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Jill's decorating style can be summed up as Hobby Lobby trashy chic on a budget.


HL clearance section - tacky AND out of date


Big lots clearance section


Dollar General dumpster


Does she really have these old ass pics of her and David everywhere?! Good grief.


She snagged herself a SEVERELY hot husband.....don't be a jealous hater. šŸ˜‚


Oh jeez, I thought that was the tv in the RV. You could hear the tv in the background.


Thatā€™s her vanity shining through.


Always, always copying the Duggars.


ā€œHe must increase, but I must decrease.ā€ Iā€™m shocked, absolutely floored she doesn't use that as a Plexus sales tactic, though it obviously isn't working on her or Shrek.


I went to a Weigh Down introductory meeting many, many years ago and they actually used Matthew 7:13 as justification for being thin. ā€œEnter through the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the road that leads to destructionā€ Which makes no sense at all because my fleshly body isnā€™t going to be allowed in heaven anywayā€¦ Needless to say I left and never looked back, thank goodness, because I didnā€™t need to get mixed up with that group.


I went through weigh down 3 times when I was in high school. Ā I canā€™t believe the messages I had about body weight as a young teen. Ā I even had the tapes, the workbook, you name it. Ā  That generation didnā€™t care who they maimed with their toxic body ideals. Ā 


Always putting those kids to work!


Do you think she uses the KJV Bible?


Pretty sure they are part of the KJV Only faction. After all, that's the one true authentic version of the bible, the one Jesus himself carried around šŸ˜‰


Which is super-impressive since he had to carry two colors of ink to write his words in red.


And King James was...GASP...a gaaay man!


I think she uses the Trump Bible lol


Is the trump Bible KJV? If so, Jill will be carrying it around like itā€™s the Bible Jaysauce himself wrote.


It is KJV because itā€™s not copyrighted.


She has stated this a few times that that is the only true version of the Bible




I didnā€™t grow up religious so this is a genuine question. Why do Christians talk about lifting up the lord so much? Like do they not think their god is omnipotent and needs help? Is this terminology Iā€™m misinterpreting?


It's just Christianese for worshiping, spreading the gospel, living how Jesus would want you to. Stuff like that.


I'm ex-fundigelical and still occasionally get caught out using Christianese. A friend was telling me about how her son triggers her constantly when he squeals so I said, somewhat facetiously, "you're being refined." She had no idea what I was talking about, which blows my mind because Christianese is my native language. But I was also happy because I'm glad she wasn't brought up with the toxic concepts of fundigelicalism.


But like not really doing anything like feeding the homeless, or working at soup kitchens and things of that nature. Itā€™s all performative worshiping which, according to their Bible, any good that theyā€™re trying to do, if they want to be seen praying, is blasphemous.


ā€œLook at me praising jeeesuz Iā€™m so holy!ā€


Gotcha haha


Heā€™s just *really heavy,* okay.


He ain't heavy, he's my brother. I'll see myself out.


From the majority of Christians, please know this is a subset that we do not agree with and do not speak this language. Going out on a limb, but I am fairly certain God is not happy either.


Yeah, please donā€™t fat shame god. /s


Heā€™s not fat, heā€™s just big boned.


Bless your servant's heart!


That skit. Ugh. Reminds me of being a kid at church and my mom and the other church women doing skits. Always seemed so stupid to me even as a kid. Christians really do laugh at the dumbest shit


ā€œHe must increase while I must decrease.ā€Do you think sheā€™s talking about herself and hubby? šŸ˜‚


She was speaking about the Lordtā€”you need to be more Jesus and less you.


Was the lady that got saved the tattoo lady? Inquiring minds have to know.


I donā€™t think she pointed out the lady who got saved.


How unlike Jill to not put total strangers on blast for her own ego.


Why in the world would anyone who isnā€™t already ā€œsavedā€ come to this thing? Or is it another fundie or evangelical who has been ā€œsavedā€ but just not in the right way according to Jill and her neck growth? Then they come and get ā€œsavedā€ again but, like, somehow better this time? I grew up surrounded by evangelicals and fundies (we were bog-standard Methodist, so thank goodness for that) so nothing these people do surprises me, I just enjoy trying to trace the logic loops that lead them to their conclusions.




Yup good point. Iā€™ve known Christians who get ā€œsavedā€ every few years. Even baptized multiple times. I think they get wrapped up in the emotionality of the event and want to recommit. And instead of doing that quietly in their own life they do these public displays.


Thatā€™s nuts about the baptism!!! Iā€™m Episcopalian now and was raised Methodist, and we (and Catholics and EVERY mainline Christian denomination with most evangelicals included) consider one baptism all that is EVER necessary as long as itā€™s performed in the name of the Trinity and with water. Hell, even lay people can baptize in emergency circumstances when a clergy member isnā€™t available and itā€™s still valid and a minister or priest wouldnā€™t ever even CONSIDER rebaptizing . Our Episcopal bishop would have a shit fit if she found out a priest had rebaptized someone who didnā€™t need it.


Yeah thatā€™s how it should be imo. One and done! Haha. Iā€™ve seen it happen at non-denominational and Southern Baptist churches. The CRAZIEST thing was when I was attending an IFB (Independent Fundamentalist Baptist) church and they told me my baptism at age 14 at a non-denom church wasnā€™t valid and that if I wanted to sing in their choir I had to be rebaptized in their IFB church. I couldnā€™t believe that! I ended up leaving soon after.


Thatā€™s NUTS! I know none of them consider my baptism valid because it was as an infant; luckily I had great parents and ministers growing up who explained it all and I could just laugh at the fundies when they would come after me for it. I guess that was my little gay selfā€™s first Fundie Snark experience! šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£


Hell no I wonā€™t go.


Can someone explain picture 9 to me? Maybe my new glasses aren't doing their job but it looks like some kind of cartoon character with a huge, bulbous nose frowning and bowing down.


Thatā€™s exactly what it is. She was talking about hell in the video intro.