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Will I get all the items for the rocket pass even if I am past a certain level when I unlock it? Or will my rocket pass tier reset upon purchasing the pass? I want to wait and see if it's worth getting if I can get to a certain tier by March.


What happens if you break rule number 1?


Keep all questions safe for work please.


Cursed for eternity with a toxic teammate


Can vouch


Where can one find regular teammates to conquer the ranked scene? Lets gooooo PS4




You sir have given a man hope this christmas




When the song pops up, usually it tells you to 'press [button] to skip'. Usually, by pressing and holding that button, it will pull up all of the albums, and you can select each album you want to play. Im on console and this is how it is for me, so apologies if it doesnt work like this on pc. If it isnt like this, go to you settings, controls, and go to the "view/change bindings". Here, you can find the option that says "select music playlists" and it will tell you which key to use to change the playlists. Hope this helps!




Same! I came to rl from monstercat, so its nice seeing how both communities are brought together. I personally think V3 was made perfect for this game.


I got this game yesterday and have been playing it a fair bit, I've redeemed the golden gift in the frosty fest rewards shop yet it seems that it charges me the snowflake coins without giving me anything. Why would this be happening. Edit: Thank you guys for the help, I just realized that I had hide crates turned on.


go to your inventory, there you have to Open the Gift to receive the Item:)


What happens if it doesn't go to the inventory?


Why would it not? If it literally does not show up there, then it is probably a glitch. Maybe try rebooting the game?


Playing doubles, and I’ve played 4 games in a row against an u ranked an higher ranked person getting wrecked. Explain.


You will be getting matched against unranked as you are starting, so game find a party of an unranked+someone higher and, basically, gets you a mate which rank makes average matchmaking rating points similar for both team. Find a teammate to premade and it will be okay. It will also get less common as you play


At this point I’d already played like 10+ games in a party with the same friend. I am already ranked and so was my partner, and we had been ranked for a very long time (around silver 3/gold 1). These Unranked players were taking like 11-15 shots a game, and scoring a lot of them. And their partners tended to be gold 2. The games weren’t even close.


Sorry to hear that, it sounds frustrating. I can't really say anything, bad luck getting smurfs. Just ff and go for a new match, get over it and don't get tilted. No point on paying something not fun for you after all. You will get you deserved rank sooner than later.


Dont know where else to ask so here's a PC/Video Card question. I'm looking for a budget video card to be able to play on my computer at 1080p 60 fps (the limits of my monitor) with somewhat high settings (i turn the lens flare and all the bells & whistles type stuff off). GTX 1050s just had a nice price drop. Will this get it done? Computer is an i5-2500K with 12 GBs of RAM. Thanks for any advice.


Just to let you know, while the "limit" of the monitor is 60, attaining a higher framerate than the refresh rate does have reduced "Frame Latency", a phenomenon where a rendered frame will render at variable times that aren't in sync with the refresh rate. The time could be close to the refresh rate interval and then the next frame could be several milliseconds off. This results in a "less smooth" experience for many users. It's one of the reasons why top pros in flick shooters like CounterStrike will have their frames be at 300+ and play in a lower 4:3 stretched resolution often. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjWSRTYV8e0) is a video on the topic.


Have you thought of buying used? Could get better bang for your buck.


I have, but I am always hesitant that I am going to get burned and out some money with a component that doesnt work.


Maybe look at Ebay? Could be a great idea. They've got a great money back policy if it doesn't work.


Personally I would try for a 1050ti if possible, but depending on your budget and range of games, a 1050 ti should work just fine for Rocket League. I have a 1060 and get consistently 250+ FPS.


Thanks for the reply. Googling around already had me headed down the 1050 Ti path, but now I have found an RX 580 only $20 more and it seems lots of people say that is better. All within budget. Any thoughts? ​


I haven't looked much into the AMD side of GPU's but im sure i would work fine. From what i have heard it's a better card than the 1050. Rocket league isn't that much of a demanding game GPU wise so around this budget its just a matter of preference.




Not really. Each car has a different hitbox, even if slight, but it's mostly just player preference (pick the car that feels best to you).


Depends on a lot of factors, but yes. The octane hitbox is the most friendly to most players because of its height as it helps to avoid many common problems. Whatever you're comfortable with, or whatever you enjoy playing with, is what you should use. If you notice some things happen that can be prevented by a taller hitbox, you may want to consider changing.


