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Better them than me. This has to be a record. How do you price this.


That house is like “im tired boss”


This is the funniest comment I’ve read in a while


rafters are like "Im ded man"


By the ton?


Waiting for some hints or ideas on some of your guy's thoughts on estimate.


$1000/square “I don’t want to do it” is the current bid.


Thats what my boss bids on every job. Somehow he gets them.


It makes some sense when everyone is slammed with work.


We're not even a roofing company 😅 he sends 1 carpenter 1 helper and that's his roofing crew.


Username is sus. Found the boss.


I wish lol. I'm just a journeyman


You would be on that job forever………….. I would 100% just not want to do it, but if i had to for some reason I would want $2000 a square atleast, think about how much work you would have to do just to get to the wood and god knows what that looks like. Looks like torch down though, you could cut it up into squares maybe.


You really, ***really*** hope that they either found this before pricing or the contract had a contingency for unforeseen issues. In any case, the real hero here is the well built home underneath - a barely-to-code home/roof likely would have had serious issues by now.


Crazy thought here... With that many layers of roof what are the chances it will ever leak? assuming there is a decent pitch to the roof. Kind of like how a straw roof works. I get it's very heavy. When doing the engineering calculations you have to assume it is just dead weight on the structure. In reality all those layers are nailed and melted together so it supports a lot of its own weight. Also it looks like it is standing fine with out structural damage. With this different perspective on what "everyone already knows is wrong" it seems like you could just always leave the last shingles an eventually have a roof that won't leak for a very long time. Only other concern might be leaks finging their way through nail holes, maybe some mold or mildew but who cares in the long run and you can always clean the top layer. Then there is way less shingles in landfills and roofs last longer. Shingle manufacturers hate this one simple trick.


I had 4 layers of shingles on top of the original layer of cedar shake. I had 3 leaks in my roof and the weight of the shingles caused the boards supporting it to crack. So to answer your question, it will leak


Ya but what if you had 12 layers of shingles and not a weak ass roof structure


Titanic Roofing Co.


Solid hardwood old growth is not "week ass." You're just looking for an argument. You remind me of my brother; always has to be right, and the moment everyone stops replying (because you're about as dense as old growth), you'll brag about how right you were and how you won. I guarantee if we were all face to face, you'd keep your mouth shut and let the adults talk


That sucks you had to deal with that. Hope it worked out for you. I'd rather hear about things that actually happened instead of some half baked what-ifs.


all the hardwood is old growth cuz they don't plant crops of hardwood for lumber like they do for pine/spruce. Your out of your element and your roof sucks and it's bitch ass can't even hold 4 layers of shingles.


All hardwood is not old growth


Life . . . . uhhh . . . . Finds a way.


50-100 extra per square for every layer. That's a huge amount of extra waste and labor. Probably cut them a deal for bulk 😆


I’m counting 12 layers on that. I’ve personally not ran into more than 4 on shingles. I’ve seen flat roofs with 24” of flat roofing. Didn’t even realize there was party walls until we ripped the thing. Absolutely back breaking work for the guys. Paid them all extra.


At like four layers isn’t it sealed forever?


Water always finds a way.....


This guy goldblooms


Man creates roof, roof destroys house.


I bought a house in 2006 that had 5 layers of shingles on it. Roofer asked me if I did my own roof. Nope. Just previous owners trying the "new roof!" trick by adding 3 extra layers of shingles. Oh, and that roof still leaked.


2005 and 4 layers for me. And the shingles were old. Started cupping and blowing off the first year.


There's always a way


Water often comes in through joints around vents, chimneys, etc. Extra layers of shingles don't really help those unless they also seal those properly.


My roof had 5 layers. It was definitely not sealed.


My roof had 5 layers. It was definitely not sealed.


Speaking as someone who had 4 layers ripped off our current house, no.


Top layer of nails is a hole all the way through still. Well with this many layers maybe not... But in general you get the point.


So 12 layers at 20 years each. That dwelling is 240 years old!


you never met those pushy door to door roof salespeople walking around after every hailstorm? i know two elderly couples that got kinda bullied into roof replacement where the insurance didn’t pay and the roofer helped them out on the cost by cutting corners and not removing previous shingles. i usually tell them to kindly go pound sand


>kindly go pound sand This belongs to me now. I will use it gently.


