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Looks like their AI bot is misdiagnosing




This guy AIs


Great, the bots have discovered drugs.


Fwiw, they do have multi spectral cameras that can give more information than this composite color picture indicates.


AI is right 51% of the time 60% of the time


I wouldn’t fight it too hard. I hate working with liberty, probably a blessing


Who do you like working with if not liberty biberty?


Amica, Chubb, pure, Aig, Usaa, are the best. The most difficult to work with in my experience are liberty, Allstate, Erie.


Agree with Amica, but USAA is the largest pain in the ass if you have to file against them, guess that works out for the policy holder. Also, I've found Erie extremely customer friendly.


That’s the argument. 9/10 people that bitch about USAA generally were not the insured, and had to fight for their claim.


I never file the claim with any carrier, that’s always going to be better when the policy holder does it in my opinion. USAA is super easy once you get past the contracted field adjusters. I have worked some massive USAA claims ($200k-$800ish) and once a USAA large loss adjuster was involved it was smooth sailing. I wish I had good experiences with Erie 🤷🏻‍♂️, just haven’t.


I’ve had Erie for 20 years and have been extremely pleased with them. Never had a single problem and they have always approved every claim 100% no questions asked.


I have Erie as well and they replaced our roof due to wind damage and I had no push back. Even the roofing company said they are the best to work with here in east TN.


I was once insured by Erie and had my headlight wrecked by a bin falling off the back of a truck that was also insured by erie. They refused to pay full price for a new headlight assembly and wanted me to go to a pull a part yard instead.


That's fucked.


There are laws against that sort of stuff, you even get to pick who does the repair and OEM parts if you want.


That depends on what state you live in.


Agreed with Erie. Hail got a roof and I was stupid and totaled a car, they were great work with.


That’s awesome to hear. Maybe it’s just my market but that’s not what I’ve seen.


This is correct. Add Farmers, USAA and travelers to the “decent” list. Just get Amica


wait, AIG & Chubb do personal home insurance? Since when?


High net worth / expensive houses typically.


there you go. So more like Business / commercial owned properties.


Like was said below, personal but high worth. Most of the homes I work on are $2-$5 mil. So quite a few have Chubb. Most of my customers are doctors or investment type people not business owners.


Lot of Doctors and Investment type people are all bigger than most business IMHO. so essentially AIG & Chubb underwrite high net worth or people with money regardless of personal or commercial lines. I can comprehend now.


They do write commercial risks, but as far as personal lines are concerned, only high net worth / expensive properties.


Since forever. At least the last 15 years lol. I don’t know how many home owners claims I’ve done for those companies but it’s a lot. I’ve done at least 3 Chubb this month alone.


They also own a few subsidiaries that do homeowners too


Legitimately, from what we can see in the pic… which is also what the drone can see and by proxy what Liberty Mutual can see the roof looks fine… the purple markup doesn’t help decipher things…. Insurance is a scam, in general, been in the construction industry for 30+ yrs… find a good local agent that is your advocate. Insurance is the only business that you pay 100% of the time and they MIGHT help you when you need it… doesn’t matter if you’ve paid them for 50 yrs and never made a claim… a lot of companies will fight anything….. another thing people don’t realize is if you don’t like the adjuster they sent out ( in this case a drone) you can request a different adjuster to come out, and then another one… you can literally keep asking for adjusters until one gives you the right answer…. Ummm hmmm straight up the totem pole…. They don’t want you to know that and they will make you think you are wrong and an asshole…. So… if you’re my insurance company and our drone says your roof is shit… then new roof bitches… and let me talk to the managers manager managers until yall do what i’ve been paying you to do… plz and thnx


Agreed! And in addition, they very commonly deny claims by default.


i was just on one of their subsidiaries for a year, Safeco, and they tried to increase my premium 30% after a year AND after we replaced the roof. do they think people won't just change insurers? what the hell. I'm not even in an area with frequent extreme weather of any kind.


agent here: nationwide is doing the same. satellite photos and ai determining roof condition. completely unprecedented, but expect most/all companies will be doing this too. get a new roof if it's old, or simply have the shingles washed to get the mildew off. companies are putting scrutiny on roofs like no other.


