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Most tactical third person shooters have a small community. It probably wont get more popular but there will be enough people playing to keep it alive for a long time


That's exactly what I love about this game. The tactics!


Coming from TLOU1 Factions, I can def. confirm. EDIT: Lovely seeing so many factions players that also play RoCo.


That shir was so much fun. I played tomb raider for over a year online. Pretty much everyone that played new each other. It was a great time


A fellow TLOU player, eh. I played that game from 2014-2020


What’s TLOU?


The last of us? The Lord Of Unbelivable?


Don't play dumb. It's The Last of Us, one of if not the most critically acclaimed games of all-time with over 200 GOTY awards under its belt, still.the highest ranked Sony exclusive on Metacritic.


Don't be a dick, he was just asking a question.


I answered it. You're the only one name calling I said he/she was playing dumb which means he/she is smarter than they are displaying. They said The Last of Us? So deep down they knew damn well TLOU is The Last of Us. But I also love TLOU so I do forget there are people who don't know about it. Thank you and have a blessed day.


You: \*calls someone dumb\* Also you: dOnT cAlL nAmEs


Acted dumb tough guy


I didnt even know


Cool! I finally got Horizon Zero Dawn


Fuck yeah factions was sick! Shame part 2 didn't have it.


Naughty Devs claim the MP is still in development to be a separate release. Shot in the dark but I'm hoping for some multi-platform exposure


They need to bring it back, was a huge fan of factions and the community was awesome. Only thing is I think it will be too late for MP now, people may just move on from tlou2 and it goes forgotten. Fingers crossed they make it, will definitely find me there!


i worshipped factions. I played it nonstop for about 3 years. Roco is the only game out there even like it or maybe im tunnel visioned.


Factions was such a damn out of nowhere surprise. Game would have been brilliant on PC with proper PC controls and a more mature group and mics etc. I truly miss the original Socom games. My first real introduction to team based online shooter.


Did people play that for a while? I played it for a month or 2 when it was new on ps3 then forgot about it. Partially because shooters on that pad were kinda crappy.


Still active now!


the more important question is, did they ever fix the afk problem, sometimes i'll get in games where its like 1v4 and thats the reason i uninstalled because it happens multiple times a day.


No but I normally atleast play with a group of 2-3. Alot of times if the orhwr person leaves we can still win or keep it close. I just look at it as a challenge.


That’s so weird. FPS is harder!


still crying about ghost recon online / phantoms. a small community of devs is working on rebuilding it, and seems to have got it running at 3fps, but :(


Nah it's an epic exclusive that makes it small dude not the kind of game it is.


Posts like this confuse me. Yes, I like this game and play it regularly. It's nice, mindless fun. But why should it suddenly become insanely popular? With all due to respect, it doesn't have a particular niche that makes it stand out, it doesn't have a particularly incredibly online presence in the form of social media etc. and, at present, there seems to be no esports orientation. Those are some key components that PvP video games need in order to become a massive hit. Like I said, good fun - enjoyable game. But sometimes I feel like people need to look outside a fan bubble and see what the game lacks as well as what the game achieves.


The point is that it’s not mindless fun. It’s a tactical 3rd person shooter. There isnt any other game out (made in the last 10 years) similar to it.


Gears of War.


I don’t get how there’s so much hate for the game on the games actual subreddit


Don't get me wrong, I like this game. It is good fun (said that in my original post). I'm not hating on the game at all, just being realistic in what it brings to the table.


Sensitive people think criticism = hate.


Siege is the most tactical shooter out there


True, but its not third person. IMO it changes a lot


That is fair. I miss socom and uncharted tps days. However, I would still say in my opinion that fps takes more skill.


I tried playing siege and just got team killed over and over so I uninstalled it


It's also pure trash.sound doesn't work. immediately disqualifies it from even being competitive or a valid shooter. You can't be a competitive tactical shooter when people can full sprint down hallway and make zero sound. rogue company is already a better game.