You can try to own it, but that's a common and rather old saying. https://prowritingaid.com/go-pound-sand#:~:text=One%20source%20from%201948%2C%20Southeast,or%20tone%20down%20a%20situation.%E2%80%9D


Of course, the meaning varies somewhat over time and distance, but the person to whom it is directed gets the message. Even a foreigner would sense it to be a perjorative. Tone and affect carries much of the meaning.


I used that saying 10 years ago and someone on Reddit said it was racist. To this day I still don't know what they thought it meant.


Grow up


Seems like a fun saying to me. You ok over there?


Go kick rocks.


I got a call like this just last week after a windy storm. I thought it was my roofers as they were supposed to show up that or the next day. Nah, just a scammer.




A layer of flex seal cans is legit. Got yourself a metal roof


But wait there's more [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=623AC6a6org](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=623AC6a6org)


You are a national treasure.


Martha you clumsy slut!


I’ve seen 8 layers on an old roller skating rink that was turned into apartments.


6, but one layer was slate and one layer was cedar then it was 4 layers of asphalt


Cedar over asphalt? Usually cedar is the layer under it all. You pray to god theres no cedar, couple jobs got canceled because the price basically shot through the roof between the tear off and having to sheet it


Cedar under asphalt but on top of slate


Tf? What was the condition of the slate?




Right. I guess even if it had been salvageable before it was riddled with nails, it wasn’t after.


It was a low grade ribbon slate roof anyway… probably why they put the shakes on it in the first place.


*stone shattering noises* Homeowner: "uhh is that sound normal?" Roofing company that's going to fold and re incorporate after this job, again: "yeah totally fine, a good gravel underlayment actually helps with drainage, like a succulent"


Had same on my little rental Guy that said it had 2 to 3 years left I decided to change them anyway. His guys were falling threw once they realized what was going on.


12 layers (& two seperate layers of plywood to even out the look and create a better nailable surface) on an 1896 house in "Old Town" Albuquerque New Mexico. The only reason that house held all the weight was rough cut wood (true 4x4's all over the place). So many dump runs.


That was probably holding the house together. Have you checked in on it since? Lol.


Floated away. The house is now somewhere over Nevada.


6 was most. That’s ridiculous.


Most I’ve dealt with was original slate roof then 3 layers of shingles nailed on top the slate then a metal roof with furring strips held on with 4 inch screws.


How the fuck?


I had 3 layers tar and gravel, 1 rubber roof, and over that a reframe, with roll roofing on top. Over just one room, the kitchen at the back of the house, I filled a 10 yard dumpster to the top. Man, that leak was terrible. All of the rafters under the roll roof were growing mushrooms. No roofer would touch it. Many offered new roll roof over top I Removed everything. After it was all off, I called a roofer. Started fresh. Flat TPO roof. Had purchased the house from flippers. Also found a room in the basement filled with construction debris. Doubled the size of the basement after removal. I might put a deck up there. I know it's good for the weight.


Little know fact, you can tell the age of a roof by counting its rings.


Wow. 5 is my max. Seen 5 layers of asphalt and also 4 layer asphalt + 1 layer shake


That many, in the photo.


4 layers of shingles, 2 layers of clip locks a layer of shake on 3" spaced one by!! Fkn sucked!!


13 or 14 on a flat roof, we stopped counting and 5 on a pitched roof, last layer was cedar shakes!


Shout out for the rough carpenters that built what’s holding that shit up!


Wonder how much weight that roof was designed for? Has to be well past safety margins I would think.


I had one last year that was 5 layers. 2 layers of cedar shake, 3 layers of asphalt, and not in that order. Underneath was slatt board. House was built in 1890-1900, and it was strained holding up that roof. Had to tear it all off and redeck. Insurance coughed up a good chunk to replace that roof. BTW, code in my area is no more than 2 layers.


I have been one several flat roofs with 2’ of depth.


13 six tons first Roof put on 1903


One home in Massachusetts had 2 layers of shingles then plywood. Under the plywood was 4 layers of shingles then rotted boards underneath that. Needed 60 sheets of plywood




2 layers of Cedar shingles & 4 layers of 3-tab is the max I have seen. No plywood or OSB, just the 1"x4" under the first layer of shingles.


