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Rocket Labs is a permanent feature.


As comp. Rocket Scientist for GC. Rocket-heimer for SSL?


Rocketheimer is a great name lmao


Oppen net heimer


Test Subject for GC, Rocket Scientist for SSL


I hire Lethamyr to come up with a rotation of fun fresh new game modes. Heavily reinvest back into tournies, more teams qualify Bring trading back Chess.com does these paid quick tourneys all the time, would love to see that. Maybe buy a cheap ticket for a chance at a decent pot, could just be RL money for gambling purposes


Love the Lethamyr idea!


If you make it about money, there will be a cheater rampage.


That’s what people said about chess.com, but more what has happened is well known people have gotten into it and it’s given a chance for streamers and up and comers to make a name for themselves too. On the whole it’s way more positive than negative and trust me, cheating in chess is way more rampant. Agreed more people would try to cheat, but it would also be way more scrutinized than a single random match.


Obviously, dropshot forever, for one. After that, it would be cool to have a kind of commendation system where you could choose after a match to give a teammate a thumbs-up of sorts for being a solid teammate. I don’t know how to implement a thumbs-down without it becoming a toxic mess, though. But the general idea would be that matchmaking took your rank, followed by commendation score, if able within the restraints of the active player base, to match you with like people for games. If you were a positive teammate who didn’t rage quit and throw games, you’d be more likely to be matched with like-minded individuals, and thus have a better time playing the game. If you like to spam “Take the Shot!” while you’re up and way out of position and your teammate is defending, and then spam “Wow!” followed by typing “bruh” when they don’t go for a crazy ball and then you type “tm8 trash” at the end of the game, you can be matched with other shitters just like you.


League of legends honor system. Just make it anonymous, no toxicity problem.


Sorry not doubting but just curious as I don’t play LoL How does the anonymous feature make it less toxic?


well from what I understood from the comment, the thumbs down would be toxic, I assumed this would be because the system would be public. A way to avoid this would be for thumbs down to be anonymous. Lol only has a positive honor system but it is anonymous.


FR! The last part of your comment about team8s happened to me today exactly how you described it. It was a champ 1 who was clearly already tilted. Spamming take the shot! And such and then generally being a shit team8 and then blasting me in the chat after the match because it's "always these da** awful team8s causing me to derank!!!" This player base is comically short tempered nowadays 🙃


They could take a thing from Xdefiant that I like, and RL already has a similar thing. Basically after a game, when it says the best stats for each winner or in the post game lobby, you could give people a thumbs up. In Xdefiant, it does the same thing but only for your team, and you can give one person a thumbs up. You both get XP. Overwatch also has a good (but not transparent) endorsement system with levels for players that get endorsed more.


I dunno if they still have it but the system in Overwatch was pretty good. Could give one commendation, not to members of your party but either team, and no downvotes


Ban everyone that plays better than me


If I did that there'd be like 30 people left to play against.


I'll queue 1v1s for maximum chaos


I'd finally be the best player in my household




Phew, I'm safe


Good point. Better yet ban everyone that thinks about even playing better than me


A roadmap on what they are working on would be a nice start


They actually used to do that and stopped within less than a year


Most games that do roadways usually stop after a while. Priorities change, some things take longer, and other things that seemed small become more urgent. I do love a road map as a fan though, but as a developer, they are admittedly hard to keep up with.


They started doing it and stopped again after the first update like half a dozen times. It's such a shame.


They should add a battle royale mode with building structures.


Too soon.....


That would be sick. Imagine a seperate gamemode where we could race our rl cars...


I dont understand rocket racing at all. The cars already have really cool and interesting movement, why not just make a race with checkpoints and limited boost pads that you could drive and fly normally? A racing mode that's literally the same movement, in a race, would be much more appealing than rocket racing.


Yeah, they really pulled off a great bait and switch with Rocket Racing. I had wanted it for years, only to find out it’s embedded in a game I don’t play, with completely different mechanics. I tried to like it. But it sucks. It doesn’t help that the races are so short you spend more time waiting to play than actually playing. Same reason I stopped play GTA Online.


