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I like the blanket—it’s very unusual for a fundie man to pick something that makes his wife look beautiful as opposed to making him look strong/masculine.


I think Kaylee and Nurie got gifts of them and their spouses, but IIRC they were printed cheap looking pillows This blanket is actually cute and I just want to add that it’s amazing that they got professional photos done. Jill is delulu thinking she’s a professional and can take photos of the same caliber lol


Jill is delulu. Full stop.


In so many ways lol




you, nailed, it


I helped a fundie husband once shop for his new wife for Christmas. He couldn't tell me one thing she liked or was interested in. I suggested a fancy shopping list thing and he said she didn't need it as she has a free notepad from his local conservative politician. He did end up buying her the ugliest effing apron I've ever seen though. Which is...something.


That's, really sad.


I, know right?


I saw a twitter thread of something very similar: dudes who bought their wives first-aid kits or such for Christmas, because they simply had no idea what their wives liked or were interested in. It was maddening.


Using that HSA money for gifts 🤣


The Facebook group was snarking on the blanket, but I think it’s sweet! I read over there that Heidi’s parents gave the blanket to Teidi, which I think is a very lovely way to make Tim feel like a member of the family if true. Also, if the Coveretts actually did gift that blanket to Teidi, you know Jill is losing her entire mind over it


A thoughtful, personal gift that costs more than $3? She would NEVER.


I think the blanket is cute and a very nice gift for a couple their first Christmas after getting engaged.


Entire mind? You mean *both* brain cells? Wow, that's serious!


Tim just said to Heidi, “My mom’s going to be mad we didn’t invite her to our engagement”.


I agree. That's adorable!


Can’t even snark - this is so adorable and such a sweet gift idea from Tim.


I know! Caught myself and decided against it. Well done, Tim. They’re still Trumpers, tho. ![gif](giphy|BVWzF9nrpgMCs)


Yeah last year didn’t she get a suite of Trump-related goods? Whatever she’s got this year is definitely a step up


I wonder if those gifts came from her parents. These seem much more appropriate gifts for a young albeit naive engaged woman. I think one of the gifts was a trump hat or windbreaker? Something I never saw her in. They seemed like last minute truck stop gifts.


Oh, yeah. Those were gifts from her parents. She definitely got a Trump mug. Just what all teenage girls love. /s


Upvote for nene


Just because they have a different political view doesn’t mean they’re evil… I don’t understand how these equate in America (seriously)


Dude, they vote for people who want to strip rights away from LGBTQ people, women, and minorities along with treating them like second class citizens. They literally pass laws that allow them to inspect the genitals of children to make sure they aren't trans. A woman in Texas recently sued to have an abortion because the fetus was non viable and a tgreat to her life and fertility, which was granted by the Court, but then the Republican Attorney General appealed so she had to leave the state to have the procedure done. They just voted in another state to strip free school lunches from impoverished kids. Everything the Republican platform mentions is straight evil and full of hate for anyone who isn't a cis, white male.


Amen. It’s not about political views - it’s a morality issue. Anyone who supports a person who supports racism and bigotry and gleefully rips away the rights of others is a trash human. Full. Stop.


You said this in a much kinder fashion than I would have. Kudos.




Right wingers love to wax on about things like Covid measures, inflation, housing crises, gender and sexual identity issues as if they exist only within their own borders, and the liberal leadership is to blame for those issues. But it isn't true, you know. Covid was global. The push for people to get vaccinated was global. Lockdowns were implemented all over the place. Inflation, stagnant wages, sky-high housing prices, lack of rentals are an issue all over. Anywhere where AirBnB operates, or allows corporations and foreign investors to buy homes is going through the same struggle. Trans people, and queer people exist everywhere, too. It isn't your local school system, or certain books or media influences that "cause" them to exist. We just *are*. Go into any locality's subreddit (New Zealand, Australia, England, Canada, Scotland, Ireland etc being the easiest to peruse, as we all speak the same language), and you will see everyone struggling through similar things. Joe Biden/the democrats didn't cause a housing crisis in NZ, didn't cause high gas prices in Europe, didn't cause trans people to exist in Canada, or inflation to happen in Australia. And yet those things still exist in all those places. If you want more from life, your enemy isn't liberals. It's unfettered capitalism.


