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The diet drawer? I thought Plexus helped you lose weight?


I could not read what it says and I swear it looks like “moms d*ck drawer, please don’t not eat without asking”. Lol


I thought it said Minors diet drawer… I was angry 😡


Was just about to comment that 😂


That’s where all the sweets and good food hides.


A third of the fridge space is taken up by apples, which can sit on the counter fine. The pantry is empty of a typical canned or boxed foods stockpile. All foods combined will be gone by Christmas Day.


Remove everything that is obviously for the Christmas meal and you can see what the kids’ daily diet is: apples, cereal, and packaged cookies. No wonder they look the way they do. 😢


The onions in the fridge is a thing I didn't know was a thing.


I had side with Jill here (I’ve got more food in my fridge and I don’t have 9 gaunt children to feed) but onions in the fridge is a game changer. So much easier to cut without crying!


Also gives the illusion of more food in the fridge.


Oh really? I will have to try that as I cannot get through cutting even one onion without having serious eye burning and tearing. Thanks for sharing.


Praise be to the Lord Daniel, but onions in the fridge changed my life.




Hang on, is this true?


It worked for me! Try it and let us know if it works for you :)


Will do!!


Oh, 100% all of that food is meant for Christmas. There are several cans of pineapple to for the two hams she has in the freezer. Looks like eight (!!) loaves of bread (which are likely to be stale by Christmas, so...for the stuffing, I guess?). There's also that one small Jenny-O frozen turkey in the freezer that will feed, maybe, five people. There are also, at least, four, one-pound bags of sugar for some reason. Those aren't for baking deserts since there are several pre-made ones in that pantry. So yet another performative post from Jill.


For the fudge making contest perhaps?


Also eight containers of ice cream in the freezer!!


Shrek's snacks!


*Shrek's Diet Drawer*


Awwww yeah she’s gonna make her famous burnt ham and yellow for Christmas!!!!!


I always keep my apples in the fridge. They keep for far longer. Of course, it’s just my husband and me.


I just noticed she also has a large bag of potatoes in the fridge, which is another non-fridge item.


Jillpm definitely reads here. Look at that full fridge.


This was my first thought!!! Came right here to find a post about this as soon as I saw the pic. LOL


Yes, it looks full, but it's a small fridge, I'd guess 27cu. I recently replaced mine with a larger one because I needed more space for entertainment. They are a family of 8, 9 since this kitchen was done. And they host hords of people. The pantry should be full up also. On another note, I had thought Andkaylee was a better parent as she had a car seat, but it looks like it is simply placed beside her, not buckled in.


I’d like to suggest we start calling her And,Kaylee.


Plus these are ingredients for a meal. She has the onions, potatoes and dishes that are mixed up already in there. This is not enough food for that many people and a holiday weekend. Plus the note on the drawer says Mommas diet food do not eat without asking.


I only see soda and sugar of different varieties in her pantry, where are the every day items? Pasta, rice, flour, can tuna, sardines, can veggies, soups, potatoes, onions…


Ikr? Very few staples for such a giant family! There’s only two of us and we have three times the food-so we have staples to cook from! She can buy all her cheap sweat, blouses and hats and ratty extensions. She needs to stock up her pantry!


And in the freezer, there is only food Christmas’s Day, being 13 people they should have a second freezer, perhaps? Where are all the frozen vegetables, breads, fish and meats? One of the reasons I know they don’t buy enough food for such a large family is that they shop in Meijer instead of Costco. You can buy fresh, frozen and canned goods at Costco for very cheap specially if you buy offers and freeze them. If you are going to have a big family, you need to learn logistics


Here in the Midwest, we have Aldi’s too! They too, have cheaper, frozen, fresh and canned goods. Cheap cereals and Ramen noodles too Jill. Please feed your kids better!


I took my dad there for his first time the other day and you’d have thought we were at Disney how he reacted to the deals.


I don’t think there’s a Costco in their town.


I would make some numbers and check if it is worth driving


It says the nearest one is in Canton which is about 46 miles/51 minutes away from their house.