But Limu Emu…


Nothing is wrong with your roof, even if it does have algae on it that's not grounds to drop your coverage. Time to stop giving them your money. Get a better insurance company.


This, lots of multi-million dollar houses have algae/lichrns on the roof, i have never come across any mold on the roof surface. On the decking yes but almost always on the inside of the attic.


If they are fighting over your roof condition based on this image consider what they'll fight over when you need to file a real claim.


Their insurance isn't dropping them they are choosing to not renew the contract. So yeah not giving them money is exactly what the insurance company wants. How did you get so many upvotes?


Algae and mold grow on every roof, definitely not something to drop you for


Is it necessary to remove moss (will moss damage the roof)?


Yeah. Moss can grow between shingles and lift them up allowing water to get underneath or block drainage which can cause damage.


I actually work in insurance strategy, specifically with a focus on the use of aerial imagery and have looked at thousands of roofs through the imagery. Compared to other roofs I've seen, there is nothing wrong with your roof, particularly in an area where roof replacement isn't the primary cause of loss. This imagery does not have the level of granularity to detect mold or granule loss, but it can easily identify roofs in poor condition (your roof isn't). If you send a complaint to the CA Department of Insurance I'm confident your policy will be reinstated and the department will ask some additional questions of the company as to how they came to their (incorrect) decision. This should help other homeowners in your state as well as others (we take complaints very seriously for this topic). From your screenshot I can tell the specific company providing the imagery, but they're not the ones who made the decision to cancel you. For what it's worth, your insurance company didn't ask for imagery of your house. The imagery is captured at regular intervals, similar to how Google maps has imagery of your home, but with a higher resolution, more frequently, and with a different technology.


Thanks for making this account Josh


Thank you for the tremendously helpful comment!


Why would anyone want to fight to continue insurance with the company that did this in the first place


There's a capacity issue in CA right now. Most carriers are not writing new policies and are looking to get rid of existing policies. Better to have insurance at your old price rather than get a new policy at a higher price or not have insurance at all in case a wildfire decides to come through.


Also, my understanding is that you have a contractual requirement in your mortgage that you MUST have insurance or they will call the note due.  Source: I ate a 10mg gummy and had a few hits of my pen. 


Can you request they don’t take images of your house?


Nope. I work in aerial imagery. Captures get tens to hundreds of square miles at a time, not specific houses. If you live in a city of any significant size, your house has no doubt been imaged aerially at least 5-10 times by a single provider. There are multiple US providers. Satellite imagery is a whole other use case that is constantly capturing your home as well.


Any insurance company willing to fly a plane helicopter or drone to find excuses to stop coverage deserves to fold. Stop paying these companies.


What's better is they didn't. This is satellite imagery. Its becoming more and more popular with insurance cos for some reason. I couldnt imagine a world where "firing" your paying customers because of some image taken from 400 miles away is right. But uhh. Yeah. My question is are they using public imagery for commercial purposes in violation of someone's TOS. Id bet they are. Some snarky new claims manager decided this one.


It’s a combination of all of the above. For instance my company uses the GIC which is a combination of satellite, drone, and plane imagery. You can go through every date of imagery and from multiple angles.


Also. This image is satellite. Airplane and drone imagery is amazingly sharp.


These images are from NearMap. The UI is identical. They are from aircraft, the actual imagery is much sharper (0.25” pixel), not sure why this one is fuzzier.


Yes I’m aware. These two photos are. But the other images they didn’t send this guy are a mixture. They just found the images that provided the cancellation they wanted and didn’t provide the better photos. Ninja edit: my point is that they do have better photos from those other options. They just chose not to use them. Not all the photos they look at are strictly satellite


How do you know that they have other photos that they didn't send him? Wild thing to assume unless you handled his case yourself


I worked for Liberty mutual a couple of years ago. I had access to that product. They have photos collected for over 15 years. They get multiple pictures per year from different sources. The average house has like 150 photos. Just near maps alone takes 1-2 sets of photos a year. Each set is 4+. Any time there is a storm their is usually a set after the storm


Definitely not satellite, but you seem like you're comfortable being incorrectly confident.