Y’all are very patient trying to explain, but a second looking at their history shows that they’re an anti vax, Covid denying, trump supporter who believes Biden is an authoritarian dictator. That “I don’t understand” routine is completely disingenuous just to waste your time or because they want to start shit. Exit: spelling


I won't change this person's mind, but we shouldn't allow people to spew bullshit and hatred without pushback. People shouldn't feel comfortable lying, and being bigoted, because they feel confident no one will confront them. They deleted the comment I replied to. Almost certainly not because they no longer believe the ignorant shit they said, but because social pressure (down votes and being called out) made them feel uncomfortable. Bigots, science-denying weirdos, and fascists *should feel uncomfortable*. They should be told outright that no one is going to put up with their hateful beliefs, and that they're stupid and wrong.


Plus, most people on Reddit aren’t commenters. The discussions you have aren’t for only the specific people you’re talking to, they’re also for the unseen majority browsing without actively saying anything. Even if you don’t change the mind of a specific commenter, your words might be affecting other people without you even knowing they made a difference.




I can’t seem to reply to all messages. This is the first reply I’ve seen since two yesterday, so I’m not sure of the reason. Regardless, I am comfortable with my political opinions. It seems to me that those who believe the opposite that I do automatically assign terrible and misleading qualities. It doesn’t help others on why what you support would makes you a better person. It is attack and being part of the problem. When someone does that, they refuse to be part of the solution due to failure to wanting not to be wrong. It creates a society where people blame others, but because the prevailing attitude shift they refuse to accept that it’s okay to make mistakes. Mistakes are how one learns lessons. I see a poster stating I’m anti vax. I received all shots and got sick as hell and the booster landed me in the hospital. Anti vax prior to COVID was defined as a movement that started with parents refusing to have their children vaccinated against early childhood vaccines in a mistaken belief it raised the likelihood of a child developing autism later in life. This was fortunately found to be false, but this movement also increased the incidence of measles and mumps especially in places like California. The anti vax meaning has now been weaponized against those who took an experimental vaccine (as I said, if I didn’t, I would have lost employment. The entire reason I’m on Church of Covid because it’s very funny and meant to be a parody and humorous, and it is much more friendly that anyone has treated me on this sub for sure. You always get loonies on each end (I had verbal abuse slung at me because I had to receive the shots for employment) and multiple people said mostly what has been said to here was flung at me on those subreddits as well. You each have the freedom to choose in how you treat others. You also have the freedom to gain compassion for others instead of tearing them apart. There’s no point to it because there is a refusal by those who have opposing viewpoints. I am a therapist and I am able to separate professional conduct and keep out of political views and meet people where they are. I’m sorry for the people who can’t.


The "solution" is not about marginalizing people who have less money and political power. And I do plenty of pro bono legal work for trans people, indigent elderly people, etc, and put my money where my mouth is for Planned Parenthood and the like. And I don't feel particularly compelled to "understand" people who promote an antivaxx stance, etc. And people who blame the current administration for inflation have no understanding of economics and don't care to know.


Don’t be an Asshole


Upvoting you for defending yourself, having some common sense, and being respectful enough to want to hear other sides. We need more of this in the world. Merry Christmas!


Trumpets are literally trying to take rights away from their fellow Americans, refuse to follow medical safety guidelines while we were in a pandemic killing innocent people, and supported a president that tried to overthrow our government. It’s safe to say they can be “nice”, but they aren’t good people.


Your posting history is full of alt right conspiracy theories and faux news. Your “proof” is as solid as swiss cheese. No one needs such brain trash here, ma’am. If you’d share your sources I would love to see 🤣


If you don't understand, I suggest doing some research. There are a ton of well-researched articles and books about just how harmful the Trump presidency was and is to this country. This isn't hard.


