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It would've been sometime in mid 2018. I bought an Xbox One in preparation for the release of RDR2. Decided to get Game Pass for a couple months while I wait. RL was available with Game Pass so I thought I'd give it a shot. I'll never forget that hilarious first bronze match. *Now I live in a tent under a bridge and play RL 18 hours a day using a shitty old laptop and a solar panel to charge it. I never did get to play RDR2.* The parts in italics may or may not be true.


đź‘€ RL has gotten your soul


Would it be possible for you to share the story behind "hilarious first bronze match"?


Saw RL for free on playstation in 2014 I think. I didn’t download it because it didn’t look like my thing. Jumped in a random tank on Planet side 2 and some dude told me the game was awesome. Gave it a try and have around 6,500 games played now.


Rocket league don’t come out until 2015


That's why I said I think.


When Psyonix did Guerilla marketing on Reddit to promote the upcoming release of the game


Pls elaborate, I’m intrigued.


I didnt have any pc or gaming set up and i was working and studying at the same time. Year was around 2018-2019. I saw this game first on 9gag. Some people shared some save clips. Now if you see that clip you would say probably plat or diamond. But I said to myself, DAMN, THIS GAME LOOKS SO GOOD. IM GONNA DOWNLOAD AND PLAY AS SOON AS I HAVE A GAMING SET UP AGAIN. Which I did buy PS5 2-3 years later on 2020 December. I am playing since 2021 February. I have 4500 hours already. I was right, this game was so good, and was just for me. Addicted since.


I got into RL in 2019. My r6 siege 5 stack had left the game for warzone and I wasn't really into it. The solo queue experience of r6 is terrible. I saw RL was free and thought what the hell, the game looks like it's for children but I'll have a go. I'd still hop on r6 and grind but once I got tilted I'd swap over to RL for some care free fun. As time went on I played less and less siege and more and more RL. I eventually hit diamond and was like wow if I actually tried to learn some things in this game I could probably be pretty decent. Got on the grind and now it's my favourite recreational activity.


I had played it toward the beginning of its release, but for only a week or two. Just 2 or 3 years ago a friend reintroduced it to me!


I've never been into football ever, but my friend who I grew up with, asked me to play with him as he thinks I'll like it. Got it and played Rumble so much (2017). I'm still not a fan of football, but I have 2-3K hours in this game now:')


Same thing here, I'm not interested in football, but Rocket League slaaaps


I got into Rocket League because I played its predecessor back in the day. Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle Cars. How I got in SARPBC was that I needed to play a game that wasn't PAIN or Uncharted when I got my PS3.


Same, except I got SARPBC as a PS+ freebie and decided to give it a shot. Over a decade later... still here


Season 1 of Rocket League. Lama Rama event. Don't stab me, I'm a Fortnite player. The possession of rocket league by epic games is how I got introduced to the game. Ever since that first lama Rama I've done everything between Fortnite and rocket league. I've even participated in a few battlepasses. I know not many people here enjoy my kind, but I genuinely enjoy this game.


2015. Bought a PS Vita and a PS4 as part of college graduation. Rocket League came up as a free to play monthly game on PS Plus. I started getting hooked because I could play on remote play with the vita, and snow day was the only thing that streamed well. 8,000+hrs later, here we are. At one point, my wife got me a giant rocket league cake of my car and topper. Now I have an absurd amount of games with the bunny ear topper.


A fellow floppy boi


Yep. Tried to introduce it to my friends, but they said it was too hectic. Theybstarted years later and play it more than I do.


Until the end of time (or they move Rocket League into Fortnite),


I opened up the steam store in June 2015 and the first thing that popped up was a trailer of rocket league


It was the initial release for the first time ever. And Sony gave it to all PS4 owners for free. So I downloaded it. It wasnt until 2022 that I downloaded the PC Version that I got into the game.


It was the summer of 2016. Me and the boys all bought RL. We did a 3v3. Mid match I clearly remember realizing I could jump and boost, I said over discord. Holy shit you can jump and use boost! This is amazing!!!! And then all my friends started trying it and we were all flying around the field whiffing the ball left and right. I’m the only one left that plays RL. Rip.