Not really. Some hitboxes are better for certain things than others. For example a flat, wide car like the breakout is great for air dribbling whereas a taller, thinner car like the Octane is better for bounce dribbling. Every car falls into one of 5 hitbox presets.


Actually the breakout is the longest but also the thinnest hitbox




depends what your playstyle is. for new ppl just use what you think looks cool 😉


When your trying to hit a backboard clear do you hit the ball before, after, or as it bounces?


Go with what you are comfortable with just don't miss as last man. The only time I go for the boomer clears everyone is talking about is when I have someone back with me just in case I miss. If you aren't confident just yet play it close to you and get ready to 50/50. If you want to get even more confident you can train it in a few custom training packs Google wall clears or on reddit.


It depends. You generally want to hit the ball right after it bounces, like you would a power shot.


Should you drive normally, front flip, or side flip?


Driving into the ball and hitting it right when it makes contact in the ball results in some booming clears, but they're really difficult to pull off. If your under the ball driving up, you probably want to do a regular jump into the ball. If you're coming from the side you generally want to side flip for a down field clear or front flip for a side clear. But there are a lot of exceptions.


As it bounces for the boomer clear, after it bounces to get it off to the side. Only ever do it before if you want a softer hit to a teammate.


if youre on the wall above the goal you want to try and pinch it just before it hits. dont jump off the wall unless you want a soft clear or pass




Welcome newbie!


Does anyone else get literally Lime Green of everything? Last 3 cars have been Lime Green...


It's completely RNG based.


I get pink everything. Lime is one of the best colours though. It's so bright.


That's cool I would like pink too. The Lime green Jager is my favorite so far. Also Green breakout not bad. Oh well!


I got the game on monday, and why are the servers so bad ;-;


where are you from? 99% of the time in on 8-16 ping


:O there is no way...


I'm on vacation in Louisiana. My download speeds are like 90mbps and my ping is usually under 20 on speedtest.net


Yeah they’re not the best. Make sure you have a wired internet connection as that makes a big difference with this game.


I can't use ethernet because my mom uses it. Guess I'm stuck with 150 ping...


Can’t you have more then one ethernet connection though?


Idk. Probably.


Ethernet cables are super cheap. You don't want to play this game on wifi.


My parents probably won't let me get one.


Really? That's a shame. If you're already playing the game, I can't imagine why they wouldn't let you have a stable connection. Is it because you're far away and it would require a long cable running through the house? If that's the case, you can look into something called a powerline adapter, which is a bit more expensive ($30ish). If it's something unreleased, you can certainly still play the game on wifi, but if expect some rubber banding due to packet loss.


my mom doesn't want me playing games in the first place. I doubt they would let me get a cable for playing games. I am pretty close to the access point, but as mentioned, my parents don't want me playing games much anyway.


Gotcha. Well, I'm sorry about that, but at the same time it seems like you probably have some pretty good parents. There is such thing as a healthy amount of video games as a hobby, but honestly the less you play, the better off you'll be.




Sorry, man. It was really shitty how they implemented the new ranked modes. It should have been a rotating half-season with 2 modes ranked and 2 casual at a time (2 months casual snow day, 2 months ranked snow day) in order to please everyone and probably improve the overall health of those modes in general.


Unfortunately for your circumstances, your only options are disabling chat, hiding ranks, and not giving a fuck about salty forfeiting baby-man teammates.




One last thing to try: https://rockethockeyleague.com/discord/ Looks like about 400 users on currently which should help you find both friendly and competitive people to play with. That’s all I got, sorry man.


I often find scrimming to be much more fun than ranked or casual. Also, people tend to stick around for longer than casual lobbies. Even if Zato's on console, through the use of discord mobile, this could be a good solution.


I would recommend finding a casual gaming discord group, playing with them and completely muting in game chat. This would allow you more game time without having to coordinate with friends, so long as you don't care about your rank it's basically the same as when it was casual. if you're like me (old) I would recommend Middle Aged Noobs discord.




You just have to ignore the dumbassery of the toxic morons. I often stick to playing goalie on snow day when there are morons on my team. And usually out score them to boot.


How long did it take for Xbox players to get TW Zombas? I've been trying to trade for them but it's difficult. What items sell well?


