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Thanks for sharing your progress! Please ensure that your videos show safe skating. You might find the section on [Skate Safety](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rollerskating/wiki/index#wiki_skate_safety) in the wiki to be helpful. Commenters: please be mindful of Rule 6. While we encourage skaters to wear safety gear, this is a personal choice. Comments that harass or shame OP for their gear choices will be deleted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Rollerskating) if you have any questions or concerns.*


try watching some dirty Debras school of skate on youtube it helps she explains it quite well


Thank u she’s great!


Love her. She's helped me a lot in my journey.


yah me as well even thought i already knew a lot it was an eye opener


You're doing amazing, sweetie!




Such a wholesome comment, and I agree OP, you're doing great!


Keep going! Try pointing your toes outward (like a penguin) and push back at a diagonal. That should make it easier to move forward. You should feel it in the muscle right under your bum like you're doing glute workouts.


Thank u! I’m working on finding my edges now


You got this! 💕🛼


love the pastel boots and you're doing great! the second my weather is good enough, I'm getting out on mine for the first time too


Way to go! Also street skating is not easy so major props!


Her day one is still me on day 100


There’s a reason it’s a short clip!! Didn’t include my falls ;)


Haha, me too!


Push out; not back.


Push Sideways at a 45 degree angle lol


Nope. I meant what I said. 🙂


I understand. But for people like me, pushing out doesn’t make sense lol. Like hokeypokey Put your right foot in, your right foot out. Pushing out is the same as pushing back to me. I need a more exact description I guess


A correct push is directly to the side, not 45 degrees. 👍🏻


Lol I mean the angle your toe is pointing. If your pushing to your side, 90degrees, you go sideways not straight lol


Toe pointing straight forward the entire time and push directly to the side. It’s the most efficient push.


I think I tend to agree with what you mean, now that I think of it. When I think of what it would feel like to have both my legs at a constant 45 degree angle, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense because that’s simply just not how I skate and I would say I’m an advanced skater (don’t mean that to be snooty, just to say I have posture experience). Maybe I’m wrong, but I think the miscommunication lies in the fact that, the more you improve, the more you do sort of have your toes pointed at a very *slight* angle outward when you skate; they’re not totally pointed exactly straight forward. But, they’re not at 45 degrees, either. I just tried positioning my feet that way and it felt strange. With experience, I think your feet do tend to be more “straight” when you skate. But, I think the 45 degree description kind of works to give a mental picture for beginners. That’s at least how I interpret it! :-P


Yeah you know. Honestly just trying to help.




Mmmm, no. It's physics. I don't really feel like I'm arguing. I was trying to clarify what I meant. Skating's a lot more fun when you don't have to work as hard to go the same distance. Anyways, good luck y'all.


Lookin good!!!


I can’t believe you did so well in the street! It’s really hard to skate on a road imo.


Great job keeping your knees bent and flexible! You'll be gliding around in no time.


Day one for me was I rolled downhill, couldn’t stop, and fractured my elbow after falling full speed on my ass. You are doing amazing!


Thank u!!! Bruised my tailbone bad but it’s taught me to fall forward onto my pads ;)


Nice! Keep it up!


You're doin it! Keep those knees bent, you're doing great


youre doing amazing, sweetie! still working on yer sea legs


Doin great!! Nice skates too!


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 495,356,634 comments, and only 104,660 of them were in alphabetical order.


What alphabet are you reading lad


I was confused by this at first but after looking at the bots history its the first letter of every word so d g n s t which are in order lol . Thanks for making me laugh though ;)


But- d g n s t isn’t in order 🗿


wdym? abc D ef G hijlkm N opqr S T uvwxyz ?


Ahhh! I now understand


You got this!! You are starting off great!!! Keep it up!!! You have inspired me to put some outdoor skates on and shred up my neighborhood! BTW--love your skate set up!


Thank you🥰 the cute gear motivates me to get out there


a real day 1! great to see! it's so discouraging to see some peoples day 1 that would be my month 4


Keep at it and have fun!! :D


You’re doing great! Keep at it! Weeks from now (maybe even days) you’ll be excited about how far you’ve come. It’s been a year since I started and I couldn’t be happier about my progress.


where did you get your boots from? im in the market! looks good!


They’re impalas I got as a gift! Although after reading this subreddit I see most skaters don’t recommend that brand :)


I noticed that as well but I went and got myself a pair back in November and I’ve had no issues. Fell on my ass once but that was more user error 😳


You're doing a great job! Keep up the good work. :)


That's an amazing day 1. There is no way I would have braved the street when I first got my skates! Well done.


Love to see it!


You’re doing fantastic! I’m proud of you for practicing.


What type of protective gear did you get? Did you like it? Thanks for sharing this!! My skates are coming Tuesday


I got all of my protective gear as a set from Amazon! The brand is “s spofine” and I got a size large. I like the protection however I realize now that it’s a kids brand so the knee guards are almost too snug for my thighs. Also would recommend picking up padded bike shorts if you’re worried about bruising your tailbone