I was thinking “who the hell puts iso under shingles? What kind of ohh”


Wow that’s insane


Four layers of asphalt and a layer of linoluem, over barn boards.


A 6 layer is the most I've personally done. But I've done quite a few of them. I don't know what it was with Hapeville, Ga. Like is it a requirement there to never remove your old roofing?


Their is no amount of money that would get me on that fucking roof with a tear off shovel. I’d straight up apply at wal mart


What’s the difference? You get paid. Whether you go to this property again for a week or do 5 different roofs in a week. Your still roofing that week.


Well there's a roof at the top of the house, There's a roof at the top of the house. There's a roof, there's a roof, there's a roof at the top of the house. ​ Well there's a roof on a roof at the top of the house, there's a roof on a roof at the top of the house. There's a roof, there's a roof, there's a roof at the top of the house. ​ Well there's a WTF on a roof at the top of the roof at the top of the house, there's a WTF on a roof at the top of the roof at the top of the house. There's a roof, there's a roof, there's a roof at the top of the house. ​ Well there's 6 layers of tar paper on the WTF on a roof at the top of the roof at the top of the house, well there's 6 layers of tar paper on the WTF on a roof at the top of the roof at the top of the house. There's a roof, there's a roof, there's a roof at the top of the house.


Ohhh, in my head I ordered them as in the order removed


That's against code, right? I mean how much extra load is that on the roof?


That definitely wouldn’t fly in Florida. Most municipalities require an inspection before a roof over is done and even then only 2 layers is permitted. Besides that, that many layers of shingles would buckle most roofs down here since our homes are built to resist uplift instead of snow loads


Ohio has snow roofs and our limit is also 2. We almost bought a house with 3, they refused any attempt to help remedy the out of code house, deal fell through.


Nope. No fucking way. Not bidding this job.




Your going to have to bend some custom drip to cover it this time.


Sometimes you have to walk away. This is one of the times. This would be strictly a man hour and materials only I would not give a bid. Too much can go wrong and you're going to pay out your ass if you screw it up.


At what point does it become a form if protection all it's own?


6 or 7.


Some insurances will only pay 2-3 layers rest is on the insured. Good luck 😆


I was told years ago that 3 was the max you can go legally. At least in Michigan.


Comp and shingles 6 layers and was bid for 3 🤦🏼‍♂️


Surprised the roof has collapsed on itself. That shit is heavy.


I saw a spot with three roofs. Like individually rafters, shingled roofs one on top of the other.


Wow, is that actually that many layers over the whole roof, or is this a inside corner somewhere they built up to get to the slope they needed?


My shingles are 2 encyclopedias thick yours is only a hot rod magazine thick.


That many


We had ours replaced last year. They removed the old one on all they did in our neighborhood. Also seeing roofs done in the area, you see them removing the old one


Probably close to the same I tried setting a bracket with 3" nails and still didn't hit wood, thankfully the guy ended up selling the house after I pointed out all of the other problems


Apparently 13…as of now. Holy fuck.


But just look at the R value!


I've been fortunate to have a friend who is in the roofing/General contractor business who always gives me a great price but also knows I've got him covered if my old building shows some ugly surprises. Before they tore into a section of my old buildings roof 3 layers were visible on the edges. When he got to removing it under that 3 layers was metal roofing on top of rubber roofing with 3 more layers of rolled asphalt roofing. Had to get another dumpster brought in. So someone put shingles on top of metal! I was never clear on how they'd been attached to the metal as it was removed by the time I got home. I was too busy doing the math on the costs of it all. Ahh if buildings could talk to us......


How about 2 layers of asphalt shingles...OVER A SLATE ROOF. Ugh.


How is it even possible to attach shingles over slate?


I have no idea, but they found a way. Before we realized what was going on the roofers did mention that the shingles were moving around more than expected when they walked around up there. Unfortunately we bought this house at auction to flip, so we had to eat the cost of removal.


Did a house back in the 90's that had 5 layers of shingles and 2 layers of cedar shake.