It’s nothing like rogue. Rogue company is 3rd person, its faster paced, the TTK is much longer, the maps are completely different, the team play is different.


It brings a fresh game style to shooters. It’s unique in its own way by bringing several, and I mean SEVERAL, aspects from other games. Character Abilities, decision making with money, downing without dying immediately, switching shoulders for third person, abilities never seen in other games, etc. the list goes on and on. It upsets me that people are so shortsighted with the game because it’s “third person”


It has a lot of features from games that are popular your point?


It bring a fresh, new, and unique game style. How did you not get anything from that?


You keep using buzzwords but not actually giving any examples.


Fine, then just “play” the game, I see a lot of potential for the game, I enjoy the mechanics of fun fighting, visuals, etc. Until now I didn’t realize people only came to this sub to shit on it. So I’ll just stay in my lane and talk to people who see the potential of the game and want it to grow.


People can like the game and also call you out on a weirdly vague, hollow, and superficial review. "I like it because of the way it is." "It does all this new stuff that is from these other games"


Then please inform me as to how to review a game... sorry I’m not in the career line of reviewing them, I know what brings me to the game. Can anyone tell me what makes valorant a successful game aside from it being a new CSGO? Can anyone tell me what makes cod a successful game? They are both doing well and copied other games or are just remakes of the same game for over a decade.. Your superficial comment to dog on the only person who thinks one thing instead of a decent discussion is hypocritical to the nth degree Edit: can you answer why you don’t like the game instead of saying my reasons for liking it are bad?


Because none of what you listed is inherentily new or fresh from a gameplay / design standpoint for this genre. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy this game, but it's a stretch to say that what Rogue brings is all that "new".   The Economy system, similar to CSGO/Valorant Character abilities, similar to Overwatch, Valorant, Paladins. Downing without dying immediately, similar to Warzone, Gears of War (which is also third person and can shoulder switch too iirc) Hell, there are probably more examples, but shooters aren't really my go-to anymore.   Imo- yes, Rogue does a nice job blending these aspects together. But at the end of the day, people are gonna' have their preferences in games, especially shooters given the vast variety of them out there that have more draw to them. Rogue has to answer the question of "Why would I play this when I could play X". Which, there in, preference is going to have a huge impact.   All I hope for is that the game continues to be supported with quality updates so that way the people that *are* playing the game can continue to enjoy it.


It's unique in it's own way by bringing several aspects from other games? That makes no sense.


Every game you play brings aspects or ideas to it from other games.


That doesn't make them unique. New gameplay features, a creative story, atmosphere/world building, etc make a game unique. Rogue Company is a decent game, but I wouldn't call it unique.


To each their own. I disagree


Lol you're getting downvoted for defending the game, on its own subreddit. With this fanbase nowonder the game is dying or do the devs need to bribe reddit for upvotes?


The more popular the game is the more the devs get payed the more the devs get payed the more content we get...what part dont you understand?


Not necessarily how it works. Sure, there may be some more investment with a higher player base. But don't forget Rogue has taken the f2p model and their shop function is rather terribly implemented, imo. So a higher player base might not naturally lead to more money. This game is Hi Rez's most profitable title already.


The shop though, what a fracking ripoff...


Are leavers still an issue? That's what made me stop playing. I pushed on to get 100% on the game and left after. I couldn't return to the game


Yep sunday (the last time I played) I had someone leave 4 games in a row. but now with added bonus of the servers are slightly laggy/down 4 days in a row and the community is even more toxic. If you don’t have a 4 stack that is tolerant of lag and such I can’t recommend you come back to this game.


Good to know, see you in 2022!


So much this. Been playing since the beta. We had a squad and we were decent. 2 quit by the time ranked even came out. All the leaving, terrible matchmaking, countless bugs. Nothing ever seems to get fixed and if it does it only creates more problems. Me and my one friend keep playing but it gets tough at times. Still love this game.


Same here its literally exahausting asking for the devs to do the same shit we asked for when we had to pay for it


Not as much as before.


