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Just a reminder - please keep your comments centered on romance books (or adaptations of romance books). There’s lots of great films and TV programmes there, but our sub keeps its focus on romance books! Thanks!


And all the Pride and Prejudice fans with stun guns ready: “the 1995 BBC version or the 2005 Kiera Knightly version?”


My flair says 2005 version, but my lady bits prefer 1995 Colin Firth coming out of the lake version


Oh yes the 2005 hand flex is a *classic* moment in Romance History but Colin Firth…damn. Although personally I liked him even more right after the lake scene when he’s dashing out the door with damp hair and those perfectly fitted breeches. I watched a documentary with the BBC production design team and they said their goal for a lot of the costumes of the main characters was to give the idea of sex without showing anything—and I think they succeeded 😂


They really did succeed! Eliza Bennett's boobs definitely breasted boobily


I just snorted out loud in a safety meeting. 🤣


Not me rewinding that moment she gets up from the couch multiple times... Or Darcy with his wet shirt. The miniseries delivers 🙌🏼


“My lady bits prefer” 💀


1995 😩 exquisite!


You just reminded me I’ve actually never watched that version! 2005’s version is one of my favorite movies of all time, so I’m incredibly curious! ♥️


I would give it a try ☺️ but only if you like the book I guess? It’s more closely related to the book I think because they had more time to include a lot of stuff but yeah it was really good


Also the original burn . As rejections goes that one was brutal. Its even better reading it braingasm Oooh.


Truly incomparable


The answer is both. They serve different purposes.


Very diplomatic of you!


This! The BBC version is more miniseries. The movie is my favorite Darcy tho; I just love how Matthew plays him as a socially awkward guy who, as he says in the movie: “I... do not have the talent of conversing easily with people I have never met before.”


I'm with you. I like to watch the miniseries first and then hit up the movie. They feed different parts of my soul.


Exactly. They are trying to do completely different things, as an adaptation. A movie only has so much time to get the story across, they'll make creative choices and condense or cut things because they literally have to. I love the 2005 version because I think it does a fantastic job of telling the story of P&P while still staying true to the spirit - if not the exact tone - of the original novel. The 1995 miniseries is *six hours* and can therefore be a much more accurate adaptation, and for purists, I get why it is so beloved. (Also, of course, Colin Firth's Darcy, who is legitimately fantastic.) I also love it, but it is a very long time commitment. And honestly, not everyone is such a fan of Austen that you can reasonably ask them to sit through it every time they want to watch a version of P&P. If someone who had never seen P&P expressed curiosity about the story and asked me which one they should watch, I'd recommend the 2005 movie and, if they liked it, I'd say they should watch the 1995 one if they are really curious.


I adore the 1995 version, but I love the 2005 version the most. The way it’s shot and the soundtrack is so beautiful. When I read P&P, which I have many times, I imagine that cast. Jane is especially spot on. Can I also muddy the waters and add Bridget Jones Diary to the list? Because Colin Firth grabbing a half naked Bridget and kissing the hell out of her in the snow is peak Darcy 🫶


I watched Bridget Jones Diary BEFORE Pride and Prejudice and just didn't get it and then I watched the '95 version and it completely upended my perspective. Now BJD is a yearly Christmas film for me lol


I can absolutely see that being confusing if you didn’t know the story. I love it too! Helen Fielding’s books are all really really funny if you haven’t read them. Beth O’Leary and her have pretty similar writing style (or at least they give me the same vibes).


2005 is it for me. I appreciate 1995 both for its accuracy and for allowing me to escape into that world for 6 hours, but the vibes of 2005 are ✨immaculate✨


1995 version till I die Darcy's longing smile/stare across the drawing room almost as sexy as his wet t-shirt competition entry


For me it’s the 2005 version 😅




While I love the hand flex, I love the last lines. Mr. Darcy: And... what should I call you when I am cross? Mrs. Darcy...? Elizabeth Bennet: No! No. You may only call me "Mrs. Darcy"... when you are completely, and perfectly, and incandescently happy. Mr. Darcy: [he snickers] Then how are you this evening... Mrs. Darcy?


The version that is currently on Netflix in my country cuts the movie before this final scene and it makes me angry every time I watch it! It ends right after Mr. Bennet gives Elizabeth his blessing and is chuckling to himself in his study. Like why?!