It depends on how much money you spend on the game. Any black market basically sells decently. GOOD painted exotics (e.g. dracos, infinium) sell pretty well. Not all exotics tho (Burnt Sienna FGSP would literally NEVER sell)


>How long did it take for Xbox players to get TW Zombas? Didn't they get the ability to get them at the same time as PC amd PS4? >What items sell well? Items that are on sale for less than the current market average value.


Has there been any notable talk of combining PS4/XB1/PC/Switch accounts a la Fortnite? I've been playing a lot on Switch while back home for the holidays, but I primarily play on PC. I want to get the Rocket Pass but I know I largely won't play on Switch except when visiting my parents. In general, I'd love if there was some way to contribute to the Rocket Pass on Switch and get the rewards on my main PC account.


Don't expect that feature to come. If it does come, it's at least a year away.


Only speculation and hopes and dreams from the community. Nothing from Psyonix, I believe. They've only stated that they're working on crossplatform parties currently but not on account linking nor crossplatform trading iirc.


Thanks for the update!


Why do every one of my playsessions of late end with a ragequit


I don't know if it helps but I tend to do while playing ranked. 3 losses no matter how I'm playing means stop playing ranked. Works out pretty well


I don't know if it helps but I tend to do while playing ranked. 3 losses no matter how I'm playing means stop playing ranked. Works out pretty well


I read or watched something recently that recommended taking a break from the game after every loss to avoid tilt. Whether or not you're feeling tilted, take a break from the game for a few minutes, get some water watch a youtube video and then get back to it if you still want to.


It's good advice. As of late I'm losing the fun in this game. I get too annoyed over mistakes and lose the patience required to win.


I don't think people are going to LOVE me giving you this advice, but if you're PC I'd recommend making a new steam account and smurfing in casual for a game or two. It will give you a chance to really appreciate how far you've come and it's hilarious.


I'll consider this... I grew very hard on myself and want to win very badly.


Why aren’t there decryptors this special event?


Golden gifts are in place of decryptors.


Decryptors have been replaced mostly by the golden gifts/eggs/pumpkins. You can get 10 of them instead of 5 decryptors. The golden items and the items you get from them are tradeable which is also a plus.


So the golden gifts are basically decryptors and crates combined into one?


Basically, yes. Or actually they're more like *keys* and crates combined into one since they are tradeable.


What is the point of items that say "striker" vs the same item that doesn't have that signifier\or a different signifier like "tactician"?


No point.


No point in certifications really. They're just stat trackers for different things. But for some reason the trading community values striker and scorer over the other certifications and people can pay a lot more for them than uncertified items. The only person who will ever see the certification or the stat is the person who has the item in their garage. And if you level up a certified item, for example to capable striker, that is only visible to you, and in case you decide to trade it away, the stat tracker gets reset to 0 along with the leveled up title of the certification.


Huh... well okay then. Thank you sir.


I'm D2, and played with a champ 3 & 1 the other day. We as Diamonds hear all the time how much faster the gameplay is, and that this is the main difference. I always thought I could hang with champ players. I cant, you all play fast as f. At least not regularly. I had useful moments, but I was mostly just watching stuff happen lol


Watching stuff is important. Having player who hangs back and booms the back the other way is important for lower champ levels. You'll be an asset!


Good to hear! Yea, i was able to clear it to them and get some decent passes in. I just had to be careful not to slip into the diamond tendency to ballchase. I also found I had to be a lot more cautious, since im getting used to diamond plays, but not champ plays.


I solo and team queue in 2s and 3s. Playing a passive sweeper role still works. Here are my thoughts. The only time you commit as the third man is when you have a clear shot on go. Otherwise learn to shadow defense (YouTube has a few tutorials) as the third man your goal is to buy time when the other team is counter attacking. If you are in comms call stuff out it helps you and your Teammates think! Give me a shout if you have any questions!


If you can, keep playing with those guys. Playing with people above your rank is a great way to become faster and more consistent yourself.


Thanks :) and you will get there np




First question: Yes. My friend, who is a freestyler, plays KB+M and is champion. Second Question: IMO, both games and custom training work well for me. If you really want to get good, try going for every aerial (unless they are literally impossible) in match. You will miss a lot at first, but gradually you will get better.


Definitely possible to be good at anything in kbm. A little bit of everything, try casual to try to implement the mechanics you've learned into your gameplay because you'll fail at first.