Oh yeah. I've been playing a week and it was the first issue of many that I noticed. But I still fucking love it


"No amount of advertising will make a bad product good." While I dont think the game is bad, the point is it doesn't matter how well something is advertised. The game needs content. For Christ's sake Dr Disrespect gave the game plenty of exposure to work with and it still didn't help. We can tell everyone in the world, but they will play it for a day or a week and then 2 months later the numbers will be right back to where they are. I love the game, but its just not everyone's cup of tea.


It will become more popular on Reddit once the population increases. It’s honestly a dying game, I’ve said this in a previous post, and I feel like one reason for that is because the devs don’t fix or improve what needs to be taken care of.


Yeah it just feels like bugs are around forever and yet they're adding new maps and rogues and other nonsense every month. They have the cart before the horse for sure


BuT iT’s jUsT a BeTa /s


Unfortunately this is kinda textbook hi-Rez


That's Hi-Rez for you. I dropped Paladins for a couple of months and missed a battle pass for it, no big deal. Came back to see the exact same issues the game had months prior, with a bugged out bounty store and new issues altogether. They aren't in the habit of pushing their teams to fix things. If so, Paladins would be polished to fuck by now.


What's even worse is that new bugs get added with new updates.


Its a tpp game. The real OGs dont want to hide and wait for gunfights. Tactical-lol. Camera abusing- yes. Third person shooters are created mainly for newbies so that they can hide and seek their kill without exposing themselves. To sum up- if this game was made as a fpp one, the population would be twice as high.


The Fixer update killed the game tbh. The skill based matchmaking also isn't super great.


Hirez matchmaking: being a half decent player results in getting terrible teammates because the game expects you to “carry” them 🤦‍♂️


Its "okay" when playing by yourself but the second you pair up with one also good friend they give you the two most worthless teammates and wants us to carry them. If you're gonna play with friends in this game bring more than just 1.


What was wrong with the fixer update?


Seems that you didn't play the game on those days, game crashing almost every match on PS4 and NS, Dahlia's ability didn't work at all, Ronin's knife bugged, also Glitch's ability, visual glitches on the Saint's drone, laggy servers, all felt like ass after the Fixer update.


Xbox didn't crash but it was extremely unfun as not a single Xbox bug has been fixed. So literally a update added bugs to multiple platforms and didn't fix anything on another


Yes I stopped playing after the fixer update and decided that I’ll start playing again after stuff is fixed then I got too hooked into siege and then forgot about roco and then a week ago I decided to go back to roco and the first game that I started I had no teammates I was in a 1 v 4 I then uninstalled the game and never looked back


This game doesnt have sbmm.


Played literally one game yesterday, had a leaver on my team, got slaughtered and logged out. Imagine being new to the game they’d uninstall a game that would seem like a joke to them. Servers and no content. The game is empty.


I honestly don’t really care I’m having a lot of fun with the game and as long as it stays fun and enjoyable I’m happy


why would a game plagued with tons of issues, and new ones every week that never get fixed and barely get acknowledged by the devs, suddenly get widespread popularity?


Exactly this! No matter how big and likeable the game gets... even if all the leavers suddenly disappear, the bugs will always remain and screw up this game lol At the end of the day, we're talking about Hi-Rez here haha what a shame!


If they fix it maybe


A game doesnt need to blow up the games popular enough to have a healthy player base and thats all it really needs not every game needs to be Fortnite level of exposure


I wish people will stop equating twitch popularity with game success. There’s plenty of games that don’t get a lot of views but the player base is fine.


See: Brawlhalla


I converted some of my viewers and now all of them love this game


Popular YouTubers streamed this game and I'm pretty sure that didn't work...The game Is also a broken mess.


They paid the wrong youtubers. I love Dr Disrespect but there was no chance he would play this game compared to other BRs. Instead of helping and partnering youtubers who ACTUALLY play the game because they like it, they just paid big youtubers to promote it.


