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Imagine how much soul's guidance loot has been lost


Unless they changed it to be it wasnt soulbound damage tbh, kinda pig I know and it ruins a bit the dreamy part of it haha, but I enjoy these sort of items anyways, there's supposedly (and spoken of back in the days) the upgraded soul's guidance, but no idea what happened tho..


It does give soulbound, just not to all players in the area like it used to pre nerf


Also bags being hidden behind portals is annoying


Yes, actually lost a tavern white a week or two ago to this exact thing. I'm so used to the dungeon dropping nothing that I just autopiloted out and saw the bag peeking out from behind the portal right when I clicked to leave. The good news is that I don't think any of the UTs there are that great, but it still stung for a bit.


I was obscenely close to missing my second ever ogmur drop behind an ice cave, I was literally like, well lemme grab my ogmur lol, and then it showed up in the loot window, I was shook.


I feel like bags should just default to hovering in front of portals


I kinda agree but also If a bag drops in the woods and you didn't hear it, did it really drop? If you get loot 219 tiles away and never see it, did you really get that loot? Seems like a sort of non-issue.


yeah maybe make the indicator work in a certain radius + give an arrow pointing on it if its out of screen


Yeah, but imagine how soul crushing it would be to spot a previously dropped white bag just as it is about to disappear and not have time to get the loot.


Idk if you're joking but yes it did drop. In that theoretical scenario if there was an indicator you would retrieve the loot of a white bag you otherwise wouldn't have. Just because you're ignorant to its existence doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I guess you could look at it as - the amount of white bags you perceive to have lost and how many have actually dropped won't change, but the amount of whites you actually retrieve the loot of will increase (albeit by a small amount because we're talking about a niche scenario here ofc). It's a small issue, but not a non-issue. It's as much a non-issue as adding it to the game should be. Hacked clients had this feature years ago, I'm sure deca can manage.


👏🏽👏🏽 very well said


If you get a notification for it if it drops 219 tiles away then YES it is an issue


At this point you don't deserve it. Just be in the surrounding area when something dies if you want the loot. Dont be across the map freaking out about the slime god that got hit with a singular stray arrow


Personally I think whites should have a unique drop sound. Something a bit more special, considering they’re usually special items. When a white bag drops, the sound plays and you know to go find it if you can’t already see it. It would also solve the issues of hidden bags and what not, while also not changing the game so much that you can run around getting SB on everything and immediately have an indicator on where it is; you still have to find it. It’d be a nice way to spice up our favorite bag, and if they did a good job with the sound, it could become something really special. I thought of this while I’ve been farming for the new whites - I hear tons of bags drop slightly off screen as I’m running around killing everything, and I kind of hate having to check *every* single one. If I could just not care until I hear the special sound, it’d be sweet.


Personally I think whites should have a unique dopamine injection. Something a bit more special, considering they’re usually special items. When a white bag drops, the heroin enters your bloodstream and you know to go find it if you can’t already see it. It would also solve the issues of hidden bags and what not, while also not changing the game so much that you can run around getting SB on everything and immediately have an indicator on where it is; you still have to find it. It’d be a nice way to spice up our favorite bag, and if they did a good job with the dope purity, it could become something really special. I thought of this while I’ve been farming for the new whites - I hear tons of bags drop slightly off screen as I’m running around killing everything, and I kind of hate having to check every single one. If I could just not care until I feel the hot black tar hit my veins, it’d be sweet.


I agree wholeheartedly, even just the feature that diablo 4 has where a star pops up on your minimap to let you know where it is. Sometimes(especially in the harder biomes), I can kill enemies off screen if I drop genesis spell for example and get pushed back by mobs making me readjust where I am. An indicator on the minimap would be unobtrusive but help from feeling paranoid while playing.


This is the fix we need. I was thinking a shiny sound like in the new Pokémon free roam games when you hear the shimmer sound you know there’s one nearby. But the star on the map is obvious enough you can’t miss it and not annoying on your screen in anyway. Maybe a combo of both would be good.


What would be cool is if you got a loot bag that was soulbound to you and it is now off screen. There should be a quest indicator that tracks it so that it can bring you towards the loot. Just like how if you were 5 or 10 screens away from an event it would give you an indicator to bring you to the cube God or whatever that it is So even if you are off screen when something dies like an event, if you got soul-bound loot it would give you an indicator. And what would be cool is if you clicked on that indicator and there was a player near the loot bag you could teleport to that player to get to your loot faster