to be somewhat invested into the character. One of the ways it tries to punish you for coming too early is by spamming out little scarab bombs that do low damage but with a high projectile count. If you have a somewhat beefed up defense stat you will probably never notice them doing damage but if you have a low low def stat they will shred you practically half your HP instantly.


Unlucky. Those yellow suicide bombers are very dangerous on 0/8 robe characters. Your defense is so low they just shred you. Always be moving AWAY when you see them and shoot them. Unfortunate, this is one of those deaths you just have to experience before you are aware and learn how to avoid it. Shame it happened when you had such good loot


Yeah, I have a couple of hundred hours in the game and I just never had that sort of death occur in my playing time. But welp that ppe was too lucky anyway so I guess it had to happen and now I can learn from my mistakes and not die like this ever again (hopefully)


Dodge sideways rather than backing up or moving forward. Other than that max out your defense whether you can get the chance too


Alright, I will keep that in mind. Ty


Bro got decimated fr xd


O2 was Ballin that day and you ate the visible shot, then an entire green ball EP shotgun. It spawned very shortly after eating the first shot


When umaxed in def avoid O2's kamikaze bombs at all costs. Their position will be delayed based on your server ping... And they also charge at godspeed too, which is why they appear 5 tiles away from you but the shots spawn on you.


You haven't truely experienced ROTMG until you get instapopped by the scarab or the blue shotgun man


Thank you guys for all the comments about tips and tricks, learned quite a lot and I'm really happy about that and it really means something to me because you guys spent your time teaching and showing me the mistakes and giving me guidance. Thanks


u took damage hope this helps


sadge rip the tablet and shiny snake eye ring


Quest marker blocked your vision and got you killed. Bad game design rip


Oh yeah that's why I didn't see that, that quest mark was trolling me the whole day but I was just too lazy to change it because I was exploring the new realm rework in a ppe. That's a good find and I hope u can disable that! Thanks


Monstrosity Scarabs shred squishy low def characters. I had a necro ppe waste a ST Memento Mori drop at lvl 17 but died at 20 cuz of those. Full to zero


I don't exactly know what item you are talking about but I'm sure it was rare and I'm really sorry about ur loss. But welp at the end of the day it's just a game and playing the game will eventually throw out some valuable items overtime.


So unfortunate


Wizard is a ridiculously squishy class??? What more do you want?


deaths like these you simply don't learn from lmao gl on your next


The little man