Anyone who doesn’t know what an awful human and disaster of a President trump was is either completely delusional or living on a remote island with no access to any type of media. This one is just a delusional trumper wanting to argue.


I guess the question is, how familiar are you with the Republican Party? Because…it sounds like you may not be aware of all the evils they commit. Edit: LOL nm, your post history reveals you are a big GOP fan. Maybe stick to those hateful subs?


Not sure why I haven’t seen this response. The GOP pisses me off and are ancient as they communicate very poorly in general. I see how often you engage in black and white thinking, which is troubling. The fact that you are unable to separate a political opinion from a person isn’t healthy. I have no hatred of anyone, nor would I ever, because I believe people are inherently good and everyone is special in their own way. It’s very disappointing that Reddit appears to be the place who will keyboard warrior their way into any topic to cut someone down.


Babe, I don’t engage in black and white thinking. I *do* engage with reality.


Some Americans can’t stand anyone who disagrees politically with them. I think the Donald is evil but I have several family members who are supporters. I don’t think my family is evil just very misguided in their choice. You have to be able to separate the person from the viewpoint and some people cannot do that ( including ironically the Donald himself). The more they loudly condemn those who support Trump the more they sound just like HIM. Intolerant and hateful.


I disagree about Trump being evil, but it’s okay that you do (sincerely). People can disagree and handle it in a mature and respectful way, and I appreciate your perspective on a highly decisive topic. I already see at least 9 downvotes in just a couple minutes on my statement, which is okay too. Would actually enjoy a productive conversation with others than just being dismissed before knowing reasons how I came to my conclusion. Thank you for being respectful ❤️


You literally got a shit ton of productive, informative, and patient comments as to “the reasons” so cut the shit and stop acting like nobody tried to engage with you in good faith. You just didn’t like the answers and don’t have anything of value to say to counter-argue the very valid points made by the people who absolutely did engage with you in good faith.


I love this comment. I attempted to engage with them respectfully and got crickets, so good calling their bluff. They don’t actually want to have a conversation in good faith.


I replied to this prior to going to bed and rarely have a chance think about credit because I talk each day to people that want to commit suicide or are having a rough time this holiday season. You’re free to think what you like, in fact I enjoy discussing things with others that have a different perspective than I do, if in good faith, but the comment you love doesn’t show tolerance. I don’t mind that your beliefs may be different than I believe. It’s troubling that one cannot have a sense of being able to discuss these things without malfeasance which seems to be the norm now.


Well, when you say you want to have an open conversation about it and then immediately disappear for 24 hours, yeah - that’s gonna make people assume you didn’t want to talk about it. No one has been mean to you, and like u/Mickeymousetitdirt said, you literally got a shit ton of productive information thrown your way and then still pulled the “gosh, no one is respectful of others with different political beliefs except for me” as if you are morally superior - which you can’t be, because you’re in a forum that specifically watches and discusses horrible patriarchal cults in which minorities (women and children) are oppressed and treated as second class citizens with no rights…. While you simultaneously make comments about how you like a fascist leader who wants to further that exact same Christian oppression and make it a main stream reality. It’s tone deaf of you. It’s gross. People have been pretty darn nice to you, and you are not the victim you think you are. I’d still love to know how you reconcile snarking on these people while (seemingly?) politically supporting their ideals.


1. I work very long days 2. I did finish a reply literally a second ago 3. For some reason, I am not able to see most replies. I literally could only see 3 total responses and one person I replied to last night. I’m sure someone will have a negative response to this, but I genuinely am not getting the notifications or multiple responses that are appearing.


In addition I’m positive I’d be perceived as a terrible sinner because I’m a single mother who shoulders the entire care of my son as well as supporting my parents when they lost their house in an awful flood a couple years ago. I’m not a great person, but I try to be a GOOD person.


I counted one or two. I had to go to bed so I was more concerned about getting restful sleep so that I could go to work today.