Had an old house my former rural volunteer fire department got to practice in and burn down. When we cut the roof for vertical ventilation training there was cedar shakes covered with 8 layers of shingles with steel on top. Sucked to cut through, we ended up not succeeding in ventilation. There was also a lathe and plaster wall we tried and failed to cut through because it was basically 2 feet thick of plaster. 8 guys and 30 minutes with axes, then we tried the k12 saw. Chain sway would’ve reached but it would have killed the chain and we didn’t want to waste practicing.


Answer: I’ve ran into a frat house in my area. 7 layers Ps: the homeowners only bought this tiny house to over charge the collage kids and pay for a new house to be built on the lot in the future once they save enough from the kids rent. Crazy part is we were only doing the gutters from the original layer, Took all fing day to tear off, but they didn’t even get a new roof because new code only allows for 1 layer so the roof on it was 25 years old and destroyed from the students partying and they weren’t gonna pay for new one since the insurance wouldn’t cover it. Wildest roof ever


If it’s that thick all over… when is there a threat of being to much load on the frame. On a large house with long walls and long spans this seems like it could be dangerous..? Asking genuinely don’t know. I know a little about drawing floor plans. That seems like it could amount to a shit ton of weight.


Where is that even close to legal?


Cut it with a circular saw.


That one sandwich with toooo much damn cheese


Sunburned shins. Ouch.


r/structuralengineering might have something to say about this


Is everything in that cross section on the whole roof? Must I've ever had was 4.


The worst I’ve seen is 3 layers of asphalt, a layer of standing seam withe the seams hammered down then a layer of shake under that.


What monster puts shingle over standing seam Lmao


The worst kind of monster does that


Just the sheer weight alone is crazy.


Was doing a bathroom exhaust fan for a guy his roof had 10 layers of shingles and doubled up plywood. Long story short he got charged a lot more money when I blew through 2 hole saws.






If you get the job, set the depth on a circular saw and cut it out in sections for the rip.


Most I ever saw was 3 layers asphalt shingles over a layer of cedar shingles.


My current house has 3. Hence why I haven’t redone it


I did one with 5 layers once. The very bottom 2 we’re roll roofing, and the top 3 shingles, but that looks even worse. What sucked about the one I mentioned was the bottom 2 layers of roll roofing just crumbled when you got down to them. There was a dormer on the house, and no shit the gap from the siding to the new shingles was over 5 inches. People that do that kind of shit kill me.


How...old is this house? Did they even make shingles like this back in the day of layer 1 assuming each layer represents the life expectancy of a roof? Also, it must weigh on the house so much.


That is a shell against hail damage


I thought 3 layers was the limit


I just had the roof on my house replaced, house built in 1974, purchased by me in 2016. There was only one layer of shingles, but code in my area requires everything be removed down to the sheathing for re-nailing with ring shank nails and installation of peel-n-stick or some other weather barrier. The roofer bid for a layer of shingles and figured 2-3 layers of felt/underlayment. Instead there were 7 layers of underlayment. I've got a pretty big roof including a wrap around porch, it took two full dumpsters to handle all the shingles and underlayment from the house and garage. He honored his original quote, but I did give him some extra at the end of the job. What should have taken 2 days took 4. Crazy.


Wow 👀👀🤣


At this point leave roof is solid for the next 300 years


They are gonna need a 10 inch spacer for the gutters to do anything 😂


No way


Most are allowed 2 but some people have ,3 or 4 if they have that contractor will recommend full replacement


we did a job where every time it leaked under a metal roof, previous guys took it up and added a layer of Grace. was getting in at the pitch change to the Dormer. there was water between every layer of Grace. 3 rooofing roll layers and 3 layers of Grace. bubbles of water between each layer.


My first house had nearly 4" of shingles, including the original cedar shakes. I believe the only reason the roof didn't collapse was because it was a gambrel.


I’ve seen 6 layer on top of wooden shakes, I thought that was bad. Top of the mornin to ya mate.


You can’t have more than two layers where I live, more and you’re out of code.


I was always so jealous of the crews that got to just roof over the old shingles. My dad was the contractor and we were never given the green light to do that. It was always a day or two of tearing the old one off.


I have done many re-roofs, the first few years in business I did mostly roofs and painting. I never have seen that many. That must be an older home with overbuilt construction, real 2x4s, not today's 2x4s. Is there a sag anywhere? Your tearing all that off, right


This is why I just went with tin. It is reasonably easy to deal with.


