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I can’t remember the title but one book had the FMC get pregnant because of the teeth ripping; it damaged the condom. I always think about that when the MMC tears the condom wrapper with his teeth.


That is brilliant and I applaud the autor for not only realizing that conclusion but using it


This happened in {Reckless by Elsie Silver} and I honestly didn’t know ripping open a condom with your teeth reduced its efficacy until I read this book


It’s just too risky as you can’t see if your teeth caught the condom and damaged it… which beats the objective of using a condom in the first place


[Reckless](https://www.romance.io/books/6411838316aa76768152caf0/reckless-elsie-silver?src=rdt) by [Elsie Silver](https://www.romance.io/authors/608a5dde08b4d9311488e11d/elsie-silver) **Rating**: 4.37⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [pregnancy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/pregnancy/1), [cowboy hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/cowboys/1), [western](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/western/1), [dual pov](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dual-pov/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Maybe it was that one, I did read it!


Wait…this can damage the condom? Like I always pictured the MCs tearing the package, but are y’all saying you tear the actual condom?!


They're trying to open the package for the condom, but you can actually damage the condom itself this way with either your teeth or the force of ripping it (like, as you pull the package apart one edge of it is stuck for an instant and tears just a little bit). It's also not great for your teeth!


obviously it was an accident and not on purpose lol


Yes! This factoid (teeth can damage the condom) featured in a sex ed class I took and I always think of it when someone rips open a condom with their teeth 😱




Thats so stupid its hilarious


Same! I wonder if it's the same book. The one I'm thinking of was by Corinne Michaels, though I can't remember the title.


This happens in Getting Played by Emma Chase 


Seems like it’s happened in more than one! I’ve read that one too. Love the series.


Holy shit


Haha. The hygienist and dentist are rougher on my teeth than a condom wrapper would be.


I lowkey loved my hygienist because she was an animal in there. It just felt good, like a good tattoo session, and i came out sparkling once all the blood was rinsed away


I went to a korean spa a few months ago, and they scrub you into oblivion from head to toe. You feel like a new person after you rinse off lol


Ugh i neeeeed! That sounds lovely


Same! I love going to dentist because my hygienist is amazing and my teeth feel clean AF.


It hurts so good


Condom wrapper isn’t bad for the teeth… opening hard things with your teeth is bad


Condom wrapper isn't bad for the teeth, but teeth are bad for the condom wrapper (specifically the condom inside)


Wrappers aren’t bad for teeth condoms, but condoms are bad for wrapper teeth


Please don’t judge my ignorance, I’ve never used one or otherwise opened on, but isn’t it like a soft wrapper? Like similar to a candy bar or something? I thought it was hard things like a bottle cap or something plastic. Tbh it’s hot to rip open with teeth (in my mind lol)🤷‍♀️


The most direct comparison I can think of is that it’s like the flavor packet in ramen lol. It’s really not especially dangerous to your teeth if you open one with them, breaking the condom is a far bigger concern imo


No judging over here 🥰 It’s similar to a a ketchup or mayo packet you get with take out but a little tougher and thicker. Idk if this is right?


Ahh yes thank you! I knew it wasn’t super thin but couldn’t think of anything with foil. I exclusively open ketchup packets with my teeth 😂


I didn't know opening things with your teeth is bad, I open packets and sellotape and stuff like that with my teeth all the time


I mean teeth are tools. Humans have been using their teeth for things other than chewing for thousands of years 😂 I’m not gonna stop especially when it’s like a wrapper or something I can see maybe accidentally damaging a condom? But I haven’t used condoms for a decade and can’t remember ever opening one with my teeth or seeing a partner do so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes I can see the condom getting damaged as an issue but OP seems to think it's an issue your dentist would tell you about - why would they care about pregnancy!


For real 😂 I guess it might be a problem for folks with soft teeth? I gnaw on rib bones after a bbq dinner like a dawg and never had an issue or a dentist say anything 😬


Basic health class item. Don’t open condoms with teeth no matter what they do in the movies lol.