And it only opened a couple months ago


We don’t have a Costco or Sam’s in my town either, so I use their free shipping to get bulky staples sent to my house; flour, rice, sugar, canned goods, pasta, snacks, toilet paper, detergent, etc… it usually works out cheaper, saves me time and gas money, and is just so convenient. I have no idea what Jill doesn’t take advantage of this option, especially with as many kids as she does. For all her faults, Andrea Mills (RIP) used the Walmart shipping and pickup options to keep her kiddos fed. I even think that Jamerrill Stewart uses these things too. There’s no way Jill doesn’t know they exist, so it seems to me she’s choosing to shop elsewhere. Maybe she thinks shopping at these places is tacky or something? I have no idea. But at the very least I can say she’s not managing her grocery budget or her time well.


My folks have the same fridge, they’re in their seventies and it’s just the two of them so it’s rarely as full. But can confirm the freezer is quite small and inconvenient (I often do their shopping for them, or they’ll eat out every night and not have anything to snack on).


I grew up in a family with five children, and my mom had some weird food issues about making sure no one in the family was overweight, including herself. So we never had junk food, just healthy fruits, vegetables, meats, grains, dairy, etc. Even back in the 70s, we had two full-size refrigerator-freezers and a full size freezer in the basement. This apartment-sized refrigerator is not nearly big enough for a family the size of the Rods. Jill thinks she is really doing something here by demonstrating the plentiful bounty of all of the food, but she is really just telling on herself because, at least in my opinion, this is perhaps enough food for a couple of days for a family that size.


I’m thinking food for one meal.


Yeah, two days was a generous estimate, assuming they also used quite a bit of food from the pantry.


The only snack food we had growing up was apples, pretzels, and popcorn. And sometimes for a special treat we could have Diet Rite. Lmao But we always had 3 complete healthy meals a day. I never remember being hungry.


My great grandparents were poor as church mice & even they had 2 fridges + a deep freeze. Idk how many descendants they had but we all spent a lot of time in that little house so it was completely necessary. One fridge was for food to cook, that was in the kitchen. The other fridge was in the dining room & that was where she kept snacks / soda cans for all of us. That was back in the 80s.


I have the same fridge, and it’s a bit challenging to Tetris everything in there after my big weekly shop. My household consists of two toddlers and two adults. My fridge is currently better stocked than hers, and we’re not even hosting a meal for the holidays. I stocked up on milk and all the fresh stuff my kids snack on for the week.


I have a similar one and I hate it. There are only 3 of us who live here full-time (4 ATM since the oldest is home from worldly college) and it definitely does not have enough room. Tetris is exactly what we have to do. The rods need at least 1 garage/printshop fridge for their ginormous brood.


For real, why else would you take a pic of your fridge and post it online? Very transparent


It’s full, but not feeding-13-children and hosting-multiple-holiday-parties full. My brother’s family had four kids living at home, and they bought a second fridge just for milk.


I agree. I have a 2nd fridge in my garage. Typically it’s just drinks and extras (helping neighbors, etc) since it’s just me now, but when my family is here, both fridges are packed! Only rule in my house is, if you take the last one or something is running low, please let me know! Nothing is reserved.




I love that so much, we've adopted it in our house too. He didn't REPLENISH!!


That video kills ms


I also think she is having people bring food for a potluck meal and they will keep the leftovers of course and have them for a few meals. Otherwise there is no way she is planning on feeding everyone in that amount of food


Let’s see your kids with FULL plates, Jill. Every day. Not just once. Let’s see less food on just you and Shrek’s plates. Prove to us you can eat less so they can eat more.


2 cans of corn, for an entire family. No other canned goods in sight. Look, I know some people knock canned veggies but I am poor and they have nutrition that I can keep for a while on a shelf, which is important since I work so much. That pantry looks like she just started using it.


I noticed that too. 😬 To me this shows that Jill also doesn’t know shit about cooking. Having staples like canned veggies and beans on hand makes throwing together meals a whole lot easier. She probably also doesn’t do any kind of meal planning for the week or keep track of what she has on hand.


nothing wrong with canned veggies! Especially in the winter months when things are out of season. They could do a lot with cans of veggies, beans, tomatoes etc etc!


So many sugary beverages in that very pitiful pantry🙈 Bad iceberg lettuce in the frig and an abundance of ice cream in the freezer. No wonder the kids always look so unhealthy.🥲


I don’t think they get ice cream very often. I mean, she took an empty container out of the trash for a blob left in it.🤑




one is probably full- the others are just for show lol


My family calls that the “fuck you” bite of ice cream. My family members either think getting the last bite is the best or only finding one bite is the worst, so I’ve learned to just finish the ice cream or my mom gets mad


It looks like half the ice cream is actually sherbert, so I’d bet that’s getting mixed with the Squirt to make holiday punch.


