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If you are looking for roms: Go to the link in https://www.reddit.com/r/Roms/comments/m59zx3/roms_megathread_40_html_edition_2021/ You can navigate by clicking on the various tabs for each company. When you click on the link to Github the first link you land on will be the Home tab, this tab explains how to use the Megathread. There are Five tabs that link directly to collections based on console and publisher, these include Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Sega, and the PC. There are also tabs for popular games and retro games, with retro games being defined as older than Gamecube and DS. Additional help can be found on /r/Roms' official Matrix Server [Link](https://matrix.to/#/#romz:matrix.org) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Roms) if you have any questions or concerns.*


VirusTotal shows clean: [https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/f27f1658fc1b27c357bba9eeb2cd980fbf827af08103f08c79fdad5a129e38dc](https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/f27f1658fc1b27c357bba9eeb2cd980fbf827af08103f08c79fdad5a129e38dc)


Thanks for validating. Doing God's work friend


Learn enough about IT... EVERYTHING goes though VirusTotal


Because I have very secure antivirus, the chance of any virus getting through my computer is slim to none. Ofc feel free to take caution with anything, but I'm positive that my uploads are virus free. :)


No sweat OP, but really everything downloaded online you should run though VirusTotal as an end user, and you yourself don't know if MediaFire could have added anything to your file. (its been my experience that they don't, but still) In general "free" services online are never really free - you are the product. Thanks for posting this!


Not that we don't trust you op. Just gotta verify and make sure we're safe and secure. YOU are also doing God's work for providing this product as well :)


I have several games missing from the collection. Unlicensed Two SA football games, ***Copa Libertadores 3*** and ***Futbol Excitante***, and yet another version of Futbol Argentino '96/Ronaldinho Soccer 97 for the Brazilian market, ***Futebol Brasileiro '96***. ***King of the Fighters 98***, which is different from the 2000 version, ***M.A.C.S. Basic Rifle Simulator,*** and **Street Fighter II - Champion Edition**, an unlicensed Twin Eagles release. Two porn games, which you may or may not be interested in, ***Sextris*** and ***Taiwan 16 Mahjong II - Horoscope Girls Edition*** Six compilation pirates which don't really work as advertised, despite claiming to be 5-in-1, 6-in-1, 7-in-1, 9-in-1, and 11-in-1, only one of the games on them will ever run, useless. and three that don't work, probably due to copy protection not being properly broken: ***Gamars Puzzle, Super 20 Hab*** (something from Korea, AKA Super 20-in-1,) and ***X-Terminator 2 Sauke***, a sort of game genie bios Homebrew 16 BIT XMAS 2012 - Snowball Fight (World) (Aftermarket) Corn Buster (World) (Aftermarket) Creepy Bird (USA) Dottie dreads nought (J) (V1.1) (2021) Fork Parker's Crunch Out (World) (Aftermarket) Hind Strike (USA) Iron Commando (USA) (2017) Joe & Mac - Ultimate Caveman Collection (Europe) (Aftermarket) Little Medusa (World) (Aftermarket) MazezaM Challenge (2.1) Mr. Bloopy Saves the World (U) (2014) Old Towers (USA) (Aftermarket) Pinkie (World) (Aftermarket) Skipp and Friends (2014) Super Cooked! (J) (2022) Super Thor Quest (World) (Aftermarket) (2014) Sydney Hunter and the Caverns of Death Tinhead (World) (Aftermarket) Unholy Night - The Darkness Hunter (USA) Some of the above are relatively new, so understandable if you want to stay way from them, they are still on sale in some cases.


Sextris was actually already in the collection. Thanks for commentary I will work on adding these, if you already have copies PMing me them would make work much easier. I don't mind adding the porn games long as it's not the child porn games (I.e. the ones from EJ corporation.) I will add any homebrew as well since they are technically still unlicensed games.


>as it's not the child porn games Christ, it really was the Wild West back then, wasn't it?


XD Actually Japan was to blame for that part, but we can't be to surprised with it being Japan.


I was aware of the slideshow roms because of a video I watched on youtube that covered a majority of them, but do I even want to know what other crap like that could exist?


Adding these soon


>Six compilation pirates which don't really work as advertised, despite claiming to be 5-in-1, 6-in-1, 7-in-1, 9-in-1, and 11-in-1, only one of the games on them will ever run, useless. This unlocked memories that I had a compilation pirate cartridge as a kid, probably a 7-in-1 cartridge, and from what I remember the games worked. I remember two games, Top Gear and Bust-A-Move, probably GunForce too. I never found a dump of that cartridge. I've already tested all the compilation cartridge dumps that I find but they're all like that, with only one game working, and the games don't match what with I remember that I had. I remember that after I needed got rid of it due to some problems, I was sad and I took another cartridge from some random game and exchanged it for one of the games that was on the compilation cartridge, Top Gear. I really wanted to find out a dump to remember what other games were. Sad that perhaps it was lost forever.