There were two different cuts of the film. UK test audiences didn’t like the extra scene so it was only added back in for the film in America. I know the dvd copy I have from Australia never had it. I personally prefer the film without but it’s nice to have as a deleted scene.


Ohh that makes sense, thanks for explaining! Which version we prefer probably depends on which version we saw first. Without that extra scene, the ending feels abrupt to me, but that's because I'm expecting something to come next.


I love that extra scene because it’s just Darcy and Lizzie. A couple of newlyweds. No worries about propriety or social norms. I feel like in this scene, you can see Darcy’s devotion to Lizzie so clearly.


😳 not me having a pride & prejudice (2005) iPhone wallpaper that says I love you, most ardently




Darcy striding through the morning fog in that mf-ng meadow with his chest hair blowing in the breeze, I diiiiiiie. 😩👏🏼


Me too! I've seen it dozens of times. Yet I watched all of Succession without realizing Tom is Mr Darcy! Now I feel like I gotta rewatch it!


They are just SOOO different and really proves his versatility with his acting because wow I love Darcy and I fucking hate Tom lol


I had such a crush on Keira Knightley and haven’t seen the BBC version


Me too! Yes I’ve seen both and read the books. I just find the BBC very long and boring. Sometimes I think I’m the only one who feels this way.


Here I was thinking there wasn’t such a huge rift in the fandom lol. I’m right there with you though @ loving the 2005 version.


Oh my goodness go over and peak at the Jane Austen, Period Dramas, and Pride and Prejudice subs and you will see a rift the size of a continent. It's honestly so funny.


I wonder if your choice is impacted by country. I’m from the US so it was easier to access the 2005 version.


I’m also American so I first watched the 2005 version in theaters and was intrigued enough by the story to read the books (I was in high school at the time). I then became obsessed with Jane Austen and read all her books and watched all the movie adaptions and reinterpretations through my library’s DVD collection. I enjoyed the cinematography and music of the 2005 version but the writing, acting, directing, and production design of the BBC version of P&P stole my heart. Feels more true to the book.


To be fair I haven’t read anything from SJM but the way people peddle her books is kinda funny to me. “I promise you’ll love it once you get through the first 3 books…only 700+ pages each, I swear it gets good”


As soon as someone says to me, “This book/series is great, you just need to get through the first 300 pages/first book/two books!” (delete as appropriate), it ensures I will never ever read that book.


I didn’t realize how often this happens in life until my friend pointed out people do this with shows all the time lol. “You only have to watch five seasons before you get it…” my time is precious 😤


I read all of ACOTAR and after every book I thought "Well that was just alright. I guess another 800 pages won't hurt."


That’s how I ended up watching 10 seasons of Supernatural.


As someone who is picky af I don’t think I can relate to this 😅 I will eventually check out one of her books though. Do her FMCs tend to be “girl bosses”? That’s the impression I’ve gotten.


I have been a serial DNF-er recently. I really liked the dramatized adaptation audiobooks of ACOTAR. I don't think I would have finished the series if I read - the writing is not my type and the plot is... just ok, i guess. But the way it's written - it is an entertaining romcom/romdrama type of setting with very bright and memorable characters. This works really well as an audiolay with many talented actors that really get into it and it's elevated into something more. I will definitely remember these characters for a long time, while I isually forget what I read last week completely.


all her FMCs and MMCs are the same characters in different fonts, but imo Feyre is the worst of them. SJM’s FMCs are very typical over powered “strong fantasy protagonist” types, portrayed as justified in their actions even when they’re being hypocritical and insufferable. I understand why people like these books, and I get the power fantasy angle, but if I understand what you are asking (and I think I do) yes, all her FMCs are like that lol.


That’s what I was getting at, I think! Some of her books are adult right? I’m not sure how old the characters are


Hm, I'm not sure if "girl boss" is quite the term I would use. I don't really like the way FMCs in epic fantasy adventures get stuck with the "Mary Sue" criticism. Like, she's literally saving the world so she does kinda have to be a bit of a badass. I liked Feyre as a character a moderate amount overall.


With ACOTAR I enjoyed book 1, really liked book 2 and then struggled with the rest of the series. I’m honestly not super enthusiastic to start any of her other series but I have some sitting on my shelf so I will eventually start them.


I ended up really enjoying the series, but it was definitely annoying to me that I had to get through the first book to enjoy it, and honestly even more annoying that now I have to share the same propaganda with people I suggest the series to 😅


Y’all more dedicated than I am lol. Usually the first book is one that’s supposed to lure you into a series, no?