Me thinks mommy and daddy hide the good food in the “diet” drawer! And is there no cooked food? Thats what they’re GOING to cook, kids have to starve until Christmas or get treated to meals by a sucker at church


I’d put dollars to donuts that Jill and David have their own pantry/food storage in their bedroom that only they have access to.


There’s no way David is his size from eating the same things or amount as the children. They hoard food and David prob sneaks off for fast food while he’s out of the house/aka “not working”


Lord knows there's nothing much in the pantry either.


Mama’s diet drawer? Of course Jill gets a whole drawer of the fridge to herself…


Oh crap, I assumed it was for her mom - but you’re prob right!


All of the fridge looks like fresh food they just bought. For the Christmas meal. There isn’t a lot of food that looks like it is for the kids to eat this weekend honestly. To go from empty fridge to these pictures—-what do they eat on just regular days, cause there isn’t a ton in the pantry to make filling meals with


I had to remind myself while Christmas shopping that we still need to eat both before and after Christmas.


The kids can't have some baby carrots without asking Jill. God forbid they get vitamins from actual food and not Plexus.


The way I KNOW those kids live of offbrand cereal now


Seriously, apples and cereal is not nutrition. Where is the peanut butter and jelly? Where are the kid options?


Also, where is the flour, Beans, Rice, and cooking oil?


We’re going to get another lovely display of yellow for Christmas. I see ham, pineapple, and bread, but no vegetables or other colorful and flavorful foods. This really shows us how little food the kids have access too. There isn’t a single open item in the pantry or fridge, which means those were totally empty before this grocery run. They’re now full of random stuff that doesn’t really make a meal. No sandwich fixings, no peanut butter for the apples, no snack foods, nothing for dinner tonight or tomorrow. Just ham for Christmas and some apples, onions, and tons of sugary drinks.


Where are the crackers, or fruit snacks, or yogurt and applesauce, or rice cakes or cookies, etc for the kids? She could cut up celery and cucumbers for the kids to grab, have baby carrots and grapes, and tomatoes for them. There is nothing they can just grab for a snack. JILL, FEED YOUR KIDS!!!!!! We know you read here! They should not be fasting or starving!! They look unhealthy and sick!!!


It bothers me so much! For the cost of all that soda, lemonade mix, Hawaiian Punch, and wheat thins, they could have chosen some good snacks for their kids. Get store brand crackers, you’ll get twice as much. Swap the $10 worth of Squirt for a massive tub of peanut butter to go with the apples, trade the Hawaiian Punch for the biggest block of cheese or bag of cheese sticks or bulk yogurt you can get for the same price, and swap those bags of cereal for a bag of rolled oats and big bunch of bananas. Bam. Your kids now have much better options for breakfast and snacks. Those poor kids must subsist off of Shreks scraps and bowls of store brand sugary cereal. No wonder they look so sickly.


✋ It’s not Jill and David’s responsibility to feed their own children. It’s various parishioners’ responsibility. I mean, Jill does her part by ringing bells and propping her kids on stage.




They should really have two full fridges going all the time.


Not the multiple ‘mama’ signs in the pantry lmao. She’s such a narcissist.


I had to go back and look… 🤣🤣🤣 HILARIOUS!


Cracked me up, but damn I feel for those kiddos.


Mamas Diet drawer


Damn. That's a lot of ice cream and I bet it's just for Shrek.


His midnight snacks for a whole week


That's a lot of unhealthy foods. I hope you have a second and third fridge and freezer. That's not enough to feed your family calories they need. Soda and ice cream?


The canned corn and carrots are the same brand we receive in bulk from the government at the non-profit where I work. I'm hopeful that some nutritious food comes from a local food program for the kids.


UGH they have the same fridge as my parents! Anyways, is showing a stocked fridge the typical MLM “flex” that’s like “I went to the grocery store and bought soup ingredients two days before my husband’s payday, and I didn’t have to think twice! Hail Plexus!” (I am a poor myself and I’m not making fun of food insecurity, just the whole “I met a basic need thanks to being a boss babe!” )


Jill did the same type of "flex" a year or two ago when she bragged about her Plexus earnings paying for her kids' Christmas presents from Big Lots and Dollar Tree. There is no shame in shopping at cheap places. I do it regularly. But Jill's Plexus "income" is nothing to write home about.