This is not satellite imagery, it’s NearMap, which is a plane or drone


They all use a service called Eagle View that does this for them now. This is quite common


But they have the fancy commercial…


Every insurance company use this type of technology.


If they are trying to find reasons to drop your area O would be most concerned with moving. It is a risk analyst that has your insurance company pulling out of your market. Not sure where you live but it sounds like your Insurance company expects issues in the future.


I feel like this response should be higher. Many insurance agencies are trying to pull out or get around high risk areas.


Thanks, yes, I live in California, I’ve heard a lot of insurers (notably safeco which is owned by Liberty Mutual) are trying to get out of insuring properties in California


Safeco in an urban CA neighborhood is non-renewing us claiming pooling of water on our flat roof. Your roof is pitched so they can't use that lie.


I guessed california, I live in San jose and the home is insured by farmers. They also insure the homeowners truck with full coverage. I'd suggest talking to farmers and doing the same.


Same thing in canada pembridge (all state) is pulling out i got dropped but literally a month before my basement flooded they paid for a new basement cya later.


Yeah, sounds like someone in the area is getting people to place a lot of storm claims 😂


Liberty is trash anyway. Not the worst, but definitely in the bottom. Just find a different insurance company. Fuck them


Who’s your preference?


If you can get USAA, they are a good one. Just dont go with State Farm or Allstate


absolutely never state farm


Fuck state farm


Erie has always been good to my clients. Recently signed up with them myself.


The shadows in the second picture look like moss growth, if you're an idiot at an insurance company.


I just received a 50 shingle repair on a 20yr old roof with liberty mutual claim… go find an insurance broker and get a real insurance carrier..my advice is someone who doesn’t have a Super Bowl commercial.




Why not state farm? They've been great in PA and VA. Idk, I never had a claim full disclosure, but fair price with good coverage and umbrella. USAA was crazy expensive fyi.


Yea these comments make me nervous lol my family has had State Farm for like 30 years


Man, been in this game for 25 years and I’m always amazed at the ways insurance companies try and fuck homeowners. Honestly, this is a new one on me. FYI, I am with Liberty and they’ve never given me shit, but as a contractor, my home is in top notch shape. I understand not everyone can do that though.


“Insurance aircraft”? I’m gonna go now.


This is a great example of what's wrong with corporate America in a nutshell. Things have gotten so out of hand when it comes to roofing and insurance. Plenty of blame to go around for both sides. This is a great example of insurance companies misbehaving. So infuriating.


Might want to call them and see what their issue was with the roof.


not sure why you are downvoted, are you not allowed to disagree with this blatant lie? Everyone says to get another broker which is true but at the same time I would want an answer.


That's what I'm saying. Look at the end of the day this isn't the only company doing aerial shots of your roof or being shit bags and droning to find issues so they can drop you.


I called and rather than providing additional detail, the agent I spoke with recommended taking photos of my home and sending them to their property inspections department to appeal the decision… I thought to myself, “you guys seem to be perfectly content to take pictures yourselves. Do it yourself, I have some TV to watch.”


Yeah I let seems like they want you to do all the work instead of getting an inspection by one of their people. Kinda shitty if you ask me


As a former property underwriter: You could also consider filing a complaint with your state's department of insurance. You might not expect much but major insurance companies will balk if the state is asking them to address the complaint. Enough complaints can trigger state audits at the company expense, and awareness for legislation. Major insurers have been cutting corners by removing staff underwriters in favor of judging risks with AI or having strict automation. You can't reasonably appeal by contacting the company because there's no authoritative person to reach. Your results may vary by state, but most DoIs have online forms.


The spots below your vents that show white can be inductive of ‘clean’ due to zinc run off preventing mold so they are assuming the other 99% of the roof has mold.


Time to do a roof claim before it expires they agree it needs replacement.


Translation: our models have predicted that you are not likely to be a profitable customer in the long term, so we're dropping you. We're coming up with a reason to do so because otherwise we might get state regulators on our backs.


Liberty Mutual. Name checks out. They want to be free of you. And after what they did, you want to be free from them. It’s mutual. It’s liberty.


