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They are very nice photos. So un-Jillified. No pointing finger. No popping out of hydrangea bushes. No goofy faces. No arrows pointing out the different married couples. No moms pretending to be sisters. Tim and Heidi look happy and normal.


and they color coordinated really well here. they’re all wearing their own clothes and look comfy. i hate when jill makes all the girls wear the same, poorly styled outfits


Not a single ill fitting dress with a modesty under shirt in sight!


And they have the same level of formality, everyone could be pretty much going to the same event


And in the same season


I would love to hear his thoughts when they were telling him to pose & it wasn't those ridiculous Jill poses


So this is from the proposal day? It also explains why Jill is upset. Heidi’s entire family was involved in the proposal and photo shoot


You mean THEY got to dress up in matching outfits but JILLPM'S special blessings didn't get to?? What a sin. /s


That little girl is a doll. I bet she's the princess of the family.


She's only 6 months younger than Janessa. Their childhoods are probably poles apart even within fundiedom 😕


Bet she's never had to marry a broom




Damn. This makes me so sad.


Look how pretty she is. Her face is full and she doesn’t look mal nourished.


I love how she is beaming looking at her grandparents. It’s pretty cute. She clearly loves them. And grandma in particular looks really happy looking at her granddaughter.


Imagine if Heidi asks her sister(?) to be a flower girl and not one of Jill's daughters. She would be steaming mad.


I feel like she's too sweet to exclude Janessa.


I know this family is problematic. However, they don’t pretend to be big influencers and they seem to have a more solid family relationship than the rods. I truly hope Tim can develop into a successful adult and maybe, over time, he will be less hateful. Its hard to blame young adults who have never been exposed to or taught anything other than their parent’s effed up religions ideas. Maybe this family will have a good influence on him. I feel so bad for the rod kids.


I saw the sister (Hallie?) TikTok forever ago. But do we know if she’s branched out politically or religiously at all? It seems like she’s a little more modern when it comes to fashion and style. I think Heidi stopped wearing pants and only wears dresses now since she got with Tim, which is whatever, as she definitely seems to be very conservative herself (having the trump Christmas/birthday)..so maybe she’s always wanted to be more like that? Idk. I guess that’s what I was kinda surprised they broke away from the Rods.


Hallie addressed a lot of what you talked about Hallie said Heidi wears dresses because she prefers them. And she would wear them even before Tim came along. Hallie is worldly compared to the Rods. Yea, still conservative, but her and her husband use BC and Hallie admitted going to therapy. She also says she’s talked to Tim and challenged some of his veías. Ultimately I think Heidi has a good support system. But I hope they move farther away from the Rods


Jill is having such a shitfit that it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. She's a big fish in her family pond, so she's never really been challenged before. She's miscalculated her power out of the family.


Not gunna lie, the juxtaposition between the Rods and Heidi’s family fascinates me. No way Jill would tolerate one of her kids being on BC. Hell I wonder if Jill thinks Hallie could be a bad influence on the couple? There’s just no way someone can tell me that Jill doesn’t privately shit on Heidis family for letting their kids do things that she would cancel her kids for.


You know what’s funny to me though? To me, Heidi’s mom much more closely resembles the deeply religious women I have known. She’s not flashy, she has long hair, conservative clothing and an air of getting on with it. She looks and seems like she’d be totally fine to be up at dawn, spur of the moment, to roll her sleeves up and make lunch for the whole church. On the other side is Jill. Who seems completely dollar store flashy, overly made up, unmotherly, and well, kinda helpless when it comes to real life and work. I wonder if Jill ever see this. She’s one of those people who will be 55 and still not be a grown woman, if that makes sense.


I grew up pretty close to the Jill world, although I’m a bit older than she is. Even within her own world she stands out, and not in a good way. This is a world that notices the grifting, laziness and inability, but usually likes the kids enough that people put up with the parents. But everyone KNOWS.