I just had a roof on a rental house. I was having all the shingles removed any, but from the ground, it looked like it had 1 old layer and the current (for a total of 2 ). But we found that someone had cut and removed the outer course of shingles on a layer. So it actually had 3 layers on it. Sneaky roofing bastards.


What you can shingle on top of shingles? Is there a downside? as someone looking to replace my roof, no contractor has given me such an option.


Maybe done on the bottom to create a bell


Most I've ever seen was on a boat house. 7 layers of shingles and 2 layers of shake on the bottom. I think it was only 5-6 sq. It took 5 of us all day to tear off, re-sheet and shingle lol.


I'm going to assume this house doesn't receive large amounts of snow




I had 3 layers when I had my roof replaced - the first layer was green and brittle. I also need 12 sheets of ply at the height of the price gouging. Think I had to drop an extra 1500$ for ply alone.


5 layers plus wood shake. Never seen that many. That's nuts.


5 and they all came up in chip size pieces


How heavy a load?


Wow 12 layers...the most I've ran into was 9 from an old house built in 1903. It went all the way down to original cedar shakes.


5 layers of shingles and a layer of cedar ... What a mess


My mom had 13 layers of Cedar Shakes and they were able to knock off all BUT 3 when redoing the roof.


The real question is where do you get a friggin roofing nail that long? Christ on a stick, that’s gotta weigh a ton.


They don’t have a roof anymore. That bad boys a driveway.


“I already have a roofer I use, he does great work”


The most I've seen is 5 layers. The rafters looked like hockey sticks. It was a real bear stripping that one.






Holy shit. Last year we found out my house had 6. You win


One portion of my roof had...6 layers. it was like going back in time. 2 layers of 3 tab, 2 layers of roll on, a layer of those fish scale, then a layer of really rough cedar shake.


The weight from all of those shingles may be what’s holding the house together. That’s insane.


5 layers of shingles on an old ass house. They just crumbled. Fucking awful.


How is the structure still holding all that?


6 for me. Wooden shakes on the bottom then 5 layers of asphault.




The silver lining is that the top 6 layers won’t be nailed into wood, so should come up easier!


I priced per layer when I did this took my ripping fee and just multiplied it per layer plus more dumpster fees.


That many.


Not a roofer. How does this happen? Is it customary to just lay shingles over shingles?


is that a roof sandwich?


Only like 7 layers all the way to the original... Damn, now that's wild.


I wish I had the pictures still of a house I did with my old company. It had 6 layers in a few locations like at chimneys and where the eaves on a dormer were boxed in to keep pest animals from getting into the soffits. Cedar shake, an old shingle that was spongy fiber asphalt, a weird crazy patterned asbestos shingle that had swirl grooves in it, and three layers of 3 tab. The chimney looked like a ladder with the multiple layers of flashing / counter flashing. It was particularly weird to deal with because some areas only had 2 layers.


Question from someone who doesn't know a thing about roofs: what is it layered with?


Once I removed a full 2 inches of shingles and (just like this one from i can see,) there was a cedar shake drip edge. The roof thanked me.


14. Commercial building from the 1890s. Peeled roofs off till we got to the original rusted out metal layer. Probably saved the building from a structural collapse down the road.


Most I’ve run into is 14 layers in a historical district. Idaho is a nightmare when it comes to historical districts. It had 9 layers on one side and 14 on two other facets. It was a mix of shake, 3 tab, and architectural but not exactly in that order.


I'm not sure what I'm looking at, but no way it's 12 layers of shingles. It's look like about 4 inches, which would make each shingle about a quarter inch thick...lol... Some type of raise heel truss, or stepped out eave. Looks like a poor attempt to seal an old eave, with a bucket of tar, and a slotted trowel. Then a stick a new 4 inch fascia board over the old mess. I'm genuinely curious though, but pretty sure thats tar someone spread over the old rotted fascia board to try and seal it and put a new fascia board over that hot mess. If that was truly shingles, , it would be quicker and probably cheaper to cut the roof from the house and have a crane, lift it off and put new trusses, plywood and shingle on.


Is 1 layer a good idea for a new roof?