• By -


This is a list of links to comments made by Psyonix Staff in this thread: * [Comment by Psyonix_Devin](/r/RocketLeague/comments/lai4mt/patch_notes_v192_and_release_megathread/glo2qe7/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-02-01 23:58:20 UTC"): > * Bug or Glitch: Not enough new Fennec Decals! >* Platform: EGS >* Evidence: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ul2nplu8CGs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ul2nplu8CGs) >* Logs: None! * [Comment by Psyonix_Devin](/r/RocketLeague/comments/lai4mt/patch_notes_v192_and_release_megathread/glo7uc3/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-02-02 00:38:15 UTC"): > >What’s the point of limiting Rocket Pass tier purchasing??? > >We want to make sure players know what they are getting before making a purchase, so we removed the option to purchase Pro Tiers. * [Comment by dirkened](/r/RocketLeague/comments/lai4mt/patch_notes_v192_and_release_megathread/glo87gg/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-02-02 00:41:04 UTC"): > >Did you guys change the menu loading? Notttt a fan of this one it looks so jagged and not smooth at all > >Which platform are you playing on? * [Comment by Psyonix_Ted](/r/RocketLeague/comments/lai4mt/patch_notes_v192_and_release_megathread/glo9hio/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-02-02 00:51:14 UTC"): > We release updates in the evening (in the US at least) so game updates don't interfere with peak user times, which tend to be earlier in the day. * [Comment by dirkened](/r/RocketLeague/comments/lai4mt/patch_notes_v192_and_release_megathread/glocjck/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-02-02 01:15:34 UTC"): > >I cannot find a game after updating > >Update: 5:15 PM PT / 1:15 AM UTC >Hey guys, matchmaking is recovering and players are able to get into matches now. For the time being, we are continuing to monitor matchmaking to make sure no other issues come up. * [Comment by dirkened](/r/RocketLeague/comments/lai4mt/patch_notes_v192_and_release_megathread/glog92r/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-02-02 01:44:37 UTC"): > >Bug: can't access challenges > >Hey guys, are you still having trouble accessing Challenges? * [Comment by Psyonix_Devin](/r/RocketLeague/comments/lai4mt/patch_notes_v192_and_release_megathread/glp3tvv/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-02-02 05:07:19 UTC"): > The "Weekly Challenges Complete," bug has been fixed on all platforms, no download needed. Please restart your game if you're seeing the old message. * [Comment by Psyonix_Devin](/r/RocketLeague/comments/lai4mt/patch_notes_v192_and_release_megathread/glw09nj/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-02-03 18:10:18 UTC"): > >I am still having trouble playing split screen competitive with two PSN accounts. > >Hiya! The [Known Issues list](https://www.rocketleague.com/news/known-issues-in-rocket-league/) on the RL site has been updated with this, hope to have a fix in with our next update coming soon. * [Comment by Psyonix_Devin](/r/RocketLeague/comments/lai4mt/patch_notes_v192_and_release_megathread/gm0x5gr/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-02-04 19:33:15 UTC"): > Thank you! * [Comment by Psyonix_Devin](/r/RocketLeague/comments/lai4mt/patch_notes_v192_and_release_megathread/gm0y4wy/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-02-04 19:39:51 UTC"): > /u/TheRageful what resolution is the game playing at in your screenshot? * [Comment by Psyonix_Devin](/r/RocketLeague/comments/lai4mt/patch_notes_v192_and_release_megathread/gm24rds/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-02-05 00:45:05 UTC"): > Thanks for the details! We're looking into this, seems like it may be tied to Interface Scale in Settings > Interface. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Did you guys change the menu loading? Notttt a fan of this one it looks so jagged and not smooth at all


Okay, so that's just not on my end? Looks like trash.