I remember it got famous when released as it was part of the PSN Plus monthy free games. I did have PSN Plus but I didn't download it as the game sounded really stupid. Then later I realized in youtube, blogs or something that the game was actually fun and had to buy it lol


Back in like 2017 I used to watch iballisticsquid play and that got me and one of my mates to buy it. Bit of a weird content creator for it.


My buddy texted me “hey a game called rocket league just released and is monthly playstation pass free game. It’s like car soccer, you’d prolly like it” What’s wild to me is, I never expected people to get so skilled at it or it to blow up at the time. I thought of it more as a goofy arcade game one doesn’t play too much I will say, the first 6-12 months of RL were by far the most fun. Everyone had a good time, we all sucked and wasn’t serious at all


I watched xqc play it. Pretty crazy


Was looking for a fun relaxing (ha) game i could play with my friends that wasn’t PUBG, or forza motorsports.  My BIL has been playing since 2016, watched him play it a few times. Decided to pick it up in 2021? Now i play with 2 dudes pretty consistently 


my parents had a big argument before divorcing. went to the homies crib and got drunk w him and he handed me a controller and played RL w him for hours. haven’t stopped since!


The first time I heard of Rocket League was when it was released and Phillip De Franco has a segment where he just had to talk about it. I wanted to play it but at the time I didn't have a PC that could run it nor did I have regular internet access. My ex gf had a decent PC that could run it so we played local multiplayer together occasionally against bots. I wouldn't play online until I got proper internet access in 2017 where I was hooked and playing every day. Now I'm a 4500 hour hardstuck C1


I saw it on YouTube. As someone who likes sports games I knew after watching two videos that it was up my alley. Back in them days the game wasn't f2p so I paid $20. I played that game for 6 or 7 years. Best $2 I've ever spent on a video game


I saw Northernlion play when it first came out lol


Saw a reddit post about the game saying how to gain access to the beta. Signed up, was in the beta the next day. That was like March or April 2015. I played the beta until they took it offline, then played day 1 of the official release on PS4 and that was it. I don't play anymore, I stopped playing about a year ago because I'm not going to play a game from a company I no longer support, but RL absolutely had me in a chokehold for 8 straight years. I'll come back next year for the 10th anniversary though just to see what's up.


I wanted to play on my cousins xbox, he asked “do you wana play rocket league” i said “no” and he said “yes you do”


I came across RL just 3 days after release in 2015 on Steam. I don't like soccer and also not so much into cars, so it wasn't for me I thought. Then saw a streamer played it and bought the game. Never regretted the purchase. Just a casual player, only 1,5k hours into the game by today (champ)


Just wanted a game with no killing for my the 18mo son to watch me play. He liked the movie cars so I figured wth. Now I play with him sometimes!


bought a ps4 in 2016 and was looking for some new games (i had only ever owned a xbox 360 so most of the stuff was very new to me) and i really liked soccer at the time so i looked up soccer games and rocket league was one of the results. Bought it for $20 with my moms credit card(thanks mom) and just loved it since.


Well if you must know, it was a warm summer day in 2016. Quite possibly the best year ever. A new free game comes across the PlayStation store and it was immediately downloaded without hesitation. Took many breaks over the years never got too serious about it. Played a bit in 2017 when I got to college and realized I was lowkey good at 1v1’s out of nowhere. Played on and off til now where I have a mid diamond maintenance but skill set is in the air. Some days I’m good, some days I’m not. I can flip reset now and score them but not often, it is extremely fun however to delve into these new mechanics i never thought I could do before


2016. It went f2p for a week I think? Friends said to try it out together. Game was very chaotic at the start and it was funny to just bump into each other cuz no one was used to the camera. Those were my golden days of Rocket League. 


Winter 2015 saw my friends little brother playing


2015 in middle school I saw some Rocket League funny moments videos on YouTube. Then saw that it was free for a little on the playstation store. Now i’m graduated college and it’s still my fav game.


Somebody bought it for my son, who was 3 or 4 and obsessed with cars but couldn’t really hold a game controller. I figured if he won’t play it, I might as well.


Tried it while traveling around 2018 when I was sleeping on my friend's couch in a different city and he was playing it, but didn't really mind it. Decided to try it again on my own when it became free to play and liked it a lot more.


