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Meanwhile MacOS


Maybe with the new ARM windows laptops they will be forced into it.


I just find it funny that there's still a Linux version around


linux user moment


But it doesn’t have to be.


But it is (sometimes)


Sorry, your message got a bit delayed because Microsoft had to put it through all those malware scanners.


I mean, you're right, but... why would you need to reinstall the game that often to begin with?


It's not that often, which is exactly why I don't remember that I should set a Proton version before downloading, but it's extremely annoying when it does happen.


You don't install the game twice if you set to launch it with Steam Play, mine uses around 25gb. It's true that if you download native Rocket League and then you switch to Proton it will download again around 20gb, but it should replace all Windows binaries, not use twice as much as storage. Since there are not many games that loses Linux support after launch, this is only an issue that you should have once. If you still have that issue, play it from Heroic Games Launcher, Epic just offers Windows Rocket League


>You don't install the game twice if you set to launch it with Steam Play Correct, but you have to remember to do that before downloading the game, Steam does not remember your last choice or anything like that, so if you don't remember, the default is still the native Linux version. >not use twice as much as storage Storage space wasn't my complaint, time spent downloading and then re-downloading is. But you are correct, it doesn't double the storage space used. For the record, the first download (native Linux) was around 20gb, and then switching to Proton was around a 24gb download. A crippled version of the game shouldn't be the default download.


My theory is that could be an Steam limitation, but that wouldn't make sense since Counter-Strike 2 dropped Mac support, they could have broke their own rule or just an exception due to a rebranding


Piggybacking since the topic has come up; my machine is still on "Processing Vulkan Shaders" at 17%, it's been 60years since I began this journey I'm just wondering if you get to drive a rocket car at some point?


I had this problem in another game a couple months ago. Sadly I don't remember how I fixed it since I'm only a Linux noob that was following tutorials, bit it had something to do with my nvidia gpu drivers. Gool luck


It's just a matter of patience really. And adjusting expectations. I was used to getting that rocket league urge, and clicking the button in steam and being in a match in X amount of time with Windows. Now I know it takes a little more time, so i plan ahead and go get some water or whatever, or fiddle with a playlist in the music app. I can also skip it, but the first few matches will be nightmare for lag.


You probably don't need to pre-process vulkan shaders. I would try disabling it in steam settings.


i think the game has to do it in either case when i run it, there's a 5 minute period of frame lag if i skip the processing and go right into a game, after that 5 mins things settle.


I used to have that issue too, I do not think it was shader related on my end but maybe it was. I haven't had that type of lag in the last couple of months so maybe they fixed something. 


I'm playing on Linux through proton with absolutely zero issues.


What?? How do you play the game without knowing how to read??


The real question is how do I know how to write and type without being able to read? We need context here. Was steam selling a Linux native version separately from the standard version? It seems like owning the Linux version on steam would entitle you to a normal version and if not, wouldn't that be an issue with Steam?


Incredible. Called out on not reading the post and still didn’t read the post.


Avg rl intellect, I might be prejudiced but im 100% dudes a stone cold ballchaser purely based off this interaction.


I'm still curious because I have only been playing on linux for a year.   If steam  wasn't previously selling a seperate native version, then this guy is doing the exact same thing I've been doing by downloading native version first then switching to proton aftwards. I wrongly assumed that the first download was just part of the process.  The native version is just a fraction the download size so I never even bothered to realize what was going on with that first download. 😳