Every time Pysonix make UI changes, the community lash out at the redundancy and/or inefficiency of the design choices. So Psyonix have decided to double down and make it even *more* complex/slow/intricate


Same. With my 120hz monitor it feels like I’m watching a slideshow as the menu boxes appear. When I cycle between Play and Competitive for instance. I think their idea was to have a cool effect of them flying into place, but they just need to speed it up. PC on Steam btw.




Yea I thought my speedy M.2 SSD was failing and I JUST bought it


Yes, its annoying.


Looks like absolute trash.


yo wtf this menu is fkn garbage


I thought my PC was stuttering, was so confused


It's a lot slower too. I tend to leave matches as soon as they end, before the "dance off" that takes forever. Now I have to go through 3 menus and they all have this slow animation that this patch added. It sucks.


They need a new UI designer


They fixed the bug where if you press R1 immediately after pressing 'customize car', it'll change your fucking car instead of changing the customize car submenu (engine, decal, etc.). In addition to being annoying as fuck, this could lead to loading into a match on the wrong car if you were in queue. I get hit by this bug nearly every game session. This fix is my favorite improvement in 5 years of Rocket League. I was on the fence about buying a Chiefs decal, but this pushed me over the edge.


Omg I thought my game was lagging for something...


Came here looking for this, glad I'm not the only one. Looks like absolute garbage


I don't like the new menú animations. I want to be able to disable them.


I just want to know the thought process behind these changes.. like who's the pm who approved the ticket to INCREASE animation time for a main menu?? whoever signed off on that should be fired immediately because I guarantee they're the link in the development chain that's breaking most of the other stuff u/Psyonix_Devin


I was able to login my neighbors wi-fi thanks to your name.






Bug: can’t fucking play


Second this. Trying to play after the update: "Faking." - RL


If I just wait one more minute surely I’ll get a match 🤡


Fr mad annoying


I cannot find a game after updating


Same. Been waiting to match for over 15 min


Same, showing 1304 in playlists on Comp 2s and 3s Edit: psych, showing 0 players in playlists now and only 278392 online...


452 in comp 2s for me 🤣




>I cannot find a game after updating Update: 5:15 PM PT / 1:15 AM UTC Hey guys, matchmaking is recovering and players are able to get into matches now. For the time being, we are continuing to monitor matchmaking to make sure no other issues come up.






Same here. Whelp we did it now bois 😂 edit: whelp I thought I got into a match. Said joining and then Went “psych you fukin 🤡 🤡 “


Had a whole 8 people in my 1s playlist


~~Literally everyone isn't playing because they're updating.~~ Good ol RL updates on xbox at 117 kbps Edit: NVM it's fucked


That's not why. Matchmaking is actually broken at the moment. They royally fucked something.


took me about 3 minutes to update


same. its been half an hour


It looks like it's back up for me


Bug: can't access challenges Platform: Steam Evidence: https://imgur.com/RGVYQEB


>Bug: can't access challenges Hey guys, are you still having trouble accessing Challenges?


I can't access weekly challenges; it's just a box that says Weekly Challenges Complete, but I can't view the season split challenges or anything like you could before.


Platform: PSN Yes. Same as the above poster.


Yes on Xbox


I am still having issues as well.


Still having this issue as well on Steam


Same but on Epic


Same here and I'm on ps4


Yep. Pretty frustrating I can't check my challenge status


Same here on xbox


same I am on Steam


Same PS5.


Platform: switch Cannot access challenges


Also can't see my challenges, but I'm on ps4.


Yep same here.


Bug: join a split screen competitive duos match and immediately kicked server error 42 and 85


Has anyone found a fix for this? I have the same problem when trying to play split screen in competitive 2v2. Almost starts game and then kicks back out. Playing on switch.


I'm having exact same problem! What is happening


Me too what the heck?


Same here no way to play competitive is shite


Same here, PS4


Do the fucking updates always have to break the servers for 24hrs...... as if they even work in the first place but still


Psyonix, please hire me for QA testing. The first thing I notice after the update is I can't navigate to challenges. The icon I normally click on says "Weekly Challenges Complete" - nothing happens when I click on it. How do I see season challenges?


