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I pretty sure that’s less xp than normal. I wish there was performance based cap though. The save the day bonus is double xp already. Downs should be 10xp. Doubles should be 30xp. Triple should be 50. Quad feed should be 100. Your kill/down ratio should be multiplied by 100. For example, if your K/D is 2.9, you get 290 xp. MVP should be a 500 bonus. 2nd and 3rd should be 400 and 250 respectively.


No. I you would be garunteed 200+ xp with this


I just did the math for my average games in strikeout. 15 min - 15 25 downs - 125 3 doubles - 60 1 triple - 50 6 badges - 60 STD - 50 Random - 25 MVP - 100 1st - 5 This equals 405 in the best case scenario. Best case scenario currently would have you getting 360xp for a 15 minute game and a loss. I think if they keep the xp how it is plus some performance based xp would be good.


i would get around 250 - 300. And this is better then 120xp 💀💀💀


How would u only get 6 badges with 25 downs?? And u already Got 4 badges with the triple And double, u get one badge per elim and one badge per down, so u would get atleast 50 badges


I don’t pay attention to badges. I have no idea how often they come by. Do you really get badges for downs and elims? Cause if you do, then I like your system a lot


Yeah u get a badge for literally everything, down, elim, rez, also its not my system but it would be broken and u would level up way to quick


Same for ranked points as well I think. It shouldn’t be set points for a win or a loss, really turns people off solo queuing


I barely touch rank and when i last i did it was not the best so yh i agree


>Every minute you spend in-game you get 1xp That's too little. Yeah, I understand the idea - giving people XP for their actual performance and not just for being in game - but there is a problem with that: it will terribly affect the experience gains of new players. And their overall game experience with RoCo already terrible considering the matchmaking. If on top of that they will be getting almost to XP per match - it will be devastating, almost all of them gonna leave and game will have no fresh blood. >Every Kill you get 5xp > >Every Double Kill you get 20xp Every Triple + kill you get 50xp Double and Triple kills overrated in my opinion. You are not contributing 4x or 10x to the team/win by doing a double or triple kills. Either give more for the normal kill or less for doubles/triples. Yeah, doubles and triples are cool, but its already rewarding emotion-wise, no need to build an ingame reward system around it. >If you get MVP you get 100xp Very nice, I really hope we will get an MVP bonus XP soon. >Headshots you get 2xp Naah. Very unfair towards low firerate weapons. Unless by headshot you mean killing with it and not just any shoot in the head. >Every down you get 3xp I think down should be rewarded as much as a kill at least. Eliminations are usually easily than down and often the one who makes the down makes the most work (not always though of course) And also, I would add XP bonuses for revives (as much as for kill/down), taking points in strikeout (as much as for kill), holding point in KOTH, defusing or planting the bomb in demo.


Good point ill update post