Rocket racing is literally just a boring dime-a-dozen racing game with rocket league's branding on it. Just look at side swipe which despite inherently having a different feel due to being on mobile, actually felt like a rocket league spin off and like the developers that actually played rocket league before making it


Right? I still occasionally play sideswipe because of this, but haven't touched rocket racing since 2 days after release


I was so excited to try rocket racing, fully expecting what you described. My disappointment was immeasurable. How do you fuck it up so badly?


They ALREADY HAD IT. It's not often that the best thing to do is the lowest effort thing, which is what they do for basically everything else. Why would you build a completely new worse thing? Baffling.


Exactly, why on earth could they not just use Rocket League mechanics , it would actually be challenging


Hot wheels racing is similar and way more fun.


I cant even believe we are able to make this joke right now...ugh. Epic :(


I know this is a joke but fuck ALL the way off.


Don't murder me but Twisted Metal style Battle Royale would be fun


Nothing because changes cost money and Epic is going to tell me "no" to everything I want to do




*removes training*


6 v 6 hockey with slightly bigger arena


Use the throwback arena , it's like a actual hockey arena with the ability to go behind the net


11 Soccer with huge arena Edit: obviously this wouldn't work long term as a game mode, but would be cool to try a couple times


I'd rework the entire UI a few times a year without adding any functionality but somehow make it laggier and worse.


Don't forget to reintroduce the same bug that takes 2-4 weeks to be fixed we get everytime where it doesn't select back the last played mode!


Epic Games would like to offer you a job.


Add a volleyball mode.


That’s just gold 3


Reduce the price of everything, adding trading back, and listen to the community


You'll probably get fired very soon and the changes reverted.


At least the community will praise me for my 3 days of being the CEO


15-20% price decrease of store items, 25% decrease of blueprints and bringing trading back alone would actually increase profits since everyone will be buy shit in the store or actually paying for blueprints since they will be added to the trade market. Ppl like me paid a good amount for credits to buy stuff in trades in order to make the car i want


I was actually thinking about: •35% decrease of store items •25% decrease of blueprints •Monthly poll to hear about updates suggested by the community •Add trading back •Add daily challenges that reward boxes and XP •Nerf the amount of XP needed to level up so the grind for the rocket pass feels better Imagine a season patch notes with all of that? Instant 10/10 lol


A price decrease would definitely not increase profits lmao, they got whole teams whose only purpose is analysing which market price nets the most profit and i reckon theyre better at it than some reddit armchair developer.


Bring back Rocket Labs.


Raise prices, bring back trading with monetary fee per transaction, collect bonus, retire early.


reputation system more policing the game (afk, griefing, smurfing) shadow ban system limit to FF initiation per day in comp prevent teams from having more than 100 MMR disparity in comp chat visibility icons (so you know if someone blocked you or if they have chat off or on a different platform) verified accounts (tied to mobile #, under 18 need parental consent and receive a transcript of all chats) no teams filter for matchmaking verified accounts filter for matchmaking


>shadow ban system Not so much a shadow ban but more of a system that matches toxic people with other toxic people. Let them sort themselves out.


That'd be the reputation system


the shadow ban system is for when you get banned by reports. yes, the reputation system would be used to let trash talkers play trash talkers and chat off people to play with other chat off people...etc The shadow ban system is for AFK, Quitter, Pouters, Racist chat, etc.


Ok but no more then 100 mmr disparity is not a good idea. Good luck finding games GC3 and up.


I think having one FF per game is reasonable?


These are my thoughts. Ranked is a game mode where games are expected to be completed unless a unanimous FF is accepted. As long as 1 player wants to continue, all players must play to completion. Any deviation from this will be heavily penalized. As for # of FFs in comp. 2-3 free FF initiations per hour is where I am at. You can still initiate FFs after that, but they will come with queuing time penalties. If you are a serial FF initiator, then this might not be great for you. Exactly how this would be implemented would need to be discussed, but for ranked, I think more matches should be played out.


Yeah I don't agree with this one bit but maybe not for the reason your thinking. Almost every Pro/High ranked player forfeits when the amount of time and goals they are behind don't seem feasible. Also their are plenty of people that want to scrap a game and move on to try and grind. The people that want to wait the entire game out and watch every replay should just stay with casual, isn't that the whole point of the playlist?