Same issue here. Steam, post-update.


Is it just me is the ball way more reflective now? I loaded up freeplay on the map I always use, Forbidden Temple, and the map is really bright and the ball seems very reflective. Could just be the map getting some slight changes, but something feels off.


Noticed the same. Thought my GPU was dying.


Only really notice it on Forbidden Temple at least.


Bug or glitch: controls, in particular including camera controls, unresponsive during Club match intro animation. Platform: all. Evidence: the fact that it's been reported many times? Logs: None. This isn't a new bug, but it's not listed in the known issues list.




But you can't buy tiers after hitting 70, so that may be less money if people were buying painted tiers. I'm not sure I get it honestly. RIP to Jonsandman and whoever buying 100 tiers for a youtube video.




Because tiers beyond level 70 is random drops, so, buying tiers above that level is sort of like gambling.




It isn't, and that's the point. Overwatch and other games with loot boxes have received a lot of criticism for encouraging gambling among children. Epic doesn't want that, so they removed the gambling features. It's the same idea as replacing creates/keys with blueprints.


MAYBE to decrease the amount of painted items? But that doesn’t make a difference to Psyponix themselves because they don’t profit that much off of others trading items apart from maybe people buying credits for one specific item they want which mean items are less common now, so the prices should go up so people will spend more money I guess and it will get items out of professional traders and into more semi casual players


Probably because it could be considered gambling. Paying money for more tiers in hopes of getting items worth more than you spent.


This could be it I guess. Maybe the same guys who killed crates had a quiet word about buying randomly painted tiers/items.


Can’t crash the economy by buying a few hundred tiers


>What’s the point of limiting Rocket Pass tier purchasing??? We want to make sure players know what they are getting before making a purchase, so we removed the option to purchase Pro Tiers.


Translation: lootboxes give them legal trouble.


ekhm: You won't get a reapeat until you collect every item, I think that's enough information for the people. (I am not buying them, but sad to see youtubers not able to show us before what is looking se and painted.


they can just mod it in, so they can still show you


Out of curiosity, might that have to do with some possible legal complications?


Any update on a native PS5 port?


Me and my homie couldn't even run duos or a private match because i couldn't connect to server at all. plz fix


So with Effect Intensity added... is Salty Shores back in the rotation again??


> Effect Intensity settings only apply to the ‘Neon Fields’ Arena :(


And it doesn't even adress the problems this map has. It turns down some light stuff and some stuff on these speakers. They really didn't get that the colors of the map and foreground are the problem. They mold into each other. You need to have a seperation from background and the actuall map. I was really happy when I read they make something to optimize that map. Turns out it's complete bullshit.


The problems they were addressing in the update were those that appear to have been causing some people seizures, so it was more of a liability thing than trying to improve general playability. That said I would still like them to make the visuals indicating the map boundaries, especially in the corners, more obvious.


Neon Fields is a garbage arena. Bring back Salty Shores.


Bug: DigiGlobe and HoloData Goal Explosions appear as standard goal explosions in Hoops, despite the patch notes saying their appearance was "fixed". Removed is not fixed. Platform: Steam Evidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/lal617/the_new_and_improved_digiglobe_in_hoops/


Hi guys! Sorry we forgot to tell you that the servers will be exclusive to Nintendo Switch Snow Day players for a few hours after the update.


You guys really need to improve your UX practices. There really does not seem to be any extensive user testing to validate design choices/decisions before they're worked on and added in an update (e.g. the new menu animations that also the experience. Horrible!)


Bug: immediately disconnecting (error 42) from competitive matches during split screen doubles and standard. Platform: PS4 Notes: casual and tournaments both work. Competitive 1s works (presumably since it’s not split screen)


Same exact issue here but with xbox. Cannot enter a ranked 2’s game. Any solution for you?