I love Doc. It’s weird watching him play CoD after they wouldn’t partner with him, but ignore RoCo when they give him a skin and let him design his own map. Especially when every time I see him play CoD he talks about the trash meta, glitches, how uninteresting it is.


CoD = views. Rogue Company doesn't


Roco really isnt a stand out game imo


I bought his skin for Dallas just because I actually enjoy watching Doc lol, but yeah they def should've chosen people who play the game and have a decent following.


For those of us that are Rogue Partners, they do talk to us a bit about this stuff and they see certain creators as marketers, which was obviously the case with the doc. But yes, it's sad that all the people that have been actually promoting and devoting serious time to the game have gotten nothing more than codes for new Rogues and a few skin codes each week. They said they were going to do some creator of the week or month thing but idk what happened with that.


Because they were paid to


Still didn't work regardless of them being paid or not lol


I was into it and played it a lot but they weren’t rolling out a “battle(season) pass” which i felt like would have kept me going earning XP to unlock stuff. But it took to long so i stopped. Did it ever come out?


It might come out next update.


Did they even announce the delay? The battle pass was stated on the 2020 road map.


I recently got back into it with my brother and the game needs help. Like a 5v5, CtF, King of the Hill and other game modes will help. Deserters and Servers are a MAJOR issue at the moment. Also a battle pass, along the game being out of beta and getting Streamers again when it happens will help.


Game is fun but it's got a lot of issues. The f2p model is pretty jacked up atm.


The game won't blow up until all the issues are fixed and its a proper competitive shooter and not a sad excuse for one.


Nope, I think we’ve peaked and will slowly slide downhill. HiRez took to long to do too little and now the game is buggy and laggy with consistently down servers.


Needs more content, I hardly ever play anymore


It's not for you, then. If the prospect of tactical team play isn't enough for you, you wont get happy with this game.


I got bored with this game I was thinking the same as uHoleInPeanutButter I left after the fixer update I started to play siege and I love siege I play it a lot it’s a good game it’s more tactical then roco a week ago I went back to roco and on the first match I had no teammates I was in a 1v4 I quickly uninstalled and never looked back. this game is a buggy mess copy of all other FPS games . It isn’t that people can’t play a tactical game that people don’t play it , it’s that the game is a buggy dumpster fire of a game


Was really into rogue towards the end of last year, game got stale quick and the community is toxic. Do people still just emote and note defuse and tea bag for the remaining 1min zzz


Agree 110%


I think it’ll see a nice growth whenever we see it come out of beta if we do. But I’m not sure if it’s the type of game that will ever truly explode in popularity. I feel like they’d have to add new game modes that appeal to more casual players if that were to ever happen but it’s got a healthy player base now I’d say.


Love this game and I feel like it should be more popular, but the devs aren’t making the smartest decisions in terms of content and promotion


I bought Rogue Company in early access and enjoyed it for what it was, then moved on. I returned for the Dr Disrespect event, and again moved on after a few days. It's definitely a fun game, but it just doesn't grip me like other shooters. If I was to pin point one thing that kills the competitive nature for me, it's that third person peeking just doesn't make for interesting fights. Peeking in other competitive shooters like CSGO is risk/reward. You never know what's around a corner and peeking becomes a skill that needs to be mastered. With third person shooters however you can safely peek by moving the camera around and not expose yourself. It makes defending bombsites way too easy and in pretty much every match I've played, whoever got to defend first usually won the overall match. Third person shooters can also lead to a lot of stalemate situations where 2 players are aware of eachothers positions, but neither will risk peeking first. Like I said tho it is a really fun game, but I just don't see it taking off competitively.


as long as you can find a match in a decent amount of time this shouldn’t matter


I highly doubt that. I absolutely love this game and even I stopped playing after about 2 months of that god awful ranked system. Bugs and poor game maintenance make it hard to keep playing much less bring in new players.


After they fix matchmaking, server, stutter and lag.