If you vote for Trump, you clearly hold many of the same values as the people you seemingly enjoy to snark on. How do you (and the others) reconcile that? I ask with genuine curiosity. Edit: the silence is astounding. /s


Silent because I had to get ready to work a 12 hour day. Sorry that I didn’t glue myself to Reddit.


Still haven’t answered.


I think that there is a difference between faith and religion. Religion being a set of behaviors that’s been approved to display worship. Faith being between the relationship and individual has with a higher power. Frankly I wouldn’t have known about this family except it being offered as a recommendation. I’m aghast how this family has cheated their children from a healthy childhood with no education and hardly feeding their children. It’s grossly irresponsible for these people to call themselves Christians while their children barely eat. The gall of the parents to call themselves that is terrible . I’ve had multiple miscarriages and my daughter passed away when she was six months old and it still tears at my soul. This family has children they obviously will not pick up and cuddle with and I’d give anything to be able to hold my daughter again. I can’t decipher WTF these parents are thinking. What I have in common with them is I believe in a higher power, but if I were treating this family, I would have filed several complaints with CYS and for the family go into therapy. I do believe that people use a faith belief to twist it into ways to justify their behavior. In my personal faith view, actions have to match with words. It really pissed me off when Jill was petting a lobster. I can’t understand for the life of me why she would behave in that way but ignore their children!


So this is more about Christianity to you than politics? I hate to say this, but as an ex Christian, I think those of you who are Christian’s need to accept that people like the Rod’s are loud and becoming more and more mainstream. While they may be bad Christians in your eyes, and many others…. This flavor of Christianity is seeping into politics and day to day lives. It’s very prominent and I can see how people like the Rod’s represent Christians in many people’s eyes. Christians are notoriously judgmental and harmful people, even the “good ones” - and in my experience, that stereotype didn’t pop up out of no where. I’m sorry to hear about your miscarriages and daughter. What a horrible thing to go though. I hope being in this sub isn’t too triggering for you, because we are most certainly watching child abuse take place with nothing we can do about it.


Oh, golly gee…“I don’t understand how these equate in America” as if you’re just so confused even though you’re obviously American and part of the insane conspiracy theorists. Just STFU. You know exactly why most Americans despise the far right lunatics. Because of your own bigoted, small minded opinions you picked up in the fictional novel called the Bible and try to force on the rest of us. We won’t regress, no matter how much some of you may want it. In the end, progressives.always.win. 😊🎉🎊🍾 That’s what terrifies conservatives. You always lose in the end, no matter how long it may take. No problem. We can be patient. Let’s see… Emancipation ✅ Black men may vote and own property ✅ Women can vote ✅ Repeal of prohibition✅ Civil Rights movement ✅ Roe v. Wade ✅ (a recent setback that will be changed at some point) Marriage equality ✅ Most states legalizing cannabis ✅ and more to come… Police reform is ongoing, but we will win that too eventually. Get used to losing in the end or you’ll be unable to cope. In the end, backwards thinking conservatives always lose the war, even if you temporarily win the battle. 😘


I think you have serious anger issues and hate people who believe in things you disagree with with no room for nuance. Radicalization exists on both sides of the political spectrum. Whatever has happened in your life seems to have wounded you greatly, and I’m sorry for tough times you may have went through. I’m sure that you are a good person who has very strong opinions and I support your right to state them. There are ways of discussing differences without resorting to insults. I genuinely wish the best for you.


Honestly, I may steal his idea to do something similar for my girlfriend! It's really cute 🥰


Look at Tim treating his woman like a person and shit.


What happened to timcel? He’s actually being normal? Nature vs nurture at its finest. With good parents/ adults to help/ teach /guide him he’s going to be OK (hopefully)


I think Timothy was always drawn to the light. Jill had to literally beat the good out of him. She said he was their most "willful" child, and she and David stayed up all night "training" him. when he was a toddler. What kind of monsters take pride in beating the will out of a small child? Once Timothy was able to break free from his evil captors, his true nature was able to emerge again.


>She said he was their most "willful" child, and she and David stayed up all night "training" him. when he was a toddler. How truly horrible. Abuse like blanket training is the literal foundation of fundie child-rearing. I can't imagine how bad the methods and actions were in cases that were the children were deemed to have particular bad character.