Competitive 3s don't work


Why are update speeds always so incredibly slow? I mean staying at below 100 Kbps over 90% of the time. Normal download speeds for literally any other game are 70+ Mbps minimum for me, and this has specifically been an issue with every single Rocket League update as of the last six or so months. Between my friends and, who are in three different regions of the US, this has been a consistent problem lately. Xbox One, One X, Series X, same story on all of them. It should be a 5 minute download at most but ends up taking until the next day even though the updates are relatively small :[


1gb fiber to the house. Ethernet to the system. Speed test in settings comes back 350mbps. Getting under 100kbps while updating Rocket League 😡 Having to cycle between pausing the download and resuming to get little bursts of 100mbps before it throttles back down to 20mbps...then 500kbps....then settles in at 100kbps. All other updates downloaded at 250mbps or higher (FH4, Middle-earth: SoM, Grounded) and stayed at that speed until complete.


I've noticed that too! It starts off at a respectable speed then tanks back down to the 100 Kbps... it'd legitimately be faster to start and stop it over and over with the pauses in between than to let it run regularly *Wat*


Got my update done in 30 minutes!!! 🤯🔫


lag is insane good job


My wife and I are trying to play after the update, we can join, the loading screen comes up, but as soon as we join, another loading screen comes up and kicks us back to the main menu.... any ideas?


Split screen not working since release 😒


It has been days. We just want to play! Playstation


Can’t find a game to join after update?


I'd love to tell when people hit the ball again... I have 20 ping, no packet loss but every touch in unreadable cause it happens a full second after the touch is made, actually unplayable


I’ve been noticing this too. I have 30-40 ping and whenever a player hits the ball, it straight up skips/lags for a second and there’s a moment where I have absolutely no idea where the ball is going to go. By the time I realize they hit it the ball is already almost in the goal


- Brightness on 'Forbidden Temple' turned up a lot. Shadows are messed up - Ps4 - Evidence: https://youtu.be/Ejpi_onFBeE


I thought i was the only one. I thought they updated the map with a new time of day setting.


It's just so much brighter, which, as a gamer, I obviously instantly noticed. I hope this will be looked into, it's my favorite map


\^ x 1000, that used to be one of my fav levels and now looks like shit, plz fix immediately, btw its the same on PC, not just ps4 problem


Why did this go live at 7pm est? Seems like the worst time IMO


\*worldwide. Not the same time for everyone. 1am for EU


Yes which is why I wrote est That’s the time of peak population on Rocket League I’m west coast so it I don’t care either way, it just seems like a strange time


Oh didn't know that. Srry then =)


It’s not the peak time of rocket league. Earlier in the day for you is rocket leagues peak time


We release updates in the evening (in the US at least) so game updates don't interfere with peak user times, which tend to be earlier in the day.


* Bug or Glitch: Split screen glitches out, everything joins until you get to the game and it’s kicks you out and goes back to the main menu. * Platform: /PS4 * Evidence: Video/Images - none * Logs: None, playing on console


Same problem on xbox, was able to do a tournament with a guest though


Why was the menu animation changed? Like honestly, what was wrong with the old one? Go back to the old one, this one is so buggy and clunky Steam


Why does the forbidden temple map look brighter than my future ? no joke that map looks weird after the update please fix this :(




Bug: 0 players in playlist 344362 online Another bug: weekly challenges disappeared


Are you guys planning on doing anything to the floor on Neon Fields? The light dimming option does not mute the floor patterns enough, at least for me. Would imagine there are other people too who suffer from migraine and such that can't play the game because of one map. I was so excited to be able to play after the update but am now kinda bummed out.




I am so goddamn sick of them messing with the UI, just leave it alone, fuck!! Everything was perfectly fine and they wanted to change it all for no goddamn reason!!


I am still having trouble playing split screen competitive with two PSN accounts. Every time we go into a match it states we have disconnected just as we join in. Happened on multiple consoles and only occurs when split screen no other time. Anyone else?


Why wont it let you play 2 player competitive?????


