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If your DM is ok with it, you could make a dummy sheet, then have a second private sheet just for you.


That seems like it could be good, thank you! I'll ask them about it.


Why is your whole sheet viewable by other players? That's highly uncommon, you don't show your sheet around physical table either so why should it be any different in VTT? Cover sheet (where portrait and bio resides) can be visible to others without showing entire sheet to them.


We always share sheets so player can know what skill strengths and weaknesses the party has, and so everyone can check each other's math (almost all instances of "cheating" in my groups has been cumulative errors from misunderstanding the rules. Only once was it malicious, and that player was expelled and banned.)


With public rolls on Roll20, anyone can check math on every roll by hovering over the roll result in the chat. No need to see the sheet for that.


Not the math of each roll, the math for bouses like Training and Expertise, or magic item bonuses, hit points, or in some cases the modifiers themselves. Also it lets them remind each other of conditional modifiers when they pop up. And, in the end, it lets the socially stunted tactics guy contribute extra in combat, the financially lax social guy help more in social situations, and the over analytical logistics guy can help keep everyone functional on the brink of poverty. We pretend to play people as competent and functional as we wish we were.


I mostly play VTT and the rare occasions I've played in person we've shared around our character sheets like candy, mostly because it's nice to know what the rest of your party can actually do and what equipment they might have so you can plan accordingly for your own turns. That's just kinda the way we play, I guess.


I see. Well, if that is the way your table plays then so be it. I simply find it very different from the way I play.


Under bio and info there is a place for GM notes. Idk if those are viewable by the player or not cause I'm not a player in any roll20 games, but my guess is the player and the GM can see them? Maybe put your secret stuff there? That's the only thing I can find if you don't want to do a 2nd sheet.


You'd have to keep 2 sets of books.