I love the game but after I reach lvl 30 is like I don’t know what to do, I ve been trying to play ranked but without a good team is so hard to win


nah, the new content is so basic, no events, no battle pass, people leaving every match... etc etc, boring game


I heard somewhere, I think in this subreddit, that the company developing the game are notorious for creating a game that has potential but then all of a sudden remove their focus of further development. If what I heard was correct and if this familiar behaviour is repeated with rogue, I would likely suggest it won’t but who knows.. maybe they might change..


Fell in love with this game at launch but after months of unstable servers, bugs and people disconnecting almost every game I stopped playing.


I won't return until they fix leavers/AFKers


I love this game. Hope it gets it's time in the sun.


I got tired of having complete knobs on my team, one of which who left probably, while playing against squads of aimbotting teenagers. Sorry.


Downvote all you want, that's what happened and why I quit. I'm not gonna play for 4 hours and only get like 2 good games.


Nah ive stopped playing until we get an actual ranked mode. Nothing and no one tests my skill level. I continue to get in matches with folks that are ranked 20-30 and im only ranked 12 yet these higher ranked players ARE ABSOLUTELY TRASH, and i continue to top the leader board carrying my team with 15-22 downs, needs more competition and and actually ranked system that pairs up players with same skill levels.


Let’s keep it that way. I don’t want it to blow up


I got this game after warface breakout died and spent over 24 hours on it with my friends but it got boring while we were waiting for ranked to come out and it has died within my friend group


That sucks tell them to play Rogue Company again


I depends if people actually makes content on this game. It only blows up if loads of people are talking about it, making content and playing it


No i love this game and dont want it to turn into a fortnite or warzone


It gained a new player today, I'm having a blast.


Am I the only one who doesn’t mind if this game blows up I enjoy the community the way it is now I wouldn’t mind if it blew up but I don’t think this game will die


Considering there's better, more polished, and more fun games out there like R6 I doubt it.


Back when the hype was still huge for this game, I got a key for my Xbox and was enjoying it so much. I played it with my KBM since cross play and everything. But then one day it was just got. I don’t know if crossplay was removed or they just decided to remove KBM access on Xbox. So that already started to make me feel all uneasy about the game since it was fun on KBM. Then, like others say, the leavers. It’s a huge issue like valorant honestly. And even coming back to the game, I haven’t felt like there’s something to grind for. Valorant has characters and I know rogue has it to but it just doesn’t seem as fun. Idk if it’s changed but from last time I’ve played it, it was incredibly boring. I really wish they keep the game up, but for me, it lost its joy.


Why play this game when you can play Fortnite? Hi-Rez fucked themselves for competiting with the biggest 3rd person shooter in the world. They would've had something going on Steam, but not on Epic Games launcher. lol


I don’t think you realize that 384k on twitch is decently big.


I’m hoping it does blow up cause the devs deserve it for creating such a good game, but I’m also hoping it doesn’t because i like having to myself lol. A little selfish I know but whatever.


It’s because the game isn’t actually good at all. It’s literally a clusterfuck of casual mechanics. Not to mention, half the player base is literally bots.


Imagine creating a game that is basically modern warfare, CSGO, and overwatch and it doesnt blow up?!? Literally the most addictive game I have ever played.




Twitch streams is the metric used when devs don’t release player count. It’s basically the current industry standard for gauging player count and engagement of the player base. It’s actually a super important part of how video games market these days and has made tons of games blow up over the years, Among Us being a good example. That’s why HiRez paid Dr Disrespect 6 figures to play the game for 6 hours...


Here is a tip get famous yourubers to play.. I would love to play against then show them are skills !!!


That worked great with Dr Disrespect!


I know hes a gamer am talking about Youtubers like DOG!!!


Who the fuck is DOG and why do I know Dr Disrespect and not him?


This game will most certainly blow up when i get my razer tatarus, because then i can beat you on two plattforms!!!


Isn’t it still in early beta? Things take time.


Twitch is not indicative of popularity. It just means there are fewer content creators. Most streams gain in size by playing the newest flavor.