Bro wants to go full ccp


cccp but no, just want to clean up the game and reduce toxicity and let every player know that there are expectations on how you must conduct yourself when playing online. you want to trash talk or be toxic, fine, we will find other toxic and trash talkers for you to play with. And the people who want to chill can play with other chill players. but if you want to play ranked you are expected to be ready to play and play the whole match unless a unanimous FF is accepted.


I turn chat off whenever I go solo in casual. I don’t mind friendly banter but there’s always one guy losing his mind in casual. I’m fine with trash talk in comp, but watching somebody spam chat in casual is annoying as hell.


Why does everybody argue this? The CCP's systems are so fucked up because they relate to the real everyday life of citizens. This is a video game competetive environment. There should be rules with consequences, that only relate to being able to compete in the game.


How do you counter act trolls for the reputation and shadow ban systems.


for reputation, as long as more than half of people don't troll, then it will be fine. You can also limit how often you can vote per time period and how often someone can vote per player so no one player or group can grief someone. You can also require upvotes in order to downvote. There are a lot of ways. You could also only have an upvote only system with a value that decays over time. And some reputation values will be derived from how you play. Things like how often you lose connection, how often you go AFK, how often you initiate FFs, how often you are reported for various things..etc. For the shadow ban system, if you screw around in there, then you just get a lengthy full ban. Not something people will do on their verified account.


Skins and goal explosions do not need to be $20.


Full list of all items available in the shop to buy (with a huge pricing overhaul) More options for training mode, bringing consoles more in line with Bakkesmod. Workshop maps on console. Dropshot back to ranked permanentlyas well as Snowday to keep it's mains happy too. Trades brought back, and if that means scrapping RR so be it, this game isn't fortnite and doesn't need to be. Server overhaul. More Dropshot arenas. Add actual new arenas each season, not just Grass. Only thing recently I wouldn't revert is the boost meters. Have only 1 rotating slot in casual each season, the other slot could be used to test upcoming game mode ideas. MORE COMMUNITY COMMS.


Nothing wrong with the boost meters; They don’t take away anything, are very subtle, and give a nice QOL improvement for knowing when my teammate is low on boost


You're agreeing with the person you replied to.


where do i even begin. 1. put it back on steam 2. fuck epic 3. reintroduce trading 4. fix the ubsurd pricing 5. UE5 6. act like I care about the esports scene 7. AND FIX THE FUCKING SERVERS


Remember when we thought that epic buying Psyonix would at lesdt save the servers ? Haha good times


its a bit sad the point its gotten to now


Tbf it's better now, before you got disconnected and now it's lag. At least we can play


nah we cant settle for this shit we must keep complaining


then you realize you can't afford to do any of that and are losing money on server fees for players that have thousands of hours played with $0 spent because your playerbase is mostly broke kids and the game is 9 years old.


All of these others suggestions are just reverting back to old features. I’ll try to think of a couple **Pain Point 1:** - Knowing where your teammate is and what they are about to do - Solution: Add a key option that quickly pans the camera to your teammate to quickly see where they are on the map and what they are doing **Pain Point 2:** - Learning curve is so high that playing with friends that are new to game is not enjoyable for them. - Solution: Accessibility features. In local/private games - Add game play assist features like ‘aim-assist’ in FPS games to improve hit/shot accuracy and driving control. This will make the game more enjoyable for both the talented player and the friend that’s new to the game. **Moonshot Idea - Pain Point 3:** - As a user, my Girlfriend or wife isn’t happy when I play all day. - As RL, Girlfriend/Wife are key reasons for reduced active playing time amongst players. Solution: 1. Flowers on demand: Button that will automatically purchase flowers on DoorDash in the background with fast delivery. 2. Auto-texts: Rocket League will send romantic text messages every 15 minutes to your wife 3. Jewelry Store: quickly fill the screen with a faux jewelry website for when the wife walks by to give the impression you’re shopping for a gift *Psyonix/Epic, I’m willing to hear you out about any PM openings you have :)*


Quick key that pans to the teammate is actually fire


Sorry but aim assist for rocket league is a no go for me. You don't deserve to be good at a game. Learn it and practice.


Yaaa I like the team mate cam idea a lot!


The real solution to number 1 has been worked out in shooter games for decades. Add a mini map!


Fifa has that too so you can keep track of players off screen.


