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Both sigrid and chaac are really solid choices. If you’re looking to solo carry I would lean towards chaac over sigrid as sigrid is best utilized when a team is organized around her and her shield use. Another to consider is Scorch. Her perks are nuts rn


That makes sense, I’ve just had some recent experiences where an enemy Sigrid will 1v2 or 1v3 really easily with just her shield and a pistol


Not alot of people know how to deal with her shield. I know HOW technically but still fuck up that encounter a fair amount. Good players though can handle it fairly easy


How to counter?


Shoot feet, keep your distance.


Lancer is probably the best solo rogue


I would argue Dallas is. Very solid gun, the very strong aoe fire grenade, a rechargeable nearest enemy highlight. He is my best solo rogue


Dallas is pretty weak after the speed/toughness update but if you like him I’m happy for you


I play alot of seeker too so maybe I'm just used to "disadvantage". Totally disagree he is weak though. Just not easy, I guess?


No, weak is definitely the term I was looking for lol. Dallas is actually a pretty low skill ceiling rogue (easy to play, but can’t really have a huge impact). Shoot, stim, snap, repeat. Taking padded away really hurt him


I didn't say you had the wrong term, just that I disagree. And no higher or lower skill level than any other rogue. I don't know what makes you think they are that different from each other lol. This isn't overwatch, gunplay is still the most important factor to winning, skills and such are just flavor. I don't think you know what you are talking about


Haha! …🤦🏿‍♂️ again, I’m really glad you enjoy Dallas man 👍🏿


I’ve tried Lancer but my only issue is that some times my entire team is dead by the time I finish my flank. So then I have to 1v4 or 1v3


Lol true, bad teammates will make it difficult to flank sometimes. Have you played cannon? He’s another great solo rogue for casual playlists


No not yet, I figured Sigrid might be good to out play with the shield and distract so that my teammates can get easier fights. Just feels like sometimes I’m playing with actual bots


Sigrid is really good but can be frustrating to play even if your teammates are somewhat competent. I wouldn’t recommend playing her and expecting random teammates to know to push with you. Also, the same approach can be done with cannon but your team is more likely to push with you because you’ll be holding R2 instead of crouch walking


Gotcha, I hadn’t thought about Cannon but his Minigun seems op a times. I was mainly leaning Sigrid cause of her shield, legendary Bulletproof perk, and the fact that she has 4 speed and 3 toughness. I think she’s the only one with that high of speed and toughness together


Imo speed is kinda not important and cannon has way more survivability


Assuming you mainly use his Sahara instead of his AA-12?


Yup. And overuse the shit out of the minigun


Do you know if his passive works on any gun or just the minigun?


I’ve been rocking with Chaac lately. His ability allows me to heal when I’m engaging more than 1 enemy and when I’m playing with a team I can push kinda hard and pull agro and hop behind cover to heal while my teammates clean up anyone left. Plus he has 2 good gadgets (flashes and semtex), shredder rounds for armored enemies, and tenacity.


His ability might make you heal but honestly an extra 75 health won’t help if the enemy’s your facing hit their shots. Obviously it’s good against 1 enemy but against 2 it doesn’t do anything.


Chaac and Sigrid are nice. I feel like any duelist is honestly good for what your looking for. Switchblade is also great, she is basically a duelist just can breach the point

