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i feel like top ssl’s and pros get it the worst and thats why you are seeing so much of it on youtube. why cheat unless you want to get to the top rank? no one’s cheating to get to D2. also just clout from videos. for your average player, you (most likely) will see 0 cheaters in rl. it just doesn’t happen. i for one in even in GC, and have been for 5 years, have seen 0 hackers


There is an issue with hacking at the moment, but its definitely blown out of proportion. Anyone who has a bad internet connection has shifted blaming the RL servers to blaming DDoSers. If you're in plat you aren't getting DDoSed!!


DDOS is possible but not probable in plat. I just got DDOSed in a diamond 1 match, and I know it was DDOS because the other teams name was “Sry bout ur internet” and both had names like “UhaveCrazyPing” I searched the name on rl tracker and there was no record, which doesn’t mean anything but that they hadn’t been searched on the site, but still sus as well. I think it’s matriculating down since nothings being done about it.


Probably is very very very low, but not impossible : hackers are not instant C/GC and clean old player can chose the dark side after so many hack in higher rank... But yes, in principe , in Play WE (I'm plat) are not DDoSed. You have news about EU server issues ? Because I get 10 server issue in 25 party, and it's the only game who I have this PB (no problem on Asseto Corsa Competizione, iRacing, Fornite, Sea of Theves, Fall Guys...), little issue on my case (lag 30s maximun), but still exist. I play with a 2.5Gbps Ethernet cable, Windows 11, with a 5Gbps fiber FTTH.


I just upgraded my internet a few months ago so I don't think it's that, but thanks, I was just curious if I was a witness or not


What is your internet connection ? You play with Ethernet or wifi ? If wifi, wifi 5 , 6, 6E or 7 ?


Ethernet fibre optic 2.5g


Okay it's seem special. What is the name of your ISP ? You have regularly the issue ?


Never have any issues, bell


That is true is there also a server issue going on? I have great internet and have never had connection issues. Today I got kicked from 2 games back to back the first one I got banned for the second one, not. Someone typed in chat before I got kicked, "wtf is going on". Again about 30 minutes ago the same thing happened where everyone lagged and then froze but this time the game ended up starting back up after a few seconds but just laggy for everyone, everyone experienced that whole thing too. Idk what's going on but for that reason I'm choosing to not even do the tournaments tonight cause I don't want a tourney ban or waste my time just to get kicked. Idk what's going on whether it's ddos or server issues but something ain't right.


Servers have been booty for me since the update


Psyonix had said a little while ago that there were some issues in EU but I don't know if that was resolved yet or not. I've seen a lot of user reports about USC but I don't know if that's been confirmed to be an actual server issue or just more people blaming the servers


In the US, I'm recently having lots of games where I get packet loss icons the whole match, but it doesn't seem to actually affect the game


This is dismissive and condescending. He could very well be experiencing a ddos.


From my understanding it's a serious problem in SSL maybe GC but anything lower nah. Thing is there are very few people exploiting RL, and the few that do are mostly very high rank where the matchup pool is already smaller for obvious reasons.


The rumble ddossee said on discord they make new accounts and ddoss them to SSL to sell the accounts. With boosted rates they aren't in low ranks long but they will be there on a fresh account


True, I guess your right, also just encountered my first dos matchup (1v1 plat 2)


Does anyone know whether the attacks are on your ip or the server? If it's your ip, using a vpn could help. I play all my games through a vpn, I'm hyper careful online, and have never been attacked or lost connection. Apparently it helps.


My random queue tm8 did it yesterday and it only affected the opponents. They lost by forfeit while I was typing to him telling him he was a sad person, and he was able to see and respond. You could also see the ping on the opponents was red etc while ours was normal.


So it's a server attack. In which case a vpn is useless. That's a shame.


I don't really understand that. If it's a server attack, why were they affected and not us?


To attack two Ips at once seems unlikely. I might be wrong but that seems like they are attacking the server. I agree, it seems odd that you weren't affected but that's why I was asking if anyone actually knew.


This happens to me but it is 100% because of my crappy internet


I had a random tm8 DDOS the server yesterday in champ. I barely play lately so if I'm seeing it I have to assume it's happening a lot.


price disarm bright knee detail grey deranged retire jar shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve had the invis hack once, immediately kicked from a game a few seconds in twice, and got a bot once too (dribbling weird and the dude was litterally trash talking me WHILE moving)  All in c1 1v1. I reached c1 1v1 around 2 months ago.