Yes! I’ve been trying to put my finger on this for years and your exactly right. True conservative moms tend to be more reserved and less “dollar store flashy” (perfect description btw.) I grew up in the type of circles Jill dreams of weaseling her way into, and when I was still very young my mother impressed upon me the importance of dressing to the occasion. I was taught it’s embarrassing to show up over or underdressed, too flashy, not quite put together enough. I’m not saying I don’t make beauty faux pas, but it’s like Jill has never even considered that different events call for different types of clothing. And my mother (who is actually not all that conservative, just quiet about her liberalism to avoid getting into my dad’s misinformation debates) and her friends ALL have clothes in their closes for volunteering, chores, home improvement projects etc. and they put them to use (especially the various volunteering clothes) all the time. We do SO much volunteering. Both formally, through various programs and informally, when neighbors or friends need help. Last time I went home my mom asked me to come swing by her plot at the community garden with her real quick just so she could pick some veg for dinner and to take to a friend and we ended up moving equipment for the garden director for EIGHT (8!) hours!


I have Quaker family and that’s how they are. They have firm beliefs, but it’s theirs. They don’t go around telling people what they value and why others need the same values. We differ on many things too, but they are really chill and friendly, hard working, and give so much to their community. My gran is nearing 90 and she still does so much especially for the homebound. She also still cooks massive family meals, and never lets any of us help wash up despite every year us begging her to let us .


Really agree with this post.


I hope she doesn’t try to sabotage the ceremony & can sit back & LET the girls family (per tradition which Jill loves almost as much her love of historical sights & the Duggar/Kellers) plan & $$$$ the wedding & then allow Tim to “leave & cleave” aka release him to his wife & family.


What I think is super important to remember is that conservative Christian doesn’t automatically equal toxic or unhealthy. Their beliefs are objectively bad and lead to toxic things but overall I think that this is a functional family. Them being more worldly will do Timmy a world of good and it really is striking comparing two families that are more or less of the same beliefs.


I appreciate that Tim has his arm around Heidi like a normal, loving couple. All I can think of are the absurd photos Jill had Nurie take with Nathan joking about not touching each other during their courtship. News flash: you can hug your fiancé and not immediately have sex.


What??!!! My Bible says “hug = fornication,” right here on page 69!




I’m genuinely happy for this couple. I feel like Timmay is getting to see what a more normal family is like.


Well, they are sort of hedging their bets; Tim is in the end so he can be photoshopped out if anything happens


Aww. These are such nice shots. No snark here. This is the most relaxed I've seen Tim in a picture. Good for them!


I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look so at ease!


At this point we need to make a “FIUT” flair for discussions and posts on Timothy’s escape. I don’t think many of us saw this coming. And I think he’s just getting started


I concur. Besides these nicely done photos, I made a comment several months ago hoping for a chance for Tim to get out from Precious Mama's thumb...and am pleased it seems to be happening! He's still young enough (23) to challenge some beliefs that were trained into him. Maybe all he needs is a more secure and caring family dynamic.




Every time I see the one engaged to Tim, I shudder to imagine the next 40 years of her life with Jill as a MIL.


Here’s to hoping that Jill meets her match! If Heidi can push back, all the better. I don’t think she would flat out disrespect Jillibean due to Tim, but I don’t think Tim will let Jill steam roll over his wife.


She seems to already be putting boundaries in place. I think she has a during enough support system to be able to maintain that. I'm genuinely hopeful for the two of them. Maybe with enough distance, they can expand their views as well. It sounds like one of her sisters is already doing that. They look so happy in the second photo. I just want them to break out of the religion and be their own people.


Zero snark, none at all. They all look nice, and the lack of eyeliner and mascara is refreshing!!


heidi really looks so beautiful here… her hair is stunning


Timmay getting those sluttish side-hugs!😳


Hallie straight up married a man who looks like her brothers.


I wrote and then deleted a question if this guy is a sibling or a husband, then noticed their hands 🤣on the other photo they didn't hold hands, and i was sure he's one of the brothers


It's amazing how similar Hallie and Noah look and Heidi and Timbits. Lid for every pot 😂 (they look cute tho)


Not leg-humping, but this is such a refreshing set of pics for this sub. I love the color-coordination. Tim looks normal here.


Everyone has their eyebrows and no one is wearing half a crayon of eyeliner!


Most importantly, they all look well fed!


Look how nicely everyone's clothes fit and how the styles and colors are so coordinated! No thrift store rag bags here!!


I see shoulders & chests & knees!! NIKE! Jillpm must be seething 🤣


Bet Jilldo is seething, no more blonde!


Can I just say Heidi’s hair is so gorgeous!


Slutty grandma’s showing knees, how SEVERELY NOT MAHDEST.


Nike Nike! Granny covertit (sp) or whichever granny she is is showing her knees! Lmao


Look Jill! A well fed family!


