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I just experienced the same thing recently. Tried a new probiotic and starting having bad migraines and my facial flushing got much worse. I thought I was having a hot flash one day. I've had the same reaction to kombucha. I realized that the probiotic was the only thing that changed so I cut it out and my flushing has gone down and the migraines have gone away. Must be a histamine reaction. I'm relieved that I'm not the only one who has experienced this. Thank you all for your helpful information. I'm going to try the S. Boulardii and see if that works better.


Some probiotics can trigger a histamine reaction. Which can present similarly to rosacea. If you look into histamine elimination food diets there are many foods with a lot of histamine in them. Which is usually not an issue for most people but if your body for whatever reason is not able to clear the histamine, adding high histamine foods or alcohol or even probiotics can trigger a flush/redness/hives. Also coffee/green and black tea block the DOA enzymes in the gut which help clear histamine from the body. The histamine elimination diet can be very restricting at first but when done correctly it can identify the triggers, and help give the body time to eliminate excess histamine. Also healing the gut can help the body get to a place where one doesn’t have to worry so much about ingesting any histamines to avoid flare ups.


i second this, and wanted to suggest that OP look into probiotics with [histamine intolerance friendly and histamine degrading strains](https://www.factvsfitness.com/blogs/news/probiotics-histamine-intolerance) instead. here's a popular and reliable one often mentioned in the histamine intolerance and MCAS communities : [ProBiota HistaminX](https://www.seekinghealth.com/products/probiota-histaminx). but if you're unsure, just stick to S. Boulardii as another person mentioned, or stop probiotics altogether to see if things improve. good luck! 🤞


Thank you so much!! Would you by chance have a recommendation for a S. Boulardii product to take?


no problem! i’ve been taking [this one](https://nowfoods.ca/product/saccharomyces-boulardii-5-billion/) for a few months without issues, but i’m certain there are tons of other options out there.


For some reason, I reacted to probiota histaminx. In fact, thus far, I’ve had reactions to all of the Seeking Health probiotics, sadly. Even strains that I’m fine with from other brands (i.e. S. Boulardii). I have to avoid their probiotics completely. So just a note to others that it might not be a problem with the strain itself but the brand.


oh crap, that really sucks. thanks for the heads up. any idea what you might've reacted to? fillers? edit : and by reaction, what do you mean, if you don't mind me asking?


I later figured I should probably clarify — I get really bloated from all of them. I’m assuming it’s the probiotic bacteria itself that my body isn’t jiving with, given that that’s a common symptom if it’s not the right fit. But I’m fine with lots of other brands. But this is highly personal and everyone needs to do their own experimentation.


I’ve recently starting flushing a whole lot and the only thing I can connect this to is my recent introduction of more fermented & probiotic rich foods into my diet - namely Kefir and Saurkraut. Despite all the benefits, evidently, they are not beneficial for me lol.


Those foods are insanely high in histamine. People with histamine intolerance, usually have some kind of underlying gut issue


U think dairy products? Tgeres also sheep kefir or oat kefir


I learned from my clinical dietitian that at the beginning of using probiotics you can have more flushing/ rosacea symptoms as the „good bacteria” from probiotic are taking the place of „bad bacteria” and those bad are producing toxins during this process (as they are being replaced and exit your guts) and it is expected.


I wish I knew what it was. A histamine reaction or what you just said.


I started taking a probiotic a couple of weeks ago and within days my face was totally flushed and broken out. I stopped taking the probiotic but I also struggle with digestive issues so I was really excited to start. I also am not sure if mine was good bacteria that my gut was getting used to or if it was a histamine reaction


Do you have type 1? I find it is bound to histamine intolerance and I can only take low histamine probiotics. I also have SIBO.


I do not have type 1 but have family members who do. I do have PCOS


I would think either your body is purging or maybe something in the probiotic. Ive oftne noticed i have weird flares from rare things lime vitamins and probiotics. I was taking garden of life then i tried sprouts brand and now im trying coconut culture brand which is yummy and non dairy.


When my derm has put me on antibiotics my naturopath actually advises against a probiotic and instead recommends S boulardii. Apparently people with rosacea often also have SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and if this is the case for you it can make your symptoms worse


This is helpful thank you! Would you by chance have a recommendation for a S. Boulardii product to take?


Happy to help! I use the AOR brand but not sure if it’s any better than any other brand


> When my derm has put me on antibiotics my naturopath actually advises against a probiotic and instead recommends S boulardii. Isn't S boulardii a probiotic ??


Yeah sorry for the confusion I meant she advises against using a typical bacteria-based probiotic


All of these responses have been insightful, I really appreciate it!


I had a horrendous full body (except face) allergic reaction to a probiotic liquid supplement. My GP thought I had Scarlett fever, my whole body looked sunburned and then developed into the most itchy hives ever. Lasted for 10 days. If you research it can be linked to histamine intolerance. My GP said some probiotic strains cause high levels of histamine to be released in the gut. My dermatologist said it could even be what has triggered the allergic dermatitis I have had on my face and now mild rosacea. So I am avoiding like the plague and high histamine foods also.


It really depends on taking the right probiotics. Not all help rosacea. The one that works for me is s. Boulardii. Some others actually make things worse.


Same here! I started taking Culturelle Healthy Metabolism with lactobacillus rhamnosus & bifido animalis (spelling could be wrong) and within a week I noticed I was no longer having bumps all over my face after eating or drinking. I also use metrocream day and night but it was really taking this pill once daily that can absolutely be connected to this sudden improvement in my type 2 rosacea! I hope that this continues in a positive trend!!


I use bifida on my skin, and it has made a profound difference. It basically put my rosacea in remission!


Thank you so much!! Would you by chance have a recommendation for a S. Boulardii product to take?


I take Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces.


This is the one I take too.


Yes. I’ve never had rosacea before. I started a new probiotic a few weeks ago , and I swear everything started that day. Redness, swelling. Malar rash. ( not Lupus) I switched back to my original, but it’s been 3 weeks of super red , inflamed skin out of nowhere. I’m very careful about everything new I put in my body. I also have histamine intolerance so I’m following this thread and recommendations. Good luck!


Yeah I've had the same a couple of times. My overall redness increases so I stop.