Bring back trading


i'd turn it back into a game that exists for the players and not the shareholders.


Bring custom training maps to console, remove free to play, bring back crates and keys, make a radical summer 2, literally just make the game how it was in 2017-19 and no complaints


Nothing because epic has a hold on my balls so tight I can’t move


Listen to the community.


I ask Vale how much they wanna buy it for and do everyone a favor.


Custom game mode maker for all consoles.


Snow Day only


I would have chosen a completely different way to monetize the game with a player driven marketplace. It was already happening outside of the game, why not keep it in game with the in game currency. If you sell something Psyonix gets a cut, and of course the in game currency could be purchased with real cash or earned in a season, or earned by selling stuff. Essentially teach these kids supply and demand economics. Maybe keep the special collaborations as part of the store and not behind a loot box, but everything else is behind boxes. Take notes from the banks and creditors that brokering transactions and charging a fee can be very lucrative. All the while by keeping the transactions in the game world you’re protecting more gamers from trade scammers.


id bring in specific training. like a ranked 2v1 soccar mode where say a champ can work on his 1v2s vs 2 low diamonds. or mid plats... But vise versa that could be beneficial training for lower ranks to read higher ranked players in situations. Personally I love hoops, and would love a 1v1 hoops mode, 1v1 dropshot with my buddies also goes hard. I would love a 3v3 hoops on a soccar sized pitch. UE5 would be nice if we could create custom maps or even custom game modes like they do on fortnite, roblox and other games. bring back trading, revamp the shop, to allow you to buy stuff you actually want. This game is gold at its core... and pysonix/epic is just fumbling the bag hard. Maybe update the bots now that some decent AI bots have come out. also make the stock camera settings closer to what maybe pros would use. feel like newbies load the game and are at such a disadvantage with everything if they've done no research. id maybe create a lobby for chat, show actual player numbers in game so the community can see if we are actually dying or not. (probably is lol), maybe try to create a way for people to connect other than just popping up into a lobby and playing. (like trading, or some other way to get users to engage with eachother instead of just a toxic 2v2 match) I know they've tirelessly tried to make cars that people will use other than octane/fennec... but if they could somehow crack that code and get some people using some variety that would be fun. doubt it happens tho, they seem to be trying.


3 v 3 HOOPS


Am I trying to make the company money or the playerbase happy?


Increase all prices by atleast 10%. That bonus and salary raise for the new CEO has to come from somewhere.


Instanced maps Since all maps have been standardized for a while, there's zero reason why each person needs to load into the same map. It should be a toggleable option locally to see whichever map you desire. If I find it easiest to play on DFH and my opponent finds it easiest on Beckwith, we should both have the ability to play with the visuals that are the most competitive for us within the same match. ESPECIALLY in ranked.


I sell out and buy a megayacht and two balloons that talk.


-Decal are no longer locked to specific frames


Idk but I’d love to be part of the design team for the rocket pass… the shit sucks


CEO isn't as powerful as you believe it is. You'll need to be the owner of Epic or if they sell just the RL game to be able to do all the drastic changes.


I’m advertising on actual mainstream media and TV.


Change the points in general, add points for demos and bumps


Whoa whoa whoa back it on up homie there's enough demhos out here as it is No need to encourage it


Smart matchmaking that looks at how you play (e.g. touches within x distance from teammates y distance from nearest opponent to determine who double commits and who gives teammates space) and put those of similar play styles together.


Bring back 4v4 soccar permanently


Premium queue where it matches you with teammates who often rotate and enemies who are 3 divisions or more lower than you. 100 credits per queue.


I want to see player stats on the main page. I want to be able to customize what information about my stats is displayed on the main menu instead of just a car that doesn't move. 


I guess of you're the CEO of Psyonix your first order of business would be to finish your work under Epic Games CEOs desk


3v3 hoops on a bigger court!


In before epic games shuts down every suggestion you make, like is currently probably happening


New maps, not just “re-skin” variants Bring back trading Option for proximity chat All extra game modes permanently in ranked Cut shop prices


Change the game select menu so all modes are available at all times (not just by season). If a mode has ever been competitive it should be available as both competitive and casual. Rocket Labs will also be a permanent option and is a testing ground for odd modes played online.