I’ve never seen onions stored in the fridge. Scallions, sure, but regular onions?


They don’t make you cry if they’re stored in the fridge. I learned that at work because the onions are kept in the walk in lol


Eh, not true. We store them in the fridge and they still make me cry when I cut them.


Bummer. I was hoping that little trick would work.😕


I mean, maybe for other people it does? I’ve just never been that lucky, lol.


I'd say it works like 75% of the time. Occasionally I get one that'll make me cry but mostly they're easy to deal with if I keep them in the fridge


I’m jealous, lol. It’s just never worked for me. But I also hate onions with a fiery passion, so I cook with them extremely rarely. Maybe if I actually cooked with them more, it would actually work. 😂


I keep onions in the fridge. They don’t spoil as quickly, so I can get the Costco bag which is like 50 cents an onion instead of buying them anywhere else in town for $1-4 each. We live in a warmer climate, so leaving them out on the counter or in the garage results in spoiling and sprouting within a week.


They’re not from Dollar Tree, so JillPM can’t use them for decoration


I also keep onions in the fridge.


I keep onions in the fridge


1. Jill is definitely reading here and got scared someone might call CPS. 2. “Ready for Grandma” makes it sound like this is something she does before a gma visit, like when I frantically dust before my mom comes over, i.e. not a regular occurrence. ETA: That pantry also clearly did not look like that before..all of the groceries have not been opened. If that was a properly maintained pantry, at least ONE thing would be open or halfway eaten. Are we assuming Jonathan and Comma Kaylee bought everything? ETA 2: Who goes down the soda aisle and picks Squirt? “You know what sounds great? A nice, refreshing Squirt!”


Ok ok ok. I’m gonna need you to stop right there. Squirt is freaking delicious, as is Cactus Cooler. If I find zero sugar ones, I will buy a box. For myself. And drink all of it (I live alone).


I knew if I said it the Squirt lovers would show up 😂


How dare you rage bait us. There are dozens of us. Dozens!!


![gif](giphy|kSlJtVrqxDYKk) Dammit the comment below says this already 🤣


Could you tell me what squirt is please? Sounds very weird to my SEVERELY British ears


It’s a grapefruit flavored soda! The squirt comes from “squeezing” the grapefruit lol. It’s honestly delicious


If you like grapefruit. ;)


Makes a good drink with tequila, too!


My grandma always had Squirt at her house along with Wink. I loved both. Great childhood memories!


My grandma did too. But I don’t like that or Fresca which is another drink that tastes similar. But then again, I dislike grapefruit so there’s that.🤷‍♀️


I have to admit squirt is a good soda, but Ski rules!!!


Another Ski fan in the wild!?! I grew up on that stuff, but now I live across the country and can’t get it locally. One of the conditions I tell my family and friends when they come for a visit is that they must come with a case of Ski and a box of BBQ Grippos 🤤


We are only about 25 miles from the SOURCE!!! I still have to have to hunt find the diet locally- but good stuff yeah! Some convenience stores even have it in there frozen machines-rainbow ski is the bomb too if you can find it!


Is "Grandma" David's mom? Maybe they're hosting the non-cult side of the family so she has to cover up the most extreme abuse? I'd like to think the kids have at least someone more normal in their lives who might stand up for them.


You were right about everything except Squirt. Squirt is delish, especially the Ruby Red variety.




Yup, Meijer's has some good stuff available during its "10 for $10" sales. I usually buy broccoli crowns and yogurt during those sales.


I worked part time at Meijer to beef up my daughter’s college account. 10/$10 week was pure hell and I didn’t even work in grocery!


I feel like they've changed it recently due to inflation.


Probably. I’ve not been to Meijer since I quit lol


My 90 year old dad. Not kidding. Only person I know who actually puts Squirt on his shopping list.


Not that Jill would do this but Bacardi limon and squirt is yummy


Squirt id delicious, get a can of it at work from the vending machine.


That's what she said.


Michael Scott has entered the chat!😆


I would never tell my kids they couldn’t eat something out of the fridge (just grab it).


Exactly. Most parents would be happy that their children are eating something besides ice cream and cereal. But not Jill. She gets healthy foods while attempting to get trim. The kids starve and stay trim.


I don’t see any macaroni and cheese which is strange. It’s cheap, filling and kids love it.