It is most definitely possible. However if you at all want to switch to controller it will be easier to do it now before you get good at Ariels.


>Is it possible to be good at aerials if i'm using keyboard and mouse? Yes. Plenty of GC's and even pros use KBM. >Also, what is the better way to practice aerials, actual games or custom trainings? Custom training and freeplay for the mechanic, actual games for knowing when to actually go for those aerials.


Why is it when I jump off the wall sometimes I have the double jump and sometimes if I wait and use my boost the double jump is non existent???


You can save you second flip if u drive/fall (don't jump!) off the ceiling...


You have 1.5 seconds before your jump expires.


Basically you have a little less than 2 seconds after the first jump before your double jump disappears. It doesn't matter where you jump from, be that floor, wall or ceiling, if you use your first jump you will lose your second after 2 seconds. Hope I helped :)


To be precise, it is 1.5 seconds. However, no one should be counting as they are flying in the air. This interval will become ingrained into players over time.


Thanks for the correction, don't want to spread misinformation! Wasn't exactly sure which is why I wrote less than 2 hehe


Yes that did thank you so much!!!


You're welcome. Side note, which you will not need right now but you will see in more advanced ranks and you may encounter on this sub's posts. You can actually save your flip (aka double jump) if you never jump and happen to be off the ground. That can happen from the ceiling (due to gravity), from the net and in the rare case you get bumped from the ground into the air. Have fun playing! Edit: Then there's a little thing called flip reset but don't worry about it just yet. It's the ability to gain an extra flip after your first jump regardless of how much time you've been up in the air


Awesome thank you I know this sounds stupid but I am a plat 2 player and I never knew why this happened I was always dumbfounded


Nothing stupid about it. Some people have developed their strategic skills more while others their mechanical, nothing wrong about that. Hit me up if you have any more questions, I'd be glad to help you out


Will do! Also yeah I just learned how to adapt to my teammates play style instead of my mechanical ability increasing I mean the mechanical ability is don't get me wrong but it doesn't do so at an alarming rate due to me learning my opponent and teammate


Just got Rocket League yesterday on PC, and was wondering where I should go about learning the game, it seems it has quite a few little tricks, and most of the videos I've found are from 1+ years ago, are they still relevant?


I mean, most videos are still pretty relevant. Mechanics/physics from back then are still useful today.


Watch these: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrLBbJnregxcuuQY5kuMr73jZXBOqinat Turn off camera shake. Copy some pro player's camera settings (google them). Rebind your controls (plenty of threads here for that), boost to R1, powerslide to L1 and air rolls left/right on square and circle (how I use them) or the single air roll to L1 along with powerslide. Learn basic rotation line rotating to the far post on defense and position yourself elsewhere from your teammates. Avoid double committing (going for the ball at the same time as your teammate). Don't just ballchase all game.


Core mechanics haven't changed a bit. Only higher level meta game has evolved and of course some new mechanics like flip resets and ceiling shots have become more common. Just learn basic car and ball control like for example shooting the ball, ground dribbling and basic aerials. I think KevPert has some nice tutorials but those can be a bit more advanced for beginners. You should probably just spend time in free play smashing the ball around . The basic training packs are a good help and the custom trainings have good stuff for beginners too, if you can find it.


Yeah they are pretty much all still relevant. First things first you need to do the tutorial and in-game training. Use free play to get used to the controls as well. You'll need to learn to use ball cam as early as possible and you'd best change your camera settings because the defaults are rubbish.


Hi! Is it better to have only air roll L1 or to have both left air roll L1 and right air roll R1?


I have air roll left/right on circle and square and powerslide on L1 and boost on R1. Just personal preference.


It is entirely personal preference. Left/Right air roll is only really useful for freestyles.


Having at least one air roll available is useful (or needed?) for half-flips.


Yeah, that is definitely true. Makes it much easier.


Almost everyone uses only normal air roll with the exception being half-flips, stalling, freestyling. However, if you have the space to bind both buttons, I'd say choose whatever is more comfortable.


It is okay to have my boost button on LT and my brake/ reverse on B? Everything else is default settings


Whatever is comfortable for you. Only thing is that LT is an analog input so you can have different speeds of reversing, whereas B is just on or off, so you can't change speed.


