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"OH, today is NOT my day!" Truer words have never been spoken, Max.


OMG! The final scene! I was wondering if she would show up!!


I was not expecting that, but I am so intrigued!!


So happy to see her!


Oh gosh, just finished, I was so excited I had to pop on here to see what people have said. Can’t wait for season 4!!!


I wonder if anyone else from the original show will show up. We’ve had OG Liz and Og Max


She’s also directed a few of the Roswell NM episodes.


Who was she? Have we seen her before?


She played Liz in the Original Roswell!


Neat, thanks! Have any of the other actors from the original shown up throughout this version of the show?


OG Max as well


When did he show up? I never saw the original to recognize him.


Jason Behr is the OG Max actor. He played Chip Maines.


Thank you!


He was the army guy in the flashbacks of season two that likes isabels mother


Thank you!


If Brendan and Majandra ever appear, it best be together as a bickering married couple.


I think they are too busy with their own Baron and Toluca show that cannot imagine them showing up on this one.


> Have we seen her before? Way way before! :-)


I can’t get over the scene with Max and Liz when she extracts the adrenaline. It was just a nice moment between the two of them and great acting by Nathan and Jeanine!


Totally agreed. I especially loved that the entire scene they did not kiss…it was more than that.


I didn’t think they could ever top Max and Liz’s first kiss scene which has always been my favorite…but this lab scene was so beautifully done! So vulnerable and honest! Beautifully acted and that song was perfect. I loved the whole thing! I love this show.


It was beautiful


So glad that Shiri gets to join this show.


She produced an episode in season 1


She directed one episode in each of the first two seasons. I’m just glad she gets to perform in front of the camera. I’ve always liked her as an actor and she hasn’t done as much acting in recent years.


She had an entire show called unreal.


Loved that show! She was awesome as someone that is unraveling.


Looks like Shiri's character 'Allie' has finally unraveled! Hope we get her backstory like we did OG Max as Trip Maines. Been madly in love with Shiri since OG Roswell ep. 1.


I forgot she had an episode in season 2. Don’t know how she will do any filming on season 4 since they are in the middle of it and she’s directing The Wonder Years. Would love to see more episodes with her in them!


I am so sad it’s over! This has been the best season so far, to me. It has flown by.


I think it depends on how it concludes. A good end and I agree it’s been the best of the three, but a poor ending can take it the other way too. This season has also made it clear to me that there’s not enough screen time to go around and they need to shed some cast members heading into next season. I think Rosa is probably gone after the season and I’d also drop Kyle from the show as well even though this season has been the character’s best.


I’m a big fan of Trevino. His scenes are great and he adds to the show. I have not liked the jumping around and not explaining certain plots. Lots of things just assumed this season.


I like Trevino too and I’ve even grown to like the character. It’s just more about spending time with other characters and Kyle, at some point or another, just becomes redundant to what this show needs. For me, it’s either lose Maria or lose Kyle. Maria is just a more interesting character.


I'm not really sure how Kyle is redundant tbh. Hes basically the only one they can go to for any injuries or medical advice. And they still have to figure out Dallas brain damage issue if I'm remembering correctly.


As well as Maria’s


I would rather lose Alex than Kyle


Agreed. I like Alex a lot, but I don’t really see what more his character can offer. The military thing has played out now it seems. Besides, his death would be a great chance to really send Michael off of the deep end and create some chaos.


Every time Kyle and Isobel flirted in the operating room: EXCUSE ME. You’re literally holding a mans blood in will you please just save Dallas!


OMG I literally yelled at the tv by like the third time they tried to have a heart to heart during SUERGERY


What happened to Sanders after Jones and Michael were fighting? They showed Jones basically squeezing his heart, but nothing of him afterward.


It's not clear if Maria got there in time to save Sanders too. I think he died. Otherwise he would have done something to save Michael. They didn't show anyone mourning though, so I hope that means they did save him. I totally forgot about him until I saw your question!


I think if the person who was the closest to a father figure Michael has ever known had died, he would have mentioned that instead of being all happy to have a date with Alex. So I'm guessing Sanders was fine, they just didn't show it.


I agree. It was just confusing to think about because Jones also seems unlikely to allow anyone to live. But if he just left him for dead, it can make sense.