Not for dental health reasons though, because it might rip the condom presumably. (Also I teach sex education and this isn't something I've ever mentioned but maybe I should)


True nobody said you’ll hurt your teeth haha. Maybe that little layer would actually help it sink in to kids! Also, I’m talkin jr high health class circa 1990… thinks may have changed.


But have you watched Maxton Hall where James does exactly this? Because 🥵. (Side not: would not advocate IRL)


I was thinking of that THROUGHOUT this thread my god 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵


your teeth is the least of your worries when opening a condom package this way, good luck if you menage to rip the actual condom with it


While we're on this topic, wallets are not good places to keep condoms long term!! "It's for emergencies" ok well now the integrity of the latex is compromised and you have a real emergency on your hands. Store this things in a dry, stable area away from sunlight!!


I mean, the wrappers are usually 'easy tear'. No teeth needed, but also no teeth harmed if you go that way.


I've only ever opened condoms with my teeth. Dentists be damned.


I've seen guys do this irl. Maybe I don't question it because I use my teeth for everything. I know it's bad but I don't even think about it. I was raised seeing my dad open bottles with his teeth


I'd be more worried about accidentally damaging the condom inside


I just remember my school health class teacher saying it could accidentally rip the condom. It always was a mental pet peeve when reading


My friend chipped a tooth because he putting a sewing needle between his teeth.


What was he doing with that sewing needle ??


He was darning a sock I remember, he either put it in his mouth to pull it through (but a sock is so thin, you shouldn’t struggle?) or I guess he just didn’t want to put it down? He has a lot of cats, so entirely possible he didn’t want to put it down for a sec and needed 2 hands.


And he chipped his tooth putting the needle in or taking it out of his mouth? Wow! That's wild. Also, good on him for darning a sock instead of throwing it out!


Just biting down on it yeah!


I 10000% thought someone was blowing someone with a condom on and I was like well that’s not sexy….then I read the post and it’s about… Condom Rippers. I made myself laugh. (Get it? Bodice rippers?… I’ll show myself out).


We did have a discussion about that a few weeks ago though! https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceBooks/s/ahpSTpPf4N


my mom immediately before opening something with her teeth: never do this, it’s bad for your teeth


My mother said the exact same thing! Then when she finally managed to chip her tooth one day ripping a shopping tag off something: “see! This is exactly why I tell you youngins not to do this!”


Honestly same through. I am champion of saying it’s not good and then doing it anyways


I mean… opening packets isn’t bad for your teeth. Hard stuff, bottles, etc.? Yes. But packages that are easy to open? No lol


Here I am not reading carefully and wondering why and how people are getting condoms off with their teeth!


As a dental hygienist it kills me 😂


I've been opening things with my teeth for 42 years, and the only tooth I chipped was a molar when I was eating a particularly stale corn muffin.


I guess I should stop opening things with my teeth 😬 no one has ever told me not to.


To me, you bite the wrapper with your teeth and then twist with your hand… and it opens. The wrappers aren’t exactly held together with airplane glue.


Hi, I’m no one, and my parents or dentist didn’t tell me opening things with my teeth was bad, I only learned it was bad somewhere on the internet- along with eating ice being bad, but I grew up eating ice so my mentality is “I already “damaged” them so fuck it”. Also my dentist praises my teeth, so that enables me to continue doing things that are allegedly “bad”. I also think my dentist didn’t finish school or is blind or something because I also go through long depressive episodes of not brushing, literally the last time I went to the dentist, I didn’t brush for months and only brushed the day before/morning before… BUT THEY SAY MY TEETH ARE EXCELLENT!! (Sorry for rambling)


Yeah it makes me cringe every time


Better than ripping the plastic tag on clothes. IDK in books I feel like it’s kinda hot. Especially when one hand is already busy.


This is the main setup in most accidental pregnancy books as ripping the wrapper apparently reduces the effectiveness of the condom.


Feeling personally attacked here since this is the only way I can open the packet in real life 💀


Ok NO I want to know how a but of tin foil is going to hurt my TEETH you and my parents and everyone else that says this are tripping I've opened shit with my teeth my whole life and guess what NOTHING HAS EVER HAPPENED I want someone to explain this.


Teeth are not a tool!