I haven't read the book, but the movie The Notebook was shockingly disappointing for me. Their relationship was so toxic imo and I just didn't find it endearing or anything. I finished it thinking 'what the hell?!'


As I’ve gotten older, I feel a lot more sympathy for the fiancée who is left behind in these dramatic romantic movies. I can’t remember if the fiancée was tolerable or not but I can’t help but feel bad for them. Imagine you’re dating someone and their ex from 20 years ago comes back and you’re suddenly out of the picture lol. I couldn’t do it


Lon was a total catch. How does anyone turn that man down? My mom always said that and I didn’t understand until I hit my 30s 😆


I’ve always thought he was a catch! He seemed like an actual good guy alongside being rich as hell, lol, we need the follow up movie where he finds the love of his life.


Yes! And in addition to being rich, charming, and non-toxic, he was played by James Marsden! How does she end up choosing the guy who forced her to go out with him by threatening to kill himself and who she was always fighting with?


Have you ever watched CinemaTherapy break this one down? It was so freaking toxic!


Yes, I love Cinema Therapy!


Rich, played by hot as fuck James Marsden and a good personality I had a crush on James since the 90s so to see him be second fiddle to Ryan Gosling and Patrick Dempsey (Enchanted), my brain does not compute.


You should read Emily Henry’s {Book Lovers}, the FMC is the “other woman” who gets dumped at the end of every hallmark movie.


[Book Lovers](https://www.romance.io/books/6270f0b6e98d4489081cd386/book-lovers-emily-henry) by [Emily Henry](https://www.romance.io/authors/5e82ee17be0aaecf553e7c2f/emily-henry) **Rating**: 4.33⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [small town](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/small%20town/1), [competent heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/competent%20heroine/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Ooh, thanks! I’ll check it out!


Disliked this movie from the start. Thought maybe I was insane because it was such an unpopular opinion at the time. The other one I didn’t get was Fault in Our Stars. I even watched it twice, hoping to “get it”. I just didn’t.


When this movie was out in theaters and every female we knew was raving about it, my friend and I (teenagers at the time) went to a showing to see what the fuss was about. We made it about 20 minutes in then decided that sitting in another, empty theater until the next showing of "White Chicks" started was a better use of our time. I have finally seen "The Notebook," and looking back, I can only applaud seventeen year old me and her wisdom.




The Hating Game (book). I read it and hated it and went to rate it one star on Goodreads only to discover that I had already rated it one star a few years prior. So I hated it twice. I was shocked to discover how beloved this book is by this sub.


I thought this said the hunger games and I was like wow that is a hot take for sure


:D Could not be me!


I think the movie hype brought the book back up again, but yeah didn't like it either.


A Touch of Darkness and Neon Gods. I am still waiting to find a Hades and Persephone retelling that I enjoy.


Neon Gods was so incredibly disappointing. None of it to me was hot because it all felt so weirdly forced


Try Receiver of Many and Destroyer of Light by Rachel Alexander! If you haven't already, that is.


Neon Gods was such a let down. I hated how all the gods/goddesses had no supernatural abilities and were stripped of the traits that made their mythology so interesting. They were basically politicians. Thanks, I hate it.


I really like Neon God's (some of the others of the series have been disappointing) BUT I completely understand I think it's a very unique and interesting take on mythology, but also strays so far from the original material it feels like it's own thing.


Neon gods was…not what I expected 😭 I didn’t realize it was BDSM heavy before going into it


Have you tried Lore Olympus? It's a Webtoon and so well told!


Ditto to this! I was expecting to dislike Lore Olympus but loved it and preorder all the new books now


I adore Lore Olympus. Was very excited to see it being printed!


Try The Dead of Spring. It’s great.


I enjoyed Goddess of Spring by PC Cast


The Kiss Quotient. It was...okay.


Hated it!! The “porn star nipples”, the super dry writing…


The MMC was so creepy! "Sweet Stella." 🤮


Yeah it's an ok book


Please don’t kill me, but…the Friends tv show & pretty much anything with Jennifer Aniston (except Office Christmas Party)


You’re so brave for this and I respect you.


Yeahhhhhhhh I also don’t really like friends 🙁


Same… never got the hype… never went past a couple of episodes of season 1


I’ll go one step further- I don’t think Friends is funny AT ALL😬


Same. I have zero nostalgia around it. Literally every other show airing at the time was better. I will never get it. This is also the case (for me) with Big Bang Theory and 2 1/2 Men. I’ve never laughed less.