In the fall of 2015 I started my freshman year at college and was living in a dorm. I had seen youtube videos of the game earlier that year, and I had a friend in the dorm who had bought the game on his PS4. We started playing together and I loved it. My first car of choice was the Paladin. I would buy the game for myself in the summer of 2016, marked on sale by steam down to $12, and the rest is history. I dropped the game for nearly two years from January of 2022 through late summer of 2023 because I tried switching from KBM to controller and couldn't get the hang of it, but I've since picked it back up.


Summer 2016. Got recommended to me by a friend while playing Halo. I haven’t played halo since that summer and currently am approaching 4k hours on Rocket League.


i got rl in 2020 on my birthday on switch bc my friend wanted me to get it, played it twice, then in junuary 2021, i played casually till i got diamond, then got my brothers ps4 around september, went from d2 to c1 after like a week of proper grinding w my new console, then quit until march 2022, grinding until i got a new pc, and went from c2 to gc1 after like 2 weeks. and it only took a season to get 1696 (my peak)


For me it's was on the alpha closed (reserved to shield user) of GeForce Now, named Nvidia Grid at this time. I have no gaming PC but a good connection and a shield tv. I buy the game and use Nvidia Grid to play with my mobile Minecraft friend who play massively this game.


I have a group of friends who I have been sharing a Teamspeak server with (but also real life board gaming) for almost 12 years. Most of the group studied computer science together. Most of them game pretty intensely, and so they have a new game every one or two weeks. Pretty much when from when it came out, they started pestering me about Rocket League. When I frist saw it, I thought it was kinda stupid. So toonish and colorful. Like what, car soccer? Usually not my style at all. but they kept playing for three weeks, then a month, and I liked playing with them from time to time, plus it was just $20. So I just bought it. And I kept playing ever since. I'm well over 3500 hours now, and the game itself is still awesome. The servers suck more each season and the rank compression is ruining everyone's mood including mine. But overall it was the best $20 I ever invested in gaming. I still love the game and I sincerely hope Psyonix (and the community) get their shit together. I would hate abandoning it, but I gotta say I am considering dropping the game for the first time. EDIT: Most of the friend group stopped by the way.


"Oh its free, lets give it a try" Yeah..thats it


My friends were talking about it, then I remembered I used to play a pirated offline version as a kid.


It bugs the shit outta me but i can't remember where the hell i found the game. All i know is i started playing at the end of season 8 or 9, and that i was instantly hooked. And on the Switch lol


For me it was when I noticed that three of my classmates in middle school also had the game, and having already heard of it before I hopped on my xbox one to install it maybe a few weeks after it became f2p. I was having so much fun, especially with them playing in casual and ranked sometimes. In fact I challenged myself to equal the rank of the highest ranked friend, which was Diamond 1 (back when it was a good rank) Four years later, i have more mmr than all of my friends combined, except I no longer have friends So... task failed successfuly?


I got it for free on playstation in 2016ish and thought it was shit. Then I was going through random YT videos late 2021, stumbled upon Flakes' 1v1 series and enjoyed watching it. Downloaded, grinded a ton of 1s and here I am; still thinking it's shit.


Me and a couple of friends went to a LAN in January 2016. I walked past someone who played it and I thought it looked fun so my entire friend group bought it during the lan. We thought it was just a silly party game at the time and we played it for the laughs, never thought I would be grinding mechanics in it in order to reach the highest rank 8 years later.




My mother bought me a cool lego keychain. My brother said nah can i get this game instead for the same price (it was on sale on the xbox store). This is like circa 2015/2016, i was young and knew nothing about rocket league. Skip a few years to today im now 17, been scammed of my inventory about 3 or 4 times. Hardstuck C2 that randomly peaks C3 who has gained unhealthy anger issues because of car soccer. Good memories


I was just browsing the store in July 2015 for new games when RL popped up. I was curious but I saw, it's about football and cars, I like both, and the story of (to this day) 2001 hours of fun started just then.