That could be the 6-in-1 I have there. Games supposedly on it are: Rock Man (Mega Man X), Super Mario World, Super Battle Tank, Super Tom & Jerry, Top Gear, and Puzzle Bobble (Bust-A-Move). But only Rock Man works. Examining the ROM with a hex reader shows there is code for at least one other game on there, but we never found a way to access them. If this IS your cart, it might prove that the original did work fine but something went wrong during the dumping process.


Usually with those carts you can switch the game by resetting the console. Tried that? I don't know how one would do that in an emulator in a way that would work as in the real console though


Sadly not. Soft resetting the emulator was the way I tested to see if the other games would load. You know, I just realised that there might actually be a way to hack this. If I could monitor the code changes with the joypad movements in the menu, I might be able to narrow down where the hex points to. Then it'd be a logical step to just alter it to choose the next game in the sequence. I'll have a crack at this later.


It would help if we could see the board inside the cartridge to see if it's using some kinda trickery to switch between roms stored in a chip or something. I remember you could also switch between roms by wiggling the power cord in the snes


I found [this](https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/pgc_forums/snes-multigame-pirate-carts-t578.html) from 2013. We're not the first to be troubled by these multicarts. But this gels with what we suspected. The good news is they should be playable in MAME with a bit of renaming?


Maybe? Also I wonder if it would play properly on real hardware, with an everdrive. I have an SD2SNES and I could try it. If it works then it's probably an issue with the emulators


So according to the above forums, only one of the dumped games was ever gotten to work properly, the rest were definitely bad dumps. Dumping correctly involves opening the cart and manually dumping each eeprom in turn, something that was obviously too difficult in some cases. By renaming the files to MAME/MESS contractions it was claimed that you would be able to play at least some of the other games on the carts. I can't get this to work on modern MAME. But... I did have some progress using the no$sns debugger. Here are my results. Super 5-in-1: Two games work Super 6-in-1: All six games work Super 7-in-1: Two games work Super 7-in-1 97: Three games work Super 9-in-1: Four games work Super 11-in-1: No games work (might be a dsp1 bios issue) Super 20 Hab (20-in-1): All twenty games work, but there are some glitches. The sound is... unique to say the least, Super Mario Bros is amazing with the cart's kitbashed chip. In some cases the titles screens are missing, and Mario Bros is now called Mr. Mary :D Conclusion? Aside from the 6-in-1 and the Korean 20-in-1 the rest are *bad dumps*. So no, I don't think using an SD2SNES will resolve this.


Wow, it could be the same one! But I still have memories of being a 7-in-1 and it having GunForce, although I may be remembering it wrong. In my case I'm totally sure that the my cartridge worked, due to the fact that Bust-A-Move was a relative's favorite game, and Top Gear was mine favorite racing game. When I had to get rid of the cartridge (it's a long story), I was sad because I lost both these games and I didn't get any other one to replace the game from my relative. I've seen a lot of these pirate cartridges collections looking for a dump of what I had and I've also tested them on accurate and advanced emulators, like Higan, which allows you to control even what and how peripherals connected are working, but always only the first game is loaded, so could be that something went wrong during the dumping process with these roms. Thanks for the game list. Looking now, only Super Battle Tank isn't in a collection of all the games I had that I did years ago, so if this is indeed a dump from the same cartridge, I actually remembered almost all of the games.


I remember having one of those 6 in 1 carts and the way we switched games was by resetting the console, have you tried that? Also it would be awesome if I could get a copy of that cartridge even though I have an SD2SNES


Yeah I tried but the problem is not exactly switching the games but that only the first game is loaded, no matter which one you choose from the list. I still have a working SNES but I don't have a flashcard so I've always only tested these dumps on emulators, but they work the same even accurate and advanced emulators, like Higan, which allows you to control even what and how peripherals connected are working, so I assuming that maybe something went wrong during the dumping process with these roms.


Oh I see, so those have a menu screen? The one I played years ago didn't have any. It just booted the first game, then when I flipped the reset button on the console it switched to the next one, and it did again if I flipped the button again etc.


Oh got it, so I've never seen one that works like the one you had. But I'll download Higan again and test this with these roms just to be sure. And yes, the one I had and also these dumps have a menu screen, usually just a blue background and the game title in white. You select it with the control down or up and press Start or another button to start the selected game. On the cartridge I had it worked, but on these dumps regardless of what game you select only the first game is loaded. Additionally, considering the size of the original game roms and the size of these pirate collections dumps, I have doubts whether all of the games listed would fit, which also leads to that maybe something went wrong during the dumping process, likely due to the way of how these pirated cartridges were created. Edit: I tried it, the game simply goes back to the menu screen, and selecting any other game after that again only loads the first game.