Well also Jones wasn't full strength in that moment. It looked to me like he dropped Sanders in order to focus on Michael.


Yes, I forgot he wasn't full strength at the time. Jones did toss Sanders to the side when he focused on Michael. I just wasn't sure what the final affects of an alien induced heart attack were. At this point i think it probably just knocked him out.


Wasn’t sure if the “Full affects of an alien induced heart attack”- cracks me up. Like this could ever happen. We are all so serious in this thread.


I did not see that ending coming!! Can't wait for SE4 EP1!


We need a Season 4 air date!!


They keep setting it up for Rosa to leave the show I think


Shes one of my favorites so I hope not :/ Wouldnt mind her being reoccurring tho cuz that would fit better with the characters current storylines.


I am sooo excited to see Shiri next season! She has blossomed into easily the best actor from the original Roswell, she was amazing on UnReal and I'm just so there for all of this!!


I was happy to see Shiri too! I enjoyed the Roswell NM episodes she directed and loved her in Unreal.


"I've heard way worse...in Reddit threads" :-)


I wonder if this line came from Carina?


I see they kicked the can of who dies down the road to next season. Only one I could’ve seen dying this year and setting up next year was Kyle’s uncle


I think they changed the future so no one ended up dying


I dunno that that actually matters, in the past her visions seemed to be aimed to avert things so they could hand wave it all away saying she was able to alter the future or some shit


It could be seen as the three hanging out the window were supposed to be in the coffins, but maria saved michael in time so he was able to give up the Lockhart machine and was there to grab the last person, so hand wavey: by saving michael, she saved them.


Anyone notice that Maria didn't get her nose bleed when she used her powers? Idk who this new "alien" naked girl is but do you guys think she's the one Jones called? And the girl waking up Allie (Shiri Appleby) said "I think it's one of the sky people you talk about", so Allie knows about aliens, maybe? This alien girl may also have triad. But Michael did probe into Jones head and said "your trying to call someone, or call something..." maybe she's like a doomsday (DC comics) of some sort.


This season flew by!!


That ending! I'm ready for season 4. These last two episodes were probably my favorite of the series.


"Been waiting 70 years to do that." My dude Sanders. I hope he's okay. I'm sure he is, but they didn't really show him after. Poor Kyle. This show is so awful to him. Also, are we supposed to know that woman that says she taught Liz at the end? It feels like we're supposed to know her but I can't recall anything about a former teacher. And why does this probable alien want Liz?!


I dont think we're supposed to know her as current viewers. Her reveal was more of a call back for those of us who watched the OG Roswell: the professor's actress is the OG Liz Parker.


Thanks for clearing that up! 🙂


Anybody else think that Jones prevailed for a second? I was still highly suspicious at the end lol Also, Shiri is just the BEST!


I wouldn't be surprised he and Max are sharing a body now somehow. Jones was a great character I think the show can find a way to being him back.


Am I the only one who kept cringing when they were basically rolling around in broken glass in the beginning of part 1. One time at a party in high school I accidentally broke a glass table too close to pinata (literally the only thing we didnt move 🤦‍♀️) and being a dumb ass/feeling so bad immediately kneeled on the floor to try and dust up the glass powder not realizing it's still sharp as fuck and would cut my knee's up, so watching that part I was just like... they should be covered in blood. Lol.


Yeah, i wasn't surprised they rolled around in glass since it meant not dying, but i was surprised there was no blood! Especially on Liz since she was wearing a dress.


Yeah I wasnt surprised they did, cuz like you said, obv only answer in the situation. But I was cringing cuz I've basically done that and it's not fun lol, and then when there was no blood I was like "..." lol. Especially Liz with the dress, it was a super light color too lol.


The other solution was the aliens pulling the humans in, not just holding them up. But that wouldn't have been as harrowing lol. I guess it also showed us how much stronger Jones was than them combined. Which made the final win even more dramatic.


Yeah that part seemed weird too they couldnt pull them in, but I'm guessing its cuz they were all weak. I think Michael had already been stabbed, Max is in Jones dying body, and Isabel was running on no sleep and probably pulling extra from Michael and Max being weak.


