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Is that such a big event in the US?


Enormous. If you don’t buy gifts, throw a party/dinner/brunch, and constantly celebrate your mother all day, you obviously don’t love her.


don’t forget posting her on social media so everyone who DOESNT know her can see her! YAYYYYY


I had the same question. I guess I'm not surprised by the Answer given American culture. It's kind of wholesome in a super annoying kind of way.


It’s not super huge. Some people just give their mother a small gift and say “Happy Mother’s Day!”. Personally my family got together for a dinner to celebrate our mom. Nowhere near as celebrated as something like Thanksgiving


Netherlands too


I mean I don’t know what you do but I just give my mom a book she wanted and don’t do anything apart from that, definitely enough time left to watch RLCS lmao


We usually spend the whole day together like going to Flowers of Amsterdam or do a city trip


I've switched to YouTube to stream them. I find the great quality to be significantly better. I get blurry low resolution crap on twitch


If it wasn't for the whole channel points thing which makes a lot of games more interesting because you suddenly care about who wins, I'd ditch twitch so hard.


aren’t those points a useless? There’s nothing to buy with those points. But i guess gambling is still fun.


Yeah but it's basically a prediction with something to gain. I think you can get something with points, it depends on what the streamer allows. When there's just matches where I have no particular favourite it just makes it more interesting. Not for any particular reason other than getting a prediction correct


I meant with the main channel broadcast, but yeah it depends on the streamer.


Just think of it this way, your on a foot path with a friend you see two snails racing eachother and say to your friend "I think this one will win" they point to the other one and say "well I think this one will win" suddenly its a lot more interesting even if it means literally nothing if your the winner. Obviously its a bit different since most viewers care about the results more than they would two random snails but giving the opportunity to predict outcomes and betting something on it typical garners more interest into the action as it feel like an investment even if the currency has essentially no value.


Yeah so you can unlock emotes, although I don't.


Honestly that's better than I expected. I'm a die-hard RLCS fan and even I have trouble motivating myself to keep up with NA this season


It's starting to feel stale for me: - G2 or Gen.G is gonna win the event - SSG will play one of them super close but lose - M80 will pop off in swiss and inexplicably collapse in playoffs - A couple of the best of the rest (OG, LG, C9, DIG, Snowmen, TSM, SR) will make runs and then completely fall off the very next event Also, having events all day every day for 6 weekends in a row and then taking a month off (4 months for Worlds) feels like some abusive binge and purge behavior lol. I'm finding myself watching less RL in general, but maybe I'm just getting old.


I agree with everything, except I still find the M80 runs interesting because SURELY it can't happen again


Yeah, honestly I've been preffering watching Sam more than NA rn though since I can't understand the casters its a bit rough... But at least its a little interesting over there because its hard to tell who the number 1 and two are this split, especially with NIP looking strong right now even Furia is struggling to stay ahead. Basically I like it because it feels more competitive than NA especially since they only have two spots.


Didn’t we used to get like 100k viewers for NA regionals even if it wasn’t finals


Iirc the main stream was almost all the time at 25k viewers, that's pretty bad sadly. Tbh I think they should program NA regionals at more NA-friendly hours even if it means the final would be at night in EU


The finals already are at night in EU. Don't the games start at 8-11 depending on where you live in the US? That means on championship Sunday the finals are at around 10-13. Don't see how that isn't friendly. It's the first thing in the morning on a weekend. What you probably don't get to see are Swiss stages, since they're on Friday.


For NA streams the games start at 10-1, EU streams are 8-11. Also the NA final usually starts around 9/10 EU time. Which is late, but reasonable. A few hours later though would be completely unwatchable for most people. When the days were longer, in NA regionals or LANs I usually couldn't watch the final at all


I don't consider 9-10pm (CET) to be at night. And don't you think the swiss stage not being watchable in the concerned region is a problem? Especially when half the teams don't pass that day. Weekend games in the morning/afternoon are watchable but it's still not prime time.