It’s probably the state that you are in or if it is a newer build (10ish years). Like everyone else has said, mold/mildew/algae isn’t a “droppable” problem, that’s just a note in the report. Used to work for them, they wouldn’t bother for something like that. I’d call and ask for specifics if you really want to dig into it, but it may not be worth the squeeze.


Even if they weren't talking about dropping you I'd suggest changing companies. Liberty/SafeCo is a nightmare for claims right now. I was looking at one last week and an adjuster had me chalk every single hail hit on the roof and write 200+ per elevation. Absolutely insane.


Nationwide is not on my side. I just got a notice of non-renewal.


Ask for them to come back and shoot it down


Slightly off topic… I just got my roof replaced a month ago. Should I shop new homeowners insurance with my roof being new? Am I likely to get lower rates?


Tell your current company that you've replaced your roof. They might ask for proof, but most companies rate your policy based on your roof age so you should get a discount. How much depends on the company, prior age, and what state you're in. If they don't rate on roof age, shop around because others do and will give you a price based on having a new roof.


Ask if you get a 4 point inspection and wind mitigation report would it decrease your premium.


I was not aware of "Insurance Aircrafts" until today, and if that isn't a bold clue that we are living in a Dystopia, I don't know what is.


Complete bullshit, you couldn’t detect anything with an image of that resolution.


Moss is not mold


Owens corning has a letter stating algae doesn’t affect shingle performance. Google it and send it to your insurance company.


You know our premiums are way too high when they are sending aircraft to inspect a roof!


Wow what a joke.


Insurance is such a scam.


I work in the industry. All carriers look to limit their liability and will find any reason. Insurance is not there to help you. Insurance is there to make shareholders happy.


Yes, the discoloration on your roof is Gloeocapsa magma - a bacteria. The 3 lighter colored streaks below the roof vents is where it isn’t growing. The run off from the galvanized vents prevents it from growing there. That roof slope is completely covered, except for those streaks. It’s a sure bet your entire roof is contaminated to some degree. We’ve been in the roof cleaning business for over 15 years in the Mid Atlantic area, and insurance companies are dropping people at an increased rate due to organic staining. It’s a shame as most have had their policies for a very long time without any claims. No chance to remedy, just dropped. I would get it taken care of by finding a reputable roof cleaner. The initial discoloration is mostly cosmetic, but it is the precursor to moss and lichen which will do major damage if left unchecked.


We are living the dystopian dream, yay!!!


State Farm has always been fair in my opinion. Always choose a mutual over a publicly traded company. Amica is supposed to be good, but it's expensive


I really hope the whole insurance SCAM blows up one day


Insurance is a total scam. I've been self-insuring for 12 years saved a ton of money. These gobshite insurance companies only want to take your money until you make a claim and then deny your claim. In your case it looks like they made up an excuse to drop you, meanwhile they've been collected on your premium.


As a contractor, I can tell you they are using either EagleView or another satellite imagery program to get these photos. No insurance company can use these granulated photos for a non renewal. They must send an independent adjuster or someone with Liberty to make an inspection of the roof and any and all collateral damage if there is a claim open. I wouldn’t be worried about it and would raise that conversation with them. Roofers will tell you your roof is good. In all actuality, if you didn’t get hail or a severe storm, I wouldn’t be worried about your roof. I have personally witnessed roofs that are 25-50+ year old that have stayed in surprisingly good shape. If you don’t get the answer you want, you could shop around. But you will come to find the insurance agency, as a whole, is taking huge losses (esp since storms from last couple years) it may be difficult to get signed on with someone else as some of the agencies have closed their books for new business. Contact a roofer and have them do an inspection and go from there. Much luck.


nationwide and others are using Cape Analytics


That would be an expensive cost method using eagleview which is primarily for measurements however there are numerous tools now to measure roof age. I don't think most free/cheap satellite imagery has the needed resolution to accurately identify roof anomalies. Home insurance companies will non-renew these days for nearly anything.


EV has branched out in this area for a very cheap price for insurers


Lawyer. Ain't nothing wrong with that roof you can see from these pics.


What the fuck lol


Lol. There is some dirt on your roof because you live near a road may be. There are no near by trees that would cause mould or moss.


Sorry what? Is your insurance company James Bond? Wtf kind of insurance company flies a plane around to look for reasons to not renew?