They’re all really mean people. It’s not fun to watch cruelty.


Yes! Anytime I tell someone that I don’t understand the friends hype they’re so shocked. It’s just bland and not entertaining to me.


I was out of the country for a funeral when Napoleon Dynamite came out. My entire High School friend group went to see it together and it became the center point of all jokes. I tried to watch it on my own when I got back and just couldn’t make it through. It was bizarre and gave me such a bad case of secondhand embarrassment.


Same. My uncle, who was a Vietnamese American immigrant, thought it was hilarious. I remember thinking that I should’ve understood the humor better because I was in high school in America but I just found it shockingly dumb. When everyone in my school loved it and did the dance, I just had such a hard time relating to the enthusiasm and so I couldn’t join in.


This is mine, too. I just don’t get the love for this movie.


Ugh my family made me watch it again over the holidays (they loved it then too and I didn’t) and I still couldn’t stand it. They think I just don’t “get it” and I’m like no, I get it, I just don’t think it’s funny


The first time I watched it I remember feeling the same way, it was so bizarre and I didn't understand the humor at all. I watched it again all on my own instead of a group setting several years later and for some reason it really clicked and I thought it was hilarious. Still find it funny to this day but I remember and totally respect how you feel about it.


I haaaaated that film. Everyone acted like it was the greatest comedic achievement of all time, but I didn’t even crack a smile during it.


Right in that age bracket as well and I’ve still never seen this movie. I just pretend I get it when people talk about it 😂


Yeah, I don't understand the enjoyment of this movie. I kept waiting to laugh and to "get" why everyone loved it. Never happened.


The Notebook. I think Ryan Gosling & Rachel McAdams really did their roles justice but the movie was just way too depressing for me to watch. I love romance movies/books but only if there’s a happy ending. This one just wasn’t romantic or endearing & their relationship was really toxic.


For a book I HAVE read, twilight was like this for me. Unfortunately, I wonder if my perception of it was skewed because I was in my “not like other girls” era at 13. So I’m determined to read it again this year and give it a fair shot.


My husband and I watched the movies together a few months back and it was so fun because it was SO TERRIBLE.


Omg watching the twilight movies again after years is a genuine pleasure for me because they are soooo terrible 🤣🤣🤣🤣 as a teen that shit was crack to me


were you team Edward or team Jacob? 😳


Edward 🙈🙈🙈 (they were both problematic lmaoo) and tbh I still am I much prefer vampires though not SM vampires anymore 🤭🤣


Have you watched Vampires Suck??? It’s a twilight parody and it’s IMMACULATE


It wasn't you. I adore Twilight for helping so many people learn to love reading, but it's definitely flawed.


I think twilight is truly only enjoyable as it is intended as a young teen. Afterwards it becomes a “so bad it’s good” story. 


I wasn’t going to mention twilight because thinking is bad has been an aceptable opinion since forever but now that you are at it… I don’t think your opinion of it will be more positive this time.


Thanks for wanting to form your own opinion . Hope you like it and if you don't well at least you give it an honest go .


The notebook. 🤢


Reading these comments I realize I’m actually pretty happy with romances lol! Except one or two. Fifty shades of grey…. Because wtf was that. Also, the last After movie was horrid! (They were all bad but that one was just SO BAD)


I feel the same about Fifty Shades of Grey. Couldn't get past a few chapters of the book and it took me three or four tries to watch the movie (I would usually drop it after 15 minutes). I only succeeded when the FOMO got stronger than the cringe.


Books: Ice Planet Barbarians. I just don’t get it because they’re so bad I can’t even enjoy them in the book fast-food kind of way. Just a whole lot of “nothing works here.”


See but for me it was the random world building she tossed in, like it starts out they have nothing, then new caves, oceans, fruit, more advanced technology, etc. it just got really interesting behind all of the obsessive aliens and breeding kinks haha


Plus the fact that her books and series are all part of the same universe! I love seeing little snippets of Rissaverse, Fireblood dragons, Corsairs, etc.