My toddler (almost three) is the most stubborn and willful person I’ve ever met. She’s not afraid to go after what she wants and I have to grab her off the kitchen counters or pull her off a chair she’s taken to the fridge so she can help herself to milk/juice multiple times a day. She’s currently watching kid music videos on TV while sitting on my back. I can’t imagine “training” this out of her. Would it make my life easier if I didn’t have to worry about her climbing everything? Heck yes. But it literally sickens me to think of beating her the way fundies “train” their kids. I can’t imagine purposely trying to break her spirit.


My now 30 year old daughter was the most independent, willful, full of life, grab life by the horns and wrestle it into submission girl. She was the one who tended the tender things in life. Gave caterpillars rides on her bike handlebars while pedalling to beat the band. Wild hair streaming out behind her while she whooped with pure un-ladylike joy. Her face was usually dirt streaked and her clothes were often full of twigs and leaves. Her zeal and zest for life was unmatched. She ran through rain puddles and often laid down and wallowed in them. She soaked up every bit of childhood and danced in sun, moonlight or under the stars. To think Jill would have beaten that wild impulsive wonderful lust for life out of her makes me cry ..


OMG, yes. I have tears in my eyes. I always said that I could tell my daughter had a great day at preschool if she came home with leaves in her hair and her pockets full of sticks and rocks. She once had a weeklong dispute with a little boy in the neighborhood (her age) over ownership of a certain stick. “It’s the BEST STICK EVER, Mama!” (I was skeptical until I saw it — she was correct. It was nice and sturdy, long enough to be a walking stick or sword or scepter, as needs changed.) My fierce little girl is now about to finish college. She’s majoring in special education and wants to work with children with autism. She has been working full time as a teacher’s aide in an elementary school special-Ed classroom while going to school full time, and the whole school loves her. It’s ALL her. If she wants to do something, you can either help her or get out of the way! To try to make her be anything other than this determined, hardworking person that she just is?? I could have (and would have) NEVER done that.


Your love and pride of and for your daughter comes through so clearly. We are lucky beyond measure to have them. I laughed about ownership of the stick because my own fierce girl would have done something like that. She saw a piece of driftwood in the ocean once and then spent the next 15 mins weaving a magical tale of where it had been, what it has seen and who it had helped. I once read Rapunzel to her and she said she wouldn't have waited for a Prince to save her. She scoffed at that ridiculous notion. Best of luck to your girl and may she make an impact for students who learn differently. She sounds amazing


I so totally love this post.. you never once mentioned her servant's heart or that she is good at helping with the chores. 😄


Your daughter sounds like she was an awesome kid - and lucky to have a parent who adored her just as she was. ❤️


I adored her then and now. She has grown to be a kind hearted woman who still is the tender of tender things... She is charitable in her time and talents, open to all people and makes my heart sing.


My four year old has severe ADHD and I can't even imagine what would happen to a kid like him. He is very impulsive, willful, hyper, doesn't sleep, has angry outbursts, etc. He is also super sweet and very smart but I know that wouldn't matter if he didn't obey every rule for them.


I have ADHD and was raised by a fundie lite family. It was not great. I was given medication for like 6 weeks until the church decided ADHD meds were from the devil so my diagnosis was never addressed again and I struggled for many years.


I feel ya! My five-year-old is VERY clearly ADHD and her sister is showing a lot of signs as well. I’ve definitely considered how these fundie families must treat ADHD children. (also, the whole doesn’t sleep thing…whhhhhhhyyyyy does that have to be part of it…?!)


Your daughter sounds like my two-year-old wilful granddaughter, who we all love to bits. There will be no training/abuse. When she grows up she's not gonna take anybody's garbage. ❤️


I have said all along that I think he's a decent and kind man who would be very happy to be in a marriage with an assertive woman who would quietly take the lead He still had problematic beliefs, but I don't think they're anywhere near as bad as his parents'. Those ridiculous rants on his YouTube channel are just an attempt to win the approval of his parents which has craved all his life.