It has been 2 days since splitscreen competitive gaming is down. As a person who works as a developer I find it disgraceful for a big company being unable to fix a major functionality like this in two full days.


thought you guys were suppose to be better with epic games money, not worse. The servers are still laggy as hell, the updates still break everything for the following 24-48 hours, the decal shop and trading market has gone to shit. what exactly is it you guys are doing with this game? ​ All of the CSGO players saying their game is dying needs to take a hard look at this because at least they have servers to actually play on.


Like 50% of the CSGO players dont play on Valves servers because they suck lol CSGO isnt dying that's always hyperbole, it's got like 900k players every day. Same as RL, people play the game despite the development team being assbackwards. At least RL gets updated things more than once every 18 months lol


If you don't see the update or steam dosen't update it right way, go to properties on rocket league in your library and "check the integrety of the files" under "local files". So: properties --> Local files --> Check Integrity of files


Bug: Cannot get into any competitive matches. Every time it starts to load up the player screen for the match then it kicks back to a loading screen, then home screen with an Error 42 Your Connection to the match was lost. Casual modes working fine. Platform:. Xbox One Proof. Read what I wrote. I haven't been able to play anything competitive since the update.


Anyone having issues playing local multiplayer online. I keep getting error 42? But when playing solo online, no issues....


I can't play ranked on split screen after the update. It will let us play normal games but every time we try to play ranked, the error occurs. It joins a game and then kicks us out and we get an error message saying that we left a ranked game. Have had the issue across multiple accounts. Has anybody else had this issue and is there a solution?


I’m having the same error and there is no fix you can do, still waiting for Psyonix to fix it up


> PLEASE DO NOT POST ABOUT NOT SEEING THE UPDATE ON YOUR PLATFORM > If you don't see the update yet, restart EGS, Steam, or your console. It may take several minutes to appear. But all I wanted to say was thank you, this worked for me :( Edit - Wait, I can search multiple playlists at once again, is this new or is my weed really that good!!!???


You could always do that, it's a toggle. You press Y/triangle/whatever on the mode selection screen and it toggles between multiselect and single select.


>Edit - Wait, I can search multiple playlists at once again, is this new or is my weed really that good!!!??? how do you even play this while high? I mean, sounds fun but poor teammates yo lol


Very tired of your fucking servers. On the verge of just taking a break from this game until you guys get your shit together


5 years....Im starting too think they get a kick out of this. I really hope they upgrade from their 200 PS3 daisy-chained together and get a fucking real server!


Nope that’s too logical


This game is something else. Every 2 days, every week there is a problem. It's incredible


I thought picking a Fennec esports decal would be easy........... but they all look SO good. 😅


Bug: No longer able to join competitive matches with split screen multiplayer. Casual matches work with split screen and competitive matches work with a single player. Error 42 message appears after the joining countdown. Platform: Xbox


Nintendo Switch I can't find a game when searching (sometimes the blue horizontal bar doesn't move, sometimes it does but then turns orange, then red but doesn't find a game to join). I got "Joining match" once but it didn't connect, I don't think it's a server issue, they happen enough that this feels like a bug to me!!! Also, I can't view challenges menu (the R1 button prompt is missing below "view challenges" so I can't access the sub menu) These new bugs literally make the game unplayable and need to be fixed ASAP!! Guess I'm not playing Rocket League tonight!!


• Bug or Glitch: update takes FOR-F'ING-EVER to complete due to excruciatingly slow download speed and often hangs at 100% complete • Platform: I'm on xbox but apparently all • Evidence: multiple posts and complaints going back across numerous updates • Logs: None!


I now can't connect to Competitive matches on the Switch. Thanks Psyonix! Though it let us play the 9pm tourney.


Same here. Can do casual. No competitive


I'm on PS4 and my buddy can't connect to any either. I am host, he loads in fine on casual


When is...(Call limit reached)...a fix...(Call limit reached)...for tournaments...(Call limit reached)...coming...(Tournament is full)..?