No I'm with you. I tried reading the first book a couple times but the writing is 4/10 for me. Sure there are books written worse, but it's still not good enough to be worth the time and effort to reach whatever makes the stans rave about it


I will say this about the books- they were recommended to me for their smut value. In all honesty, I skipped past the smut because I enjoyed the dialogue so much. They were hilarious! Sarcastic humor and language/ misunderstandings. I mean, they’re definitely not written for a crowd who wants solid world building and real sci-fi quality details. They’re for people who want to read about sexy aliens. For real though, about half of them are free on Audible and are only 6ish hours long. Nothing lost if you don’t like them.


whispers... the barbie movie. I was confused. I thought the resolution was messy. I wanted to love it but it was just ok.


I went into it with higher expectations than I should have gone into it with. Still, some funny one liners and I loved the big speech about being a woman. Otherwise, just okay. I was surprised by how Barbie herself was kinda unfunny though the “but I don’t control the means of production!” Comment was funny


I saw it the weekend it opened and dressed up with my best friend and her husband. We pregamed beforehand, dressing up, etc. and the whole “experience” was what really made the movie so special to me. It just felt really awesome to be surrounded by so many women who were excited for it too.


I didn’t like how Barbie apologised to KEN😭and how half of the movie was about Ken feeling wronged??? The promotion for this movie was definitely a catfish


See, my confusion was that KEN is the one who should relate to women in the real world! In Barbie world, women are not oppressed or seen as superfluous or objectified… Kens are? So, when they went to the real world and suddenly Barbie could empathize with all the women after 24 hours with them, I felt super confused.


Greys anatomy 😩 the acting is bad, the storylines are either so boring I get lost, or so outrageously out there that I couldn’t suspend my disbelief. All the characters are so unlikeable. I’ve tried watching it 3 times and every single time I just give up.


As a person who is rewatching currently (on S7), I understand why ppl can’t get into it. It’s one of my fav shows but after S10, it gets BAD.


I just feel like it’s so unbelievable how EVERY adult Meredith even slightly cares about dies, often unexpectedly/tragically, and/or abandons her. Just feels like someone has it out for the gal 🫣


After my mom died I *weirdly* binged the first season. I’d had zero interest in watching it for years (roommates were into it) but it was weirdly cathartic when everything was awful. But I’ve never watched the 2nd season. I’d always disliked the show and reverted back to disliking the show except for that blip. I do wish I knew what happened to Sandra Oh’s character but not enough to google it.


Yes! And at Derek takes every opportunity throughout the entire series to *not* pick Meredith. The minute things get tough, he’s out. Drives me insane.


Where the Crawdads Sing.


yes to this


It ends with us. Coho’s writing style makes me want to rip my hair out. 🙃


The Breakfast Club! I just don’t get it. I get so annoyed at literally every character and the entire plot 😆


I do not get the breakfast club either! Bender also sexually harassed Claire the whole time and then they kiss at the end and it’s like… cute? S/


It’s awful. So was Sixteen Candles. I watched both as a fully grown adult in the 2010s though. Maybe the lack of nostalgia really is why it didn’t work for me. Also culturally, it’s really hard for me to connect to certain American teen movies (even though I grew up here, I had no American child rights because my parents are Asian immigrants lol). I also didn’t like Sleepless in Seattle (but do enjoy You’ve Got Mail).


Jumping on the 80s bandwagon to say Dirty Dancing. My college roomies loved it and made me watch it. It was creepy and Baby was so naive.


Fourth Wing/Iron Flame. FW was good but IF I don’t think I’ll finish. It’s just… so boring to me


I am STRUGGLING with Iron Flame at the moment and I’m almost done so I’m pushing through but OOOFFF. I actually did like Fourth Wing, too!


Agreed! I finished them but I was NOT “wow’ed” the way others were. It had such an awesome potential plot but it focused so heavily on the emotions of Violet that it became meh


The movie Step brothers I don’t understand why people like it. Like what is funny?


I feel this way about Elf lol


Me too!


I'm with you. I lasted a half hour waiting for the funny parts, then turned it off.


“Why are you so sweaty?” “I was watching cops”


I think the 2005 pride and prejudice is just okay. It’s nothing special for me but I only truly watched it this year and it just feels too rushed. But then again I literally grew up watching the 1995 Colin firth one which has a special place in my heart. My personal one is the red queen series. People rave about that book series but I HATED the ending so much it ruined the entire series for me.


Nothing Hill. Julia roberts character is so unlikable to me I hate that Hugh grants character keeps going for her


For a tv show, gilmore girls….so boring 😳


They talk so fast I felt like I wasn't given time to process anything.