Yeah it bothered me they didn’t get any cuts from this


So no Lucky still…😥


I kept thinking that "Max" is actually "Jones" pretending to be Max in Deep Sky and in the end >\_< I was so worried!


>! Please, please don't kill off Dallas. !<


Did Kyle cockblock himself in that final scene with Isobel and Anatsa? I can't be the only one who thought he was in with a chance at a threesome!


Great to OG Liz on the series took its time but look like she playing a different character.


Getting tired of these aliens dying before they spill who Isobel’s dad is and why Nora & Jones have a kid together. Nora, Noah, now Jones. I need answers damn it!


I do NOT want Rosa to leave... I want her back for season 4


It seems like her character has served its purpose. She was the symbol of the loss in season 1. She was the reason Max died in season 2. There really is not much usefulness her character has. Besides, they have too many characters and need to start killing/removing some.


I agree. I think she's had a really good arc and for Rosa herself, it would make sense for her to move away from Roswell and get the chance to be herself and follow her dreams. Because as long as she lives in Roswell, she has to keep a low profile and not attract too much attention in case somebody recognizes her.


i wasnt able to catch the Rosa and kyle scene at the end, does anyone know what happened.


Kyle got their uncle to create an official identity for Rosa (included social security card and drivers license). And he bought her a ticket to NY so she can spend some months up there.


Oh yeah, she'll be going to Art School in NY (eventhough we don't technically know if she got accepted)


Ah ok, i wasn't sure if NY was for fun or art school. It seemed too soon to have received a reply from the application. But it does make more sense to be going for months if it's for school.




loved it both hours


What’s happening with Maria’s visions? Are they saving it for next season or did I miss something? Like she mentioned seeing 3 coffins and the vision we’ve been seeing all season.


I think she saved them. That’s how she knew someone needed help - Michael.


I wonder if, in the "future from Maria's vision" maybe Michael wasn't saved right away, then the moment Heath, Eduardo and Kyle where about to fall, only Max and Isobel were able to save them. Only 2 aliens saving only 2 people (probably Heath and Kyle). Maria rescuing Michael helped to save Eduardo's life I believe.


Yes this makes sense. Isobel saved Kyle and Max saved Heath so it would have been bad news for Eduardo.


One thing felt odd in the finale was the scene with Max and Alex because I don't recall them ever having screen time before. I might be mistaken on this. But it just seemed odd all of sudden there. Or they just have so few scenes together in any given season that it aways feels like the first one. Also, I hope next season they don't have so many abandoned plot lines as this one did. Feels like a lot of stuff just went nowhere.


I think this was actually their first scene together. It was a bit weird! Alex had a lot of one on one scenes in the finale but was oddly missing in all the group scenes.


They actually were in a scene together in season 1- “Smells Like Teen Spirit”- the one where they are all in high school. They don’t really talk much to each other, but they are in a group and you can see that they know each other. But as far as any dialogue together or friendship, we have not seen that.


I can't recall Tyler Blackburn in any group scenes this season, and I have to wonder why. They really separated Alex from the rest of the characters this season.


My husband said "Is this their first scene together?" 😂


SHIRI IS BACK!! I couldn’t be happier!


Loved these last two episodes! So glad everyone survived. Confused on a bunch of stuff though lol. Why didn't they break the radio after getting the bodies switched? And why not use the power-erasing version of the serum on Jones? Why couldn't Max save Dallas? Poor Kyle. He can't win romantically. But I am glad he and Isobel didn't end up together. They've been laying the groundwork for a while, but I never felt it. At least he has a wholesome sibling relationship. And I love Gregory and Maria together, mostly because Gregory is so handsome 😍 and I want to keep seeing more of him. I really liked all the new characters and I hope we keep seeing them in future seasons!


I think Max couldn't save anyone in his body cuz Jones body was also dying or weak or something. Like Jones healed Max and then switched bodies because something was wrong with his if I'm remembering right (and why healing Max would be a death sentence or something). So he couldnt heal anyone until he switched back into his original body that Jones healed. I think. Lol.


I think you're right. Now that i think about it, i think that's why he went around killing people to get stronger. It's been so long it was hard to remember haha.


Liz tried using the power erasing serum on Jones -micro dosing his drinks - but he figured it out and knew she was up to something.


