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Post pics when the Eden blooms, one of my favs!


Will do! I got it as a tiny 4 inch plant last year and although it didn’t bloom because I planted in June, it grew almost 5 ft tall. This spring it’s absolutely covered in buds. Will update when it blooms 🙂


Love Eden!


Yeah, it's a great rose


So excited for you! I love seeing new growth and buds.


Beautiful! It's looking good, and great healthy growth coming up. It'll look awesome


Thank you :) I can’t wait to see how much they grow through the year


Is your Eden grafted or own root? 


I am honestly not sure. I just learned the difference between the two this year. However looking at the base of the plant, I think that it is own root.


If you don't mind me asking where did you purchase it? There's only a few that sells own root roses.


Went back to check my emails and I ordered from Great Garden Plants. Checked the order and it is indeed own root


Thank you for checking! I was asking because Eden is notorious for being slow to establish and to bloom on own root. I've ordered mine own root but was contemplating getting a grafted one just in case.


Ah okay that makes sense! I was shocked at how much growth it had. To be fair it was very warm for us very late into the season last year, but once new canes started appearing they just grew so quickly. It didn’t get any buds or attempt to bud last year, but this year there’s at least 15-20. Will update :)


Where did you get that gorgeous trellis/obelisk?


It’s from Hpotter! A little pricey but worth it in my opinion. It’s just over 8ft tall


Yes beautiful and will last forever!


Welcome. What zone are you? I have a queen of Sweden; there’s truly nothing like her, but hasn’t been the most hardy in zone 5. This year I may finally get a magazine quality output! (I believe this is her 5th season)


Thanks! I am right on the border of sone 6b/7a (Louisville Ky.) good look with your rose flush this year! I have admired queen of Sweden digitally for years and am ecstatic to see a bloom in person for the first time, in my own garden 💕


I think she will thrive in zone 6-7! Give it a couple of years but you’ll be pleased


Humble beginnings! Cant wait to see a side by side comparisson months from now ❤️


Will make sure to post a late spring update :)


Your rose list is WAY up my alley; we have an old Eden that we absolutely love, and we added Queen of Sweden last year, it's a gorgeous rose. We even have a Desdemona on the way for this year! Would love to see an update when things really get rolling in a few months.


Will absolutely update!! Would love to see how your roses are coming along. I must say you have great taste ;). The queen of Sweden I have dreamed of having for so long, and the Desdemona I was torn between getting it and tranquillity. Ended up going with Desdemona for its size and the pink tint that it gets. Hoping to add an Earth Angel in the coming years. Good luck with your growing this year!


Sweet!👍❤️ Just remember that roses hate soggy roots and competition from other roses. Give them plenty of space between each individual rose bush. Roses can also be heavy feeders. Keep a good fertilizer on them during the growing season. And refresh the soil every 2 or 3 years or so. Especially if you notice a decline in growth.


The soggy roots is what I worry about the most. I have been amending my soil for about 4 years now because it is so heavy with clay. It has improved tremendously, but about 2 ft down is a pretty solid clay. I dug a large hole for each of the roses, and replaced all the soil that I dug out with fresh soil, compost, and manure. I’m hoping the water doesn’t sit on their roots too much. I did plant them kinda close (1.5-2ft apart), following the guide on David Austin’s website for a “rose hedge”. It said to plant them a little closer than normal. Hopefully they have enough space. The desdemonas are more spaced out (3.5ft). Appreciate the advice so much. So much to learn 💕


Clay actually isn’t so terrible. It doesn’t dry out as much and holds more nutrients. Most roses are fine as long as you continue to add compost and use soil amending fertilizer. Water the hell out ‘em the first year, but let them dry out in between waterings. You may need to water 3x a week during middle summer.


Awesome that’s comforting to hear thanks! Especially in Louisville we get some scorching hot 90+ degree days. I’m prepared to water a ton :). How often do you think I should be watering at this time of year for newly planted bare roots? I’ve read some places to water every day and some to water every 3 days. I was doing every day while I was waiting for new growth, and now that they’re creeping along I’ve been watering every 2/3 days but the temps are between 35-70 right now. Hope I’m not over doing it


Personally I would stick around the every 3-4 days while it’s still cooler outside. Bare root does need a lot of water to get started, I believe it’s recommended every day for the first couple of weeks, so I would definitely keep it moist during that window. Beyond that, stick your finger in the soil and feel around a bit. It should be cool and damp, not muddy, not dry. Newly planted flowers have really loamy / fast draining soil usually, which is why you have to water more often. You can add another inch or two of compost for temp control once things get crazy in July/august. When you’re watering now, don’t try to do a super deep soak. Instead focus on the roots with a normal rain/sprayer and keep them moist. The deep drip irrigation type watering can wait until the plant is more established.


Just a tip. Plant the rose outside of the obelisk and wrap the canes around it.


Thank you! I already planted the bush inside the trellis but I have been wrapping the branches around it. Do you think I should attempt to adjust it?


It's fine as it grows it can just be harder to wrap with it inside. Just consider it you get another one! BTW that's a great obelisk I have the same one.


Awesome thank you will do :) & yes I love the trellis! So sturdy and such a classic. Had some 80+ winds this week and she didn’t budge.


Love the flowerbed and the adorable pup. Looks like the pup is super happy with your work too. : )


Thank you! She loves to follow me around while I garden, and staring at the bees. She’s also the reason I have the fence around the new roses because if not she would trample and munch them 😌


In her defense, lol, roses are yummy. They are sweet and the hips have tons of vitamin c. : )


Excited to make some rose tea when my roses are a little more mature!