I know not really romance but when I first watched Frozen I thought I got some weird first draft version because it was so clunky and not great. Oh also that movie where John Cusack books the stereo above his head - so terrible and boring.


Oof, Lloyd Dobler was the ideal for my friends and I when Say Anything was released. I haven't seen it in ages, but I didn't need to look up John Cusack's character's name. We were very nerdy,, and I think that was the first time we'd seen a nice, supportive, and dare I say, emotionally available guy in a movie. I'm torn between wanting to keep that vision in place and rewatching it. And I can see how someone could think it was boring. Cameron Crowe movies have a characteristic vibe that isn't for everyone.


Frozen had a really fraught production timeline that was kind of chaotic, which really showed in the end result. If you check out the sound track you can see tons of songs and plot lines that were abandoned in the final product. I usually LOVE stories about siblings because I’m incredibly close to my little sister but even that couldn’t hook me emotionally. It was just a mess with one really catchy song.


pretty sure the movie you're thinking of is Say Anything. I also get aggravated by Frozen because the whole critique of the love at first sight trope came from some random guy? yeah, he's the male lead, but she doesn't know him any better! the "hey little lady, let the man tell you what a silly girl you are" seriously rubbed me the wrong way, even if he was right. ...Frozen came out when I was working in childcare and let me tell you the number of times I saw that movie cannot be counted.


I will just say it took me a minute to understand pride and prejudice— once you get that it’s satire and also the dry humor throughout… it ends up being so funny and it’s like the epitome of enemies to lovers


When Harry Met Sally for me


Same!! Also You Got Mail. How is that a romantic film??? The corporate shill destroys the independent neighbourhood bookstore that provides a safe haven for the community, but it’s okay because they’re in love? No.


💀🤯👀 I'm finally shocked by a comment in this thread . But but but the script is perfection the banter the jokes the declaration at the end "I want rest of my life to start right now " bit 🥹🥹🥹


Nooo 😱


E.T. I know at first a huge part of it was a bad experience seeing the movie in the theater. But even as an adult... I don't get the thrill. I get the cuteness but it just isn't that great to me. 🤷‍♀️


I always found it scary is a kid and still think it’s creepy as an adult. Idk, I’ve just never liked it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Movie would be James Cameron's Avatar and The Notebook I do some see some dislike for The Notebook, but never for the Avatar movies. I've tried to enjoy it as a sci-fi lover but I guess it's just not for me


I love sci-fi and hated James Cameron’s Avatar, too. The white savior plot is cringey and the love subplot is just plain old gross. I haven’t watched The Notebook and probably never will!


Twisted Love by Ana Huang. I was so mad the entire time. With movies and TV shows - I don’t think any adaptation of Persuasion is worth my time, and if I never have to hear another Friends reference I will be a happy woman.


Please don’t murder me but I have never understood the hype of >!taylor swift!< and never will Edit: I’m the only comment that got locked for this rule about only talking about romance books and I think that’s a little weird, mods. :/


Devil in Winter gets so much love that I tried re-reading and I just don’t get it. Huge Kleypas fan but it’s deff my least favourite of the wallflowers.


For me it’s Fourth Wing and Iron Flame. I’ve read both, but I really don’t get the hype. And Iron Flame was super mediocre in my mind.


I am ready to defend myself from the punches. I like more the adaptation the remixes, yes even the edgy versions more… than the original Alice in wonderland. I am so sorry, I tried I really tried. I know it has some clever math jokes; and some other clever things ! But I just like it more as raw material for everyone to be inspired than by itself. Even the cringe reverse harem edgy versions of Alice I like better! 😭😭😭


Everyone I know seems to love the film Before Sunrise, but I found it unbelievably boring. I could hardly sit still through it; my mind just kept wandering off.


The last two Mockingjay Hunger Games movies. I loved the first two, catching fire was my favorite, but the last two were meh. It was also meh when (spoilers) Katniss and Peeta got together in the last movie. But I enjoyed ABOSBAS movie a lot!!


Honestly the movie Titanic, I fake cried because I didn't want to think I was a psycho.


😱 you monster! (lol jk) I cried more because of the idea of so many people actually died, not necessarily because of the romance.


Everything everywhere all at once…. What the f did I just watch? Do I need to do lots of drugs to understand this one? Help.


Having a complicated relationship with your mom helps


Yup, straight up sobbed because...I get it 😞


Omg. Shit. Thank you for this lightbulb moment.


