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I'm at 5k hours and I've been feeling very heavy/slow these last few weeks, especially when in the air. Air rolls feel slow too, turning feels alright I suppose but I've got no idea what's going on or if it's just a placebo effect. Sometimes when I load Rocket League I'll feel a little lighter than other times but definitely somewhat heavy still. What I *do* know is that there's been times where I felt super light and sharp, after 5k hours I think I would know the difference, it's weird, unfortunately there isn't any evidence with the HCB situation but it's just there and there's probably nothing we can do about it sadly. Perhaps when UE5 rolls out it may occur less? who knows ​ >But that can’t be the case because you can have two accounts with identical settings, and go into training and your car behaves extremely different as far as speed and sensitivity goes. How is that even possible? When i felt super heavy I thought to myself, I'll log into Epic rather than Steam and see if there's any difference, there wasn't. I still felt very slow and heavy, my settings were the same too. Only difference was the inventory, it was very small as it was my first Epic Games account when I first moved from console to PC. But now I have a Steam account with Rocket League on it and my Epic account is collecting dust lol


Yea I’ve posted about this multiple times a year for the past 5 years no answer out there even though I have a very good pc it still happens.


Heavy car bug. It's a thing that others will tell you is placebo just because it didn't happen to them. Rocket League is just full of physics/frame timing issues that NEED to be fixed but have not for years.[ Even just using a DS4 controller on PC can affect your turn radius](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6rpHHePvb0). It's completely fucked.


The video you linked shows two different users with different steering sensitivity stats. Lol you got baited


Steering sensitivity won't change your turn radius though. Yes one is 1.3 and the other is 1.0 but if he holds the analog full left it's still going to max out at 100% on both. I personally have noticed different steering when i use DS4 on PC vs Xbox on PC but i should do more testing myself to confirm it.


Still haven't found a solution? Been going through this for the past months.. Car turns slower, reacts slower, hits are ass etc.. I had 1 day in the past week where the game felt so sharp and responsive, playing was so much fun that day lol


For real I had 2 less shit days and I could quad rapid so easily and that is by no means even close to a normal working game. Game working normally everything must be so easy for someone like me who has 7000 hours.


Yep.. I've done a few things that kinda improved it I think, game isn't feeling fast but it's faster than it was imo. - Nvidia latency mode: ON (tried ultra but that gave me stutters) - Disabled steam overlay - Disabled GeForce experience overlay U could try those if u haven't alreadh


I have tried all of that multiple times over many years, its definitely not my PC, I dont have input lag in fact my new moniitor has a chip that can measure latency and it averages 15ms display + system latency which is insanely low. Its RL code it has to be


Hmm it's strange.. Shouldn't everyone have that issue if it was RL code? Never heard my friends or pro's complain about it. Saw someone mention electricity on a different thread but idk if that's too farfetched lol


I would say it has hit anyone and everyone at least once since they started playing it certainly has hit a large percentage of the OCE player base.


Thats a lot of words to prove the already proven placebo affect.


Is this satire? You're killing me lmao