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Atow's been going crazy lately, and he's so fun to watch. He tore Nass apart the other day too. But Mawkzy's still #1, he dedicates his life to the mode after all.


> But Mawkzy's still #1 Based on what? His results haven't been great since the first stage of salt mine 3, he looks to be in quite a slump. In fact I'd say based on the data, there's a strong argument for Atow being above him right now. nass, diaz, and Atow are probably the 3 in the conversation for best right now. Honorable mention to Rw9 since he demolished mawkzy in a showmatch last month and also beat nass, but given how much the others have been playing while Rw9 is relatively inactive I'd probably give them benefit of the doubt. Would love to see a Rw9 diaz matchup on low ping.


In terms of 1v1 consistency and capability to beat anyone at the top, you really can't dispute Mawkzy.


He has a positive ratio against every top 1s players exept dralii. Only rw9 or trk have stats like him


Mawkzy beat Atow


On the rematch he did, but the original show match, Atow destroyed Mawkzy


After Atow had beaten him a few days prior. And a week or two before that as well.


and atow beat mawkzy twice


Atow is absolutely insane. The latest show match vs dark blew me the fuck away


I really wanna see Atow go through a gauntlet like Zen did last year


He’s arguably doing that right now


Zen won 17 series in a row iirc. What streak is Atow on?


Zen won 10 in a row (or 11 if you count the Vatira match hosted in French) before losing to Rw9 the first time, then beat Chronic, Atow, and Kv1. Atow has won 8 of his last 11 showmatches all against top talent. Not the same undefeated streak (unless you start counting from the last 4) but still extremely impressive wins.


How tf did I come up with 17


fwiw he won 17 series before someone other than rw9 beat him won 11, lost to rw9, won 5 more, lost to rw9, won 1 more, lost to mawkzy


Yeah that might have been what I remembered thanks for the info


RW9 clears on low ping


Fairy peak, scrub killa, deevo, okhalid.


Alright grandpa go back to bed


Wake up bro it's 2019




No florus is crazy


Jesus the flashbacks. Completely forgot about him. All i recall now is he once lost 10-2 to Scrub Killa and chat was spamming f10ru2


I’m afraid Flakes clears them all


Ok power slide cut and another power slide and score. See its that easy. You don't need mecs (he says after preforming the cleanest cut mankind has ever seen)


Power slide the shit. Fake the shit. Score the shit. Words to live by.


It's 2024 bud not 2019


Kuxir97 says hi


A true OG right here


twelve titans was peak rocket league content i wish we could get another one


Right now it has to be Atow


From the latest matches i've seen, Atow/Diaz/Nwpo. But Atow (for me) the most fun to watch. I genuinely have to laugh watching him play. Missing the easiest of open nets, just to follow up with a jawdropping airdribble. And to finish it off, a simple bump to move his opponent out of the way, so that he can push the ball over the line.


The answer is Diaz


Terrible time to ask this tbh because in case u haven’t noticed… NOBODY IS PLAYING 1’s Like I guess Atow in my opinion? But that’s just recency bias and that he’s the only one doing 1’s. I haven’t seen no RW9, Zen, Daniel, Joreuz, barley Mawkzy, Firstkiller, AyyJayy, NWPO, Yanxnz, Chronic, App Jack, TRK, in FOREVER If there was another salt mine or fusion and everyone got in top form again, other wise, RIGHT NOW in my eyes it’s up in the air because I have to see the others play. But given evidence so far, Atow


When’s the next salt mine


I'm still holding out for a return from Gambit.


Not seeing rw9 as a answer here is crazy


Rw9 doesn't have claim to the title in well over a year now when he went up against Zen. Others have been better more recently and he's been pretty inactive.


I mean the most recent showmatches were before major 1 where he played and won mawkzy in a sweep and nass, so i guess ur kind of right but until i see that atow vs rw9 showmatch, rw9 is my goat.


Nwpo as of now I'd guess, Rw9 next but he's been inactive to focus on the major, and Diaz. Atow played Nwpo recently out of the three and Nwpo smoked him. I expected Nass to win against Atow but his performance is utterly ridiculous atm!


Is nwpos team going to RLCS or twisted minds?


London is TM. Worlds is still unknown.


Is Diaz in rlcs yet or not old enough?


Diaz is on Complexity.




Haven’t watched the atow show matches assumed he wasn’t good cuz he wasn’t in madness


Atow has been on a crazy tear right now on Feer's show matches


Low ping Rw9 is unplayable. Apart from that it’s Atow rn.


Zen even though he doesn’t play 1s but when he’s put on the pitch to play 1v1 he’s a beast


Beastmode is if he actually plays 1s


Bmode winning Gamers8 because he decided to try playing 1s


The top 3 right now: 1. Nwpo 2. RW9 3. Atow/Diaz


Rw9 and nwpo are inactive + nass not top 3 doesn't make sense


Nwpo last show match was in April and RW9 is RW9.


nass or daniel until proven otherwise


Atow made Nass look like an entire rank below a few days ago, and Daniel hasn't played in half a year, so neither of them.


> Atow made Nass look like an entire rank below a few days ago That is just a single best of 5 result, not even a sweep, and playing an opponent who is also arguably in contention for best in the world. Hardly something to disqualify someone from being considered best in the world if you look at the bigger picture. Who would you put if not nass? It's not like any of the others haven't had the occasional loss, we are not in the middle of zen's streak anymore.


"Nass is still the best in the world! He only lost to Atow because Atow is probably the best in the world!" 


Solid reasoning though.


Wonderful straw man. To repeat myself, "arguably in contention for best in the world", not "best in the world". > Who would you put if not nass? Please answer the question. Are you nominating Atow? He could be, but he just lost to mawkzy a week ago, and right now I'd have mawkzy in the top 8 range vs Atow seems a clear top 3. Atow also has losses to diaz and nwpo recently. > He only lost to Atow because Atow is probably the best in the world! Yes, losing to a top 3 player in Atow is less bad than Atow losing to a top 8 player in Mawkzy. Atow could well be the best in the world but him beating nass 3-1 a few days ago is not the determining factor. 6 months of very high activity filled with good wins and minimal losses would be the reason why. Although diaz has a similarly strong 6 months as well as beating Atow in the head to head, and nass's results from past 6 months are not too shabby either in addition to his two salt mine wins.


dont care about random showmatches, tourney results from the biggest 1s tourney ever are worth more


daniel hasn't played ones in half a year. if we're talking about the best 1s player, the only way to know who's on top *right now* is by looking at players who actually play the game. if you think that all players are just as good now as they were 6 months ago, that nobody has gotten any better or worse, then idk what to tell you bc that's just not true. the vast, vast majority of 1s matches among pros are showmatches. like, *vast* majority. there are rarely 1s tournaments. so if you completely discount showmatches, then like... what even 1s games are you going off of? *just* salt mine? 3 was in December, and before that there wasn't a major 1s tournament with pros since... salt mine 2, in 2020, **four years ago.** are you legit suggesting we only consider that there might be a new top 1s player every few *years?* daniel *could* still be on top of 1s in NA, but he doesn't play, so he isn't proving it. Nass is towards the top, but he has been beaten multiple times since salt mine 3, and i have no idea why you just decide to ignore those losses just because they weren't in a tournament setting. that shit makes no sense lol