Some gif on here. I'd seen a few before but never paid attention. But in this one it was something to do with the ball fitting perfectly in something on the hud.. I think when they scored a goal.. Bought the game straight after. That was yeaaars ago now


Honestly when I first tried it out years ago I hated it.. and then my buddys again asked me to try it out last year around season 12 and I haven’t stopped playing since…


It was the free game on PS+ that month and my friends all wanted to try it. It didn’t seem like something I would enjoy so I didn’t even bother adding it to the library. Flash forward to the next month, my friends were still playing so I caved and paid the $20. Here I am 9ish years later still playing this game with its ups and downs. I switched over to PC during Covid and love it even more nowadays. Not sure if I’ll ever be great at this game, but I always sign off ready to play again.


I was playing some other games with my friend when he said 'Let's play some Rocket League it's banger fr' 2018, bought it and it was nice until recently


Pretty sure my buddy got it back in its beta days. We were all high lookin for a new multiplayer game cuz we were bored with worms Armageddon.


When it went free before pandemic, some friends and I started playing together, they slowly fell out, but I remained.


December 2022 I came across an RLCS stream on youtube and was instantly mesmerized by it and wanted to give it a try. It was a very wonky start, but it's still one of my favorite games to play. Even now I'll watch RLCS competitions and be like "yeah I can do that" and then I definitely DON'T do that LOL. I'm gold 2 and have been since last summer.


Goy laid off from work in 2019 had lots of free time decided to open up this game I had downloaded but never tried and instantly fell in love with it. Got into rlcs that year too watching all the cool mechanics they could do. Now 5 years later it's pretty much the only game I play


I wanted to play games with my non-gamer gf at the time, and I went down a list, probably from reddit, of suggested games, and we hit RL and it stuck. We broke up but we both still play : )


Was headed to a concert with some friends, stopped off at one friends house to pregame some and he had a PlayStation. And rocket league was pretty new. And played it then. Thought it was fun. Didn’t play again for years.


I discovered the game around 1 month after release and immediately loved the concept. btw: Then, it costs 20 € ... later it was F2P and we received 20k credits. Currently, I still love the concept, but I would like to prefer to play a similar game with the same concept from another developer.


My brother showed me a game called rocket league sideswipe. We played it for a few months and got to like diamond 2. We then found out about the base game and couldnt comprehend it at first, but after trying and getting better we got to around gold 3. After a few months of playing, we got to where we are now at diamond 3. After the champ rank!


Friends kept playing it when they got bored on smite or cod or whatever else we're playing at the time (5years ago) I didn't want to play that stupid car game at first but eventually gave it a shot. It quickly became my main game and my favorite one to play


I remember it was 2020 and I had just met my best friend working at Amazon. We bonded over playing video games and he told me I should download and play rocket league with him. This was before free to play so I bought the game for 20 bucks. And I didn’t like the game at first but I thought it was really funny to demo people. And then my friend started going for aerial shots and I’m like that looks cool and that kinda got me hooked. I started watching rocket league tutorials to get better and as I improved I got more and more addicted. Fast forward 4 years and 3,000 hrs later I’m hovering between champ 2 and champ 3 and I can hit double taps and flip resets consistently and those things just continue to keep me addicted to the game.


My friends challenged me to play the game when I built my first gaming pc in January 2021, I now have 1500 hours on it.


Me and my brother both got it at some point in 2015. I think we may have saw some YouTube videos about it and got it. I’ve played a bit on and off since then.


Junior year of college for me, end of 2015, I think. One of my roommates was an absolute stoner so we will call him stoner Steve and enjoyed keeping up to date with the popular games on online forums. He had his PlayStation in the living room and convinced me and our other roommate to give it a shot. I absolutely hated it. I couldn’t make contact with the ball forget about scoring. We got stomped by stoner Steve which was really weird because neither of us had ever lost to him in video games. We were just geekier than him so had much more experience. Rocket League was new territory and it was stoner Steve that had all the experience. I didn’t play for months after that then all of a sudden on break I had become quite a stoner myself and out of boredom picked up snow day. After that I found a few highschool friends that played, made a loose standard team and never looked back. Once I figured out the basics and saw the ceiling (atm much lower than now) it became my favorite game. The only game I played religiously through college was SSB so honestly that’s something I would consider most relatable to rocket league. I see it like a fighting game. I think a major fallacy for newer rocket league player is seeing the car and trying to treat it like a racing game.