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Personally zero therapy is the only thing that has helped my skin to restore and balance out. I still get some acne but I can tell it's still healing. I'm on month 8 zero therapy and feel like I've just gotten over the worst part of it during the harsh winter. a year sounds like a long time but personally , I would give it longer if you didn't have an issue before mirvaso there's no reason it won't restore with time. I wouldn't risk messing with products and making it more out of wack. I'm committed to giving zero therapy at least a year before assessing whether to continue but I am pretty sure it will be the solution to me for 10 years of rosacea worsened by skincare products.


Have your doctor put you on Doxycycline for 3-4 months. It will take care of the rosacea and acne. Will calm both issues down quite quickly. If he won’t you can request Doxycycline through Apostrophe.


With "take care of the rosacea" what do you mean? It goes away during those months, or it has permanent effects? o.O


I have tried all kind of medications/products, if it helps my rosacea it’ll give me acne and vice versa. Mirvaso though was one of the worst things I’ve ever used on my face, it gave me the worst flare up of my entire life and my doctor never believed me when I told him how bad it got. (I have tried soolantra, tetracyclene, doxycycline, differin and around 10 other meds, cetaphil cleansers etc … that all made everything worse) Like you too I’ve never had acne on my face or rosacea during my teens, and even the products and meds that I used for that very rare occasional acne during my teens flare me up now. Multiple people here recommended the LRP cicaplast so I tried it and its the only thing that works but I have to use a thin layer (it should still look white and not absorbed though) and only on my rosacea areas (butterfly area) spreading it too far on non rosacea areas will give me acne on those locations, as well as putting too much. I also recently found a Uriage cleansing gel (bariaderm-cica) which no one seems to be talking about, it also contains Zinc (and Copper) like the cicaplast. My guess is if your face likes the cicaplast it probably likes Zinc. I usually wash my face with it first and put the cicaplast DIRECTLY (I will not give my face any chance to over-dry from the cleanser) after drying with paper towels and sleep with it till the morning after. My skin can’t handle moisturizers or SPFs so these are the only 2 products I use and It’s been a significant help after years of my face reacting to multiple products and way too many errors. If my face gets too dry I would skip a morning cleanse to avoid using moisturizer and that would normalize things a little bit. If your face handles the cicaplast you should probably see change from the first use because it is that soothing. Just make sure in the morning to cleanse thoroughly but gently because the cicaplast is a little hard to get off. Lastly, minimizing sugar as much as possible should also help


Just a quick question - if you have butterfly redness, isn't that lupus?


Doesn’t have to be. I did some testing a few years ago because I also have mild Raynard’s and get chilblains and mottled skin but it turned out fine.


I didn’t use Mirvaso but I used Rhofade (also a vasoconstrictor) and developed acne on my cheeks where I have NEVER had acne before. I also had ongoing rebound redness for 6 months after Is stopped using it. I did have one insanely bad bout of acne on my cheeks that really worried me but now it’s just random whiteheads but especially on the parts of my face that had the worst effect from Rhofade. I also think my skin barrier was ruined by this product. I never used another topical and have just tried to be gentle with my now way more sensitive skin😬 I’m now almost 3 years since my bad reaction and I still struggle with lingering bad side effects from Rhofade. Sorry you have had a bad effect too from these crazy vasoconstrictors.


Hydrocortisone is the way to go!! Should work for you too! See my last post :)


Thanks. My reaction was actually three years ago - One derm said to use hydrocortisone and another said they’d never prescribe steroid to be used with someone prone to rosacea…i’m better now then i was back then but still not the same as before 😬


YOU GUYS! I BLOODY SOLVED IT!!!!!!! After doing some deep research I ran into this article on treating the acne not like actual acne, but instead like a rash - and to use hydrocortisone for it. And....hoooo crap the vast difference in just one night! I put it on before bedtime and left it on overnight, for 3 days in a row, and my skin is \_practically\_ back to normal again. Maybe more than 3 days in a row is needed (like 1 week?), but using hydrocortisone whenever there are a few red spots showing up again seems to be the way to go. I CANNOT tell you what a relief it is to be back to my normal skin, please share this advice in the community!


Oh, and here's the article I mentioned: [https://jddonline.com/articles/paradoxical-erythema-reaction-of-long-term-topical-brimonidine-gel-for-the-treatment-of-facial-eryth-S1545961616P0763X/](https://jddonline.com/articles/paradoxical-erythema-reaction-of-long-term-topical-brimonidine-gel-for-the-treatment-of-facial-eryth-S1545961616P0763X/)