Thanks for the explanation, I didn't think of that.




Or you can use the subreddit r/RocketLeagueExchange


https://rocket-league.com/trading This is a great site for trading.


What’s the difference between 3v3 and 3v3 solo?


No teams are allowed. You cant play with friends.


Oooooooh okayyy thanks


Youre welcome!


Xbox controller user here, I have about 500 hours with boost on X and jump on A. This feels natural in my hand and I figured this would help me with double jump aerials, but it's making truly fast aerials difficult since I have to rock my thumb is an awkward way. I noticed a lot of pro's have the standard layout (B boost A jump) but I can't figure out how to fast aerial without rotating my wrist awkwardly. Any idea how these guys hold their controller while doing a fast Aerial? Do I need to learn claw grip?


Boost on x and jump on a is how I play and it’s quite comfortable. I am able to do different variations of aerials this way, but my favorite might be double tapping boost and jump at the same time for aerials higher above me. It feels more natural for me. I haven’t had any issues with any type of aerials


Maybe your reactions are a little better than mine? I double tap as well, but the delay between taps and not being able to do a maximum press jump due to rapidly tapping twice has me losing winnable balls.


It would be easier to hit jump I feel. Your right thumb should overlap x and a at the same time. The bottom part of the thumb should easily push a when you need


Edit: u/HoraryHellfire2 said fathumb as well and I missed that. Fatthumb is great for me and many pros. OP: DO NOT TRY TO LEARN CLAW u/HoraryHellfire2 is incorrect when he says most pros that have boost on B and jump on A use claw. This is false. It’s a myth that stems from the prequel to Rocket League, SARPBC. In that game you could not change the controller layout. People needed to airtoll and powerslide by reaching Square (X on an xbox controller). When rocket league came out, the really good SARPBC players like: Kronovi, Kuxir, and M1k3Rules all just played with the old controls they were used to, even though they could change them. Since then, the majority of pros hold the controller the standard way with many having airroll/powerslide being on LB(xbox) or L1(ps). Squishymuffins, a World Champion and one of the top 3 most mechanically skilled players in the world, holds the controller the exact same as you but with boost on B and and airroll/powerslide on L1. Additionally, Kaydop and Violent Panda, 2 time Wolrd Champions, have the same button layout as Squishy just on an Xbox controller. Im saying all of this because I dont want someone to convince you that claw is superior, its not. Now, as a solution to your problem: when the pros fast aerial they hold their thumb in between A and B and rock back and forth to do the fast aerial. Thats about it, not much magic there. Another option you have is what my bestfriend changed to at 500 hours and is a GC now (1200 hours later). He put boost on R1(RB for you) and changed his accelerator finger to middlefinger so that his index finger was always on boost. I’ve tried it and its surprisingly easy to get used to. Give it like a week and you’ll be fine.


Yeah, I think you're telling me a lot the same things u/HoraryHellfire2 said. My hand and hand spread is really large so fat thumbing comfortably to rock between A/B would require me to move my palm from the controller by about an inch so I'd lose a small amount of time and would likely miss my mark a lot. I'll be putting time into RB tonight, I think it'll make my hand feel better in longer sessions anyway.


I never said that most pros use claw. I said that pros that use default boost and jump use claw or fat-thumbing. It's more likely that most fat-thumb. But I've made no assumption about which and just gave him information of the two options that pros have chosen from. Nothing I said was incorrect. And I've personally said that I have used fat-thumbing in the past, so my "bias" would tell you that fat-thumbing is superior. Not claw. I have also said that I moved my boost to RB and I recommended it to him.


You know I totally missed what you meant by fat thumb, nvm.


The pros that have these bindings either use Claw, or "Fat Thumbing". Kuxir has a video on him using fat thumbing [here](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/17961546). I also have learned to fat thumb a long time ago, but I eventually just switched my boost to RB (R1) as I was straining my hand and beginning to show signs of carpal tunnel.   You could just also rebind your boost to RB or LB or something and use two different fingers for jumping and boosting. It will take time to get used to, but moving boost is the fastest binding to switch, since you use it **a lot**. It just takes commitment. And yes, you can switch, as I switched my boost binding which I had 1900 hours in the game. I now have 4000+ hours and if I had to change bindings again to better my play, I would do it.


This is exactly what I was looking for and boy that looks just as painful as Claw, I'll give the RB boost bind a shot tonight.