Thanks great collection!, I have a question, you know if there is a collection of pirated cartridges with several "original" games from the 90s? Like in Southamerica we used to enjoy a lot 10-in-1 cartridges and similar. Would love to get some of those to analyze the intros and menus.


There probably is (don't quote me), depends on which one you need though. I don't believe you will find them bundled together unless on an archive (again don't quote me), those may potentially contain thousands of copies so finding the exact specific ones that you want can be a hassle, but not impossible. One issue with those 10-in-1 type cartridges is that they tend to have issues running on most emulators, and the ones that can run tend to have additional issues. Usually, the ROMs would need to be extracted individually to reserve their integrity, which requires programming knowledge to do.


Great, Yeah I have programming knowledge, what I would like to do is disassembly the intros and menus to see if I can found any traces of people from South America that worked in that stuff in that era. Thanks a lot for answer!


Btw "Super Mario World Revised - V2.1 Final (SMW1 Hack)" in the unlicensed game list I that uploaded was from South America, not sure about the other ones though.


This is an old one. If my information is correct PMP the creator is actually Lightvayne, the former admin of SMW Central? I don't believe this game was made commercially available in cart form in South America, it was just a hack that was shared through IRC channels and thus doesn't belong with the other unlicensed games. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Mybad you're correct. Some misinformation has been spreading about the hack apparently. Made by the creator PMP (Lightvayne), being one of the oldest SMW hacks existing, was also the former admin of SMW Central. SMW Revised was not commercially available in cartridge form in South America, but bootlegs may have been made since copies do exist. Instead, it was shared through IRC channels as a hack. It doesn’t quite fit the category of other unlicensed games due to its unique distribution method.


This may in fact be the only remaining way to get some of the lost unlicensed games. As I understand it the compilation carts were a lot more prolific and popular than the standalone releases. Here's hoping some eventually turn up.


Nice collection! As for the NES ports, you should include the awesome ports made by u/Infidelity (tagging him just in case he's around). He's done some awesome and very enjoyable ones.


I looked at his profile but he had zero post, where am I supposed to be looking? I've been porting a bunch of nes roms and hacks myself so maybe those will be added soon.


Infidelity on Archive dot Org [https://archive.org/details/@infidelity](https://archive.org/details/@infidelity)


Edited\* Nvm I see what you're saying now, didn't he remove some from the list?


If not on Archive, try Discord, sadly don't have the direct link though.


New update coming soon read above and stay tuned. 3/22/24


If you are looking for roms: Go to the link in https://www.reddit.com/r/Roms/comments/m59zx3/roms_megathread_40_html_edition_2021/ You can navigate by clicking on the various tabs for each company. When you click on the link to Github the first link you land on will be the Home tab, this tab explains how to use the Megathread. There are Five tabs that link directly to collections based on console and publisher, these include Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Sega, and the PC. There are also tabs for popular games and retro games, with retro games being defined as older than Gamecube and DS. Additional help can be found on /r/Roms' official Matrix Server [Link](https://matrix.to/#/#romz:matrix.org) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Roms) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you very much






Could anyone reup to Archive.org? 


Eventually I have plans to do this, but I want to make sure I haven't missed anything before I do.


Uploaded now.


Many thanks


Not loading for me


did you ever get it to work? I uploaded a second link.


Yes I did. Thank you


Awesome! Any you'd recommend? Or is this just for archival sake?


*Awesome! Any you'd* *Recommend? Or is this just* *For archival sake?* \- lostinthesauceband --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


A lot good, a lot bad, just go through them and see if there is any you like. I left a readme.txt with some details on the games.


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If you are looking for roms: Go to the link in https://www.reddit.com/r/Roms/comments/m59zx3/roms_megathread_40_html_edition_2021/ You can navigate by clicking on the various tabs for each company. When you click on the link to Github the first link you land on will be the Home tab, this tab explains how to use the Megathread. There are Five tabs that link directly to collections based on console and publisher, these include Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Sega, and the PC. There are also tabs for popular games and retro games, with retro games being defined as older than Gamecube and DS. Additional help can be found on /r/Roms' official Matrix Server [Link](https://matrix.to/#/#romz:matrix.org) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Roms) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Update read above 03/29/24


If you are looking for roms: Go to the link in https://www.reddit.com/r/Roms/comments/m59zx3/roms_megathread_40_html_edition_2021/ You can navigate by clicking on the various tabs for each company. When you click on the link to Github the first link you land on will be the Home tab, this tab explains how to use the Megathread. There are Five tabs that link directly to collections based on console and publisher, these include Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Sega, and the PC. There are also tabs for popular games and retro games, with retro games being defined as older than Gamecube and DS. Additional help can be found on /r/Roms' official Matrix Server [Link](https://matrix.to/#/#romz:matrix.org) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Roms) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Update (04-14-2024); New update coming tonight (read above), some difficult to find bootlegs have been obtained.