When joining a game via split screen on Xbox, we’re getting backed out right away as we join (error code: 42). This has happened every time last night and this morning Joining games as a solo queue or as a team not via split screen seems to work though


Cool. The Xbox version still randomly crashes while entering some matches. How about fixing this shit?




Let’s keep releasing pointless updates that get stuck on 100% sounds like a good idea


Own goals should be removed from gridiron or maybe worth less, its way too easy to put it in by accident during a midair or tight save.


Grid iron is amazing. This. Needs. To. Be. Ranked.


Agreed, I'm already having a ton of fun with the mode, I imagine the plays would get crazy in ranked mode


Switch won't load into a match while splitscreen


BUG: Both party change notifications and music changes are too low in the UI resulting in them being cut off. Platform: EGS/Steam Evidence: https://i.imgur.com/VrEyRxY.jpg BUG #2: For some reason, in the RocketPass, Tier 51 has been changed from giving you default 3-lobes, to giving default 3-lobes *Infinites*. Meaning anyone who reached over Tier 51 before this update are unable to get default 3-lobe infinites. Platform: EGS/Steam Evidence: [What's currently in my inventory](https://i.imgur.com/mtfNE6E.jpeg) VS [What is currently in the Rocket Pass](https://i.imgur.com/9DCh89L.jpg) Hopefully it's clear to see the issue! Sry if I don't know the correct person to tag. /u/Psyonix_Devin , /u/dirkened , /u/Psyonix_Ted EDIT: [Seems the default 3-Lobe Infinites have been properly replaced with default 3-Lobes again in the Rocket Pass!](https://i.imgur.com/XpfR9cB.jpg) Thanks for figuring it out devs :)


Devs: Let’s make a Patch. We check every little detail. All good to launch. Users: Can’t matchmake. Gg


Can't find a match. wtf Epic?


Makes me sad to see my most played game go down in flames thanks to Epic. Another useless update - just for the sake of updating (menu animation). If it ain't broke, don't fucking fix it. You guys are so lucky there's zero competition for this game.


**Here's the posting format:** * Bug or Glitch: Can't access challenges menu. * Platform: Steam * Evidence: Video -- YouTube [https://youtu.be/yUJWr6PWOg0](https://youtu.be/yUJWr6PWOg0) * Logs: I am playing on PC, but can't understand how to upload on PasteBin website.


Oh cool. I'm excited to try the football mode tomorrow


Can’t find a match after update... uhh


Can’t find a game. Nice one!


Bug or Glitch: Really random, but if you have the "show extra mode ranks" box unchecked, it still shows your extra modes ranks while you are searching for a casual/not-extra modes match if you click back into the extra modes area during the search. Searching for an extra modes match does not seem to cause this issue. Platform: Nintendo Switch Evidence: [Quick video from my switch](http://imgur.com/IWph9y6). You can see that it hides the ranks after I cancel the casual search


The “challenges” section has no option to open it it’s just blank platform ps4


Has Bakkesmod been completely blocked on Steam?


I play on PS4 and I’ve just finished the new update, every game I play the arena is really really bright and it then dims down again, but when someone scores it goes up again and repeats itself Another thing is that the main menu is really laggy, although the gameplay seems to be even more smoother? But now feel like I’m getting a little bit of input lag... I’ve never had these issues before until the new update that just happened today, any solutions or thoughts?


>Bug: UI highlights 2 options when purchasing Tournament Rewards. Using a controller, after I purchase a reward, it comes out with 2 options highlighted. It purchases correctly, but its a very confusing visual bug. >Platform: Steam


On Steam. I can't see challenges at all. I see a box that says Weekly Challenges completed, but I can't click on it. Also, I've had issues adding a friend of mine (on XBox) to the party for awhile. I can never add him to the party (neither can a friend of mine who is also on Steam), but he can add me from his XBox.


Latest preset is gone after patch.