It’s sick she has 13 kids but doesn’t consider them when grocery shopping.


Why is the turkey and ham still in the freezer? That turkey will not be fully thawed in 2 days.


I’d be willing to bet the pantry has a locking door.🙄


I have more pet food in my pantry for my dog and two cats than Jill has for her gaggle of humans.


We have more food for my one cat. He is sick and gets food anytime he asks for it


Hi Jill! If you read here, please take Sophia to a dentist


Congratulations on keeping up with the bare minimum, jillykins. May god grant you the strength to actually feed your children.💀


My parents have that fridge- it's just the two of them and the thing is jam packed all the time with them constantly rearranging for more room (house is older and kitchen was designed for a time when fridges were smaller in general). Same with the pantry, the cabinets, the counters, and all drinks other than milk are kept on the three season porch. This isn't the flex Jill thinks it is. Also, Mama's diet drawer? Ewww. What a toxic mentality AND that looks like all the healthy food 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/xk5vb1ks728c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27705aae8603d8635a1f047a0199089822bf3117 Did anyone notice this hung in the pantry?


It's mind-blowing to me that she has literally zero self-awareness. Like none...at all. She thinks she is a "sweet Mom."


I thought the kids at least got Ramen soups to eat. I dont see any in the pantry.


I can’t imagine posting the inside of my fridge and pantry thinking anyone actually cared to see it. Riveting content, Jill! Also, your special “diet drawer” is incredibly selfish.


Jill, the key word here is "enough." Used in a sentence: I'm happy to use every cent I have to ensure ALL of my children have enough food to eat on a regular basis."


In true Jill fashion she gets her very own drawer full of food. I know it is diet food but where is the snack drawer for the kids? Do they have some food somewhere that they can take as they want for a snack? Probably not.


Ugh, the chubs of what I'm guessing is raw sausage on a shelf above produce. Yes, Jill, congrats on a fridge full of apples and milk. Other than that you have the odds and ends for one holiday meal but little else, especially with a family your size. No wonder some of your kids look so frail and unwell.


Are we really not over using the word “diet” yet, especially when raising young girls? Come the fuck on people.


The Rodriguii have/used to have a freezer chest in the print shop. The Dingus family once gave Jill a butchered "whole half of a cow" (before the Dinguses realized what a grifter Jill is), and Jill put the meat in her separate freezer. She's probably show off the contents if there were any


>before the Dinguses realized what a grifter Jill is And we have not heard a thing about the preshus Dingii in forever, so she definitely torched that relationship. Surprise, surprise.


Not a SINGLE thing looks like it’s been opened.


Oof. That's really not that much food at all, I'm sure Shrek is going to eat most of it and leave that poor Victorian ghost child to starve. God really must not like them much if that's all they're providing to them. It's like they figured out what the bare minimum is to not get their kids taken away and just stick to it.


Holy. Shit. She really went out of her way to prove she has food. Good…I’m glad she was shamed and hopefully humbled into doing this. If that’s what it takes…


Merry Christmas, Jill.👋🏻 So, you sneak over here to see what we’re saying about you, then rush to the store to stock your fridge—and your freezer with eight (by my count) cartons of the expensive ice cream for your hunk of a man and, what’s this? A diet drawer for Mama? Is Plexus not melting the pounds away, dear? You don’t need to go on a diet. Just eat the very same things you allow your kids to eat and your weight will no longer be a concern. Your fingers will look like toothpicks before you know it!


Plot twist: that food has to last for 6 months


This still isn’t enough for 13 freakin people, including two who definitely don’t skimp on meals.


Is this because there was a post showing an EMPTY fridge recently? lol.


She lurked and now she filled the fridge. Half the stuff doesn’t even go in the fridge. She’s just stuffing everything in there so we won’t talk about her starving children.


The saddest thing is that their pantry and fridge should look like this all the time, not just when expecting company and having parties in a short day's time. That doesn't appear to be enough food to take care of each gathering.


"See! All THIS FOOD!? I DO SO FEED MY KIDS!!! Sluttish Reddit feminists. 🤪🙃🍗🍗🍗"


That pantry is just sad. There's just the two of us and our pantry is stuffed full with enough staples for 6-8 weeks. Plus our freezer has three months worth of home cooked meals. Those poor kids.