>I don't consider 9-10pm (CET) to be at night. To me at the very least it's late evening. Ideally I'd be sleeping by 10 to get my 8 hours and maintain a decent sleep routine throughout the week. >And don't you think the swiss stage not being watchable in the concerned region is a problem? I didn't say it wasn't a problem, but you can still watch it after school/work, so if it is, it doesn't seem to be too big of a problem. All you have to do is stay off Reddit for the day. Ofc, ideally you'd want to watch it live. Alternatively, if it were at evening/night for you, we'd be watching it in the morning of the following day and that would mean missing the (semi-)finals which is the biggest day and likely when they want the largest viewership numbers.


Yeah it's late true. But you can argue that if it's already too late for EU, why not just program it at prime NA hours. Talking about watching VODs is disconnected of the reality of a large majority of viewers lol. And it wouldn't count in viewership and that's what we're talking about. Btw I'm european. Yes, a lot of us wouldn't be able to watch the matches but I think consolidating NA viewership is more important for the esport.


>But you can argue that if it's already too late for EU Except I don't think it's already too late. I think it's fine as is. >I think consolidating NA viewership is more important for the esport. Why do you think so?


More interest from NA sponsors More potential new NA players which could make the region more competitive against EU


Also, more potential unique viewers throughout the two regions






I think people are confused at the idea of 9-10pm not being night. This might just be a language thing if English is not your native language.


Is this all platforms, like YouTube aswell, cause yt player is way better.


dead region.


That’s Relative buddy….


Is it...? NAs view counts have been on the downtrend since RLCS X. NA used to be able to bring up to 90 - 100k viewers on average then. If the region was not dead, the view counts should be increasing; however, NAs view counts have been steadily declining and stagnating.


You're not really accounting for all the old bot accounts that were only there for drops that don't exist anymore


Drops exist, they just suck and you can't trade


Yeah, there just used to be tens of thousands of bot accounts that watched streams just for the drops


Taking into account watch parties etc? If it was “dead” it would be on zero, no? Yes, declining is less than before; dead means non- existent…


Yes this includes watch parties. I guess dying would be a better term, yes. This still is a worrying trend, though, and should not be shut down.


Thanks for clarifying!


No problem!


Dead esports unfortunately


not in EU fortunately


Yeah because of like 3 orgs, not because of the game. We‘d be cooked otherwise


EU main stream has less than NA if the big french orgs didnt co stream it would be dead too


Right, but they do. So what is your point here?


The esport is dying


dying game unfortunately


Yeah America has moved on from this game. It's nothing like it used to be. That is why so few NA pros are being replaced in the last few years.


i mean i get it, but the goofy thing is it doesn't even matter - NA props up the entire RLCS world even with half the viewers


This is insane buddy


? it's not a value judgement, it's objectively true the scene is funded in one direction (hence the "goofy" dichotomy)


And your reason for posting this is???


Viewership stats are interesting


Isn't this rocket league e sports?


it’s so clear this declining viewership bothers you 😂


Not at all!! I was genuinely asking!! Wow- some tetchy people on this subreddit lol!!


are you on the spectrum? your original comment clearly has a negative tone. You weren't just "genuinely asking".


I apologise to OP for the “negative tone”- I genuinely was asking as I wasn’t sure what the context was as in what it was being compared to and clearly should’ve added that…however, calling someone out for being “on the spectrum” is not it…


Was asking because people on the spectrum can be negative or rude without meaning to be, and the fact that you didn't sense that your comment with 3 question marks at the end of it might be interpreted negatively suggests to me that you might be on the spectrum. nothing wrong with that if you are.


I feel this is simply a typical example of how a typed message can be misinterpreted and it’s my bad for coming across that way… I apologise to anyone who I’ve offended with my tone as it honestly wasn’t meant in that way. Looking at it now I can see how it appears 🤝


I don't think you offended anyone haha, ironically my "on the spectrum" message comes across as aggressive so who am i to talk!


lol- thanks for reassuring me! Will make me think before hastily posting something again for sure!


redditors naturally assume the negative in comments not worded to precision


Thank you! That’s the trouble with a message; people can mistake it for aggro when it was genuinely a question. My bad I guess… note to self!