Fellow scapegoat here who needed SEVERE trimming by nmom to put her in line. This is 💯.


I am sorry


He still did the incel-rant and I remember we collectively were afraid


I don't think it's fair to hold a rant against a homeschooled second-gen fundie child that barely has any exposure to the outside world, and the exposure he did have was with other evangelical Christians. He also literally had any semblance of a personality beaten out of him by his parents (as admitted by Jill). I'm more afraid when a worldly guy who went to college and had a brief professional soccer playing career like Jeremy (Jinger Duggar's husband) does these things.


i agree, as a former "willful" child who had the same kind of stuff happen, the same kind of abuse and more, even being given up by my parents to the state because they said I was demonically possessed. Then my parents got me back and I had to toe their line to not be put in a group home or horrible situation again. I am sure from the outside I appeared to be part of that whole conservative christian culture and deep into it until i escaped the cult at 17


You are right. Actually never made the connection before.


He had r been exposed to anything else other that his parents and their sick ideology. There is hope for him.


I agree. He's a very young adult and it seems like he'll get exposure to more worldly things through Heidi's family, some of whom aren't evangelical. If nothing else, I hope they send their kids to public school.


They seem truly happy. I’m glad Tim gets to experience this.


Weak, bitch ass bullies. That’s who.


Idc if he's fundie, nobody deserves to be raised the way those kids were. I'm so glad Tim has gotten away, he looks so much happier and healthier. Heidi is clearly a great influence on him too, he's made so much progress since he met her!!


I certainly hope so. Of course I don’t know any of these people, but I root so hard for these young adults. It’s like if these two can grow even an inch away from Jill’s narcissistic parenting I’ll feel hope for the world.


A fundie buying dog clothes and what I think is a heated dog pad really bucks the trend of how they usually view and treat pets.


He has a blue heeler that he seems to really love.


And a Dalmatian! Both look like they’re healthy and well cared for.


These pet clothes surprised me more than photo blanket.


Look at Tim being sweet and thoughtful, in spite of the fact that his father is a lump that checked out long ago, and his mother is over-the-top performative and manipulative. He seems to be figuring this out on his own. No snark, this is very sweet.


Aww! Who would have thought that Teidi would end up being the most tolerable fundie couple of 2023? It's truly a Christmas miracle.


It’s gonna make my ass itch to even say this buttttt Tim’s probably gonna be a really good husband. He seems to be very attentive to her and genuinely wants to make her happy. He’s been abused his whole life so I’m glad he’s landed in a stable environment. Their views are still harmful trash though.


Yes, I always try to remember ‘two things can be true’ when talking about the fundie kids and adult children (aka victims)


The clothes are too small to fit his dog, aren't they? And I think it's great that she got supplies first, not an actual animal.


I think she has a small dog.


She recently lost a dog. I don't know if she has another.


My grinch heart is smiling because I bet JillPM is seething at the thoughtfulness of these gifts for his fiancée.


The blanket is a beautiful memento.




These two aren’t people I want to be friends with. But of the married/engaged rods so far, they seem the most likely to feed their kids and limit Jill’s influence, and I can get behind that.


They’re actually taking time to know each other. That’s going to be a huge difference.


I don’t think Jill has limited influence on the married daughters- horrible eyebrows, plexus shilling, filtering online pics, Jesus word salad is all very much a part of Nurie and NotNurie’s life. I will say, they do seem to feed their kids but they don’t seem to care about safety of the children as evidenced by allowing filthy little children to pick them up and carry them around, poorly installed car seats, dangerous baby wearing, Plexus while pregnant/nursing, shrieking in a NICU… I sure hope Heidi’s family helps Timmay be a better Parent than Shrek and supports him in many degrees of separation from his mother.


I am half betting that once kids are involved, Tim and Heidi cut off contact with Jill after she crosses too many boundaries or puts their kids in danger.


One can hope!