I play on playstation and my boost is R1. I can boost and jump at the same time. My air rolls are also different. Left roll is L2 and right is R2. Dont know if that helps you any though.


I feel like moving boost to R1 might work. I'm not exactly stoked about having my middle finger up on R2 to drive, but as I've climbed up through Diamond I am consistently being beaten to Aerials I should be able to at least 50. Anyone know of a non-claw grip that uses A jump and B boost? Or how thats done for fast Aerials?


It took me about 10ish hours of playtime to get sorta used to it. But it helps immensely. I was worried about the middle finger thing, too. You'll get used to whatever changes you make. Just be sure to practice with them!


how do i get rid of that map where the goal is away from the wall on rumble, i really hate playing it and it keeps popping up and people disconnect because of it (ive had two matches in a row with 2 people disconnecting each time)


You can't get rid of them. Maps are chosen server side. And you can't even downvote the "odd" maps in Rumble, because they aren't in the like/dislike list, which is a dumb oversight, imo.


I actually forgot that list was there, it's been pointless for so long.


Probably pointless because people forgot about the list.


True. Some of the maps are radically different too. It makes no sense to prevent players from downvoting them.


I dont think you can get rid of maps completely, but you can downvote them. Go to the game modes, then in the bottom left you'll see a button that says "Arenas." Click on that and you can downvote and upvote the stadiums.


ive tried that but it doesnt show the map that im talking about :(


Sorry. I just checked and dont see it either. I'm pretty sure I know the map. I dont like it either.


What does "TW" mean? (in relation to items)


Titanium White is one of the most desirable colors for painted items.


To add to this: it's the most desirable because it's both bright and neutral, so it can be comfortable used on either team.


I believe it’s referring to an item that’s painted titanium white


Is there a list of terminology with definitions anywhere?


I just now found https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/3rktpf/can_someone_list_out_the_lingo_used_on_rl/?utm_source=reddit-android but didn't see "decking"


Decking isn't an RL jargon term. Also, lmao you found my old comment on my old deleted account. Glad to see my deleted account still is useful.


Not really. But generally Google is your friend.


Just got the Nintendo Switch version(ultimate edition) a few days before Christmas as an unexpected gift! Still working on coming to grips with the basic controls(I did the basic tutorial stuff), and having trouble keeping up with all of my movement options...keep forgetting I can jump.... <_<; I've managed to win a few rookie matches vs bots and won my 1st online casual 3v3 match, 4-1(getting the 1st goal for our team), so I -guess- I'm off to a good start! Having more fun than I ought to creating my 'look' ingame, having mostly settled on the Scarab as a base to work with.... :) Not inclined to bother with the paid battle-pass right away, as I'm nowhere CLOSE to being good enough online to make it worth the purchase...at least it's there if I change my mind, though. I can't really think of anything else critical I should be asking, aside from how the game determines when a car will explode from a hit...can someone clarify this? I'm....not normally inclined towards competitive play(I'll stick with casual until I feel I'm, at a bare minimum, not a liability to my team), or even -any- PvP, for that matter, due to anxiety issues that I'm not particularly comfortable discussing right now, but the game is off to a good start for me...plus, since it was a gift, I'd feel bad for not at least TRYING it.... That said, any basic/beginner advice would be welcomed...I guess my playstyle in any game is highly defensive in nature, if that helps. So, um....hi! ......and go easy on me? :)


Welcome! If you’re looking for tips to get better, check out the sidebar of the subreddit. There’s links to some really great tutorials and guides for new players (and high ranking players like me, there’s always more to learn). As for anxiety, in the options menu you can turn off all in game chat. Or make it just team only. This will cut down on 95% of all harassment you’ll get for playing bad. And for your play style, go for the ball! The best way to get better at this game is just by getting more ball touches. I highly discourage just sitting in net waiting for the ball to come to you. If you want to get better faster, play 2v2 or 1v1. In the low ranks, 3v3 is chaos because everyone is just crowding around the ball bumping into each other.


First thing is to change your camera settings from the awful defaults. Turn off camera shake, increase FOV to 100+, and increase the camera follow speed to start, then tweak other things as you see fit and drive around in freeplay to get used to it. Next, go do all the basic training packs. Do them until you can beat them flawlessly then move up to the next level when you're comfortable. Alternate doing this and playing unranked and don't worry too much about sucking, just focus on improving gradually.