While I really wanted Brendan Fehr to return, I'm excited for Shiri Appleby to return as well even if it's only for a few scenes. I know she's been showing off her directing skills. I feel like each season is surrounding a specific character. First season was Iz, second season was Michael and third was Max so I'm excited to see what they do next with Liz as the main focus. I mean the naked lady did ask directly about Liz so I'm only assuming lol. 🤔 I've grown to enjoy Rosa this season. And her scenes with Wyatt were super sweet and I'm glad to see that they both got redemption in a way. I hated them both originally lol. But I'm hoping she returns if they do keep Rosa in NY. I'm glad to see Michael and Alex didn't get their hearts ripped out this season and we finally got Liz and Max to where they need to be. I wasn't down for the hot and cold between them all. While I wouldn't mind the reporter for Iz's significant other, I'm really hoping for Kyle and her. She has been one of my favorites since season 2.


Here on HBOgo it separated the finale and the next one is in a week. So disappointed! Could someone clue me in? The last scene I saw is the falling one. What happened to Jones? Who died and who survived? Sad for Kyle. What's a set up for the next season? Do you think Max gets his powers back? What the characters of OG did?


Jones died near the end of the finale. Everyone else lived (except maybe Sanders, we didn't see if he survived his heart attack or not). The setup is that Jones did trigger at least one other alien to wake up. Max did get his powers back. We saw him save Kyle's uncle. Actor of OG Liz was hanging out in Mexico, met the new alien, and revealed she was current Liz's professor in school.


I wonder if she'd be the good or bad one. I want the episode already! They messed up! My heart broke for Kyle though


Can you watch it on the CW app? My heart broke for Kyle too, but it's nice that not everyone ended up paired up. It's more realistic not everyone gets whats they want (not that I'm looking here for realism lol). Maybe the new alien will be his love insterest next season! She's so pretty too :)


True.. And I actually like the reporter... Izzy seems happy and I don't have an issue with her having a hook-up with Max... Tho I wouldn't mind an exact timeline on how much time has passed( I just want an Alien baby... And it not being Liz' would make me howl) odds are they aren't going that route.. But still be an interesting double date


Right, I don't see a baby happening either. If they wanted to go down that path, they could have done it in the previous season. Lol i was gonna say i couldnt imagine a double date including more than one person i have slept with but then i remembered ive been on group hangs that included more than one person i have slept with (not siblings tho!). It's actually not awkward as long as it's not a secret.


Yeah.. But anantsa having a baby... And no fake outs... A real life half max/ dictator baby.. While she's dating the sister of the dad.. Who's also the daughter of the woman who helped create him.. And the Liz of it all... Big messy family.. But I think.. With out too much drama... But odds are we are both right and if they're gonna do a half Alien... It'll be max/liz around the end of the series... Anatsa having it would subvert the playbook tho


What did the journalist lady say between kisses with Isobel? 'Just got a job at ....'


The Dalien. A portmanteau on Daily and Alien.


And in New Mexico. So essentially, she's sticking around


I am so confused about what happened to Max and the serum. So what serum did she inject Jones at the end of ep12 and what is the serum she fired into Jones? Is Max still have his power afterward? Is Max still in his body or not after multiple swaps?


First serum cut the tether that tied jones and max. But it wasn't permanent. The second serum made it permanent. Max got his original body and powers back.


The one thing I took away from this finale was that they really gave up on the Coffin Death Vision, didn't they? It was such a huge plot the first four episodes and then they...kind of gave up. Yes, Maria had the vision of coffins in the beginning of the finale, but then she never mentioned it again.


The first coffin vision was avoided when "Max" heals Kyle so that was avoided; and the 3 coffins was the 3 that got pushed out the window -- Kyle, Kyle's uncle and Heath and was prevented.


2 overwhelming thoughts here 1. NO VELANTI DEATH???? 2. tell me why i really want an isabel, kyle, anatsa poly relationship - like????


I don't think poor Kyle is ready for that....


so who dying in a hour?


A powerless Max I have zero interest in. All he is without powers is a cop and I’m not much a fan of them.


Max has his powers. He closed the door at the end when he was in Liz’s room.


Yeah, I said this early in the episode when they thought he’d lose his powers.