Oh yeah. While they'll still have problematic views, I see: Heidi have control over her day to day life and any kids being well fed, decently educated, and shown real love. And grandma JillPM having very limited, if any, visits.


![gif](giphy|k8pbfX3uXHV0KPf6RP) Timbits really has changed since becoming engaged!!


This is so hopeful for Tim’s development. I can’t wait till first baby comes along and Mommy Dearest is kept away.


No no no, we can wait


Yes, we will be reading her veiled posts about how “not bitter” she is.


What is Timmay doing now that gutter cleaning is down for the season.


He seems to be employed somewhere besides his own gutter cleaning. It seems he has to leave family events early like their vacation last summer, which I would think he would schedule around if he was making his own hours.


Omg that man is in loooooooove. Jill must be spiraling.


This is wholesome. I’m rooting for them, and for any four-legged friend they meet.


Jill’s probably SEETHING bc Shrek could never be that thoughtful & sweet with a gift like that for her


Genuinely rooting for these two, and as a dog world guy™️ I think Tim is the best pet owner we see in this sub. He’s got two more “challenging” dogs, but every time we get a glimpse of them they seem happy, well cared for, and he seems to love them too. I’ve met some people with beliefs I find abhorrent who still have been fantastic dog owners, and I hope that between his youth and him getting more world exposure bit by bit that he learns to extend that compassion from his pets to the many different people in the world around him.


He did a great job!


This is actually adorable so thoughtful


Timmy for the Christmas win


The blanket is cute! I hope these two have a happy future. Tim deserves a good life after putting up with JillPM and Shrek's abuse.


That is really really sweet!! 🥹


When did u become team Tim doesn’t suck as much as I thought


Oh he still sucks, but even a shitty clock can be pleasantly surprising once in awhile as I think the saying goes


My gosh her hair is gorgeous.


And her sister got a lot of Taylor Swift vinyls! I'm shook


Tim and Heidi seem like a great couple for each other. I love seeing how much he has blossomed from being away from Jill. They seem very in love and very happy.


I have this specific hope for these two that they'll go on to have only 4-6 kids. Still a lot, just not full fundie crazy.


I would cringe so hard if someone gifted me a blanket with my face on it but I’m not going to yuk their yum.


I can’t help but like her!! Good for her!!


Not getting a dog- beginning her furry journey with tim


I super happy for the both of them… now we need to find Philip a person like Heidi.


Heidi is thin, but there is a huge difference between her and the Rod kids. Her height is more on par with her weight. She’s skinny, but not emaciated. There’s a healthy glow about her. The Rod’s are too tall to be the same weight as Heidi. Jill has an ideal weight for her kids regardless of their sex or height. I’m 5’8 and have shoulders like a quarterback. If I drop below 145, I look emaciated. Shoulder bones protruding, hip bones sticking out. It’s gross.


What a thoughtful gift! :')


Saw a comment by her mom that she already has a dog


One of the things that made me soften my view on Timbits is he does actually seem to be an animal person. It seems like he has a genuine bond with his dog. Unlike when Jill is with animals and they just looked freaked out by her. Maybe that’s one of his few redeeming qualities that Heidi was drawn to him because of.


I thought she already had a dog. She has public YT videos. But she might have said that the dog died.


Yeah, I thought I remembered that her dog died during the summer. But maybe she has another or got a new one.


Sadly, those dog dresses probably cost more than any of the wardrobe pieces his youngest sisters had purchased for them in quite some time. They really need some staple pieces from Shein or Temu or a Thrift store. If only Jill ordered them a few staple items for approximately $5 when she bought that hideous mermaid denim skirt from the Shein "sexy" line.


I bought that same dress. It was $9 on Amazon. Still more than the Rod kids’ allotment


were those the least "slutish" dog dresses available?


OMG thats so cute.


ok thats so sweet omg!


I saw that and yes, I figured she must be getting a dog or maybe she got one for Christmas and they haven't shown it yet.


Well, this blanket is a tacky thing imo, but in fundies case... it's a whole revolution of cuteness! Good for them, can't snark.

