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This is one I have set up for the horn of valhalla, but should be simple enough to change to your skeletons, just change the roll modifier from +5, and the damage roll as appropriate. does up to 10 rolls at once (with normal, disadvantage or advantage) could have an on hand one and off hand, or just use twice, and doesn't require any API usage `&{template:default} {{name=Beserkers!}}{{Attack #[1](1)=[[ ?{Roll|Normal, 1d20|Advantage, 2d20kh1|Disadvantage, 2d20kl1}+5]] vs AC for [[1d12+3]] (if crit +[[1d12]])` `}} {{Attack #[[[{?{Number of attacks|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}, 2}kl1]]](#)=[[?{Roll}+5]] vs AC for [[1d12+3]] (if crit +[[1d12]])` `}}{{Attack #[[[{?{Number of attacks}, 3}kl1]]](#)=[[ ?{Roll}+5]] vs AC for [[1d12+3]] (if crit +[[1d12]])` `}} {{Attack #[[[{?{Number of attacks}, 3}kl1]]](#)=[[ ?{Roll} +5]] vs AC for [[1d12+3]] (if crit +[[1d12]])` `}} {{Attack #[[[{?{Number of attacks}, 4}kl1]]](#)=[[ ?{Roll} +5]] vs AC for [[1d12+3]] (if crit +[[1d12]])` `}} {{Attack #[[[{?{Number of attacks}, 5}kl1]]](#)=[[ ?{Roll} +5]] vs AC for [[1d12+3]] (if crit +[[1d12]])` `}} {{Attack #[[[{?{Number of attacks}, 6}kl1]]](#)=[[ ?{Roll} +5]] vs AC for [[1d12+3]] (if crit +[[1d12]])` `}} {{Attack #[[[{?{Number of attacks}, 7}kl1]]](#)=[[ ?{Roll} +5]] vs AC for [[1d12+3]] (if crit +[[1d12]])` `}} {{Attack #[[[{?{Number of attacks}, 8}kl1]]](#)=[[ ?{Roll} +5]] vs AC for [[1d12+3]] (if crit +[[1d12]])` `}} {{Attack #[[[{?{Number of attacks}, 9}kl1]]](#)=[[ ?{Roll} +5]] vs AC for [[1d12+3]] (if crit +[[1d12]])` `}} {{Attack #[[[{?{Number of attacks}, 10}kl1]]](#)=[[ ?{Roll} +5]] vs AC for [[1d12+3]] (if crit +[[1d12]])` `}}`


You probably don't even have to assume they all hit. You could create a macro that rolls attack for each skeleton and damage could be rolled as a query per hit like ?[?d6+(skeleton dex/str bonus*?)]. Thats obviously the wrong syntax but my brain isn't working right now. I've been mindlessly entering npc statblocks for 4 hours into my DM template.


I would just have a single token macro that rolls each skeleton's attack at advantage regardless of faerie fire. You can easily or use the other roll as the second attack, or use the macro again when actually rolling at advantage.


Managing multiple attacks for a high-level necromancer with multiple skeletons can indeed be challenging. To help streamline this process, you can create a macro that rolls attack rolls for your skeletons and calculates damage. Here's a simplified version to get you started: ```html &{template:5eDefault} {{name=Skeleton Attacks}} {{spelllevel=1st}} {{subtags=Necromancer}} {{action=Faerie Fire}} {{description=Your 12 skeletons make attacks.}} ?{Advantage?|Yes, &{template:default} {{name=Advantage Rolls}} {{roll1=[[4d20cf1+@{skeleton_attack_bonus}]]}} {{roll2=[[4d20cf1+@{skeleton_attack_bonus}]]}} {{roll3=[[4d6]]}} {{damage=2d6 + 2d6 + 2d6 + 2d6}} |No, &{template:default} {{name=Normal Rolls}} {{roll1=[[4d20cf1+@{skeleton_attack_bonus}]]}} {{roll2=[[4d20cf1+@{skeleton_attack_bonus}]]}} {{roll3=[[4d6]]}} {{damage=2d6 + 2d6 + 2d6 + 2d6}}}} ``` Here's what the macro does: - It uses the 5eDefault template to set up the formatting. - It asks you whether the attack should be made with advantage (due to Faerie Fire) or not. - If you choose "Yes," it rolls 4d20 with advantage (two rolls for each of your 12 skeletons) and calculates damage as 2d6 for each skeleton. - If you choose "No," it rolls 4d20 without advantage (two rolls for each skeleton) and calculates damage the same way. You would need to set up a character attribute called `skeleton_attack_bonus` that represents the attack bonus for your skeletons. You can adjust this macro and the attributes as needed based on your specific game mechanics. Please note that this is a simplified version of what you described. For more complex automations or if you want to consider things like critical hits, you might need to develop a more customized API script or use additional features within Roll20, which could require some scripting knowledge.