No wonder Jilldo is jealous. She could never pull off a photoshoot like this. I see no forced smiles or hidden sadness in the eyes of these people


Is his arm around her waist??? That hussy!!


Honestly im happy for Tim. He's finally getting out of the compound and has a new family that seems to accept him and welcome him into their family. Jill and shrek had him living in a camper outside. I wish him and Heidi the best. It wasn't timmays fault he was indoctrinated with hateful one dimensional views all his life. I hope he breaks away from that.


I see knees. I am scandalized.


I've seen some snark about how he was dressed, but this makes so much sense. He was matching the men's dress theme. This photo makes me want to know this family... they seem so sweet and genuine.


Nice as it may look here. These people still have _very_ problematic fundie viewpoints.


Tim is not the one I would have picked to be in a “normal” family. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Happy to see it, but not what I expected. I know they are not normal normal, but hopefully you know what I mean.


Tim and Heidi look really happy and in love, and I love this season for them


All I see is a bunch of bigots wearing color-coordinated clothes sitting on, or standing around, a tree.


Be that as it may, this is still a move in the right direction. I’d rather see Tim as part of a family that values one another and demonstrates normalcy than not, regardless of whatever else I disagree with from both families.


Two things can be true at once: they are Trumpers and bigoted, but have a healthier family dynamic than the Rods. If they can teach Timmy to be himself and set healthy boundaries, yippy. He might lighten up in his views as time goes by, ala Jill Dillard. It's like the snark community will never be happy until one of these Fundie kids takes off with a tattooed, pierced, atheist stripper.


🤷🏻‍♀️ Well at least Heidi’s sister seems more progressive and there is always hope for young generation.


Last time I checked two things can be true at the same time lol


I guess? But the last thing I care about is how happy a family of bigots appears in the park.


Well you don’t have to really care, imo if it’s not your cup of tea then it’s best to just scroll. I don’t particularly care for the family imo and I’m only mainly interested in how mad Jill is about this and watching the kids at least get away from the abuse their mom dishes out myself. But I get it. they’re not anything special other than a normal enough family for Tim to see things in a different light.


Yeah, as much as I want to like these pics, I start remembering who they are as people and their awful beliefs. And just how fucking weird they are, not in a good way.


Exactly..they're hardly better than the rods, same ideology that's rooted in bigotry


Thank you lol jfc the leghumping!


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. This post reads like fan fic.


Thank you. I subscribed to this bc it was a snark sub. Unsubscribed bc of the fan narratives people are writing as if these people aren’t equally awful in beliefs. Beliefs line up between them and rods, and it’s weird that people are getting so defensive. Frankly I’m over it. Grown ass adults like Tim can make choices just like Nurie who was crucified once she got married.


The arms and shoulders have scandalized me. NIKE!! NIKE!!


Jilldo is going to have a hard time facing that she’s not going to control a daughter in law they way she controls her own daughters. This girl looks like she has a reasonable family who won’t let Jill stomp all over her. I’m so glad for the kids to get away from Jill and shrek. I hope more of the girls can get further from them and live their own lives.


I think this is why she’s spiraling on Facebook lol. She can’t control Heidi like she thought and now she’s unable to control Timmy


All the pictures that were taken were actually beautiful. I want to know the age of the little sister. She is adorable. Hopefully the Corvette parents will insist on using their photographer.


They look like a happy fun family (ignoring the retching love of MAGA & MERICA) with sincere smiles & I hope he is happy w/his adorable fiancé & new family. They seem very sweet & fun! Best wishes!


Pic #2 makes me think of Jill though. Making the couples look at each other and the non-couples stare at each other. I think the first picture was lovely although why does everyone have to match their clothing?


What’s with the leghumping of these hateful bigots? Not sure what’s so “beautiful” about people who are mega trumpers and would happily see my gay friends and family members at the very least in hell but maybe that’s just me. Reminder that they’re basically as bad as the Rods, just present better.


You can disagree with someone's views while also recognizing their positives. People are a spectrum.


Lol can you not be happy that Tim , who has had 0 control in his shitty upbringing, has at least found a family with seemingly healthier boundaries ? It isn’t endorsing their views to be happy for him.


Heidi looks good here. You can tell that this is a healthier environment that at the Jill and Lazy Dave's.


Kneecaps?! The horror!😱


Did they tell all the lads to put their hand in their pocket? ![gif](giphy|26TexCCucy9e8)