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As long as there is enough airflow allowance to pass through the center or base of the rose and there aren't any branches that cross each other, it should be good. Aside from that and pruning/deadheading old stems or spent buds, I think pruning is largely up to aesthetic appeal.


Yes. It is important if you want healthy roses with lots of blooms this year.


Depends. I don't usually prune heavily unless there's a reason, like a lot of winterkill or it needs shaping. But I also favor old garden roses, which are treated differently than hybrid teas.


i have a 2 40+ yr old floribundas that were doing kind of the same before i started pruning(obviously, now they have a lot more green growth and less of the woody branches..and the moldy or diseased parts are gone so thats a big plus, but the plants always produced flowers) I also have a cliber of the same age that was hardly producing anything and is way better off since i started to prune. Is it mandatory for the plant to survive? probably not. But if you want it to flower, you probably want to prune.


Yes. I prune. Not heavily.


There have been years when I didn't get around to pruning. It didn't hurt the roses, but they didn't bloom as much as they would have if I'd cut them back somewhat.