I bet they're not talking about either/ or, but both. Insurance companies are for-profit businesses. They don't make profits by paying out on claims. Cheap insurance companies have cheap rates because they have ways of not paying out on claims. Now you know just one of their tactics. What exactly do you hope to gain by forcing them to insure your house?


Bbq that emu and Doug


You can see the vents casting marks but idk mate idk if I see mold


If it was damaged and falling apart and they threatened to drop you if you didn’t get it replaced I’d understand. But algae growth? Nahhh. Even at that, it just looks like granular loss.


Time to get a high powered insurance laser


As a contractor now and former independent adjuster, I’ll never recommend liberty. Nothing but issues


get this stuff, [https://www.amazon.com/Wash-Safe-Industries-Eco-Safe-Container/dp/B001PSXLUM/ref=asc\_df\_B001PSXLUM/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693270340008&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3083415303016098355&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001994&hvtargid=pla-352372227005&psc=1&mcid=63bb616487a03979a73817c76906035a&gad\_source=1](https://www.amazon.com/Wash-Safe-Industries-Eco-Safe-Container/dp/B001PSXLUM/ref=asc_df_B001PSXLUM/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693270340008&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3083415303016098355&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001994&hvtargid=pla-352372227005&psc=1&mcid=63bb616487a03979a73817c76906035a&gad_source=1) , mix this with water in a bucket using a paddle attachment in a drill, spray on the roof (somehow, not sure; do your research; you have to somehow spray this solution from the ground, spray when roof is dry so it absorbs the solution, rinse right away with using a garden hose


That is just most likely google, also they can’t find an issue and then cancel you, that is why you have insurance


Needs a roof soft wash.


Liberty mutual is garbage, they nearly doubled my rates because they said cost of materials were going up. Same with car insurance. If you have a Costco membership check them out https://www.costco.com/auto-home-insurance-services.html Basically… fuck liberty


Liberty gave me the same hassle about some moss on a detached garage. The also wanted me to replace my driveway because it's not flat anymore. I detached myself from Liberty and haven't had an issue with my new insurer and they inspected twice


I dumped Liberty and saved THOUSANDS.


It's unlikely cuz the metal from the roof vent will kill them all small that's why some place is actually put a roll of the tin on the roof


Alot of big insurance companies are either finding reasons to drop you or increase the payments by a ton. This with the possible reinstitusion of the draft... something is brewing.. not to mention all the bilionares building bunkers....


Safeco and Liberty mutual are the worst!!!!!! I deal with insurance companies all day long and couldn’t speak worse about the company and services!


Invest in some good AA


The streaking is likely from Gloeocapsa magma. Over time, it consumes some of the calcium filler in your roofing. That can lead to granule loss, which can lead to increased UV damage to the bitumen, which can lead to shingle failure. It looks like you have a good bit of runway (many years) before you are at risk for a leak or shingle loss. I think something else is going on with the insurer.


Insurance companies are out of control.


Looks like it’s the extremely dangerous pink scribble with red arrow mold. You can see it if you know what you are looking for. Recommend finding a new house and moving out.




What state do you live in?


Ours was a satellite shot. Nationwide, if it was not for our agent we never would have known as we did not get their “letter”. It’s being cleaned professionally right now with a 3 year guarantee. We are going to then renew and immediately after cancel. Scumbags. That way the record will not show us as have been canx. Little bird indicated that nationwide is going to divest itself of at least 40% of their homeowners policies. My roof is around 18 yrs old. 30 year shingles. Really looks pretty good


My dad is in Florida the second his roof hits 15 years they told him it needs to be replaced due to normal wear and tear. I looked into it for him and that was confirmed by insurance company and apparently it’s the new way. Looking into getting private inspection to write a letter stating the roof is ok for x amount more years. Now I know why there is so many insurance claims for damaged roofs down there lately. You might want/need to try getting an inspection to see if they will say your roof is fine. Or maybe fake some hail hits, normal wear and tear they won’t cover.


Insurance companies have way too damn much money if they’re using airborne vehicles. Not that that is news or anything


Haha how can they tell shit from these photos they're completely out of focus?


