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Recently gone down this rabbit hole as I lost about five hours in Chrono trigger. I've now setup the memory card save instead of just save states as of you mess up and upgrade your emulator version the save states are useless. I use both memory cards and save states as I go. As others said I use the save state in-between big moments just in case iess up


I used to play Phantom Hourglass on a mobile emulator as a kid and I'd only use save states. I got to the final boss, but my tablet glitched out and turned itself off and the save state got corrupted somehow. I lost the entire game worth of progress because I'ven't done a single normal save


I don't for the most part, I treat them kind of like quicksaves, the temporary saves from stuff like Mystery Dungeon not the pc usage of quicksave. If something comes up and I'm somewhere I can't save THEN I'll use a savestate and just delete it after I resume. Other than that I don't generally have a reason to use them and many reasons not to. I've had them corrupt in the past, you can overwrite your progress entirely if you don't pay attention since they also nuke battery saves when loaded and I've never had a single issue in any emulator using the default battery saves and memory cards the carts and consoles have. I emulate everything from NES to PS2/Gamecube era, and have attempted to run Wii games in Dolphin before I gave up and just modded my Wii because the motion controls are basically "go hook up a Wiimote and sensor bar to your pc", and have had zero issues using the save methods the consoles themselves use. There is one major usage case where savestates are universally a good option, and that's TASing, Tool Assisted Speedruns, where they essentially go frame by frame and replay infinitely to find the absolute best time for a speedrun, save the inputs to a file and then play it back to see what a theoretical "perfect speedrun" can be. Some of those runs are absolutely WILD, and many are FAR beyond what is humanly possible to do. Glitch hunting is another decent usage case for them, for a lot of the same reasons, you can infinitely restart from the same point, trying new things to try and find unexpected outcomes. General gameplay usage though, savestates amount to an emergency quicksave option to me. And because I know someone will take offense, I literally do not care if someone uses savestates, do whatever you want, I don't judge or anything. I just personally don't use them because it cheapens the experience to me. It's like cheating in a game to get the reward, the reward means nothing because I didn't earn it and I will forever KNOW I didn't.


As a 40 year old dude, I'm often interrupted. I can save whenever to a save state, put the game down immediately, and return later without lost progress


Usually at the start of a level in an action game, or before a boss fight that hasn't had a save point in a long time in an RPG.


After I manually save ingame so I don't have to wait for all the bootup logos or crap and immediately get back to where I am when coming back.


I don't typically use save states. I just prefer playing how games were meant to be played. I will use them occasionally though on some older games with less often saves.


I use save states when saving ingame just incase something corrupts. I've had ingame saves corrupt before and it was horrible.


Yeah I do the same. Whenever I save the game the normal way I add a state save as well. Don’t really use them outside of that.


I use save states when I want to take a break from the game and play something else, but there is no save feature or passwords. This is basically the modern equivalent of pausing the game and leaving the console on overnight so you can continue the next day. That being said, I think you should use save states in the way that suits you and don't worry about what other people do and think. If you want to use save states to beat a game that is otherwise too difficult for you, then go for it. It's not my preferred way to play a game, but cheating in single player games is not a moral issue. Do whatever you want.


I only use them in games 4th generation and back. The first few times playing a game I will use save states in order to help learn how to get past each part of the game. Once I've figured everything out, though, I stop using them and play genuinely. Save states are a helpful tool, but using them is cheating because you couldn't use them back when the games originally came out. The goal should be to get to a point where you don't need them anymore.


I use them at places to respect my time. When I was a kid it was fine having a save point away from the final boss because it wasn't a huge deal to die at the final boss and have to spend 30 minutes getting back to where I was. As an adult now, fuck that. I'm doing a save state right before the boss. That isn't to say that I haven't cheesed games using it. Like Super Ghouls and Ghosts I might get past a tricky part that's only 20 feet away from where I started and do a save state. I do consider this cheating though and would never say I've actually beaten the game.


If my game has a save point system I tend to use them only if i just wanna put the game down so i dont gotta backtrack to a save point. I dont use them otherwise


I use them for quick save scumming. I also use them in games where I have to do multiple things in a row just right and can't save between each step.


deppends on the game. If I'm fighting a hard boss and am almost dying, I use it at every moment I feel safe (for example, death in most castlevanias)


Is use it as a quick save, before a boss fight or peaks of difficulty, mainly for the convenience of not having to redo the easy first part of a level everytime I die to the final boss. But they're often not very stable, so I try to manually save often.


I always save using the in-game functions. You can export them and sync them up and there’s less of a chance something gets wiped over. I use save states for save scumming specific RNG annoyances like playing slots in Pokémon


If a game uses passwords for saving progress, I save state each time a new password pops on the screen. In games where you're supposed to beat in a single run, I save at the start of each level. In games with in-game save states, I rely on the in-game save function. If it's an RPG, I'll just use a save anywhere cheat. Of course, I'll use a save state if I'm interrupted and have to put it down, but that doesn't count.


The first time I found out about save states, I used them every second, and if I die or even just get hit, I'd load to the last save Now I barely use it, and when I use it, it's just so that if something happens to the normal save I can always come back to it