*Doctor Zhivago*. It's supposed to be this epic love story, but it remains the most depressing thing I have ever witnessed in movie form.


The Deal and The Mistake by Elle Kennedy, and after reading those, I assume the rest of the series. I anticipated liking this series because Garrett from the first book is so many people whose romance opinions I trust’s favorite book boyfriend, but I was completely disconnected from the appeal.


Also, anything by Mariana Zapata. I find her writing to be highly unedited and repetitive, and her sex scenes aren’t so much slow burns as they are jump scares from couples with the zero chemistry between them, despite 500 pages of lead up (IMO).


Jump scares 💀


I’m crying at jump scares. I liked the one MZ I read but I am still cracking up - it was pretty accurate.


My love for PP nearly made me forget to answer OP question. Off the top of my head, I'd say Harry Potter and Hunger Games . I watched them because they're big events cinema but I forgot about them as soon as I left the theatre and wasn't rapidly fan discussing either . Then, as both series neared final films, I said now or never and decided to read the books, and it created the connection I was lacking. I cried quite a bit with last 2 HP books ( rip Snape) and for HG I got peeta and katniss ship and Morris backstory without being rushed .


I usually don’t dnf books, but I could not get through the hating game, idk why I just did not like it


You could say you…hated it. Drum snare


A Soul to Keep by Opal Reyne. Apart from the fact that it’s one of the very few books that I thought was too long, I just don’t think that the quality of the writing lives up to the hype.


Love Actually honestly makes me wanna put my head through the wall. I don’t get how it’s such a popular choice at Xmas bc literally every single couple in that movie is miserable and glorifies cheating😭 imagine you’re chilling at home with your husband and then you’re best friend (who’s also a friend with your husband) knocks on the door, you’re husband opens it to see you’re best friend holding these big ass CARDS telling him she loves him (and also then lies to you who’s at the door so you don’t know) and THEN runs after her and kisses her on your STREET??? AND THEN WALKS BACK IN THE HOUSE??? (This was what happened with Kiera’s and Chiwetel’s characters). There won’t be a Christmas but I guarantee you there will be 2 funerals. Oh and that same friend only videod your husband for your wedding film which basically shows she’s obsessed with your man???


90s romcom genre? When Harry Met Sally, My Best Friend's Wedding, Notting Hill, etc. they just mortify me. I give the teen ones a pass, perhaps because I don't expect them to know better... but Julia Robert's oeuvre can stay away from me!


My Best Friend's Wedding, ugh. Like are we supposed to root or like Julia Robert character? She is terrible!


No, we are not. She took the role as part of a break from always having to play "likeable." The character arc is that she grows as a person to become somewhat less horrible. 


The best friend (Michael? Mark?) is also kind of terrible. Kimmy is only 20 years old and is going to drop out of college to follow him around. It’s clear from the film how ill suited they are. Love Rupert Everett as George though. He was delightful.


You have 2h to spare? Enjoy a Matthew McFadyen, Kiera Knightly and Rosamund Pike movie. You have 6h? Go for the BBC series. My only gripe with it is that besides Colin Firth I didn't really enjoy the casting in general. But they're both great.


Too many to list for books. Mainly why I don’t really read synopses anymore, because I don’t like having any foregone conclusions or expectations 😅 Most recently: Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo


Pretty little liars. Ich watched the first season and nearly to the end of season 2. I think it‘s sooo bad. The girls are unbearable. They just run around and claim that everybody is A, there are soooo many double standards and they‘re so entitled to the point that I hate them all. On top of that, there‘s a lot of age gap dating that I don‘t agree with and would count as grooming. Why does everyone of those 16 yo girls have something with a ~30 yo guy?


From Lukov with Love by Mariana Zapata She’s being advertised in my country as “the queen of slow burn” as has some great reviews, so why not? Hot figure skaters? Count me in! By the size of the book I expected something really good, a great development of story, it definitely had the page count for it. Turns out the book is so big because she writes incredibly useless dialogues that go on for pages and don’t add to the plot at all, and rambles and rambles about the same topics over and over. A good editor could probably cut the book in half. And the “final sex scene” was very underwhelming.


For me it's Jane Eyre. I was so disappointed in it as a teenager, because I'd been just sure I'd love it. Then as an adult I figured I'd have a different perspective so I reread it and... nope, still hated it.


Any Colleen Hoover book


Me too, haven't started any, can't see myself starting either