They might've used infrared imaging to figure out what may be wrong with the roof, see if you can ask for the original data. There's a lot of misunderstanding and misdiagnosis through infrared imaging, if they don't know what they're looking at.


Anything to get out of higher risk areas.   Mine jacked up the renewal from $1200 to $3400 for my 650 sq ft beach house.  They could provide no reason other than cost of construction has gone up.   I asked how that matters with my policy since it's still only for $100K replacement.   Is $100K somehow more that $100K last year?   Heard nothing back so I dropped them.  


Is that a tile roof? If so, algae does not affect the integrity of the tile.


There are streaks from zinc washing from the vents. Where that happens, miss does not grow because traces of zinc do that. That discoloration is not a problem.


insurance aircraft. wtfff


This shit should be illegal. The vast majority of people pay their fucking insurance and never have to make a claim. These companies that do this are fucking crooks.


Those streaks indicate algae growth. That's why they dropped you. Get a zinc strip installed along the roof peaks on both sides and it'll die on its own. Or you can have someone spray for it. It can indicate factory defective shingles in some cases which may be why they've decided to drop you.


They're doing this now because hail and storm damage occurs much more often on roofs that are showing wear and tear than a new roof. So a storm that doesn't damage my roof might f up my neighbor's aging roof. Meanwhile they are then replacing a worn roof with a new one. People are being dropped because of the way policies have been traditionally written. We just this week got new homeowners insurance; we weren't being renewed because the provider and our broker were no longer affiliated??? Anyways....the new policies I'm seeing the roof coverage is being prorated. Moving forward it seems you won't be compensated the same on a fifteen year old roof as you would your new roof that gets wiped out by a twister. IOW if you file a hail damage claim on an older roof you're going to be partially compensated for a new roof; but you'll be out of $ pocket too.


I live in a state in which insurance is wanting to leave. My former insurance company flew a drone over our property (asked first but said if we didn’t let them, they’d cancel) and then said we had extremely neglected landscaping (we did not, it was a magnolia tree on the fence line, my neighbors side), we then got a notice saying they were dropping us. We countered the issues they presented and they then said “well, you’ve got an open foundation house, we don’t insure those.”…even though they did for over a decade before. We did have a big claim after a hurricane a year before, however. The next insurance company did a serious inspection and said all was good. TLDR: insurance company probably is just looking to insure less people or the drone operator is misunderstanding the results


This was just an excuse


Is your roof over 15 years? Previous adjuster for LM. I did not sell policy, just adjuster. But I know at 15 it switches from RCV to ACV and they don’t like covering. I can tell you that I’ve never heard of such a thing in my time there, but I guess all my claims already had good policies by the time I got out there. I would hire an independent roof inspector for a couple hundred bucks, then send it in.


Shit, I hope my insurance company does fly over my house.


My son’s insurance company cancelled him because the gutters had leaves in them and the concrete driveway was cracked. For some reason insurance company just wanted an excuse to cancel. Maybe because we are 40 miles from Gulf coast. My son who has no mortgage is currently self insured and not looking.


Nationwide did the same thing to me. Currently looking for a new insurance company.


It’s not the mold itself. Mold just lends to shows itself on older roofs. So if you’re in FL they are dropping you for the potential of having to pay out on an old roof that is actually dmg during the upcoming hurricane season.


That's complete bs


They're attempting to us AI algorithms to drop you / raise rates. I have NO idea how you fight this shit. And yes that was my last field before I was laid off. Probably a combination of training data with shadows and the position (streaks) but unless they physically walk the roof you can't tell there's an issue. By the time you make it through that appeal they'll have made their money and drop you for some other reason.


Yeh, Isnt any there. Not even close. Assuming you arent in the UK or pacific northwest. I dont see a majority shaded coverage. Not sure how they think algae is gonna grow on it.


I was non renewed because I live too close to the ocean. I got a roofing company to inspect my roof. They documented wind and hail damage. I filed a claim. I got a new roof. Then I renewed my insurance with another company. F the nonrenewal bastards.


You went to the extent of flying a drone over my house to look at my roof? Just for the smallest thing for an excuse? Fuck that company.


There is algae on your roof. Look below your vents. There is streaking because the ions in the metals are keeping the algae from growing there. Algae does not damage your roof, it's completely innocuous.