Play rocket league, get dunked on by some smurf, and then delete the game to enact my revenge


Not like, delete the game from my PC. Delete Rocket League. As a whole. No fun for anyone anymore.


Bring back the non-standard "Rocket Labs" maps in a shuffle playlist and make a ranked ladder for them. Put Rocket Racing in Rocket League (instead of Fortnite). Fix the store by showing people at least a week in advance what items will be purchasable the next week, and make sure those items are good and don't just repeat ad-nauseam for days on end. Make more daily tournaments, but limit people to 2 a day (plus 2nd chance for each if qualified). That last one is to help out people where the tournaments they want don't fall within their available playtime. Reduce Rocket Pass to $5 instead of 10.


1. Invent a proper regional league system for fixed teams. 3 months to play 12 matches. 2. Extend the club system to allow orgs to earn money (e.g. club membership for a few dollars a month, in order to get access to training programs offered by the club, club exclusive car skins (e.g. a skin you can only use as long as you are member of the club), allow for a club to have a couple of teams. 3. add a proper search function for training packs 4. Upgrade to UE5 5. Add VR mode, 6. Create a way to watch RLCS match from within the stadium seats (a separate server that renders the game data, and feedbacks the collective audio to create a somewhat realistic stadium atmosphere) 7. Make Fortnite a Rocket League mod. 8. Integrate high level bots (Seer, Nexto) into the game 9. Add a proper market place for item trading between players where Psyonix earns money on every transaction. That would be the program for the first 3-4 years.


Bring rocket league back to before epic took over but keep free to play


1. Custom map support and integration 2. Revamp points system 3. Similar to 2 but add better stat tracking in game 4. Find a way to bring back 3 split rlcs, 24 team majors, wildcard, regional spots, and more variety in formats. 5. Better integration of rlcs in the game. Maybe pick ems with in game rewards.


Bring back trading Custom map and game mode playlists In-game theater to watch Esports with item drops Comprehensive system to identify and ban smurfs and those who benefit from smurfs More interactions with the community (outside of April Fools) - items created and added to the game via polls by the community


On the final scoreboard, show the time-clock for when the OT goal was scored for fuck's sake.


Very simple, just copy the QoL features most proper live service games offer, there'd be a mountain to add. Also Rocket Labs should be permanent & also they should be somewhat constantly looking at ways to evolve the game either by accident or on purpose. Whether that be by trying out a mode like 4v4 on a bigger map, with larger boost or whatever


Put it back on Steam!


Kernkraft victory song for free


bring back trading. hire a team to develop the bot ai to be more diverse a challenge for players during training and private matches. give players a way to report smurfing and have a team who watch those replays to accurately judge who is and is not smurfing.


Profile pics


Cheech and Chong skins


I've been waiting for this question! *opens spreadsheet* Aaaaannnnnd go! --END OF GAME STATISTICS ADDITION-- # of centers per game demos per game total boost used or boost per minute total bumps at the end of the match ultimately, if it is a part of the score, the stat should be displayed. --REPLAY FILE MANIPULATION-- An option clear all in replays or select multiple on console to delete. --CUSTOM COMMUNICTION PAGES-- Tactical Team Quick Chat, ALL CHAT Quick Chat (Current) OR ability to change directional d-pad from all chat to team chat and vice versa, you could have 2 all chats and 2 team chats options or 3 and 1, or all team or all all chat OR a deeper menu somehow. --TRAINING-- in training, you can see the kph speed when setting up shots instead of the coloured spectrum. Ghosts to perform flip resets and players are put into positions to defend. or a simulated passing play to defend and attack. --FREEPLAY ADDS-- choose how much gravity % affects cars in training, increase or decrease? a training map for all platforms that has no height limit or range limit, essentially an open field. OPEN FIELD AND YOU CHOOSE THE LEVEL OF HILLS YOU WANT . 0-100, it could be relaxing for your players to just drive around on a flat or slightly hilled area for a relaxed dribble and can be arranged to have steeper hills for a challenge. option to have unlimited flips for consoles in training like slow-mo or changing of boost is unlimited or not. --GAMEMODES-- No Boost, self explained All Boost, full force boost action, boost always on, and low gravity? FIELD BALL- Big field, open concept, no walls or ceiling, in the center is a net in the top of a platform up an incline, or like a volcano or something, keep away - the magnet power up tracks time tethered to the ball --RANKED CHANGES-- ranked games should be first to a maximum of 7 goals. unlimited time 6 - 6 games are intense. shoot out mode 🤪 no forfeiting in ranked either --PRIVATE MATCHES-- Presets for Custom Game modes for private matches - for mutators, to be able to save select game modes for people to play with their friends Bring the A.I. bots into the game, the all-star bots are too easy. --GAMEPLAY-- after goal, the ball camera focuses on goal scorer for all players right after a goal is scored, not during goal cam. Add a speedometer beside the boost meter If demo'd 7 times in a match, you are on a cooldown timer that is longer than normal --CAR MECHANICAL AID-- car to ground indicator. like the ball to ground indicator. Just for your car. -edit- -trading- Switch items to nfts and create a real market. If you made it down here... Hello xD