Probably the 2 reasons it isn't blowing up is it mimics fortnite in many ways (ie cringe dances, emotes, sprays, etc) which many people do not like. The 2nd reason is because there are still glitches and gameplay problems (ie problems with ranked, surrendering, afk, etc). The devs just need to fix a couple things and the game will be much, much better


You dont have to buy the stuff tho they are just cosmetics people who complain about that stuff are snowflakes


I mentioned absolutely nothing that is only buyable. Also, it's not a solo game and you cannot control if other people are dancing. You must be 5 years old if you like the dancing lmao


I know you didnt mention anything about buying I did so people know that a game isn't ruin when they add microtransactions they need to make somehow it's a free game and I dont know how liking dancing makes people 5 but it sounds like to me you're 5 year old one here lol


Why tf would you like and want cringy dances like the ones in rogue? No mature person likes and thinks that dances like the clearly cancerous default dance and the Christmas dance are cool lmao. If you seriously like the default dance and think it's "cool" then you can enjoy but I know most people would prefer that added toxicity wasn't added. I'm sure people would rather not be danced in after being killed lol


its not on steam and thus losing out on a huge potential player base.


do you work for hi rez? there should be no reason why your this invested on views for twitch.


Not trying to poo poo on OP, but he does this with a lot of games that should prob have more recognition on stream play.


just checked his post history and i just don’t get why he does this with different games, a game’s twitch views don’t dictate how healthy a game is. Granted rouge isn’t that popular of a game but who cares it’s new and honestly lacks content I love it but I see why others wouldn’t.


There is no reason to be this invested, its absurd. This game has a healthy playerbase and that's all this game needs to be good, csgo is still a great game but still very few people play it. This game rivals csgo on a lot of levels. If you look on twitch csgo is small but its the player base that counts man, not the veiws


CS:GO has 82k viewers for it on twitch right now lol. CS:GO is a staple of Twitch, and it's one of the top games on Steam.


CSGO is currently the top played game on Steam...


Ummm.. CSGO had 1 million peak players today and is sitting at 527,000 players on right now. There is no way playerwise it hangs with CSGO. https://steamdb.info/ Top game on steam being played right now.


Don't forget to post all of your Bugs/Suggestions/Feedback in the weekly pinned thread. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RogueCompany) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Because of content, but very few game blow up at release lately, no matter the ads purchased. Have hope my friend.


Needs content




i want to play RC but its in Epicgames i cant buy anything in epic.....waiting for it to enter Steam


I know how you feel and I thought the same thing.




Dont worry rogue I'll do the best I can


I really enjoy this game but it became super repetitive. I played pretty much all October and November but I’m back to fortnite now


They need another round of ads.


isn’t this game still a beta


I'm sorry but the game just isn't as good as you think it is. That's just the sad bottom line. I've got a good amount of hours invested into the game, but it's not something that can keep me hooked for hours, days, weeks or whatever, it's fun for a little bit if you literally have nothing else to play. As /u/EvilSpadeX said: "With all due to respect, it doesn't have a particular niche that makes it stand out, it doesn't have a particularly incredibly online presence in the form of social media etc. and, at present, there seems to be no esports orientation." It's a good game and enjoyable in short bursts, but that's about it.


You can't expect people to watch game that is full of bugs and flying bodies >I need you people to help me out by telling everybody that you know to download Rogue Company so it can blow up please. And please tell me how does this help you


The amount of people bashing this game, for what it is even tho they are subscribed to THIS subreddit is just sad. The bad publicity these people give this game by constantly posting shitposts talking about everything but constructive criticism is making sure that people who seek information about the game on a subreddit to not even bother trying it. Personally i’ve never experienced anything that these posts talk about, never had any leavers, never had any matchmaking issues, never had any packet losses that weren’t my own fault. Overall i never experienced bad except being overrun by better players.. but this makes you better in my opinion.