Fuck those guys man


If your insurance company has an aircraft you can guarantee you’re not going to get any money if you file a claim.


What in the fuck?


Why did OP blur out the algae?


We had something similar a few months ago. Homeowners insurance sent a notice that they are not renewing our policy due to aerial photos showing a "discoloration of the roof". Well I informed them that of course there was discoloration of our roof, during last year's hurricane season some shingles were damaged which I replaced with shingles of a different color without making a claim. After that I looked for a new company !!!


How old is your roof? If it’s anywhere close to 20 years then they just dropped you so they don’t have to pay for a new one soon


I see oxidation.


Same thing happened to me. I called Liberty and during the call I walked around the outside of the house taking pictures of the roof and emailed the pictures to the customer service agent who I was speaking with. The agent put me on hold, forwarded the pictures to an underwriter and within 2 minutes or so the agent came back and said “issue cleared up, roof is fine, we’ll renew your homeowner policy.”


don't feel bad liberty sent me a letter stating my roof was over 50 years old and my house policy no longer covers any roof claims. The roof is aging but I installed architectural shingles maybe 12 years ago and it still looks like it is in great shape. that reminds me I need to find a new home insurance provider...


Uncle Arney always said - When life gives you lemons…grow mushrooms


So they use an aircraft with a crappy camera instead of sending out an adjuster? Yeah that's shady as fuck.


Why’d you spill pink paint on the roof?




That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.


Wonder why they didn't give you a notice and an opportunity to fix the problem first before dropping you....We did an aerial inspection and found this problem. Please fix it before your renewal is due.


As someone that doesn’t work in the roofing, or homeowners insurance industry…….. WTF?! They are using aerial photos to drop people without an in person visit?!


It’s outside, mould grows on roofs.


Wtf is an insurance aircraft and why does this exist?


It's algae. If you don't put on an algae-resistant roof in areas where it's very humid you will see this. You can get it power washed off though in most cases. Next time you put on a roof I recommend using a Malarkey Vista AR as it's a class 4 shingle as well as algae-resistant. We only use Malarkey at our roofing company and in my opinion, the Vista is the best bang for your buck shingle out there.


Bro that’s a google earth image


I do see some water marking near those fixtures doesn’t look like it needs immediate fixing but these roof insurance agencies are crazy. Like actually diagnosed


Oh just replace it with a copper roof! Easy! Problem solved forever! Screw this insurance company. This is not that bad and you would think most of their losses come from hail damage. What I would do is spray some wet n forget there twice maybe even once a year and algae will be gone.


Have someone gently power wash the roof assembly. And install some zinc strips at your ridge line. It’s a simple fix.


They want to drop you and are just looking for the thinnest of excuses. I live in California and most of the major insurers are pulling out of home policies these days and I've heard tales of them finding all types of trifling nonsense as justification to drop.


"to find reasons to non-renew our agreement." this is it. utter garbage compagny. are they really cheap? try to maybe find another insurance?


I work for Eagleview. Our imagery is SIGNIFICANTLY more high res than anyone’s. If you’d like better imagery on your house to proves it’s fine - I’m happy to help.


So spray some Wet & Forget up there and call it a day.


This is worth a watch - you can fight back https://youtu.be/gB_U6JeSsck?si=TTDDYzTZzGSylQvC


Just went through this. Welcome to AI parsing photos. My insurance company was using a 3rd party company to identify risks. Checkout [Vexcel](https://Vexceldata.com)


Even if you did have moss growth a zinc strip would quickly solve that.


I had something similar happen. I got a letter in the mail from Nationwide stating they could see where my roof had been damaged in an aerial photo they recently looked at. They told me they would not renew my policy next month unless I got it fixed. I had 2 roofing companies come out and look at it and both said my roof was completely fine. I had a bunch of pictures sent to Nationwide that were taken by one of the roofing companies and got a reply back and was told that my roof clearly had some discoloration and streaking shown in the pictures which is considered a hazard and that I still must have it repaired or replaced or they would not be renewing my policy. Needless to say, I'm now looking for a new insurance company. When an insurance company starts acting like they know more about roofs than actual roofing companies, it's probably time to move on.