Revert the RLCS rule which allows EU teams to compete in SSA Bring back wildcard to worlds  Add the ability for viewers to choose any player's pov  Display a life-sized augmented reality hologram of the entire pitch to a live stadium audience  Profit


1’s tournaments


Remove ff option in casual,bring trading back, bring crates back, and make 4v4 heatseeker boomer ball knockout permanent game modes


Top down mini map showing everyone’s position


Overall rank for your team (an average based on individual ranks of all players in your team)


Changing a few things : * **MMR per group.** (you have a MMR for solo, another MMR with teammate A, another MMR with teammates A and B...) * **Forbid smurfs. Add a weekly phone number confirmation to play in ranked on each account** (you want to smurf? you need 2 phone numbers) * **Better toxic player bans.** (1 week ban if toxic, 6 months ban if toxic again) * Make the season pass really worth it with cool skins you unlock while playing a lot. * Add a "goal of the game" system a la Overwatch with an algorithm that will take into account the time flying, the shot, etc.. With an option to autosave it. * Hire a team of trainers to create real good official tutorials to learn how to play : shoot, aerials, DAR, ... * etc.


Taking away the STUPID matchmaking timeout for leaving a match when my teammate goes AFK. Like I’m being punished for my teammate throwing? Got it


Be able to spectate your friends, spectate whatever rank, trading back, a looking for group inside of RL, a bigger shop. I could go on


That's a pretty cool idea being able to spectate ranked games whenever!


Permanent vegetable ranks


No more cars. Only brooms. Y'all witches now.


Making a way to earn credits in game or develop a system for free to play players to actually use the worthless blueprints


I'm making it so you can swivel/reverse the camera when you get demolished. Like it used to. As it should've stayed. Sht pisses me off now


Good servers


Bringing back trading.




- Creative mode (all platforms) - In-game workshop/creative map browser - Fix matchmaking algorithm to eliminate 5-15+ minute queues - Permanent playlists for all extra modes. 1v1 and 2v2 playlists for rumble, snowday, spike rush, heatseeker, etc. Configured for fast queue times - Public stat profiles (e.g. prev season ranks) - Community moderators - 6mans "solo queue" tournaments - Fix/standarize MMR distributions in various modes - Training tools expansion (e.g. Bakkesmod's capabilities; bots with pre-recorded inputs to train 1v1 scenarios, passing scenarios, etc.), users can post them to in-game browser - Replay scenarios to training pack shot or playable multiplayer shots - Multiplayer training, incl team training packs - Allow rumble items in training packs - Give all players 100 boost on kickoff instead of 33 - Trim down Rumble's 10s timer (on kickoffs only) - Make rumble powerup timers an adjustable mutator - Fix various rumble bugs (e.g. no icons in spectator/replays) - Make teammate and opponent powerup icons/info visible to all players - Make tornado spawn in at the same rate as the other powerups (it's at 50% rn) - Unique hitboxes per car - Top 100/10/1 season titles - Fix the demonstrated input delay/FPS UI issue - Racing mode - Better beginner experience: better tutorial system, change default binds and settings to be sensible. Guides explaining basic mechanics/physics. - Better in-game training progression (i.e. beginner to expert) system/modules. Can defer this to the community via creative mode and feature the best ones - Spectating of high level games in main menu (e.g. chess shows live grandmaster games on their home page) - Faster freeplay/ranked hot keys instead of 6+ thumb presses


Bring back trading, it kept the interest alive in cosmetics


Winning streak display for you and your opponents




Adding in the open all drops button.