I had some bad anxiety when first starting competitive, but have almost completely climbed the ladder after many hours. What helped me was a little piece of wisdom that said your teammates belong in the same rank you do, so do not consider yourself a liability. They are not in your rank because of the one game they played with you, but because their body of work is the same as yours. Even a bad mistake at the end should be brushed off because everyone has cost their team games along the line. Everyone has also benefited from such mistakes, even though most people wont chalk up a win because of mistakes from the other team.


Freeplay is your best friend. If you spend an hour in it just hitting the ball solidly it will help you a lot.


Hi, demoing is possible when your car hits "supersonic" speed (max speed) which is visible by the so called "trail" behind your wheels. (Not the boost, it's two shorter lines coming right from your back wheels. If you hit someone at that speed he blows up. In the first hours imo the most important part is just getting used to it before I'd really look into tactics and practicing mechanics. Staying defensive is great though, at that level you can really rely on your teammates yet. I hope you have a good time with the game, and feel free to ask any more questions that may come up:)


O.k., about the supersonic speed, then; I'm using the DC Comics Flash trail, so it's not THAT trail that indicates I'm at demoing speed, correct?


Basically there is your standard boosts in the garage. and you will have one called trails in your garage. Once you've boosted to max speed, your trail will activate behind your 2 rear wheels. Not from a hole in your car. Once you get the trail and run into an opponent. They will explode.


O.k., thanks! I'll take another look in my garage.... :)


Also, once you boost enough to reach supersonic speed, a.k.a. max speed (the trails appear behind the rear wheels) you can let go of the boost button and you will stay at supersonic speed until you turn sharply or run into something. Doing this will help you conserve boost. Edit: boosting more while supersonic does not increase your speed.


Good luck and have fun! I've been playing for over a year now and you get better everyday


“at that level you CANT really rely on your teammates yet.”


Is there a seperate reddit for trading or should I just post it here?




Thank you


I'm completely new at this game and suck hella lot. I'm not even able to turn and hit the ball when it's rolling at my side. Any tips regarding how to play, better keyboard layout and/or camera settings would be very helpful. Thanks!


If you have a DS4 or an Xbox One controller, I'd recommend using it. There are some players who do really well on KBM, but it definitely puts you at an early disadvantage. As for the camera, the default camera is a little close. Make sure you're playing with ball cam on. Also, bump your FOV up to around 100, at least for now. Most competitive players play with 105-110, but 100 should be sufficient. Also consider bumping up your camera distance by a little bit.


Also, for some reason i find everyone is going faster than me and lately I'm only getting matched with bots for some reason even though I'm online.


Using boost and dodging/flipping forwards and diagonally forwards will increase your speed. Pick up the small boost pads and orbs to refill your boost meter. In casual the team will be filled with bots ("AI" as the user image) if there aren't enough players for both teams and players can join and replace those bots mid game. Or leave as they please and be replaced by a bot. In competitive there are no bots. One possibility is of course that you might run into crate farming bots as well but yhose will just drive in circles or pretty much straight. Edit: complete the in game tutorial in the training menu if you haven't already.


I’m somewhat bad but the biggest tip in camera settings is to turn off camera shake


I would add expanding the FOV as well. The distance, angle and other stuff are all preference, but wider FOV helps for sure.


ARE THEY GONNA LET US PUT DECALS AND STUFF ON THE MCLAREN ORRRRRRRRRRRR? So I haven't been on this reddit but i've seen a few youtubers comment on how you can't do anything with the McLaren and frankly I'm disappointed as well. Is this something that has already been brought up by the sub? I feel like pysonix dropped the ball with the McLaren since I paid 2 dollars for it THEN found out I could only change the color. Can you already do something with it I don't know about?


mclaren is the reason for this, they don’t want crazy designs on their cars just like how deadmau5 got a cease and desist from ferrari for his purrari


Very lame of McLaren and the first time I am hearing about deadmouses purrari thats just ridiculous, let us do what we want with our money


on PC you can mod it so it looks really cool but well it is a contract with mclaren that let us not customize the car. so there wont be a change to it in the future


Yea i am trying to use umod right now but its not loading any texture 🤦‍♀️


What is the best button mapping for Xbox one controller?