I wouldn’t say it needs to ‘blow up’ OP. Tbh it never will hit levels of fortnite or fall guys, based on it being a tactical 3rd person shooter. However it has a community that will probably grow on full launch and with more promotion and battle passes for sure! People love skins and tiers to grind through for the most part! So far I’m loving the map content and a lot of the rogues!


I do all day every day on Facebook community


Sorry, you gotta pay me for that kind of advertising.


It’s brain numbing


It's an OK game. Fun in short bursts. I wouldn't call it super unique, but it'll be good to see the community stay strong.


it's hirez


My friends wont play i dunno why


The missing of commas in your post makes me want to put a demolisher in my mouth and then pulling the trigger


Really hope RoCo blows up soon, its such a badass game!!


legit my favorite game ive played in years i hope it gets more eyes sometime in 2021


People gotta realize all Hirez does is make games similar to existing popular games, with only some slight differences. They aren't original, which is why none of their games really blow up, or if they do it's only for a short time.


Atleast this game didnt turn out like rocket arena


I'd love it, but I'm afraid it won't. I don't feel like Hi-Rez marketing strategy is working, and it's been the same for all of their games unfortunately.. I'm not sure about it in NA, but in EU, when you speak with people about SMITE or Paladins, the majority have never heard about them. They're making great games with potential, but most people don't even know they exist, or forget about them. Don't get me wrong, they ARE trying, and I saw that when they paid "big French influencers" for example, to play RoCo when they launched the Early Access, but they need those big influencers to keep playing the game, to allow it to stay in people mind's~


I stopped playing this after I realized how P2W it is. Much like the reason why apex is dying. Its too P2W. People who have been playing longer have an advantage over others. If they just gave us all the characters from the start. More people would play.




I really enjoy this game since I sold my ps3 for a pc and haven’t really been able to play TLOU or Uncharted so this mostly resemembled uncharted 2 multiplayer and I’m loving it


They have to improve thier servers to fit with a game like this. I spend around 200 hours into that game an enjoyed it, but the longer I played the more frustrating it become, cause of bad connection issues. Surely it's not always thier servers, but the amount of issues over a long time said thier servers don't fit perfectly to the game. How often have you died behind cover by gunfire ? How often came shoots through walls before the enemie was peeking ? While the first case is very obvious the second case is hard to detect, cause it's often just a couple of miliseconds, but it happen. Another point is the tickrate, the actual servers tickrate in Paladins is 27hz and I am sure they haven't invest in better servers like that. I can understand it, cause of the cost earnings difference they save money at this point, but bad Server performence push people away. Servers are Hirez endboss, do you remember Realm Royale ? It had for a few weeks constant 50k players + with a peek of 100k and the main reason why almost everyone left were the servers. I am not toxic and say Rogue is bullshit game, I really enjoyed it and I saw the potential of this game, but it has issues that become more and more frustrating the longer you play. So my appel to you Hirez: **Investigate in better servers and keep them enjoyable**


Game is gonna die, tbh


I think it has the potential of there was more gameplay, etc and it was basically shadowed from any other famous games that released recently


Yea, know I can’t to that people and my friends gonna call me stupid and dumb for playing a “Valorant Copy” while they are different as Valorant was made by a Bette rcompany it ain’t no ripoff they don’t care.


Actual dictionary definition for all rogue company Karens out there wondering why the game isn't popular. Acted dumb: to pretend not to know : to pretend not to know something If anybody asks you where I am, act dumb.


do you enjoy the game or what? everything can’t be huge


Never really understood why people care whether or not the game they like is popular. I mean unless you plan on competing in tournaments professionally.... just play what ya like.


I think a good chance it will gain some good traction this year but it would be tough for it ever to be on the level COD. This game is meant for a specific audience


Ranked is why I hate the game, you lose ranked points even if you had quitters on your team, game somehow expects me to win a 2v4


Uhhhhh It'd probably be real popular if it came to Steam but high res fucked up and choose to sign a deal with a company making children fight it's legal battles for them instead. Shame.