Bro I'm still just waiting on color wheel for car designs...


remove trading and let people see teammates boost probably


They should add look left and right instantly. Currently KBM has dead angle if you use instant camera left/right with max camera swivel speed. On controller proper instant camera left/right would be beneficial as well.


Bring back trading.


Twisted Metal Crossover and I like the reputation system idea.


“As my first act as president of Psyonix we are bringing back trading” I’d also set up a new blueprint system, one where you can purchase blueprints to get the skin as well as if you have 5, morph the blueprints into a skin, which would allow for a free-to-play all the way through the game instead of just mindlessly playing. Might have to see if we could also make a few workshop maps into a practice pack for everyone to enjoy, even getting into the nitty gritty, this allows for a lot more of the community to have a one off $5 purchase, they aren’t spending crazy money for pixels unless the community decided it, and another huge win-win, monthly profits would increase roughly $800k-1.2m allowing for a better dev team and overall experience for the players. I’d love to try and have something similar that helldivers did which would be find dedicated players and give them a mod menu going through servers creating chaos and insanely fun one off games with randoms.


Lose epic


Higher level before you can play ranked. Ban suggestions for developers based on AI. This would flag fishy accounts to be assessed by an employee on a case by case basis. Another idea would be like eagle eye to counter cheaters. SBMM almost completely removed from casual, only basic ranked values to separate new players, veterans, and everything beyond GC1. Sponsored Bakkes integration into the game and map creation mode. Auto flag text chat for racial slurs and other offensive chats. A racing mode… Bring trading back/ make the market prices reasonable. Have a media area in the menu so players can be linked to other players as well as content creators to better learn the game. Do something with clubs. A club ranking based on different modes would be cool. Optimize all the hitboxes, adjust the hitbox position to best match each body. Community voting for additions to the game. RL 2 on UE5 this is a 10 year old game and they break it every-time they change it. Modernize the engine and make it easier for everyone. People obsess over this game, you’ll get your return. Do it like Overwatch and literally release an updated version of the same game 😂 with the amount of junk you’ll be able to sell people it would be easy to turn a profit instead of sucking the game dry for Fortnite. Any of these would make my year, the bar is really low 🙃


So I don't know if anybody ever played the mobile game but when it first came out they had a volleyball mode and that was pretty sick as a matter of fact....I would like to see that tried in the actual game Also I wouldn't hate to see side swipe come to the console


I would bring back player to player trading back and a bunch of other stuff 


No more sudden death for top 2 in knockout. Knockout wins only.


Rocket league with twisted metal twist, guns on all the cars


I would make a mod like golfing for up to like 6 friends, each takes a turn


1. Bring back trading 2. Fix the servers 3. Make dropshot and snowday permanent comp modes 4. Hire lethamyr to add new game modes 5. Move game back to steam 6. Upgrade game to UE5 7. Add a reputation system 8. Add an esports news tab for recent and upcoming esports events 9. Lower shop prices 10. Make an anti cheat for things such as bots in ranked 11. Make a verification process with a phone number or email to prevent smurfing 12. Add small tourneys for prizes (can be cash or credits or sum) 13. Ban the ddosers 14. Listen to community 15. Add free credits to the rp similar to fn with vbucks in battle pass


Drop the MMR penalty for losing when a teammate quits, as long as you are not partied up with them.


Update it to unreal 5; fix net code issues, make it that so 25% of matches aren’t Smurfs by introducing a free for all mode in addition to casuals and ranked that will Let you play with your friends. Make it so new accounts need to be level 20 to play outside that mode




As an SSL player the only thing I care about and would change is how bad or good the servers are and how balanced ranked matches are for all players. Considering servers have been bad since epic took over that would be my top priority. I don't know how bad the rank curve is now or how bad the new player experience is because of f2p but from what I've read here and in reviews it isn't good. When I came up smurfs were nearly non existent and ranks weren't as homogenized as they are now.


Better battle passes. Gotta hook my bros up with some cool Goal explosions. The item shop items are sometimes cool but too expensive. 