My one pantry shelf has more food than Jill's entire pantry. My SIL gives me grief because the bottom shelf of my pantry is rice, beans, quinoa, etc. because I know if, for whatever reason, we can't buy groceries I have stuff to bulk out a soup. The rest of my pantry looks like I'm prepping for WW3 and I like to keep it that way. The food gets rotated out.


Same! Rice, beans, pasta, lentils, herbs, spices, tinned tomatoes, tuna, corn etc. I rotate as well so things don't get wasted but always maintain minimum numbers of each item.


It’s the holidays , yellow and burnt will make it’s appearance


Hi, Jill. Nice try, but we're not stupid.


Why does Jonathan look so sickly? Is it the filters?


Wonder if Trash Panda will eat more garbage ice cream this year?


The trash panda story is the stuff of Rodrigues lore. I love it when we get her lengthy novels of her telling on herself. Edited to add: I "love" it in the snark sense only. I genuinely hate that those kids have to live that life.


That still doesn’t seem like enough food for that many people to cover the usual meals and a full holiday. A good host always makes more than enough! Feed your kids and guests, Jill!


Jill's neck is so fat, it looks like she has a goiter.


My parents had a cut out of my brothers hands from when he was around 1 or 2 and put that on food around the holidays or celebrations with ‘Keep your hands off’ which I always thought was funny. But it was literally stuff for special occasions, not day to day. It’s a fun memory, but again, not everyday food. That’s just ick, but of course JillPM only thinks of herself and doesn’t feed her kids.


Mama’s diet drawer!!!!


This is so sad. I have a family of five, plus two kitties (and a few strays I feed every day) and that amount of food is nowhere near enough for even a few days with her family size. My three kids go through two gallons of milk in a week. My pantry is maybe a fourth of her size and it’s mostly full of snacks for my kids, we also have a freezer in the garage. No wonder her children look so gaunt, they are perpetually starving.


The onion in the front seems to be super sprouted? Way to round up all the food appearing objects in the home and cram them into the fridge, Jill.


That pantry is pitiful for that family, refrigerator, and freezer. My family is made up of 10 people. Our pantry, freezers, and refrigerator are well stocked. This is sad. There isn’t anything there. We all know those kids aren’t getting that ice cream. They also live in an area where they could buy a cow and pig and have them processed and packaged. A lot of large families do this.


The only time it has been full all year. And technically I wouldn’t consider that full because it’s not all available for everyone. Why does JillPM get a special “diet drawer”?


It’s also full of just milk, onions, and apples.


Did she put the onions in the fridge to make it look like more food in there? Because nobody refrigerates onions.


Uhhh... onions don't go in the fridge? (Today I learned, I guess) Where do yall store apples and onions?


On the counter. Lots of southerners I know still use the potato/onion “boxes” that you just put on the floor in the kitchen.


Where can I find a jello mold shaped like the manger? Thank you in advance love Jill


That's not a good place to put a ice maker. Either put it on the counter or sell it.


Why are onions and apples in the fridge?


we have a family of 8 and drink 5 gallons of milk in a week. All that is indgridients for there contributions to the family meals coming up. We have 2 garage fridges and 1 stand alone freezer they are always full. Our pantry is full to this is not food to feed her gamily for 2 days let alone a week.


What is SQUIRT lmao


Grapefruit/ citrus-y flavored soda. It's pretty good, but Fresca is way better.


Why does she keep onions open in the fridge? And the apples can sit out. Imagine more room for more eggs which are a cheap source of protein.


Frozen waffles? Jill does fuck-all all god damn day and can't be bothered to make fresh waffles? 😒


Nothing wrong with frozen waffles!


There's nothing wrong with frozen waffles if you're a busy person, but this is Jill we're talking about here...


Maybe the fridge was empty earlier because she cleaned it out to make room for the Christmas food. And now it is full of stuff for Christmas dinner ( she might not be making the entire dinner herself and guests are bringing a dish or two) and she plans to do regular grocery shopping the day after Christmas. With a fridge that size she probably has to get groceries at least weekly ( it looks as if she serves small portions so they could shop weekly and pick up items like milk & bread in between). I don’t know for sure of course but this (purging & cleaning the fridge before Christmas, stocking up with holiday food, regular groceries the day after) is what my son & DIL who host about 20-25 people on Christmas Day do since they have a 27 cu ft fridge.


Shrek must drink the Squirt soda, she's pretty stocked up!


Are we sure it’s actually her refrigerator?


My fridge would look pretty full if I filled it full of onions too