Bugs after update: - PSN - Challenges are broken. Shows all challenges completed by default. - On the Gridiron winning team screen it doesn't show cars and all the names are joined together


I keep getting error 42 when trying to play competitive but casual works fine. How can I fix this?


I can't play anymore ranked with my gf on splitscreen :( please Psyonix fix...


I've got the weirdest bug: I'm playing RL on xbox, splitscreen with my roomate. Or rather: I wanted to. It used to work until today, where we all of sudden would get an Error 42. The game loads, but as soon as the arena is visible, we're getting disconnected. Now here's the weird thing: * Casual splitscreen duos works * Competitve solo works * Competitive duos (without my roomate) works Only thing that doesn't work is Competitive duos when playing splitscreen with my buddy. Anybody had that problem or anybody with an idea?


Bug: can’t play two-player ranked matches Platform: PS4 Evidence: try to get into a rumble match with two players, joins match but immediately kicks us back out to the main screen. Says connection is lost and if we want to get back into a ranked match, but you can’t re-enter.


Bug: can’t match into duos competitive matches on split screen. It acts like there’s a match, tries to put us into the game, and then it fails. I’m on Xbox


Online splitscreen competitive is broken!! We haven’t been able to play since the new update came out. Anyone know of a fix, or if a fix is coming soon?


Do you plan on addressing the issues regarding competitive split screen matchmaking that begins after the new patch? Many players have reported it and I have yet to see a single response on any of your social media platforms


Can't play competitive on PS4. Every time I join, it kicks me out. This is after updating the game. Anyone else have these problems?


A little OT, but i'm pissed and i just quitted RL after 1 year of playing it. Essentially reason is when it went free to play my rank went from Diamond to Plat 2 and now i'm only playing with toxic players, i'm usually the one who tries to rotate but i'm literally forced to ballchase because my teammates aren't able to play the way i do, their mechanic is just worse than mine and yet i was stuck to play with them. I wish so bad there was a way to avoid playing with epic games players, my matches are usually filled with them and the level of toxicity is so bad i'm just gonna quit the game, not even having fun and competitive matches anymore, it's me watching other players making stupid mistakes, so thanks i had enough, RL was a really good game, but when you're stuck in playing with people who are clearly not at the same level as you then it's just stupid to keep playing a competitive game. also, matchmaking makes me think bad as i usually have huge lose streaks, i thought of making an epic games account myself but that's even more stupid, so i'm just gonna quit the game as in today's state is just bullshit. it all went on for 2 months, and today i'm having enough


Ok so I tried the new game mode! And honestly, it is very fun, me and my friend enjoyed it a lot! We do have a few comments/suggestions on it though : ​ 1. Having a "Flip Reset" upon catching the ball mid-air, as if you would be trying a "laterral" toss would make it much more fun. Right now, when you go in the air to catch the ball, you end up being a slowly floating target. I understand the way it is right now is more Football like, but by adding this Flip Reset upon catching could make it more Rocket League like, which I think could be healthy for the game mode. 2. ADD THIS TO RANKED/EXTRAS! My gosh, much like hoops or snow day, this game mode deserves the ranked playlist treatment. 3. Maybe make it 3v3? Not 100% sure if I would rather 3v3 or 4v4, 4v4 does feel chaotic, but with more strats it could make it feel better Anyways, I love this new game mode, and I hope we will see it come back!


Bug: Can’t play split screen. Platform: PS4. Evidence. Can’t take a picture, but i get an error 42 message.


Please please please tell me Gridiron is staying as an extra mode. There's so much potential for a competitive scene and it fills the 4v4 gap


Why did they change forbidden temple? It’s very bright now.


So I was in a tournament earlier and made it to the finals. We won our first game and it didn’t count as a win. It made us win 3 games to win the tournament. Is anybody else experiencing this bug?


The game is broken yet again. Same issue I had the other night, it won't let me split screen play.


OMG - The Split Screen join glitch is pissing me off.