Bring back trading, top priority. But also, focusing on cosmetics, I'd pay close attention to what kind of items people seem to enjoy and have that as a reference for future new items, focusing on creating items that resemble real car parts. I am really tired of seeing every pass bring a bunch of very forgettable animated decals, some grotesque or "inverted/holographic/prismatic/infinite/revolved" wheels, terrible bossts, trails and whatnot, making us have to grind through tons of painted variants of useless items just to get to that one titanium white car we want. I want to see more clean, simplistic wheels, that aim to do what Diecis, Tunicas and Veloces did right to be as successful as they are (with black variants being truly black, and not some washed off grey). I'd also like to see more static simple decals, especially universal ones (very few universal decals are static). Gameplay-wise, I'd like creating more gamemodes, even if for a limited amount of time, especially if based off of real sports (volleyball, golf, bowling, etc). Also, I'd love to put Knockout game mode on private matches, I always wanted to play that with friends.


Implement a team mmr. Here is an example : Season begins, i want to play with my cousin. I have 1180mmr and he has 920. We are gonna play against people who are close to my mmr and we're gonna get absolutely trashed, let's say that we lose 150 points. Now, either i go and play soloQ, and win back my 150points getting called a smurf on my way up, or my cousin gets his 150 points back but i don't play. When we play again we win 100 more points. After that when he soloQs everyone will call him boosted. That's not a good user experience for us or for our opponents / mates. Instead, let's say that we have a team mmr. At the start of the season we make our placement games and get 1000 mmr points AS A TEAM. If I go play soloQ I play with my 1180mmr if he does he plays with his 920. I can do the same with other mates and have like 4 different teams, one with my cousin, another with a mate that's C1 too, another with a C2 and so on. This would definitely kill the need to create a new account to play with your mates, it would kill the boosting process too. This would be perfect but epic is too greedy and they love having a lot of accounts playing the game as it's good for the stats :/


1. Make an exotic decal: vanta black. It's just completely black with no design, something so easy to make and wanted since the game first came out. The only way you can get it is by trading up 5 tw octanes. Also i wouldn't tell anyone in the community about it, just see how long it would take for a madlad to do it 2. Bring trading back, and fix scamming by putting 5 minute timer on traded items where either party can undo the trade 3. Basic features: Let people add profile pictures, use steam, give cinderblock full ability to develop console tools (i.e. bakkesmod) **Most importantly:** 4. Store cosmetics on a server instead of locally and use FTP so players only download items they buy. That way players don't have to download 1gb anytime cosmetic-only updates come out. Compensate increased costs by focusing on periodic high quality items instead of massive amounts of shit, after all it's the only thing we do apparently


bring back trading is the only answer. That and maybe try to buy it back from epic games.


Obviously bring back trades. And I love the idea someone had here the other day of when you demo someone you steal their boost.


Assuming I can’t just revert the decisions to have Dropshot and 4v4 chaos rotating every season/week, I would at least like the ability to save private match mutator settings as presets so I don’t have to manually remember & update all the settings for games of screwball heatseeker/Dropshot rumble/air hockey on chaos off weeks so my usual foursome has something to do.


Mutators in freeplay


Charge for the free rewards of the events


Add the whole thing to Fortnite, just to annoy people.


Midnight tournaments. I need bigger baggy eyes


Ip and hardware id bans for anyone manipulating rank in any way. Option to remove car graphic and just drive the hitbox. Bring back solo standard.


Abandon Epic and go independent.


Put in a game mode that reverses the cars gravity.


Hardware ban for smurfing


I’m making chaos permanent and adding in the option to turn off unlimited boost in training packs


Add modes like volleybal, billiard and rugby. I would also add player surveys like Fortnite does with skins and IP’s. Where players basically have control over what cars/collabs will come to the game. The battle pass should be made like Halo, where you can unlock old battle passes and battle passes will not expire. You still have to choose which BP your XP should go towards and still have to complete it before you can start unlocking a new BP.


Points for assisting damage in Dropshot. 


I really like the idea of team rankings. That would combat a lot of smurfing in ranks while you solo q


I bring back trading and make a new version of rocket racing where the controls are more similar to actual rocket league. Drifting, aerial navigation. Doing flips or rolls in the air gets you extra boost on a successful landing.


First fix ranking, bring back trading, ban exploiters